
Defines functions regarima_spec_x13.X13 reformat_spec_def new_regarima_spec_x13 regarima_spec_x13.character regarima_spec_x13

Documented in regarima_spec_x13

#' RegARIMA model specification: the pre-adjustment in X13
#' @description
#' Function to create (and/or modify) a \code{c("regarima_spec","X13")} class object with the RegARIMA model specification
#' for the X13 method. The object can be created from a predefined 'JDemetra+' model specification  (a \code{character}),
#' a previous specification (\code{c("regarima_spec","X13")} object) or a X13 RegARIMA model (\code{c("regarima","X13")}).
#' @param spec the model specification. It can be the name (\code{character}) of a pre-defined 'JDemetra+' model specification
#' (see \emph{Details}), an object of class \code{c("regarima_spec","X13")} or an object of class \code{c("regarima", "X13")}.
#' The default value is \code{"RG5c"}.
#' @param preliminary.check a Boolean to check the quality of the input series and exclude highly problematic ones
#' (e.g. the series with a number of identical observations and/or missing values above pre-specified threshold values).
#' The time span of the series, which is the (sub)period used to estimate the regarima model, is controlled by the following six variables:
#' \code{estimate.from, estimate.to, estimate.first, estimate.last, estimate.exclFirst} and \code{estimate.exclLast};
#' where \code{estimate.from} and \code{estimate.to} have priority over the remaining span control variables,
#' \code{estimate.last} and \code{estimate.first} have priority over \code{estimate.exclFirst} and \code{estimate.exclLast},
#' and \code{estimate.last} has priority over \code{estimate.first}. Default= "All".
#' @param estimate.from a character in format "YYYY-MM-DD" indicating the start of the time span (e.g. "1900-01-01").
#' It can be combined with the parameter \code{estimate.to}.
#' @param estimate.to a character in format "YYYY-MM-DD" indicating the end of the time span (e.g. "2020-12-31").
#' It can be combined with the parameter \code{estimate.from}.
#' @param estimate.first a numeric specifying the number of periods considered at the beginning of the series.
#' @param estimate.last numeric specifying the number of periods considered at the end of the series.
#' @param estimate.exclFirst a numeric specifying the number of periods excluded at the beginning of the series.
#' It can be combined with the parameter \code{estimate.exclLast}.
#' @param estimate.exclLast a numeric specifying the number of periods excluded at the end of the series.
#' It can be combined with the parameter \code{estimate.exclFirst}.
#' @param estimate.tol a numeric, convergence tolerance. The absolute changes in the log-likelihood function
#' are compared to this value to check for the convergence of the estimation iterations.
#' @param transform.function the transformation of the input series: \code{"None"} = no transformation of the series;
#' \code{"Log"} = takes the log of the series; \code{"Auto"} = the program tests for the log-level specification.
#' @param transform.adjust pre-adjustment of the input series for the length of period or leap year effects:
#' \code{"None"} = no adjustment; \code{"LeapYear"} = leap year effect; \code{"LengthOfPeriod"} = length of period.
#' Modifications of this variable are taken into account only when \code{transform.function} is set to \code{"Log"}.
#' @param transform.aicdiff a numeric defining the difference in AICC needed to accept no transformation when the automatic
#' transformation selection is chosen (considered only when \code{transform.function} is set to \code{"Auto"}).
#' Control variables for the pre-specified outliers. The pre-specified outliers are used in the model only when enabled
#' (\code{usrdef.outliersEnabled=TRUE}) and the outlier type (\code{usrdef.outliersType}) and date
#' (\code{usrdef.outliersDate}) are provided.
#' @param usrdef.outliersEnabled logical. If \code{TRUE}, the program uses the pre-specified outliers.
#' @param usrdef.outliersType a vector defining the outlier type. Possible types are: \code{("AO")} = additive,
#' \code{("LS")} = level shift, \code{("TC")} = transitory change, \code{("SO")} = seasonal outlier.
#' E.g.: \code{usrdef.outliersType = c("AO","AO","LS")}.
#' @param usrdef.outliersDate a vector defining the outlier dates. The dates should be characters in format "YYYY-MM-DD".
#' E.g.: \code{usrdef.outliersDate= c("2009-10-01","2005-02-01","2003-04-01")}.
#' @param usrdef.outliersCoef a vector providing fixed coefficients for the outliers. The coefficients can't be fixed if
#' \code{transform.function} is set to \code{"Auto"} i.e. the series transformation need to be pre-defined.
#' E.g.: \code{ usrdef.outliersCoef=c(200,170,20)}.
#' Control variables for the user-defined variables:
#' @param usrdef.varEnabled a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the program uses the user-defined variables.
#' @param usrdef.var a time series (\code{ts}) or a matrix of time series (\code{mts}) with the user-defined variables.
#' @param usrdef.varType a vector of character(s) defining the user-defined variables component type.
#' Possible types are: \code{"Undefined", "Series", "Trend", "Seasonal", "SeasonallyAdjusted", "Irregular", "Calendar"}.
#' The type \code{"Calendar"}must be used with \code{tradingdays.option = "UserDefined"} to use user-defined calendar regressors.
#' If not specified, the program will assign the \code{"Undefined"} type.
#' @param usrdef.varCoef a vector providing fixed coefficients for the user-defined variables. The coefficients can't be fixed
#' if \code{transform.function} is set to \code{"Auto"} i.e. the series transformation need to be pre-defined.
#' @param tradingdays.option to specify the set of trading days regression variables:
#' \code{"TradingDays"} = six day-of-the-week regression variables;
#' \code{"WorkingDays"} = one working/non-working day contrast variable;
#' \code{"None"} = no correction for trading days and working days effects;
#' \code{"UserDefined"} = user-defined trading days regressors (regressors must be defined by the \code{usrdef.var}
#' argument with \code{usrdef.varType} set to \code{"Calendar"} and \code{usrdef.varEnabled = TRUE}).
#' \code{"None"} must also be specified for the "day-of-week effects" correction (\code{tradingdays.stocktd} to be modified accordingly).
#' @param tradingdays.autoadjust a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the program corrects automatically for the leap year effect.
#' Modifications of this variable are taken into account only when \code{transform.function} is set to \code{"Auto"}.
#' @param tradingdays.leapyear a \code{character} to specify whether or not to include the leap-year effect in the model:
#' \code{"LeapYear"} = leap year effect; \code{"LengthOfPeriod"} = length of period, \code{"None"} = no effect included.
#' The leap-year effect can be pre-specified in the model only if the input series hasn't been pre-adjusted
#' (\code{transform.adjust} set to \code{"None"}) and if the automatic correction for the leap-year effect isn't selected
#' (\code{tradingdays.autoadjust} set to \code{FALSE}).
#' @param tradingdays.stocktd a numeric indicating the day of the month when inventories and other stock are reported
#' (to denote the last day of the month, set the variable to 31). Modifications of this variable are taken into account
