
Defines functions computeNewModel hierarchicalMixtCompLearn

# MixtComp version 4.0  - july 2019
# Copyright (C) Inria - Université de Lille - CNRS

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

# Hierarchical version of mixtCompLearn
# @param data data in matrix/data.frame/list format.
# @param desc list describing variables to keep and models to use
# @param algo list containing the parameters of the SEM-Gibbs algorithm
# @param nClass the number of class of the mixture model
# @param criterion criterion used to choose the order of clusters: "BIC", "ICL", "lnObservedLikelihood" or
# "lnCompletedLikelihood"
# @param minClassSize minimum number of elements in a cluster. If a cluster has less elements, this classes won't be
# split anymore.
# @return a list containing res and history. res is a list containing the mixtComp outputs for 2 clusters to nClass clusters.
# History contains intermediate results.
# @details
# 1) cluster data in 2 groups
# 2) A clustering in 2 groups is performed on each groups. The best clustering according to the specified criterion
# is kept to create a model with 3 groups
# 3) ...
# @examples
# \donttest{
# set.seed(42, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
# data <- matrix(nrow = 200, ncol = 2)
# data[,1] = c(rnorm(50, 0, 0.5), rnorm(50, -4, 0.8), rnorm(30, 2, 0.5), rnorm(70, -1, 0.4))
# data[,2] = c(rnorm(100, -2, 1), rnorm(100, 3, 0.4))
# colnames(data) = c("gauss1", "gauss2")
# truePartition <- rep(1:4, c(50, 50, 30, 70))
# descriptor <- list(gauss1 = "Gaussian", gauss2 = "Gaussian")
# algo <- list(nbBurnInIter = 100,
#                    nbIter = 100,
#                    nbGibbsBurnInIter = 50,
#                    nbGibbsIter = 50,
#                    nInitPerClass = 10,
#                    nSemTry = 20)
# res <- hierarchicalMixtCompLearn(data, descriptor, algo, nClass = 4, nCore = 1)
# }
# @author Quentin Grimonprez
# @export
hierarchicalMixtCompLearn <- function(data, model, algo = createAlgo(), nClass,
                                      criterion = c("BIC", "ICL", "lnObservedLikelihood", "lnCompletedLikelihood"),
                                      minClassSize = 5, nRun = 1, nCore = min(max(1, ceiling(detectCores() / 2)), nRun),
                                      verbose = TRUE) {
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)

  data <- formatData(data)
  model <- formatModel(model)

  nInd <- length(data[[1]])
  currentPartition <- rep("?", nInd)

  data$z_class <- currentPartition
  model$z_class <- list(type = "LatentClass", paramStr = "")

  if (verbose) {
      "====== Run Hierarchical MixtComp in ", algo$mode, " mode with ", nRun,
      " run(s) per number of classes and ", nCore, " core(s)\n"
    cat(paste0("Data: ", algo$nInd, " individuals and ", length(model), " variables.\n"))

  newRes <- leaves <- res <- allCrit <- list()

  ## initialization K = 1
  t1 <- proc.time()
  if (verbose) {
    cat(paste0("-- K = 1 \n"))

  algoTemp <- algo
  algoTemp$nInd <- length(data[[1]])
  algoTemp$nClass <- 1
  algoTemp$mode <- "learn"

  res[[1]] <- rmcMultiRun(algoTemp, data, model, list(), nRun, nCore, verbose)
  class(res[[1]]) <- "MixtComp"
  t2 <- proc.time()
  if (verbose) {
    cat(paste0("Run time: ", round((t2 - t1)[3], 3), "s\n"))

  ## if nClass = 1 there is no hierarchical process to perform
  if (nClass > 1) {
    leavesOrder <- MAXCRIT <- c()

    # at the beginning everyone is in 1 cluster
    # a leaf has 3 modes for go: "toRun", "wait" and "stop":
    # "toRun" = need to split in two.
    # "wait" = already split but not selected (will be split after being selected in a model)
    # "stop" = it won't be split anymore (not enough individuals)
    leaves[[1]] <- list(partition = rep(TRUE, nInd), indPartition = 1:nInd, go = "toRun", indParent = NULL)
    nbCurrentCluster <- 1
    nbLeavesToCompute <- 1

    while ((nbCurrentCluster != nClass) && (nbLeavesToCompute != 0)) {
      t1 <- proc.time()
      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste0("-- K = ", nbCurrentCluster + 1, "\n"))
        cat(paste0("Number of splits to perform: ", nbLeavesToCompute, "\n"))

      # perform clustering for all leaves
      hasRun <- c()
      for (i in seq_along(leaves)) {
        # run
        if (leaves[[i]]$go == "toRun") {
          if (verbose) {
            cat(paste0(" Split a cluster in two\n"))

          # reduce the data to the classes to split
          resData <- data
          for (j in names(resData)) {
            resData[[j]] <- data[[j]][leaves[[i]]$indPartition]

          algoTemp <- algo
          algoTemp$nInd <- length(resData[[1]])
          algoTemp$nClass <- 2
          algoTemp$mode <- "learn"

          newRes[[i]] <- rmcMultiRun(algoTemp, resData, model, list(), nRun, nCore, verbose)
          class(newRes[[i]]) <- "MixtComp"

          if (!is.null(newRes[[i]]$warnLog)) {
            hasRun <- c(hasRun, FALSE)
          } else {
            hasRun <- c(hasRun, TRUE)

