#' Linear Model Evaluation with RRPP performed within subjects
#' Function performs a linear model fit over many random permutations of
#' data, using a randomized residual permutation procedure restricted to
#' subjects.
#' The function fits a linear model using ordinary least squares (OLS) or
#' generalized least squares (GLS) estimation of coefficients over any
#' number of random permutations of the data, but the permutations are mostly
#' restricted to occur with subject blocks for any model terms other than subjects.
#' All functionality should resemble that of \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}. However,
#' an argument for research subjects is also required. The purpose of this function
#' is to account for the non-independence among observations of research subjects
#' (due to sampling within subjects), while also allowing for the non-independence
#' among subjects to be considered (Adams and Collyer, submitted).
#' By comparison, the covariance matrix option in \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} must have a
#' one-to-one match to observations, which can be matched by the row names of the data.
#' In this function, the covariance matrix can be the same one used in \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' but the number of observations can be greater. For example, if subjects are
#' species or some other level of taxonomic organization, data can comprise measurements
#' on individuals. Users have the option to expand the covariance matrix for subjects
#' or input one they have generated.
#' Irrespective of covariance matrix type, the row names of the data matrix must match the
#' subjects. This step assures that the analysis can proceed in \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}. It
#' is also best to make sure to use an \code{\link{}}, so that the subjects
#' can be a name in that data frame. For example, if research subjects are species and
#' data (observations) are collected from individuals within species, then a procedure like
#' the following should produce results:
#' rownames(Y) <- species
#' rdf <- = Y, subjects = species, x = x)
#' fit <- ~ species * x, subject = species, data = rdf, Cov = myCov, ...)
#' where ... means other arguments. The covariances in the the Covariance matrix can be
#' sorted by the subjects factor but data will not be sorted. Therefore, names matching
#' the subjects is essential. Additionally, subjects must be a factor in the data frame
#' or a factor in the global environment. It cannot be part of a list. Something like
#' subjects <- mylist$species will not work. Assuring that data and subjects are in the
#' same \code{\link{}} object as data is the best way to avoid errors.
#' Most attributes for this analysis are explained with \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}.
#' The notable different attributes for this function are that: (1) a covariance
#' matrix for the non-independence of subjects can be either a symmetric matrix
#' that matches in dimensions the number of subjects or the number of observations;
#' (2) a parameter (delta) that can range between near 0 and 1 to calibrate the
#' covariances between observations of different subjects; and (3) a
#' parameter (gamma) that is either 1 (equal) or the square-root of the subject
#' sample size (sample) to calibrate the covariances among observations
#' within subjects. If delta = 0, it is expected that the covariance between
#' individual observations, between subjects, is the same as expected from the
#' covariance matrix, as if observations were the single observations made on subjects.
#' As delta approaches 1, the observations become more independent, as if it is
#' expected that the many observations would not be expected to be
#' as correlated as if from one observation. Increasing delta might be useful, if,
#' for example, many individuals are sampled within species, from different locations,
#' different age groups, etc. Alternatively, the sample size (n_i) for subject i
#' can also influence the trend of inter-subject covariances. If more individual
#' observations are sampled, the correlation between subjects might be favored
#' to be smaller compared to fewer observations. The covariances can be adjusted
#' to allow for greater independence among observations to be assumed for larger samples.
#' A design matrix, \bold{X}, is constructed with 0s and 1s to indicate subjects association,
#' and it is used to expand the covariance matrix (\bold{C}) by \bold{XCt(X)}, where \bold{t(X)}
#' is the matrix transpose. The parameters in \bold{X} are multiplied by exp(-delta * gamma)
#' to scale the covariances. (If delta = 0 and gamma = 1, they are unscaled.)
#' These options for scaling covariances could be important for data with
#' hierarchical organization.
#' For example, data sampled from multiple species with expected covariances
#' among species based on phylogenetic distances, might be expected to not covary as
#' strongly if sampling encounters other strata like population, sex, and age.
#' An a priori expectation is that covariances among observations would be expected to
#' be smaller than between species, if only one observation per species were made.
#' If one wishes to have better control over between-subject and within-subject
#' covariances, based on either a model or empirical knowledge, a covariance matrix should
#' be generated prior to analysis. One can input a covariance matrix with dimensions
#' the same as \bold{XCt(X)}, if they prefer to define covariances in an alternative way.
#' A function to generate such matrices based on separate
#' inter-subject and intra-subject covariance matrices is forthcoming.
#' IMPORTANT. It is assumed that either the levels of the covariance matrix (if
#' subject by subject) match the subject levels in the subject argument, or that
#' the order of the covariance matrix (if observation by observation) matches the order
#' of the observations in the data.