#' only when \code{tradingdays.option} is set to \code{"None"}.
#' @param tradingdays.test defines the pre-tests for the significance of the trading day regression variables
#' based on the AICC statistics: \code{"Add"} = the trading day variables are not included in the initial regression model
#' but can be added to the RegARIMA model after the test;
#' \code{"Remove"} = the trading day variables belong to the initial regression model but can be removed from the RegARIMA model
#' after the test; \code{"None"} = the trading day variables are not pre-tested and are included in the model.
#' @param easter.enabled a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the program considers the Easter effect in the model.
#' @param easter.julian a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the program uses the Julian Easter (expressed in Gregorian calendar).
#' @param easter.duration a numeric indicating the duration of the Easter effect (length in days, between 1 and 20).
#' @param easter.test defines the pre-tests for the significance of the Easter effect based on the t-statistic
#' (the Easter effect is considered as significant if the t-statistic is greater than 1.96):
#' \code{"Add"} = the Easter effect variable is not included in the initial regression model but can be added
#' to the RegARIMA model after the test;
#' \code{"Remove"} = the Easter effect variable belongs to the initial regression model but can be removed
#' from the RegARIMA model after the test;
#' \code{"None"} = the Easter effect variable is not pre-tested and is included in the model.
#' @param outlier.enabled a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the automatic detection of outliers is enabled in the defined time span.
#' The time span during which outliers will be searched is controlled by the following
#' six variables: \code{outlier.from, outlier.to, outlier.first, outlier.last, outlier.exclFirst} and \code{outlier.exclLast};
#' where \code{outlier.from} and \code{outlier.to} have priority over the remaining span control variables,
#' \code{outlier.last} and \code{outlier.first} have priority over \code{outlier.exclFirst} and \code{outlier.exclLast},
#' and \code{outlier.last} has priority over \code{outlier.first}.
#' @param outlier.from a character in format "YYYY-MM-DD" indicating the start of the time span (e.g. "1900-01-01").
#' It can be combined with the parameter \code{outlier.to}.
#' @param outlier.to a character in format "YYYY-MM-DD" indicating the end of the time span (e.g. "2020-12-31").
#' it can be combined with the parameter \code{outlier.from}.
#' @param outlier.first a numeric specifying the number of periods considered at the beginning of the series.
#' @param outlier.last a numeric specifying the number of periods considered at the end of the series.
#' @param outlier.exclFirst a numeric specifying the number of periods excluded at the beginning of the series.
#' It can be combined with the parameter \code{outlier.exclLast}.
#' @param outlier.exclLast a numeric specifying the number of periods excluded at the end of the series.
#' It can be combined with the parameter \code{outlier.exclFirst}.
#' @param outlier.ao a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the automatic detection of additive outliers is enabled
#' (\code{outlier.enabled} must be also set to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param outlier.tc a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the automatic detection of transitory changes is enabled
#' (\code{outlier.enabled} must be also set to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param outlier.ls a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the automatic detection of level shifts is enabled
#' (\code{outlier.enabled} must be also set to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param outlier.so a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the automatic detection of seasonal outliers is enabled
#' (\code{outlier.enabled} must be also set to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param outlier.usedefcv a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the critical value for the outlier detection procedure
#' is automatically determined by the number of observations in the outlier detection time span. If \code{FALSE},
#' the procedure uses the entered critical value (\code{outlier.cv}).
#' @param outlier.cv a numeric. The entered critical value for the outlier detection procedure.
#' The modification of this variable is only taken into account when \code{outlier.usedefcv} is set to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param outlier.method determines how the program successively adds detected outliers to the model.
#' At present, only the \code{AddOne} method is supported.
#' @param outlier.tcrate a numeric. The rate of decay for the transitory change outlier.
#' @param automdl.enabled a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the automatic modelling of the ARIMA model is enabled.
#' If \code{FALSE}, the parameters of the ARIMA model can be specified.
#' Control variables for the automatic modelling of the ARIMA model (when \code{automdl.enabled} is set to \code{TRUE}):
#' @param automdl.acceptdefault a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the default model (ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)) may be chosen
#' in the first step of the automatic model identification. If the Ljung-Box Q statistics for the residuals is acceptable,
#' the default model is accepted and no further attempt will be made to identify another model.
#' @param automdl.cancel the cancellation limit (\code{numeric}). If the difference in moduli of an AR and an MA roots
#' (when estimating ARIMA(1,0,1)(1,0,1) models in the second step of the automatic identification of the differencing orders)
#' is smaller than the cancellation limit, the two roots are assumed equal and cancel out.
#' @param automdl.ub1 the first unit root limit (\code{numeric}). It is the threshold value for the initial unit root test
#' in the automatic differencing procedure. When one of the roots in the estimation of the ARIMA(2,0,0)(1,0,0) plus mean model,
#' performed in the first step of the automatic model identification procedure, is larger than the first unit root limit in modulus,
#' it is set equal to unity.
#' @param automdl.ub2 the second unit root limit (\code{numeric}). When one of the roots in the estimation of
#' the ARIMA(1,0,1)(1,0,1) plus mean model, which is performed in the second step of the automatic model identification
#' procedure, is larger than second unit root limit in modulus, it is checked if there is a common factor
#' in the corresponding AR and MA polynomials of the ARMA model that can be canceled (see \code{automdl.cancel}).
#' If there is no cancellation, the AR root is set equal to unity (i.e. the differencing order changes).
#' @param automdl.mixed a logical. This variable controls whether ARIMA models with non-seasonal AR and MA terms
#' or seasonal AR and MA terms will be considered in the automatic model identification procedure.
#' If \code{FALSE}, a model with AR and MA terms in both the seasonal and non-seasonal parts of the model can be acceptable,
#' provided there are no AR or MA terms in either the seasonal or non-seasonal terms.
