# ==================
# RPE Estimators
# Functions for IF
# ==================
# Wrapper function for IF RPE
IF.fn <- function(x, estimator, returns, nuisance.par, family, eff, ...){
# Available estimators
estimator.available <- c("DSR", "ES", "ESratio", "LPM",
"Mean", "OmegaRatio", "RachevRatio", "robMean",
"SemiSD", "SD", "SR", "SoR",
"VaR", "VaRratio")
# Checking if the specified estimator is available
if(!(estimator %in% estimator.available))
stop("The specified estimator is not available.")
# Plot for the specified estimator
DSR = IF.DSR.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
ES = IF.ES.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
ESratio = IF.ESratio.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
LPM = IF.LPM.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
Mean = IF.Mean.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
OmegaRatio = IF.OmegaRatio.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
RachevRatio = IF.RachevRatio.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
robMean = IF.robMean.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, family, eff, ...),
SemiSD = IF.SemiSD.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
SD = IF.SD.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
SR = IF.SR.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
SoR = IF.SoR.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
VaR = IF.VaR.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...),
VaRratio = IF.VaRratio.fn(x, returns, nuisance.par, ...))
# Downside SR IF Function
IF.DSR.fn <- function(x, returns, parsDSR.IF, rf = 0){
# IF for null returns
# Parameters for null returns
mu.hat <- parsDSR.IF$mu
semisd <- parsDSR.IF$semisd
semimean <- parsDSR.IF$semimean
dsr <- parsDSR.IF$dsr
} else{
# Computing the mean of the returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computing the SemiSD
semisd <- sqrt((1/length(returns))*sum((returns-mu.hat)^2*(returns <= mu.hat)))
# Computing the SemiMean
semimean <- (1/length(returns))*sum((returns-mu.hat)*(returns <= mu.hat))
# Computing DSR of the returns
dsr <- (mu.hat-rf)/(semisd*sqrt(2))
# IF computation
IF.DSR <- (-dsr*(x - mu.hat)^2*(x <= mu.hat)/(2*semisd^2) + (x - mu.hat)*(1/semisd + dsr*semimean/semisd^2) + dsr/2)/sqrt(2)
# ES IF Function
IF.ES.fn <- function(x, returns, parsES.IF, alpha.ES = 0.05){
# IF for null returns
# Finding the quantile of the density fit based on the desired tail probability
quantile.alpha <- parsES.IF$q.alpha
# Computing the ES parameter based on the desired tail probability
ES.tail <- parsES.IF$es.alpha
} else{
# Finding the quantile of the density fit based on the desired tail probability
quantile.alpha <- quantile(returns, alpha.ES)
# Computing the ES parameter based on the desired tail probability
ES.tail <- -mean(returns[returns <= quantile.alpha])
# IF Computation
IF.ES <- 1/alpha.ES*((-x+quantile.alpha)*(x <= quantile.alpha))-quantile.alpha-ES.tail
# ES Ratio IF Function
IF.ESratio.fn <- function(x, returns, parsESratio.IF, alpha = 0.1, rf = 0){
# IF for null returns
# Parameters for null returns
mu.hat <- parsESratio.IF$mu
q.alpha <- parsESratio.IF$q.alpha
ES.hat <- parsESratio.IF$es.alpha
ESratio.hat <- parsESratio.IF$ES.ratio
} else{
# Computing the mean of the returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computing the SD of the returns
sigma.hat <- mean((returns-mu.hat)^2)
# Storing the negative value of the VaR based on the desired alpha
q.alpha <- as.numeric(quantile(returns, alpha))
# Computing the ES of the returns
ES.hat <- -mean(returns[returns <= q.alpha])
# Computing the ESratio of the returns
ESratio.hat <- (mu.hat-rf)/ES.hat
# IF computation
IF.ESratio <- (x - mu.hat)/ES.hat - ESratio.hat/ES.hat*((-x + q.alpha)*(x <= q.alpha)/alpha - q.alpha - ES.hat)
