
Defines functions get.number.of.recruits get.wave get.seed.id rid.from.coupons

Documented in get.number.of.recruits get.seed.id get.wave rid.from.coupons

#' Determines the recruiter.id from recruitment coupon information
#' @param data a data.frame
#' @param subject.coupon The variable representing the coupon returned by subject
#' @param coupon.variables The variable representing the coupon ids given to the subject
#' @param subject.id The variable representing the subject's id
#' @param seed.id The recruiter.id to assign to seed subjects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fpath <- system.file("extdata", "nyjazz.csv", package="RDS")
#' dat <- read.csv(fpath)
#' dat$recruiter.id <- rid.from.coupons(dat,"own.coupon",
#'                       paste0("coupon.",1:7),"id")
#' #create and rds.data.frame
#' rds <- as.rds.data.frame(dat,network.size="network.size")
rid.from.coupons <- function(data, subject.coupon=NULL, coupon.variables, 
  max.coupons <- length(coupon.variables)
  column.names <- colnames(data)
  named.columns <- column.names[column.names != "" & !is.na(column.names)]
    subject.id <- as.char(1:nrow(data))
    subject.id <- as.char(data[[subject.id]])
    stop(paste("subject.id is not a unique identifier. The following are duplicated:",
               paste(unique(subject.id[duplicated(subject.id)]),collapse=" ")))
  rcv <- data[,coupon.variables, drop=FALSE]
  for(i in 1:ncol(rcv)){
    rcv[[coupon.variables[i]]] <- as.char(rcv[[coupon.variables[i]]])
  subject.coupon <- as.char(data[[subject.coupon]])
  seed.code <- seed.id
  i <- 0
  while(seed.code %in% subject.id){
    seed.code <- paste0("seed",i)
    i <- i+1
  recruiter.id <- rep(as.character(NA),nrow(data))
  for (row in 1:nrow(data)) {
    coupons.given <- rcv[row, ]
    recruitees <- which(subject.coupon %in% coupons.given[!is.na(coupons.given)])
    recruiter.id[recruitees] <- subject.id[row]
  recruiter.id[is.na(recruiter.id)] <- seed.code

#' Calculates the root seed id for each node of the recruitement tree.
#' @param data An rds.data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(fauxmadrona)
#' seeds <- get.seed.id(fauxmadrona)
#' #number recruited by each seed
#' barplot(table(seeds))
get.seed.id <- function(data){
    stop("data must be an rds.data.frame")
  id <- get.id(data)
  recruiter.id <- get.rid(data)
  sid <- get.seed.rid(data)
  get.seed <- function(i, history) {
    row <- match(i, id)
    rec.id <- recruiter.id[row]
      stop(sprintf("Yikes! The data says that the person with id %s recruited themselves! Please check that the coupon information in the data for that person is correct :",i),call.=FALSE)}
    if(rec.id %in% history){
      stop(paste("Loop found in recruitment tree with id:", rec.id))
    #print(sprintf("i %s rec.id %s ",i,rec.id))
    if (rec.id == sid) {
    else {
  seed <- sapply(id, get.seed,history=c())

#' Calculates the depth of the recruitment tree (i.e. the recruitment wave) 
#' at each node.
#' @param data An rds.data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(fauxmadrona)
#' #number subjects in each wave
#' w <- get.wave(fauxmadrona)
#' #number recruited in each wave
#' barplot(table(w))
get.wave <- function(data){
    stop("data must be an rds.data.frame")
  id <- get.id(data)
  recruiter.id <- get.rid(data)
  sid <- get.seed.rid(data)
  get.w <- function(i, history) {
    row <- match(i, id)
    rec.id <- recruiter.id[row]
      stop(sprintf("Yikes! The data says that the person with id %s recruited themselves! Please check that the coupon information in the data for that person is correct :",i),call.=FALSE)}
    if(rec.id %in% history){
      stop(paste("Loop found in recruitment tree with id:", rec.id))
    if (rec.id == sid) {
    else {
  seed <- sapply(id, get.w,history=c())

#' Calculates the number of (direct) recuits for each respondent.
#' @param data An rds.data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(fauxmadrona)
#' nr <- get.number.of.recruits(fauxmadrona)
#' #frequency of number recruited by each id
#' barplot(table(nr))
get.number.of.recruits <- function(data)
    stop("data must be of type rds.data.frame")
  # Make sure that we can compute the number of recruits for each respondent's respondents.
  number.of.recruits <- sapply(as.character(data[[attr(data,"id")]]),function(i){length(which(as.character(data[[attr(data,"recruiter.id")]]) == i))})

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RDS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:13 p.m.