#' @param automdl.balanced a logical. If \code{TRUE}, the automatic model identification procedure will have a preference
#' for balanced models (i.e. models for which the order of the combined AR and differencing operator is equal to the order
#' of the combined MA operator).
#' @param automdl.armalimit the ARMA limit (\code{numeric}). It is the threshold value for t-statistics of ARMA coefficients
#' and constant term used for the final test of model parsimony. If the highest order ARMA coefficient has a t-value
#' smaller than this value in magnitude, the order of the model is reduced. If the constant term t-value is smaller
#' than the ARMA limit in magnitude, it is removed from the set of regressors.
#' @param automdl.reducecv numeric, ReduceCV. The percentage by which the outlier's critical value will be reduced
#' when an identified model is found to have a Ljung-Box statistic with an unacceptable confidence coefficient.
#' The parameter should be between 0 and 1, and will only be active when automatic outlier identification is enabled.
#' The reduced critical value will be set to (1-ReduceCV)*CV, where CV is the original critical value.
#' @param automdl.ljungboxlimit the Ljung Box limit (\code{numeric}). Acceptance criterion for the confidence intervals
#' of the Ljung-Box Q statistic. If the LjungBox Q statistics for the residuals of a final model is greater than
#' the Ljung Box limit, then the model is rejected, the outlier critical value is reduced and model and outlier identification
#' (if specified) is redone with a reduced value.
#' @param automdl.ubfinal numeric, final unit root limit. The threshold value for the final unit root test.
#' If the magnitude of an AR root for the final model is smaller than the final unit root limit, then a unit root is assumed,
#' the order of the AR polynomial is reduced by one and the appropriate order of the differencing (non-seasonal, seasonal)
#' is increased. The parameter value should be greater than one.
#' Control variables for the non-automatic modelling of the ARIMA model (when \code{automdl.enabled} is set to \code{FALSE}):
#' @param arima.mu logical. If \code{TRUE}, the mean is considered as part of the ARIMA model.
#' @param arima.p numeric. The order of the non-seasonal autoregressive (AR) polynomial.
#' @param arima.d numeric. The regular differencing order.
#' @param arima.q numeric. The order of the non-seasonal moving average (MA) polynomial.
#' @param arima.bp numeric. The order of the seasonal autoregressive (AR) polynomial.
#' @param arima.bd numeric. The seasonal differencing order.
#' @param arima.bq numeric. The order of the seasonal moving average (MA) polynomial.
#' Control variables for the user-defined ARMA coefficients. Coefficients can be defined for the regular and seasonal
#' autoregressive (AR) polynomials and moving average (MA) polynomials. The model considers the coefficients only if
#' the procedure for their estimation (\code{arima.coefType}) is provided, and the number of provided coefficients
#' matches the sum of (regular and seasonal) AR and MA orders (\code{p,q,bp,bq}).
#' @param arima.coefEnabled logical. If \code{TRUE}, the program uses the user-defined ARMA coefficients.
#' @param arima.coef a vector providing the coefficients for the regular and seasonal AR and MA polynomials.
#' The vector length must be equal to the sum of the regular and seasonal AR and MA orders.
#' The coefficients shall be provided in the following order: regular AR (\emph{Phi}; \code{p} elements),
#' regular MA  (\emph{Theta}; \code{q} elements), seasonal AR (\emph{BPhi}; \code{bp} elements)
#' and seasonal MA (\emph{BTheta}; \code{bq} elements).
#' E.g.: \code{arima.coef=c(0.6,0.7)} with \code{arima.p=1, arima.q=0,arima.bp=1} and \code{arima.bq=0}.
#' @param arima.coefType a vector defining the ARMA coefficients estimation procedure.
#' Possible procedures are: \code{"Undefined"} = no use of any user-defined input (i.e. coefficients are estimated),
#' \code{"Fixed"} = the coefficients are fixed at the value provided by the user,
#' \code{"Initial"} = the value defined by the user is used as the initial condition.
#' For orders for which the coefficients shall not be defined, the \code{arima.coef} can be set to \code{NA} or \code{0},
#' or the \code{arima.coefType} can be set to \code{"Undefined"}.
#' E.g.: \code{arima.coef = c(-0.8,-0.6,NA)}, \code{arima.coefType = c("Fixed","Fixed","Undefined")}.
#' @param fcst.horizon the forecasting horizon (\code{numeric}). The forecast length generated by the RegARIMA model
#' in periods (positive values) or years (negative values). By default, the program generates a two-year forecast
#' (\code{fcst.horizon} set to \code{-2}).
#' @details
#' The available predefined 'JDemetra+' model specifications are described in the table below:
#' \tabular{rrrrrrr}{
#' \strong{Identifier} |\tab \strong{Log/level detection} |\tab \strong{Outliers detection} |\tab \strong{Calendar effects} |\tab \strong{ARIMA}\cr
#' RG0 |\tab \emph{NA} |\tab \emph{NA} |\tab \emph{NA} |\tab Airline(+mean)\cr
#' RG1 |\tab automatic |\tab AO/LS/TC  |\tab \emph{NA} |\tab Airline(+mean)\cr
#' RG2c |\tab automatic |\tab AO/LS/TC |\tab 2 td vars + Easter |\tab Airline(+mean)\cr
#' RG3 |\tab automatic |\tab AO/LS/TC |\tab \emph{NA} |\tab automatic\cr
#' RG4c |\tab automatic |\tab AO/LS/TC |\tab 2 td vars + Easter |\tab automatic\cr
#' RG5c |\tab automatic |\tab AO/LS/TC |\tab 7 td vars + Easter |\tab automatic
#' }
#' @return
#' A list of class \code{c("regarima_spec","X13")} with the following components, each referring to a different part
#' of the RegARIMA model specification, mirroring the arguments of the function (for details, see the arguments description).
#' Each lowest-level component (except span, pre-specified outliers, user-defined variables and pre-specified ARMA coefficients)
#' is structured within a data frame with columns denoting different variables of the model specification and rows referring to:
#' first row = base specification, as provided within the argument \code{spec};
#' second row = user modifications as specified by the remaining arguments of the function (e.g.: \code{arima.d});
#' and third row = final model specification, values that will be used in the function \code{\link{regarima}}.
#' The final specification (third row) shall include user modifications (row two) unless they were wrongly specified.
#' The pre-specified outliers, user-defined variables and pre-specified ARMA coefficients consist of a list
#' of \code{Predefined} (base model specification) and \code{Final} values.
#' \item{estimate}{a data frame. Variables referring to: \code{span} - time span for the model estimation, \code{tolerance} - argument \code{estimate.tol}. The final values can also be accessed with the function \code{\link{s_estimate}}.}
#' \item{transform}{a data frame. Variables referring to: \code{tfunction} - argument \code{transform.function}, \code{adjust} - argument \code{transform.adjust}, \code{aicdiff} - argument \code{transform.aicdiff}. The final values can also be accessed with the function \code{\link{s_transform}}.}
#' \item{regression}{a list containing the information on the user-defined variables (\code{userdef}),
#' \code{trading.days} effect and \code{easter} effect. The user-defined part includes: \code{specification} - data frame
