#' @export
#' @importFrom stats nobs
logLik.rendo.latent.IV <- function(object, ...){
return(structure(nall = nobs(object),
nobs = nobs(object),
df = ncol(coef(object$res.optimx)),
class ="logLik"))
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @importFrom corpcor pseudoinverse
vcov.rendo.latent.IV <- function(object, ...){
# check hessian
stop("The vcov matrix cannot be calulated because the hessian contains non-finite values!", call. = FALSE)
# invert hessian
hessian.inv <- corpcor::pseudoinverse(object$hessian)
# ensure the ordering is correct <- object$ <-[rownames(object$hessian), colnames(object$hessian)]
# to get vcov, do deltamethod with diag matrix saved when fitting the model
m.vcov <- %*% hessian.inv %*%
rownames(m.vcov) <- colnames(m.vcov) <- colnames(object$hessian)
#' @title Summarizing latentIV Model Fits
#' @param object an object of class \code{rendo.latent.IV}, a result of a call to \code{latentIV}.
#' @param ... ignored, for consistency with the generic function.
#' @description
#' \code{summary} method for a model of class \code{rendo.latent.IV} resulting from fitting \code{latentIV}
# @details
# The for the model fitted. The reported confidence intervals.
#' @return
#' The function \code{summary.rendo.latent.IV} computes and returns a list of summary statistics
#' which contains the following components:
#' \item{coefficients}{a \code{px4} matrix with columns for the estimated coefficients, its standard error,
#' the t-statistic and corresponding (two-sided) p-value.}
#' \item{start.params}{a named vector with the initial set of parameters used to optimize the log-likelihood function.}
#' \item{names.main.coefs}{a vector specifying which coefficients are from the model. For internal usage.}
#' \item{vcov}{variance covariance matrix derived from the hessian.}
#' \item{AIC}{Akaike's An Information Criterion for the model fitted on the provided data.}
#' \item{BIC}{Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion for the model fitted on the provided data.}
#' \item{KKT1}{first Kuhn, Karush, Tucker optimality condition as returned by optimx.}
#' \item{KKT2}{second Kuhn, Karush, Tucker optimality condition as returned by optimx.}
#' \item{conv.code}{the convergence code as returned by optimx.}
#' \item{log.likelihood}{the value of the log-likelihood function at the found solution for the provided data.}
#' @seealso The model fitting function \code{\link[REndo:latentIV]{latentIV}}
#' @seealso Function \code{coef} will extract the \code{coefficients} matrix and
#' function \code{vcov} will extract the component \code{vcov} from the returned summary object.
#' @importFrom stats pt AIC BIC logLik fitted
#' @export
summary.rendo.latent.IV <- function(object, ...){
# Copy from input
res <- object[c("call","start.params", "names.main.coefs")]
# Coefficient table --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return the full coefficient table. The subset is to relevant rows is done in the
# printing
all.est.params <- coef(object) # get all coefs
# return NA_ placeholder if cannot calculate vcov
res$vcov <- tryCatch(vcov(object), error = function(e){
h <- object$hessian
h[,] <- NA_real_
# If the SEs cannot be calculated because
# the vcov contains non-numerics: warn + put NAs
# the diag(vcov) is negative: warn + use SEs anyway (they contain NAs then)
# the warnings are printed here already and not in the printing because result could
# be used directly as object
se <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(sqrt(diag(res$vcov))),
error = function(e)return(e))
if(is(object = se, class2 = "simpleError")){
warning("The standard errors could not be calculated because the vcov contains non-numeric elements.", call. = FALSE)
se <- rep(NA, times=length(all.est.params))
# only check if not error
warning("For some parameters the standard error could not be calculated.", call. = FALSE)
# z-score
z.val <- all.est.params/se
