#' Tune the S/RGCCA hyper-parameters by permutation
#' This function can be used to automatically select the hyper-parameters
#' (amount of sparsity for sgcca or shrinkage parameters for RGCCA).
#' A permutation-based strategy very similar to the one proposed in
#' (Witten et al, 2009) is implemented.
#' @details
#' The tuning parameters are selected using the permutation scheme proposed in
#' (Witten et al, 2009). For each candidate tuning parameter value, the
#' following is performed:
#' (1) Repeat the following n_perms times (for n_perms large): \cr
#' \verb{ }(a) Randomly permuted the rows of \eqn{X_1},..., \eqn{X_J}
#' to create new blocks: \eqn{X_1^*},..., \eqn{X_J^*}. \cr
#' \verb{ }(b) Run S/RGCCA on the permuted blocks \eqn{X_1^*},...,
#' \eqn{X_J^*}.\cr
#' \verb{ }(c) Record the S/RGCCA criterion \eqn{t^*}.
#' (2) Run S/RGCCA on the original blocks \eqn{X_1},..., \eqn{X_J}.
#' (3) Record the S/RGCCA criterion \eqn{t}.
#' (4) The resulting p-value is given by \eqn{\textrm{mean}(t^* > t)};
#' that is, the fraction of \eqn{t^*} that exceeds the value of \eqn{t}
#' obtained from the real data.
#' (5) The resulting zstat is defined as
#' \eqn{\frac{t-\textrm{mean}(t^*)}{\textrm{sd}(t^*)}}.
#' Then, choose the tuning parameter values that gives the highest value in
#' Step 5.
#' @inheritParams rgcca_bootstrap
#' @inheritParams rgcca
#' @inheritParams rgcca_cv
#' @param n_perms The number of permutations for each set of parameters
#' (default is 20).
#' @param verbose A logical value indicating if the progress of the
#' permutation procedure is reported.
#' @return A rgcca_permutation object that can be printed and plotted.
#' @return \item{opt}{A list indicating some options of the RGCCA model used
#' during the permutation.}
#' @return \item{call}{A list containing the input parameters of the
#' RGCCA model.}
#' @return \item{par_type}{The type of parameter tuned (either "tau",
#' "sparsity", or "ncomp").}
#' @return \item{n_perms}{The number of permutations for each set of candidate
#' tuning parameters.}
#' @return \item{best_params}{The set of tuning parameters that yields the
#' highest Z-statistic.}
#' @return \item{permcrit}{A matrix of permuted S/RGCCA criteria. The ith row of
#' permcrit contains the n_perms values of S/RGCCA permuted criteria
#' obtained for the ith set of tuning parameters.}
#' @return \item{params}{A matrix reporting the sets of candidate parameters
#' used during the permutation process.}
#' @return \item{stats}{A data.frame containing in columns:
#' the sets of candidate
#' parameters, the corresponding non permuted criteria, means and standard
#' deviations of permuted criteria, Z-statistics and p-values.}
#' @references Witten, D. M., Tibshirani, R., & Hastie, T. (2009). A penalized
#' matrix decomposition, with applications to sparse principal components and
#' canonical correlation analysis. Biostatistics, 10(3), 515-534.
#' @examples
#' ####################################
#' # Permutation based strategy for #
#' # determining the best shrinkage #
#' # parameters (par_type = "tau") #
#' ####################################
#' data(Russett)
#' blocks <- list(
#' agriculture = Russett[, seq(3)],
#' industry = Russett[, 4:5],
#' politic = Russett[, 6:11]
#' )
#' C <- matrix(c(
#' 0, 0, 1,
#' 0, 0, 1,
#' 1, 1, 0
#' ), 3, 3)
#' # default value: 10 vectors from rep(0, length(blocks))
#' # to rep(1, length(blocks)), uniformly distributed.
#' fit <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
#' connection = C,
#' par_type = "tau",
#' par_length = 10, n_perms = 2,
#' n_cores = 1, verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' print(fit)
#' plot(fit)
#' fit$best_params
#' \dontrun{
#' # It is possible to define explicitly K combinations of shrinkage
#' # parameters to be tested and in that case a matrix of dimension KxJ is
#' # required. Each row of this matrix corresponds to one specific set of
#' # shrinkage parameters.