#' with the information if pre-specified outliers (\code{outlier}) and user-defined variables (\code{variables})
#' are included in the model and if fixed coefficients are used (\code{outlier.coef} and \code{variables.coef}).
#' The final values can also be accessed with the function \code{\link{s_usrdef}};
#' \code{outliers} - matrices with the outliers (\code{Predefined} and \code{Final}).
#' The final outliers can also be accessed with the function \code{\link{s_preOut}}; and \code{variables}
#' - a list with the \code{Predefined} and \code{Final} user-defined variables (\code{series}) and its description
#' (\code{description}) including the information on the variable type and the values of fixed coefficients.
#' The final user-defined variables can also be accessed with the function \code{\link{s_preVar}}.
#' Within the data frame \code{trading.days}, the variables refer to: \code{option} - argument \code{tradingdays.option, autoadjust} - argument \code{tradingdays.autoadjust, leapyear} - argument \code{tradingdays.leapyear, stocktd} - argument \code{tradingdays.stocktd, test} - argument \code{tradingdays.test}. The final \code{trading.days} values can be also accessed with the function \code{\link{s_td}}. Within the data frame \code{easter} variables refer to: \code{enabled} - argument \code{easter.enabled, julian} - argument \code{easter.julian, duration} - argument \code{easter.duration, test} - argument \code{easter.test}. The final \code{easter} values can be also accessed with the function \code{\link{s_easter}}.}
#' \item{outliers}{a data frame. Variables referring to: \code{enabled} - argument \code{outlier.enabled}, \code{span} - time span for the outlier detection, \code{ao} - argument \code{outlier.ao, tc} - argument \code{outlier.tc, ls} - argument \code{outlier.ls, so} - argument \code{outlier.so, usedefcv} - argument \code{outlier.usedefcv, cv} - argument \code{outlier.cv, method} - argument \code{outlier.method, tcrate} - argument \code{outlier.tcrate}. The final values can also be accessed with the function \code{\link{s_out}}.}
#' \item{arima}{a list of a data frame with the ARIMA settings (\code{specification}) and matrices with the information
#' on the pre-specified ARMA coefficients (\code{coefficients}). The matrix \code{Predefined} refers to the pre-defined
#' model specification, and the matrix \code{Final} to the final specification. Both matrices contain the value of the ARMA
#' coefficients and the procedure for its estimation.
#' In the data frame \code{specification}, the variable \code{enabled} refers to the argument \code{automdl.enabled}
#' and all remaining variables (\code{automdl.acceptdefault, automdl.cancel, automdl.ub1, automdl.ub2, automdl.mixed,
#' automdl.balanced, automdl.armalimit, automdl.reducecv, automdl.ljungboxlimit, automdl.ubfinal, arima.mu, arima.p,
#' arima.d, arima.q, arima.bp, arima.bd, arima.bq}), to the respective function arguments.
#' The final values of the \code{specification} can be also accessed with the function \code{\link{s_arima}}
#' and the final pre-specified ARMA coefficients, with the function \code{\link{s_arimaCoef}}.}
#' \item{forecast}{a data frame with the forecast horizon (argument \code{fcst.horizon}).
#' The final value can also be accessed with the function \code{\link{s_fcst}}.}
#' \item{span}{a matrix containing the final time span for the model estimation and outlier detection.
#' It contains the same information as the variable span in the data frames estimate and outliers.
#' The matrix can be also accessed with the function \code{\link{s_span}}.}
#' @references
#' More information and examples related to 'JDemetra+' features in the online documentation:
#' \url{https://jdemetra-new-documentation.netlify.app/}
#' @examples\donttest{
#' myseries <- ipi_c_eu[, "FR"]
#' myspec1 <- regarima_spec_x13(spec = "RG5c")
#' myreg1 <- regarima(myseries, spec = myspec1)
#'  # To modify a pre-specified model specification
#' myspec2 <- regarima_spec_x13(spec = "RG5c",
#'                              tradingdays.option = "WorkingDays")
#' myreg2 <- regarima(myseries, spec = myspec2)
#'  # To modify the model specification of a "regarima" object
#' myspec3 <- regarima_spec_x13(myreg1, tradingdays.option = "WorkingDays")
#' myreg3 <- regarima(myseries, myspec3)
#'  # To modify the model specification of a "regarima_spec" object
#' myspec4 <- regarima_spec_x13(myspec1, tradingdays.option = "WorkingDays")
#' myreg4 <- regarima(myseries, myspec4)
#'  # Pre-specified outliers
#' myspec1 <- regarima_spec_x13(spec = "RG5c", usrdef.outliersEnabled = TRUE,
#'               usrdef.outliersType = c("LS", "AO"),
#'               usrdef.outliersDate = c("2008-10-01", "2002-01-01"),
#'               usrdef.outliersCoef = c(36, 14),
#'               transform.function = "None")
#' myreg1 <- regarima(myseries, myspec1)
#' myreg1
#' s_preOut(myreg1)
#'  # User-defined variables
#' var1 <- ts(rnorm(length(myseries))*10, start = start(myseries),
#'            frequency = 12)
#' var2 <- ts(rnorm(length(myseries))*100, start = start(myseries),
#'            frequency = 12)
#' var <- ts.union(var1, var2)
#' myspec1 <- regarima_spec_x13(spec = "RG5c", usrdef.varEnabled = TRUE,
#'                              usrdef.var = var)
#' myreg1 <- regarima(myseries, myspec1)
#' myreg1
#' myspec2 <- regarima_spec_x13(spec = "RG5c", usrdef.varEnabled = TRUE,
#'                              usrdef.var = var1, usrdef.varCoef = 2,
#'                              transform.function = "None")
#' myreg2 <- regarima(myseries, myspec2)
#' s_preVar(myreg2)
#'  # Pre-specified ARMA coefficients
#' myspec1 <- regarima_spec_x13(spec = "RG5c", automdl.enabled =FALSE,
#'              arima.p = 1, arima.q = 1, arima.bp = 0, arima.bq = 1,
#'              arima.coefEnabled = TRUE, arima.coef = c(-0.8, -0.6, 0),
#'              arima.coefType = c(rep("Fixed", 2), "Undefined"))
#' s_arimaCoef(myspec1)
#' myreg1 <- regarima(myseries, myspec1)
#' myreg1
#' }
#' @export
# The function creates a "regarima_spec" S3 class object from a JD+ defined specification with the X13 method
regarima_spec_x13  <- function(spec = c("RG5c", "RG0", "RG1", "RG2c", "RG3", "RG4c"),
                               preliminary.check = NA,
                                  estimate.from = NA_character_,
                                  estimate.to = NA_character_,
                                  estimate.first = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.last = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.exclFirst = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.exclLast = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.tol = NA_integer_,
                                  transform.function = c(NA, "Auto", "None", "Log"),
                                  transform.adjust = c(NA, "None", "LeapYear", "LengthOfPeriod"),
                                  transform.aicdiff = NA_integer_,
                                  usrdef.outliersEnabled = NA,
                                  usrdef.outliersType = NA,
                                  usrdef.outliersDate = NA,
                                  usrdef.outliersCoef = NA,
                                  usrdef.varEnabled = NA,
                                  usrdef.var = NA,
                                  usrdef.varType = NA,