# p-values
p.val <- 2*pt(q=(-abs(z.val)), df=NROW(fitted(object))-1)
res$coefficients <- cbind(all.est.params,
rownames(res$coefficients) <- names(all.est.params)
colnames(res$coefficients) <- c("Estimate","Std. Error", "z-score", "Pr(>|z|)")
# optimx conf stuff
res$log.likelihood <- as.numeric(logLik(object))
res$AIC <- AIC(object)
res$BIC <- BIC(object)
res$conv.code <- object$res.optimx$convcode
res$KKT1 <- object$res.optimx[1, "kkt1"]
res$KKT2 <- object$res.optimx[1, "kkt2"]
# Return object ------------------------------------------------------------------------
class(res) <- "summary.rendo.latent.IV"
# Not really needed because coef.default already works but for clarity
#' @export
coef.summary.rendo.latent.IV <- function(object, ...){
# Read out full vcov matrix
#' @export
vcov.summary.rendo.latent.IV <- function(object, ...){
# Print structure:
# Call
# Main model coefficient (incl statistics)
# Further params used during model fitting
# Optimality stuff
#' @importFrom stats printCoefmat
#' @export
print.summary.rendo.latent.IV <- function(x, digits=max(3L, getOption("digits")-3L),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...){
# Max width to not exceed the fixed width of some prints (printCoef/call)
# max.width <- min(max(nchar(deparse(x$call))), 0.9 * getOption("width"))
max.width <- min(65, 0.9 * getOption("width"))
cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
# Main model coefficients
printCoefmat(x$coefficients[x$names.main.coefs, ,drop=FALSE], digits = digits, na.print = "NA",
has.Pvalue = TRUE, signif.stars = signif.stars, ...)
cat("\n",paste0(strwrap("For some parameters the statistics could not be calculated because the Std. Errors are unavailable.",
width = max.width),
collapse = "\n"), "\n",sep = "")
# Non main model coefs - only show the values, not the statistcs
cat("Further parameters estimated during model fitting:\n")
names.non.main.coefs <- setdiff(rownames(x$coefficients), x$names.main.coefs)
print.default(format(x$coefficients[names.non.main.coefs, "Estimate"], digits = digits), = 1L,
quote = FALSE)
cat("(see help file for details)\n")
cat("Initial parameter values:\n")
cat( paste0(strwrap( paste0(paste(names(x$start.params), sep = "=",round(x$start.params,digits = digits)),
collapse=" "),
width = max.width),
collapse = "\n"))
cat("The value of the log-likelihood function:", x$log.likelihood,"\n")
cat("AIC:", x$AIC,", BIC:",x$BIC, "\n")
cat("KKT1:", x$KKT1, " KKT2:", x$KKT2, "Optimx Convergence Code:", x$conv.code, "\n")
#' @title Predict method for Models using the Latent Instrumental Variables approach
#' @description
#' Predicted values based on linear models estimated using the latent instrumental
#' variables approach for a single endogenous regressor.
#' @param object Object of class inheriting from "rendo.latent.IV"
#' @param newdata An optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict.
#' If omitted, the fitted values are returned.
#' @param ... ignored, for consistency with the generic function.
#' @return
#' \code{predict.rendo.latent.IV} produces a vector of predictions
#' @seealso The model fitting function \code{\link[REndo:latentIV]{latentIV}}
#' @examples
#' data("dataLatentIV")
#' lat <- latentIV(y ~ P, data = dataLatentIV)
#' # returns the fitted values
#' predict(lat)
#' # using the data used for fitting also for predicting,
#' # correctly results in fitted values
#' all.equal(predict(lat, dataLatentIV), fitted(lat)) # TRUE
#' @importFrom stats delete.response model.frame model.matrix coef
#' @export
predict.rendo.latent.IV <- function(object, newdata, ...){
warning("The arguments in ... are ignored.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
mf <- model.frame(formula = delete.response(object$formula), newdata)
X <- model.matrix(object = delete.response(object$formula), mf)
# complete=FALSE - only use main model params w/o pi and thetas
return(drop(X %*% coef(object, complete = FALSE)))
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