
Defines functions Hier2L

Documented in Hier2L

Hier2L <- function(dataset, factor=1, weight.type="N_items") {
  # Variance partition and WIC/TNW
  # Author: Nicola ZACCARELLI
  # E-mail: nicola.zaccarelli@gmail.com
  # Version: 1.0
  # Date: 10/11/2012
  # some checking
  # if (class(dataset) != "RInSp") stop("The input must be an object of class RInSp") # Changed because of the use of class(.)
  if (!inherits(dataset, "RInSp")) stop("The input must be an object of class RInSp")
 if (dataset$data.type != "double") stop("Input data type must be double.")
 if ((factor %in% c(1:dim(dataset$info)[2])) == FALSE) stop("Wrong factor column number.")
 f.values <- as.factor(dataset$info[, factor])
 f.values <- f.values[1:length(f.values), drop=T] #get rid unused levels
 f.levels <- levels(f.values)
 rawdata <- dataset$resources
 ris <- matrix(0, 5, nlevels(f.values)+1)
 colnames(ris) <- c("All", f.levels)
 rownames(ris) <- c("WIC", "BIC", "TNC", "WIC/TNW", "BGC")
 # Calculate full set first
 tmpRIS <- WTcMC(dataset, weight=weight.type, replicates=10, print.ris=FALSE)
 ris[1:4, 1] <- t(tmpRIS$montecarlo[1, ])
 for (i in 1:nlevels(f.values)){
  tmp <- subset(rawdata, f.values == f.levels[i])
  tmp <- import.RInSp(tmp, print.messages=FALSE)
  tmpRIS <- WTcMC(tmp, weight=weight.type, replicates=10, print.ris=FALSE)
  ris[1:4, i+1]= t(tmpRIS$montecarlo[1, ])
 BGC <- var(by(rowMeans(rawdata), f.values, mean)) * (nlevels(f.values) -1)/(nlevels(f.values))#var sample and not pop!
 ris[5, 1] <- BGC
 cat("\n ***************************************")
 names <- c("All", f.levels)
 for (i in 1:(nlevels(f.values)+1)) cat("\n WIC/TNW of Level: ", names[i], "= ",  ris[4, i])
 cat("\n BGC             :    ", ris[5, 1])
 cat("\n BGC/TNW (%)     :    ", ris[5, 1]*100/ris[3, 1] ,"\n")
 cat("*************************************** \n")

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