                                  usrdef.varCoef = NA,
                                  tradingdays.option = c(NA, "TradingDays", "WorkingDays", "UserDefined", "None"),
                                  tradingdays.autoadjust = NA,
                                  tradingdays.leapyear = c(NA, "LeapYear", "LengthOfPeriod","None"),
                                  tradingdays.stocktd = NA_integer_,
                                  tradingdays.test = c(NA, "Remove", "Add", "None"),
                                  easter.enabled = NA,
                                  easter.julian = NA,
                                  easter.duration = NA_integer_,
                                  easter.test = c(NA, "Add", "Remove", "None"),
                                  outlier.enabled = NA,
                                  outlier.from = NA_character_,
                                  outlier.to = NA_character_,
                                  outlier.first = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.last = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.exclFirst = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.exclLast = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.ao = NA,
                                  outlier.tc = NA,
                                  outlier.ls = NA,
                                  outlier.so = NA,
                                  outlier.usedefcv = NA,
                                  outlier.cv = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.method = c(NA, "AddOne", "AddAll"),
                                  outlier.tcrate  = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.enabled = NA,
                                  automdl.acceptdefault = NA,
                                  automdl.cancel = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ub1 = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ub2 = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.mixed = NA,
                                  automdl.balanced = NA,
                                  automdl.armalimit = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.reducecv = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ljungboxlimit = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ubfinal= NA_integer_,
                                  arima.mu = NA,
                                  arima.p = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.d = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.q = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.bp = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.bd = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.bq = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.coefEnabled = NA,
                                  arima.coef = NA,
                                  arima.coefType = NA,
                                  fcst.horizon = NA_integer_)
 UseMethod("regarima_spec_x13", spec)
#' @export
regarima_spec_x13.character <- function(spec = c("RG5c", "RG0", "RG1", "RG2c", "RG3", "RG4c"),
                                        preliminary.check = NA,
                            estimate.from = NA_character_,
                            estimate.to = NA_character_,
                            estimate.first = NA_integer_,
                            estimate.last = NA_integer_,
                            estimate.exclFirst = NA_integer_,
                            estimate.exclLast = NA_integer_,
                            estimate.tol = NA_integer_,
                            transform.function = c(NA, "Auto", "None", "Log"),
                            transform.adjust = c(NA, "None", "LeapYear", "LengthOfPeriod"),
                            transform.aicdiff = NA_integer_,
                            usrdef.outliersEnabled = NA,
                            usrdef.outliersType = NA,
                            usrdef.outliersDate = NA,
                            usrdef.outliersCoef = NA,
                            usrdef.varEnabled = NA,
                            usrdef.var = NA,
                            usrdef.varType = NA,
                            usrdef.varCoef = NA,
                            tradingdays.option = c(NA, "TradingDays", "WorkingDays", "UserDefined", "None"),
                            tradingdays.autoadjust = NA,
                            tradingdays.leapyear = c(NA, "LeapYear", "LengthOfPeriod","None"),
                            tradingdays.stocktd = NA_integer_,
                            tradingdays.test = c(NA, "Remove", "Add", "None"),
                            easter.enabled = NA,
                            easter.julian = NA,
                            easter.duration = NA_integer_,
                            easter.test = c(NA, "Add", "Remove", "None"),
                            outlier.enabled = NA,
                            outlier.from = NA_character_,
                            outlier.to = NA_character_,
                            outlier.first = NA_integer_,
                            outlier.last = NA_integer_,
                            outlier.exclFirst = NA_integer_,
                            outlier.exclLast = NA_integer_,
                            outlier.ao = NA,
                            outlier.tc = NA,
                            outlier.ls = NA,
                            outlier.so = NA,
                            outlier.usedefcv = NA,
                            outlier.cv = NA_integer_,
                            outlier.method = c(NA, "AddOne", "AddAll"),
                            outlier.tcrate  = NA_integer_,
                            automdl.enabled = NA,
                            automdl.acceptdefault = NA,
                            automdl.cancel = NA_integer_,
                            automdl.ub1 = NA_integer_,
                            automdl.ub2 = NA_integer_,
                            automdl.mixed = NA,
                            automdl.balanced = NA,
                            automdl.armalimit = NA_integer_,
                            automdl.reducecv = NA_integer_,
                            automdl.ljungboxlimit = NA_integer_,
                            automdl.ubfinal= NA_integer_,
                            arima.mu = NA,
                            arima.p = NA_integer_,
                            arima.d = NA_integer_,
                            arima.q = NA_integer_,
                            arima.bp = NA_integer_,
                            arima.bd = NA_integer_,
                            arima.bq = NA_integer_,
                            arima.coefEnabled = NA,
                            arima.coef = NA,
                            arima.coefType = NA,
                            fcst.horizon = NA_integer_)
  spec <- match.arg(spec)
  transform.function <- match.arg(transform.function)
  transform.adjust <- match.arg(transform.adjust)
  tradingdays.option <- match.arg(tradingdays.option)
  tradingdays.leapyear <- match.arg(tradingdays.leapyear)
  tradingdays.test <- match.arg(tradingdays.test)
  easter.test <- match.arg(easter.test)
  outlier.method <- match.arg(outlier.method)
  estimate.fromD <- as.Date(estimate.from)
  estimate.toD <- as.Date(estimate.to)
  outlier.fromD <- as.Date(outlier.from)
  outlier.toD <- as.Date(outlier.to)