# LPM IF Function
IF.LPM.fn <- function(x, returns, parsLPM.IF, const = 0, order = 1){
# Nuisance paramters if returns null
lpm1 <- parsLPM.IF$lpm1
lpm2 <- parsLPM.IF$lpm2
} else{
lpm1 <- LPM(returns, const = const, order = 1)
lpm2 <- LPM(returns, const = const, order = 2)
# IF computation
if(order == 1)
IF.LPM <- (const - x)*(x <= const) - lpm1 else if(order == 2)
IF.LPM <- (const - x)^2*(x <= const) - lpm2
# Mean IF Function
IF.Mean.fn <- function(x, returns, parsMean.IF){
# Computing the nuisance parameters
mu.hat <- parsMean.IF$mu else
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computing the IF for the mean of the returns
IF.Mean <- x - mu.hat
# Return value for the estimator
# Omega Ratio IF Function
IF.OmegaRatio.fn <- function(x, returns, parsOmega.IF, const = 0){
# IF for null returns
# Parameters for null returns
lpm1 <- parsOmega.IF$lpm1
upm1 <- parsOmega.IF$upm1
omega <- parsOmega.IF$omega
} else{
# Returning length of returns vector
N <- length(returns)
# Computing Partial moments
lpm1 <- LPM(returns, const = const, order = 1)
upm1 <- UPM(returns, const = const, order = 1)
omega <- 1 + (mean(returns)-const)/lpm1
# IF computation
IF.Omega <- 1/lpm1*((x-const)*(x >= const)-upm1) - omega/lpm1*((const-x)*(x <= const)-lpm1)
# Rachev Ratio IF Function
IF.RachevRatio.fn <- function(x, returns, parsRachev.IF, alpha = 0.1, beta = 0.1){
# IF for null returns
# Parameters for null returns
q.alpha <- parsRachev.IF$q.alpha
es.alpha <- parsRachev.IF$es.alpha
q.beta <- parsRachev.IF$q.beta
eg.beta <- parsRachev.IF$eg.beta
rachev.ratio <- parsRachev.IF$rach.r
} else{
# Finding the quantile of the density fit based on the desired lower tail probability
q.alpha <- as.numeric(quantile(returns, alpha))
# Computing the ES of the returns (lower tail)
es.alpha <- -mean(returns[returns <= q.alpha])
# Finding the quantile of the density fit based on the desired upper tail probability
q.beta <- as.numeric(quantile(returns, 1-beta))
# Computing the ES of the returns (upper tail)
eg.beta <- mean(returns[returns >= q.beta])
# Computing Rachev ratio
rachev.ratio <- eg.beta/es.alpha
# IF computation
IF.RachevRatio <- (1/es.alpha)*((x >= q.beta)*(x-q.beta)/beta + q.beta - eg.beta) -
(rachev.ratio/es.alpha)*((-1)*(x <= q.alpha)*(x-q.alpha)/alpha - q.alpha - es.alpha)
# Rachev Ratio IF Function
IF.robMean.fn <- function(x, returns, parsrobMean.IF, family, eff){
# Extracting tuning parameters
tuning.parameters <-
mopt = RobStatTM::mopt(eff),
opt = RobStatTM::opt(eff),
bisquare = RobStatTM::bisquare(eff))
if(is.null(returns)){ <- parsrobMean.IF$mu <- parsrobMean.IF$sd <- parsrobMean.IF$
# IF computation
IF.robMean <- * (RobStatTM::rhoprime((x - /, family = family, cc = tuning.parameters)) /
} else{
# Computing the robust estimates for location and scale <- RobStatTM::locScaleM(returns, psi = family, eff = eff)$mu <- mad(returns)
# IF computation
IF.robMean <- * (RobStatTM::rhoprime((x - /, family = family, cc = tuning.parameters)) /
mean(RobStatTM::rhoprime2((returns - /, family = family, cc = tuning.parameters))
# Semi-SD IF Function
IF.SemiSD.fn <- function(x, returns, parsSemiSD.IF){
# IF for null returns
mu.hat <- parsSemiSD.IF$mu
semisd <- parsSemiSD.IF$semisd
semimean <- parsSemiSD.IF$semimean
} else{
# Computing the mean of the returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computing the SemiSD
semisd <- sqrt((1/length(returns))*sum((returns-mu.hat)^2*(returns<= mu.hat)))
# Computing the SemiMean
semimean <- (1/length(returns))*sum((returns-mu.hat)*(returns<= mu.hat))
# IF computation
IF.SemiSD <- ((x - mu.hat)^2 * (x <= mu.hat) - 2*semimean * (x-mu.hat) - semisd^2)/(2*semisd)
# SD IF Function
IF.SD.fn <- function(x, returns, parSemiSD.IF){
# Computing the nuisance parameters
mu.hat <- parSemiSD.IF$mu
sd.hat <- parSemiSD.IF$sd
} else{