      if (all(!hasRun)) {

      # compute criterion by computing all the models with K classes regarding the different available leaves
      if (verbose) {
        cat(" Compute criterion\n")
      maxCrit <- list(crit = -Inf, ind = NA)
      bestRes <- list(warnLog = "error")
      crit <- list()
      for (i in seq_along(leaves)) {
        if (leaves[[i]]$go %in% c("toRun", "wait")) {
          leaves[[i]]$go <- "wait"
          if (is.null(leaves[[i]]$indParent)) {
            maxCrit$ind <- 1
            maxCrit$crit <- newRes[[1]]$mixture[[criterion]]
            bestRes <- newRes[[1]]
          } else {
            if (is.null(newRes[[i]]$warnLog)) {
              # indClass <- unique(res[[nbCurrentCluster]]$variable$data$z_class$completed[leaves[[i]]$indPartition])
              indClass <- unique(getPartition(res[[nbCurrentCluster]], empiric = FALSE)[leaves[[i]]$indPartition])

              tempRes <- computeNewModel(res[[nbCurrentCluster]], newRes[[i]], indClass, data, model, algo, nRun, nCore, verbose)
              if (!is.null(tempRes$warnLog)) {
                crit[[i]] <- -Inf
              } else {
                crit[[i]] <- tempRes$mixture[[criterion]]

              if (crit[[i]] > maxCrit$crit) {
                maxCrit$crit <- crit[[i]]
                maxCrit$ind <- i
                bestRes <- tempRes
      MAXCRIT <- c(MAXCRIT, maxCrit$crit)
      allCrit[[nbCurrentCluster]] <- crit
      leavesOrder <- c(leavesOrder, maxCrit$ind)

      if (!is.na(maxCrit$ind)) {
        # update leaves for the next step: add the 2 new clusters
        leaves[[maxCrit$ind]]$go <- "parent"
        part <- getPartition(newRes[[maxCrit$ind]], empiric = FALSE)
        leaves[[length(leaves) + 1]] <- list(
          partition = (part == 1), indPartition = leaves[[maxCrit$ind]]$indPartition[part == 1],
          go = "toRun", indParent = maxCrit$ind
        leaves[[length(leaves) + 1]] <- list(
          partition = (part == 2), indPartition = leaves[[maxCrit$ind]]$indPartition[part == 2],
          go = "toRun", indParent = maxCrit$ind

        # stop some classes due to size
        for (i in seq_along(leaves)) {
          if (leaves[[i]]$go %in% c("toRun", "wait")) {
            if (sum(leaves[[i]]$partition) <= minClassSize) {
              leaves[[i]]$go <- "stop"
        nbLeavesToCompute <- sum(sapply(leaves, FUN = function(x) {
          x$go %in% c("toRun")
        nbCurrentCluster <- nbCurrentCluster + 1
        res[[nbCurrentCluster]] <- bestRes
      } else {
        # if maxCrit$ind == NA, no leaves has produced a model, we force the stop of hierarchical
          "The hierarchy was stop earlier because all clustering on leaves produced error.",
          "Try to increase the nRun parameter."
        nbLeavesToCompute <- 0
      t2 <- proc.time()

      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste0("Run time: ", round((t2 - t1)[3], 3), "s\n"))
    } # end while

    # tell the user if we have not attained the desired number of cluster
    if (nbCurrentCluster != nClass) {
      warning(paste0("Unable to get ", nClass, " clusters. Only ", nbCurrentCluster, " clusters were computed."))

    names(MAXCRIT) <- 2:nbCurrentCluster

    out <- c(
        res = res, crit = MAXCRIT, nClass = 1:nbCurrentCluster,
        history = list(leavesOrder = leavesOrder, leaves = leaves, resLeaves = newRes, critStep = allCrit)
    if (is.null(out$warnLog)) {
      out$algo$hierarchicalMode <- TRUE

    class(out) <- c("MixtCompLearn", "MixtComp")
  } else {
    out <- c(res[[1]], list(res = res, nClass = 1))
    if (is.null(out$warnLog)) {
      out$algo$hierarchicalMode <- TRUE

    class(out) <- c("MixtCompLearn", "MixtComp")


# Compute the new model with the given parent and child
# Compute the parameter of the model (in supervised) with the clusters of child replacing one cluster of the parent
# @param resParent result object of a MixtComp run.
# @param resChild result object of a MixtComp run. This run is performed on the individuals of one cluster of resParent
# @param classParentOfChild cluster of the parent used for the child
# @param data
# @param model
# @param algo
# @return mixtComp res
# @author Quentin Grimonprez
computeNewModel <- function(resParent, resChild, classParentOfChild, data, model, algo, nRun, nCore, verbose) {
  ## Run MixtComp with fixed partition in order to estimate parameter and criterion for the given leaves

  # compute new partition
  oldZ_class <- getPartition(resParent, empiric = FALSE) # resParent$variable$data$z_class$completed
  childPartition <- getPartition(resChild, empiric = FALSE) # resChild$variable$data$z_class$completed
  newZ_class <- rep(NA, length(oldZ_class))

  newZ_class[oldZ_class == classParentOfChild] <- childPartition + (resParent$algo$nClass - 1)
  newZ_class[oldZ_class != classParentOfChild] <- refactorCategorical(
    oldZ_class[oldZ_class != classParentOfChild],
    unique(oldZ_class[oldZ_class != classParentOfChild]),
    seq_along(unique(oldZ_class[oldZ_class != classParentOfChild]))

  data$z_class <- as.character(newZ_class)

  # run with fixed partition
  algo$nClass <- resParent$algo$nClass + 1
  algo$nInd <- resParent$algo$nInd
  algo$mode <- "learn"
  algo$nInitPerClass <- algo$nInd

  res <- rmcMultiRun(algo, data, model, list(), nRun, nCore, verbose)
  class(res) <- "MixtComp"


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RMixtComp documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:06 p.m.