  # To check and define the time span variables for estimates and outliers
  est.span <- spec_span(from=estimate.fromD,to=estimate.toD,first=estimate.first,last=estimate.last,
                                 exclFirst=estimate.exclFirst,exclLast=estimate.exclLast, var="estimate")

  out.span <- spec_span(from=outlier.fromD,to=outlier.toD,first=outlier.first,last=outlier.last,
                                exclFirst=outlier.exclFirst,exclLast=outlier.exclLast, var="outlier")

  estimate.span <- as.character(est.span[1,1])
  outlier.span <- as.character(out.span[1,1])

  span <- rbind(est.span[,-1],out.span[,-1])
  rownames(span) <- c("estimate","outlier")

  # To check the predefined outliers variables
  predef.outliers <- spec_preOut(outliertype=usrdef.outliersType,outlierdate=usrdef.outliersDate, outliercoef=usrdef.outliersCoef)

  # To check the user-defined variables
  predef.variables <- spec_preVar(var = usrdef.var, vartype = usrdef.varType, varcoef = usrdef.varCoef,
                                  tradingdays.option = tradingdays.option)

  # To check the ARIMA coefficients
  predef.coef <- spec_arimaCoef(coef = arima.coef, coeftype = arima.coefType)

  # To check the mode of the remaining variables
  list.logical.usrdef <-list("usrdef.outliersEnabled","usrdef.varEnabled","arima.coefEnabled")
  list.logical.check <- append(list.logical.usrdef,list.logical)
  list.numeric.span <- list("estimate.first","estimate.last","estimate.exclFirst","estimate.exclLast",
  list.numeric.check <- append(list.numeric.span,list.numeric)

  for (i in 1:length(list.logical.check)) {
    eval(parse(text=paste("if( !is.logical(",list.logical.check[i],")) {",list.logical.check[i]," = NA; var.list=append(var.list,'",list.logical.check[i],"')}",sep="")))
  if (length(var.list)>0) {warning(paste("Variable(s)",deparse(as.character(var.list))," should be logical. They are ignored."))}

  for (i in 1:length(list.numeric.check)) {
    eval(parse(text=paste("if( !is.numeric(",list.numeric.check[i],")) {",list.numeric.check[i]," = NA; var.list=append(var.list,'",list.numeric.check[i],"')}",sep="")))
  if (length(var.list)>0) {warning(paste("Variable(s)",deparse(as.character(var.list))," should be numeric. They are ignored."))}


  # To create the Java object
  jrspec<-.jcall("jdr/spec/x13/RegArimaSpec", "Ljdr/spec/x13/RegArimaSpec;", "of", spec)

  # To extract the model specification from the Java object
  rspec <- spec_regarima_X13_jd2r(spec = jrspec, extra_info = FALSE)

  # Predefined and modified values
  predef.out <- list(Predefined = NA, Final = predef.outliers)
  predef.var <- list(Predefined = list(series = NA, description = NA), Final = predef.variables)
  arima.coeff <- list(Predefined = NA , Final = predef.coef)

  for (i in 1:length(variables)) {
    eval(parse(text=paste(variables[i],".tab=c(rspec$",variables[i],",",variables[i],",","NA)", sep="")))

  v_estimate <-data.frame(preliminary.check = preliminary.check.tab,
                          span = estimate.span.tab, tolerance = estimate.tol.tab, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  v_transform <- data.frame(tfunction=transform.function.tab,adjust=transform.adjust.tab,aicdiff=transform.aicdiff.tab,
  v_trading.days<-data.frame( option = tradingdays.option.tab, autoadjust=tradingdays.autoadjust.tab, leapyear = tradingdays.leapyear.tab,
                              stocktd = tradingdays.stocktd.tab, test = tradingdays.test.tab, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  v_easter<-data.frame(enabled=easter.enabled.tab,julian=easter.julian.tab,duration=easter.duration.tab,test=easter.test.tab, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  v_usrdef <- data.frame(outlier= c(FALSE, usrdef.outliersEnabled,NA),outlier.coef= c(FALSE,NA,NA),
                         variables =c(FALSE, usrdef.varEnabled,NA), variables.coef = c(FALSE,NA,NA),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  v_outliers<-data.frame(enabled=outlier.enabled.tab,span=outlier.span.tab,ao=outlier.ao.tab, tc=outlier.tc.tab, ls = outlier.ls.tab,
  v_arima <-data.frame(enabled=automdl.enabled.tab,automdl.acceptdefault=automdl.acceptdefault.tab,automdl.cancel=automdl.cancel.tab,
                       automdl.armalimit=automdl.armalimit.tab,automdl.reducecv=automdl.reducecv.tab, automdl.ljungboxlimit=automdl.ljungboxlimit.tab,
                       automdl.ubfinal=automdl.ubfinal.tab,arima.mu=arima.mu.tab,arima.p=arima.p.tab,arima.d =arima.d.tab,arima.q=arima.q.tab,
                       arima.bp=arima.bp.tab,arima.bd=arima.bd.tab,arima.bq=arima.bq.tab,arima.coef = c(FALSE,arima.coefEnabled,NA), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  v_forecast <- data.frame(horizon = c(-2,fcst.horizon,NA), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  span.spec <-rspec$span

