# # remove as.character() from formula_readout_special and can reuse
# IIV <- function(...){ return([-1])}
# as.list()
# l.args <- lapply(as.list(IIV(g=x2, iiv=gy, X1, X2, P)), as.character)
# exo.names <- l.args[which(names(l.args) == "")]
# g <- l.args[["g"]]
# iiv <- l.args[["iiv"]]
# returns a vector of chars with the parameter names in it.
# Used to readout given param name
# Example: continuous(X1, X2)
# => c("X1", "X2")
# returns a list of list. The inner list is named after the arg
# and the element contains the actual input as char. Elements in sub-lists have
# to be named so that they do not get matched to unintended args because of their
# position (ie X2 to g)
# Example: IIV(g=x2, iiv=gp, X1, X2) + IIV()
# => list(list(g="x2",iiv="gp", X1="X1",X2="X2"), list(..),..)
#' @importFrom stats terms
formula_readout_special <- function(F.formula, name.special, from.rhs, = TRUE){
F.terms <- terms(formula(F.formula, lhs=0, rhs=from.rhs), specials = name.special)
# Read out positions in formula
# NULL if there are no specials
ind.special <- attr(F.terms, "specials")[[name.special]]
# End if there are no such special in the formula
# Read out commands
# +1 because first is "list"
lang.special <- attr(F.terms, "variables")[1L+ind.special]
# Obtain column name is indicated in the function
# create function that is exectuted and simply returns the specified inputs as strings
# create new function named after special which simply returns the input given
assign(x = paste0("fct.", name.special), value = function(...){ return([-1])})
# Execute this function for each special by adding "fct." at the beginning and evaluating
names.special <- lapply(paste0("fct.",lang.special), FUN=function(str){
# Return vector with (unique) parameter names only
names.special <- lapply(names.special, function(call){as.character(as.list(call))})
names.special <- unique(unlist(names.special))
names(names.special) <- names.special
# return list with names=args, entry = arg data
# here:list of language object
names.special <- lapply(names.special, as.list)
# here: nested list of arg-lists
names.special <- lapply(names.special, lapply, deparse) # make char representation
# replace the "", "NULL" as actuall NULLs
names.special <- lapply(names.special, lapply, function(char.arg){if(char.arg%in%c("NULL", "", "NA")) NULL else char.arg})
# Name unnamed elements (=args) in sublists after the elements
names.special <- lapply(names.special, function(subl){
unnamed.ind <- which(names(subl)=="")
names(subl)[unnamed.ind] <- subl[unnamed.ind]
# Does not need be unique per list, will not mixup entries if regressors are named same as g/iiv
# rather it is caught that they may not be twice
# Builds a formula consisiting of response ~ main model (RHS1) + data columns
#' @importFrom stats reformulate update.formula
formula_build_mainmodel_data <- function(F.formula, data){
# intercept=T to not remove if there is one. Will not add one if there is none.
F.return <- update(formula(F.formula, lhs=1, rhs=1),
reformulate(termlabels = c(".", colnames(data)),
response = NULL,
intercept = TRUE))
lme4formula_get_numberoflevels <- function(l4.form){
lme4formula_get_namesslopes <- function(l4.form){
lme4formula_get_namesgroups <- function(l4.form){
# Builds a formula as input to ivreg
# In: response ~ complete model | single endogenous | instructions for IV (| EIV)
# Out: response ~ complete model | all exogenous from complete model + internal IVs from data (+ EIVs)
formula_build_ivreg <- function(F.formula,, vec.desc.IVs){
# 1st part:
# DV ~ complete model
F.part.1 <- formula(F.formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 1)
# 2nd part:
# ~ | all exogenous from complete model + IIVs (+ external IVs)
# All exogenous: complete - endogenous
labels.all.exo <- setdiff(labels(terms(F.formula, rhs=1, lhs=0)),
labels(terms(F.formula, rhs=2, lhs=0)))
labels.ivs <- colnames(
labels.ext.iv <- if(length(F.formula)[[2]] == 4)
labels(terms(F.formula, lhs=0, rhs=4))
NULL # include external IVs only if present
# unique() reduces instruments to appear only exactly once
# For highermomentsIV's IIV data:
# As the instruments are built from colnames, this applies also to specifed IIV()s, even partial:
# IIV(g=x2,iiv=g,X1,X2) + IIV(g=x2,iiv=g,X1, X2) is reduced to a single IIV(g=x2,iiv=g,X1, X2)
# IIV(g=x2,iiv=g,X1,X3) + IIV(g=x2,iiv=g,X1, X2) is reduced to IIV(g=x2,iiv=g,X1, X2, X3)
F.part.2 <- reformulate(termlabels = unique(c(labels.all.exo, labels.ivs, labels.ext.iv)),
response = NULL,
intercept = TRUE)
# Add 1st and 2nd part to formula
F.ivreg <- as.Formula(F.part.1, F.part.2)
# Print the 2nd part of the formula "by hand" because the real formula is ugly (cannot use special chars)
desc.2nd.part <- paste0(c(labels.all.exo,vec.desc.IVs,labels.ext.iv),collapse = " + ")
model.desc <- paste0(format(formula(F.ivreg, lhs=1, rhs=1)), "|", desc.2nd.part)
# Return formula and pretty printed description (because of IVs)
return(list(F.ivreg=F.ivreg, model.desc = model.desc))
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