#' par_value <- matrix(c(
#' 0, 0, 0,
#' 1, 1, 0,
#' 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
#' sapply(blocks, RGCCA:::tau.estimate),
#' 1, 1, 1
#' ), 5, 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
#' connection = C,
#' par_type = "tau",
#' par_value = par_value,
#' n_perms = 5, n_cores = 1
#' )
#' print(perm.out)
#' plot(perm.out)
#' # with superblock
#' perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
#' par_type = "tau",
#' superblock = TRUE,
#' scale = TRUE, scale_block = FALSE,
#' n_perms = 5, n_cores = 1
#' )
#' print(perm.out)
#' plot(perm.out)
#' # used a fitted rgcca_permutation object as input of the rgcca function
#' fit.rgcca <- rgcca(perm.out)
#' print(fit.rgcca)
#' ######################################
#' # Permutation based strategy for #
#' # determining the best sparsity #
#' # parameters (par_type = "sparsity") #
#' ######################################
#' # defaut value: 10 vectors from minimum values
#' # (1/sqrt(ncol(X1)), ..., 1/sqrt(ncol(XJ))
#' # to rep(1, J), uniformly distributed.
#' perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
#' par_type = "sparsity",
#' n_perms = 50, n_cores = 1
#' )
#' print(perm.out)
#' plot(perm.out)
#' perm.out$best_params
#' # when par_value is a vector of length J. Each element of the vector
#' # indicates the maximum value of sparsity to be considered for each block.
#' # par_length (default value = 10) vectors from minimum values
#' # (1/sqrt(ncol(X1)), ..., 1/sqrt(ncol(XJ)) to maximum values, uniformly
#' # distributed, are then considered.
#' perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
#' connection = C,
#' par_type = "sparsity",
#' par_value = c(0.6, 0.75, 0.5),
#' par_length = 7, n_perms = 20,
#' n_cores = 1, tol = 1e-3
#' )
#' print(perm.out)
#' plot(perm.out)
#' perm.out$best_params
#' # when par_value is a scalar, the same maximum value is applied
#' # for each block
#' perm.out <- rgcca_permutation(blocks,
#' connection = C,
#' par_type = "sparsity",
#' par_value = 0.8, par_length = 5,
#' n_perms = 10, n_cores = 1
#' )
#' perm.out$params
#' ######################################
#' # Speed up the permutation procedure #
#' ######################################
#' # The rgcca_permutation function can be quite time-consuming. Since
#' # approximate estimates of the block weight vectors are acceptable in this
#' # case, it is possible to reduce the value of the tolerance (tol argument)
#' # of the RGCCA algorithm to speed up the permutation procedure.
#' #
#' data("ge_cgh_locIGR", package = "gliomaData")
#' A <- ge_cgh_locIGR$multiblocks
#' Loc <- factor(ge_cgh_locIGR$y)
#' levels(Loc) <- colnames(ge_cgh_locIGR$multiblocks$y)
#' A[[3]] <- A[[3]][, -3]
#' C <- matrix(c(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), 3, 3)
#' # check dimensions of the blocks
#' sapply(A, dim)
#' par_value <- matrix(c(
#' seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1),
#' seq(0.1, 1, by = 0.1),
#' rep(0, 10)
#' ), 10, 3, byrow = FALSE)
#' fit <- rgcca_permutation(A,
#' connection = C,
#' par_type = "tau",
#' par_value = par_value,
#' par_length = 10,
#' n_perms = 10, n_cores = 1, tol = 1e-2
#' )
#' print(fit)
#' plot(fit)
#' }
#' @export
rgcca_permutation <- function(blocks, par_type = "tau", par_value = NULL,
par_length = 10, n_perms = 20,
n_cores = 1,
quiet = TRUE, scale = TRUE, scale_block = TRUE,
method = "rgcca",
connection = NULL,
scheme = "factorial",
ncomp = 1,
tau = 1,
sparsity = 1,
init = "svd", bias = TRUE, tol = 1e-8,
response = NULL, superblock = FALSE,
NA_method = "na.ignore", rgcca_res = NULL,
verbose = TRUE, n_iter_max = 1000,
comp_orth = TRUE) {
### Try to retrieve parameters from a rgcca object
rgcca_args <- as.list(environment())
tmp <- get_rgcca_args(blocks, rgcca_args)
opt <- tmp$opt
rgcca_args <- tmp$rgcca_args
### Check parameters
check_integer("n_perms", n_perms)
check_integer("par_length", n_perms)
match.arg(par_type, c("tau", "sparsity", "ncomp"))
if (length(rgcca_args$blocks) == 1) {
"wrong number of blocks. Permutation requires more than ",
"one block."