  # Final values
  x <- spec_estimateX13(est = v_estimate, spanP = span.spec, spanM = span)
  estimate <- x$est
  span <- x$span
  transform<-spec_transformX13(trans = v_transform)
  userdef <- spec_userdef(usrspc = v_usrdef, out = predef.out, var = predef.var, tf = transform[3,1])
  trading.days <- spec_tdX13(td=v_trading.days,tf = transform[3,1], tadj = transform[3,2])
  easter<- spec_easterX13(easter=v_easter)
  regression<-list(userdef = userdef, trading.days = trading.days, easter = easter)
  y <- spec_outliersX13(out = v_outliers, spanP = span.spec, spanM = span)
  outliers <- y$out
  span <- y$span
  arima <- spec_arimaX13(arimaspc=v_arima, arimaco=arima.coeff)
  forecast <- spec_forecast(fcst=v_forecast)

  new_regarima_spec_x13(estimate = estimate,
                        transform = transform,
                        regression = regression,
                        outliers = outliers,
                        arima = arima,
                        forecast = forecast,
                        span = span)
new_regarima_spec_x13 <- function(estimate = NULL,
                                  transform = NULL,
                                  regression = NULL,
                                  outliers = NULL,
                                  arima = NULL,
                                  forecast = NULL,
                                  span = NULL){
  z <- list(estimate = estimate,
            transform = transform,
            regression = regression,
            outliers = outliers,
            arima = arima,
            forecast = forecast,
            span = span)
  class(z) = c("regarima_spec","X13")
reformat_spec_def <- function(x, parameter){
  data_names <- names(x[[parameter]])
  res <- lapply(data_names,function(name){
    already_formatted <- length(grep("\\.",name)) > 0
      var_name <- already_formatted
      var_name <- paste(parameter, name, sep = ".")
    if(exists(var_name, envir = parent.frame(n = 3))){
      c(x[[parameter]][[name]], get(var_name, envir = parent.frame(n = 3)), NA)

  names(res) <- data_names
# The function creates a ("regarima_spec","X13") class object from a regarima_spec or a regarima object
#' @export
regarima_spec_x13.X13 <- function(spec,
                                  preliminary.check = NA,
                                  estimate.from = NA_character_,
                                  estimate.to = NA_character_,
                                  estimate.first = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.last = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.exclFirst = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.exclLast = NA_integer_,
                                  estimate.tol = NA_integer_,
                                  transform.function = c(NA, "Auto", "None", "Log"),
                                  transform.adjust = c(NA, "None", "LeapYear", "LengthOfPeriod"),
                                  transform.aicdiff = NA_integer_,
                                  usrdef.outliersEnabled = NA,
                                  usrdef.outliersType = NA,
                                  usrdef.outliersDate = NA,
                                  usrdef.outliersCoef = NA,
                                  usrdef.varEnabled = NA,
                                  usrdef.var = NA,
                                  usrdef.varType = NA,
                                  usrdef.varCoef = NA,
                                  tradingdays.option = c(NA, "TradingDays", "WorkingDays", "UserDefined", "None"),
                                  tradingdays.autoadjust = NA,
                                  tradingdays.leapyear = c(NA, "LeapYear", "LengthOfPeriod", "None"),
                                  tradingdays.stocktd = NA_integer_,
                                  tradingdays.test = c(NA, "Remove", "Add", "None"),
                                  easter.enabled = NA,
                                  easter.julian = NA,
                                  easter.duration = NA_integer_,
                                  easter.test = c(NA_character_,"Add","Remove","None"),
                                  outlier.enabled = NA,
                                  outlier.from = NA_character_,
                                  outlier.to = NA_character_,
                                  outlier.first = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.last = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.exclFirst = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.exclLast = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.ao = NA,
                                  outlier.tc = NA,
                                  outlier.ls = NA,
                                  outlier.so = NA,
                                  outlier.usedefcv = NA,
                                  outlier.cv = NA_integer_,
                                  outlier.method = c(NA_character_,"AddOne","AddAll"),
                                  outlier.tcrate = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.enabled = NA,
                                  automdl.acceptdefault = NA,
                                  automdl.cancel = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ub1 = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ub2 = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.mixed = NA,
                                  automdl.balanced = NA,
                                  automdl.armalimit = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.reducecv = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ljungboxlimit = NA_integer_,
                                  automdl.ubfinal = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.mu = NA,
                                  arima.p = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.d = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.q = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.bp = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.bd = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.bq = NA_integer_,
                                  arima.coefEnabled = NA,
                                  arima.coef = NA,
                                  arima.coefType = NA,
                                  fcst.horizon = NA_integer_)
  if (!inherits(spec, "X13") & (!inherits(spec, "regarima") | !inherits(spec, "regarima_spec")))
    stop("This function must only be used with c(\"regarima\",\"X13\") or c(\"regarima_spec\",\"X13\") objects", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(s_estimate(spec)))

  transform.function <- match.arg(transform.function)
  transform.adjust <- match.arg(transform.adjust)
  tradingdays.option <- match.arg(tradingdays.option)
  tradingdays.leapyear <- match.arg(tradingdays.leapyear)
  tradingdays.test <- match.arg(tradingdays.test)
  easter.test <- match.arg(easter.test)
  outlier.method <- match.arg(outlier.method)
  estimate.fromD <- as.Date(estimate.from)
  estimate.toD <- as.Date(estimate.to)
  outlier.fromD <- as.Date(outlier.from)
  outlier.toD <- as.Date(outlier.to)

  # To check and define the time span variables for estimates and outliers
  est.span <- spec_span(from=estimate.fromD,to=estimate.toD,first=estimate.first,last=estimate.last,
                        exclFirst=estimate.exclFirst,exclLast=estimate.exclLast, var="estimate")

  out.span <- spec_span(from=outlier.fromD,to=outlier.toD,first=outlier.first,last=outlier.last,
                        exclFirst=outlier.exclFirst,exclLast=outlier.exclLast, var="outlier")

  estimate.span <- as.character(est.span[1,1])
  outlier.span <- as.character(out.span[1,1])

  span <- rbind(est.span[,-1],out.span[,-1])
  rownames(span) <- c("estimate","outlier")

