
test_that("quoting string", {
  con <- postgresDefault()

  quoted <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--")
  expect_s4_class(quoted, 'SQL')
    '"Robert\'); DROP TABLE Students;--"')

test_that("quoting SQL", {
  con <- postgresDefault()

  quoted <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, SQL("Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--"))
  expect_s4_class(quoted, 'SQL')
    "Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--")

test_that("quoting Id", {
  con <- postgresDefault()

  quoted <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, Id(schema = 'Robert', table = 'Students;--'))
  expect_s4_class(quoted, 'SQL')

test_that("unquoting identifier - SQL with quotes", {
  con <- postgresDefault()

  expect_equal(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('"Students;--"')),
    list(Id(table = 'Students;--')))

  expect_equal(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('"Robert"."Students;--"')),
    list(Id(schema = 'Robert', table = 'Students;--')))

  expect_equal(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('"Rob""ert"."Students;--"')),
    list(Id(schema = 'Rob"ert', table = 'Students;--')))

  expect_equal(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('"Rob.ert"."Students;--"')),
    list(Id(schema = 'Rob.ert',  table = 'Students;--')))

  expect_error(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('"Robert."Students"')),
    "^Can't unquote")

test_that("unquoting identifier - SQL without quotes", {
  con <- postgresDefault()

  expect_equal(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('Students')),
    list(Id(table = 'Students')))

  expect_equal(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('Robert.Students')),
    list(Id(schema = 'Robert', table = 'Students')))

  expect_error(dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, SQL('Rob""ert.Students')),
    "^Can't unquote")

test_that("unquoting identifier - Id", {
  con <- postgresDefault()

    Id(schema = 'Robert', table = 'Students;--')),
  list(Id(schema = 'Robert', table = 'Students;--')))

test_that("quoting text NULL (#393)", {
  con <- postgresDefault()

  dbExecute(con, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE null_text (col jsonb)")
  on.exit(dbExecute(con, "DROP TABLE null_text"))

  json <- c("{}", NA)
  values_expr <- paste(
    paste0("(", dbQuoteLiteral(con, json), ")"),
    collapse = ", "
  stmt <- paste0("INSERT INTO null_text (col) VALUES ", values_expr)

  dbExecute(con, stmt)
    dbReadTable(con, "null_text")$col,
    structure(c("{}", NA), class = "pq_jsonb")

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RPostgres documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 1:06 a.m.