# Computing the mean of the returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computing the standard deviation of the returns
sd.hat <- sd(returns)
# IF computation
IF.SD <- ((x-mu.hat)^2-sd.hat^2)/2/sd.hat
# SoR IF Function
IF.SoR.fn <- function(x, returns, parsSoR.IF, rf = 0, const = 0, threshold = c("mean", "const")[1]){
# Case where we want mean threshold
if(threshold == "mean")
return(IF.SoR_M.fn(x = x, returns = returns, parsSoR_M.IF = parsSoR.IF, rf = rf)) else if(threshold == "const")
return(IF.SoR_C.fn(x = x, returns = returns, parsSoR_C.IF = parsSoR.IF, const = const))
# SoR (Constant Threshold) IF Function
IF.SoR_C.fn <- function(x, returns, parsSoR_C.IF, const = 0){
# IF for null returns
# Parameters for null returns
mu.hat <- parsSoR_C.IF$mu
sor.c <- parsSoR_C.IF$sor.c
lpm2 <- parsSoR_C.IF$lpm2
} else{
# Computation the mean of the returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computating the LPM of the returns
lpm2 <- LPM(returns, const = const, order = 2)
# Computing the Sortino ratio of the returns
sor.c <- (mu.hat-const)/sqrt(lpm2)
# IF computation
IF.SoR <- -sor.c*(x-const)^2*(x<= const)/(2*lpm2) + (x-mu.hat)/sqrt(lpm2) + sor.c/2
# SoR (Mean Threshold) IF Function
IF.SoR_M.fn <- function(x, returns, parsSoR_M.IF, rf = 0){
# IF for null returns
# Parameters for null returns
mu.hat <- parsSoR_M.IF$mu
semisd <- parsSoR_M.IF$semisd
semimean <- parsSoR_M.IF$semimean
sor <- parsSoR_M.IF$
} else{
# Computing the mean of the returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computing the SemiSD
semisd <- sqrt((1/length(returns))*sum((returns-mu.hat)^2*(returns<= mu.hat)))
# Computing the SemiMean
semimean <- (1/length(returns))*sum((returns-mu.hat)*(returns<= mu.hat))
# Computing Sortino ratio of the returns
sor <- (mu.hat-rf)/(semisd)
# IF computation
IF.SoR <- (-sor*(x - mu.hat)^2*(x<= mu.hat)/(2*semisd^2) + (x - mu.hat)*(1/semisd + sor*semimean/semisd^2) + sor/2)
# SR IF Function
IF.SR.fn <- function(x, returns, parsSR.IF, rf = 0){
# Computing the nuisance parameters
mu.hat <- parsSR.IF$mu
sd.hat <- parsSR.IF$sd
sr <- parsSR.IF$sr
} else{
# Computing the mean of the returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Computing the SD of the returns
sd.hat <- sd(returns)
# Computing the SR of the returns
sr <- (mu.hat-rf)/sd.hat
# IF Computation
IF.SR <- 1/sd.hat*(x-mu.hat)-1/2*mu.hat/sd.hat^3*((x-mu.hat)^2-sd.hat^2)
# VaR IF Function
IF.VaR.fn <- function(x, returns, parsVaR.IF, alpha = 0.05){
# IF for null returns
# Fitting a density function to the returns
fq.alpha <- parsVaR.IF$fq.alpha
# Finding the quantile of the density fit based on the desired tail probability
quantile.alpha <- parsVaR.IF$q.alpha
} else{
# Fitting a density function to the returns <- approxfun(density(returns))
# Finding the quantile of the density fit based on the desired tail probability
quantile.alpha <- quantile(returns, alpha)
# Probability for the obtained quantile
fq.alpha <-
# IF Computation
IF.VaR <- ((x<= quantile.alpha)-alpha)/fq.alpha
# VaR Ratio IF Function
IF.VaRratio.fn <- function(x, returns, parsVaRratio.IF, alpha = 0.1, rf = 0){
# IF for null returns
# Parameters for null returns
mu.hat <- parsVaRratio.IF$mu
VaR.hat <- -parsVaRratio.IF$q.alpha
VaRratio.hat <- parsVaRratio.IF$VaR.ratio
fq.alpha <- parsVaRratio.IF$fq.alpha
} else{
# Mean of returns
mu.hat <- mean(returns)
# Fitting a density function to the returns <- approxfun(density(returns))
# Probability for the obtained quantile
fq.alpha <- quantile(returns, alpha)
# Finding the quantile of the density fit based on the desired tail probability
VaR.hat <- -quantile(returns, alpha)
# Computing the VaR ratio
VaRratio.hat <- (mu.hat - rf)/VaR.hat
# IF Computation
IF.VaRratio <- (x - mu.hat)/VaR.hat - (VaRratio.hat/VaR.hat) * ((x <= -VaR.hat)-alpha)/fq.alpha
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