  # To check the predefined outliers variables
  predef.outliers <- spec_preOut(outliertype=usrdef.outliersType, outlierdate=usrdef.outliersDate, outliercoef=usrdef.outliersCoef)

  # To check the user-defined variables
  predef.variables <- spec_preVar(var = usrdef.var, vartype = usrdef.varType, varcoef = usrdef.varCoef,
                                  tradingdays.option = tradingdays.option)

  # To check the ARIMA coefficients
  predef.coef <- spec_arimaCoef(coef = arima.coef, coeftype = arima.coefType)

  # To check the mode of the remaining variables
  list.logical<-list("preliminary.check", "usrdef.outliersEnabled","usrdef.varEnabled","tradingdays.autoadjust","easter.enabled","easter.julian",


  for (i in 1:length(list.logical)) {
    eval(parse(text=paste("if( !is.logical(",list.logical[i],")) {",list.logical[i]," = NA; var.list=append(var.list,'",list.logical[i],"')}",sep="")))
  if (length(var.list)>0) {warning(paste("Variable(s)",deparse(as.character(var.list))," should be logical. They are ignored."))}

  for (i in 1:length(list.numeric)) {
    eval(parse(text=paste("if( !is.numeric(",list.numeric[i],")) {",list.numeric[i]," = NA; var.list=append(var.list,'",list.numeric[i],"')}",sep="")))
  if (length(var.list)>0) {warning(paste("Variable(s)",deparse(as.character(var.list))," should be numeric. They are ignored."))}

  # Predefined values
  estimate.spec <- s_estimate(spec)
  transform.spec <- s_transform(spec)
  usrdef.spec <- s_usrdef(spec)
  trading.days.spec <- s_td(spec)
  easter.spec <- s_easter(spec)
  outliers.spec <- s_out(spec)
  arima.spec <- s_arima(spec)
  forecast.spec <- s_fcst(spec)
  span.spec <- s_span(spec)

  predef.outliers.spec <- s_preOut(spec)
  predef.variables.spec <- s_preVar(spec)
  predef.coef.spec <- s_arimaCoef(spec)

  # Modified values
  predef.out <- list(Predefined = predef.outliers.spec, Final = predef.outliers)
  predef.var <- list(Predefined = predef.variables.spec, Final = predef.variables)
  arima.coeff <- list(Predefined = predef.coef.spec , Final = predef.coef)

  estimate.mod <- data.frame(preliminary.check = preliminary.check, span = estimate.span, tolerance = estimate.tol, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  transform.mod <- data.frame(tfunction=transform.function,adjust=transform.adjust,aicdiff=transform.aicdiff, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  usrdef.mod <- data.frame(outlier=usrdef.outliersEnabled, outlier.coef= NA, variables = usrdef.varEnabled,
                              variables.coef = NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  trading.days.mod <- data.frame( option = tradingdays.option, autoadjust=tradingdays.autoadjust, leapyear = tradingdays.leapyear,
                           stocktd = tradingdays.stocktd, test = tradingdays.test, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  easter.mod <- data.frame(enabled=easter.enabled,julian=easter.julian,duration=easter.duration,test=easter.test, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  outliers.mod <- data.frame(enabled=outlier.enabled,span=outlier.span,ao=outlier.ao, tc=outlier.tc, ls = outlier.ls,
                      tcrate=outlier.tcrate, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  arima.mod <- data.frame(enabled=automdl.enabled,automdl.acceptdefault=automdl.acceptdefault,automdl.cancel=automdl.cancel,
                   automdl.armalimit=automdl.armalimit,automdl.reducecv=automdl.reducecv, automdl.ljungboxlimit=automdl.ljungboxlimit,
                   automdl.ubfinal=automdl.ubfinal,arima.mu=arima.mu,arima.p=arima.p,arima.d =arima.d,arima.q=arima.q,
                   arima.bp=arima.bp,arima.bd=arima.bd,arima.bq=arima.bq,arima.coef = arima.coefEnabled,
  forecast.mod <-data.frame(horizon=fcst.horizon)

  v_estimate <- rbind(estimate.spec,estimate.mod,rep(NA,length(estimate.spec)))
  v_transform <- rbind(transform.spec,transform.mod,rep(NA,length(transform.spec)))
  v_usrdef <- rbind(usrdef.spec,usrdef.mod,rep(NA,length(usrdef.spec)))
  v_trading.days <- rbind(trading.days.spec,trading.days.mod,rep(NA,length(trading.days.spec)))
  v_easter <- rbind(easter.spec,easter.mod,rep(NA,length(easter.spec)))
  v_outliers <- rbind(outliers.spec,outliers.mod,rep(NA,length(outliers.spec)))
  v_arima <- rbind(arima.spec,arima.mod,rep(NA,length(arima.spec)))
  v_forecast <-rbind(forecast.spec,forecast.mod,NA)

  # Final values
  x <- spec_estimateX13(est = v_estimate, spanP = span.spec, spanM = span)
  estimate <- x$est
  span <- x$span
  transform<-spec_transformX13(trans = v_transform)
  userdef <- spec_userdef(usrspc = v_usrdef, out = predef.out, var = predef.var, tf = transform[3,1])
  trading.days <- spec_tdX13(td=v_trading.days,tf = transform[3,1], tadj = transform[3,2])
  easter<- spec_easterX13(easter=v_easter)
  regression<-list(userdef = userdef, trading.days = trading.days, easter = easter)
  y <- spec_outliersX13(out = v_outliers, spanP = span.spec, spanM = span)
  outliers <- y$out
  span <- y$span
  arima <- spec_arimaX13(arimaspc=v_arima, arimaco=arima.coeff)
  forecast <- spec_forecast(fcst=v_forecast)

  new_regarima_spec_x13(estimate = estimate,
                        transform = transform,
                        regression = regression,
                        outliers = outliers,
                        arima = arima,
                        forecast = forecast,
                        span = span)


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