### Prepare parameters for line search
if (
rgcca_args$method %in% sparse_methods() && (par_type == "tau")
) {
par_type <- "sparsity"
} else if (par_type == "sparsity") {
rgcca_args$method <- "sgcca"
opt$gcca <- sgcca
opt$param <- "sparsity"
param <- set_parameter_grid(
par_type, par_length, par_value, rgcca_args$blocks,
rgcca_args[[par_type]], rgcca_args$response,
rgcca_args$superblock, opt$disjunction
# Generate a warning if tau has not been fully specified for a block that
# has more columns than samples and remove tau = 0 configuration
n <- NROW(rgcca_args$blocks[[1]])
overfitting_risk <- (param$par_type == "tau") && is.null(dim(par_value)) &&
function(j) NCOL(rgcca_args$blocks[[j]]) > n,
FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)
if (overfitting_risk) {
param$par_value <- param$par_value[-nrow(param$par_value), ]
"overfitting risk. A block has more columns than rows, so the ",
"configuration with tau = 0 has been removed."
### Create folds
v_inds <- lapply(seq_len(n_perms), function(i) {
lapply(rgcca_args$blocks, function(x) {
### Start line search
# For every set of parameter, RGCCA is run once on the non permuted blocks
# and then n_perms on permuted blocks.
idx <- seq(NROW(param$par_value) * (n_perms + 1))
W <- par_pblapply(idx, function(n) {
i <- (n - 1) %/% (n_perms + 1) + 1
j <- (n - 1) %% (n_perms + 1)
perm <- (n - 1) %% (n_perms + 1) != 0
inds = v_inds[[j]],
par_type = param$par_type,
par_value = param$par_value[i, ],
perm = perm
}, n_cores = n_cores, verbose = verbose)
W <-, W)
### Format output
par_colnames <- names(rgcca_args$blocks)
if (ncol(param$par_value) > length(rgcca_args$blocks)) {
par_colnames <- c(par_colnames, "superblock")
rownames(param$par_value) <- seq_len(NROW(param$par_value))
colnames(param$par_value) <- par_colnames
idx_perm <- (idx - 1) %% (n_perms + 1) != 0
crit <- W[!idx_perm]
permcrit <- matrix(W[idx_perm],
nrow = nrow(param$par_value),
ncol = n_perms, byrow = TRUE
# Compute statistics
pvals <- vapply(
function(k) mean(permcrit[k, ] >= crit[k]),
FUN.VALUE = double(1)
zstat <- vapply(
seq_len(NROW(param$par_value)), function(k) {
z <- (crit[k] - mean(permcrit[k, ])) / (sd(permcrit[k, ]))
if ( || z == "Inf") {
z <- 0
FUN.VALUE = double(1)
combinations <- format_combinations(param$par_value)
stats <- data.frame(
combinations = combinations,
crit = crit,
mean = apply(permcrit, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE),
sd = apply(permcrit, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE),
zstat = zstat,
pval = pvals
opt = opt, call = rgcca_args, par_type = par_type,
n_perms = n_perms, best_params = param$par_value[which.max(zstat), ],
permcrit = permcrit, params = param$par_value, stats = stats
), class = "rgcca_permutation")
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