#' No attempt is made to reorder a covariance matrix by observations
#' and row-names of data are not used to re-order the covariance matrix. If the
#' covariance matrix is small (same in dimension as the number of subject levels), the function
#' will compile a large covariance matrix that is correct in terms of order, but
#' this is based on the subjects argument, only.
#' The covariance matrix is important for describing the expected covariances
#' among observations, especially knowing observations between and within subjects
#' are not independent. However, the randomization of residuals in a permutation
#' procedure (RRPP) is also important for testing inter-subject and
#' intra-subject effects. There are two RRPP philosophies used. If the
#' variable for subjects is part of the formula, the subject effect is evaluated with
#' type III sums of squares and cross-products (estimates SSCPs between a model with all
#' terms and a model lacking subject term), and RRPP performed for all residuals of the
#' reduced model. Effects for all other terms are evaluated with type II SSCPs and RRPP
#' restricted to randomization of reduced model residuals, within subject blocks. This
#' assures that subject effects are held constant across permutations, so that intra-subject
#' effects are not confounded by inter-subject effects.
#' More details will be made and examples provided after publication of articles introducing
#' the novel RRPP approach.
#' The \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} arguments not available for this function include:
#' full.resid, block, and SS.type. These arguments are fixed because of
#' the within-subject blocking for tests, plus the requirement for type II SS
#' for within-subject effects.
#' @param f1 A formula for the linear model (e.g., y~x1+x2).
#' @param subjects A variable that can be found in the data frame indicating the research subjects
#' for the analysis. This variable must be in the data frame. Is can be either numeric
#' (if its slot in the data frame is known) or a character, e.g., "sub_id". It is imperative that
#' it is ordered the same as the data but that the data do not have row names the same as subjects.
#' For example, the subjects variable in the data frame might be sub_id: sub1, sub1, sub1, sub2,
#' sub2, sub2, ... and the row names of the data might be obs1, obs2, obs3, obs4, obs5, obs6, ...
#' The data do not need to have row names but the subjects variable has to be provided.
#' @param iter Number of iterations for significance testing
#' @param turbo A logical value that if TRUE, suppresses coefficient estimation
#' in every random permutation. This will affect subsequent analyses that
#' require random coefficients (see \code{\link{coef.lm.rrpp}})
#' but might be useful for large data sets for which only ANOVA is needed.
#' @param seed An optional argument for setting the seed for random
#' permutations of the resampling procedure.
#' If left NULL (the default), the exact same P-values will be found
#' for repeated runs of the analysis (with the same number of iterations).
#' If seed = "random", a random seed will be used, and P-values will vary.
#' One can also specify an integer for specific seed values,
#' which might be of interest for advanced users.
#' @param int.first A logical value to indicate if interactions of first
#' main effects should precede subsequent main effects
#' @param RRPP A logical value indicating whether residual randomization
#' should be used for significance testing
#' @param Cov An optional argument for including a covariance matrix
#' to address the non-independence
#' of error in the estimation of coefficients (via GLS). If included,
#' any weights are ignored. This matrix must match in dimensions either
#' the number of subject levels or the number of observations.
#' @param delta A within-subject scaling parameter for covariances, ranging from
#' 0 to 1. If delta = 0, a sight value (0.001) is added to assure variances of the
#' covariance matrix are 0.1 percent larger than covariances.
#' @param gamma A sample-size scaling parameter that is adjusted to be 1 ("equal")
#' scaling or the square-root of the sample size for subject observations ("sample").
#' @param data A data frame for the function environment, see
#' \code{\link{}}. A data frame is required for this analysis.
#' @param print.progress A logical value to indicate whether a progress
#' bar should be printed to the screen.
#' This is helpful for long-running analyses.
#' @param verbose A logical value to indicate if all possible output from an analysis
#' should be retained. Generally this should be FALSE, unless one wishes to extract,
#' e.g., all possible terms, model matrices, QR decomposition, or random permutation
#' schemes.
#' @param Parallel Either a logical value to indicate whether parallel processing
#' should be used, a numeric value to indicate the number of cores to use, or a predefined
#' socket cluster. This argument defines parallel processing via the \code{parallel} library.
#' If TRUE, this argument invokes forking or socket cluster assignment of all processor cores,
#' except one. If FALSE, only one core is used. A numeric value directs the number of cores to
#' use, but one core will always be spared. If a predefined socket cluster (Windows) is provided,
#' the cluster information will be passed to \code{parallel}.
#' @param ... Arguments typically used in \code{\link{lm}}, such as
#' weights or offset, passed on to
#' \code{lm.rrpp} for estimation of coefficients. If both weights and
#' a covariance matrix are included,
#' weights are ignored (since inverses of weights are the diagonal elements
#' of weight matrix, used in lieu
#' of a covariance matrix.)
#' @keywords analysis
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @return An object of class \code{} is a list containing the
#' following
#' \item{call}{The matched call.}
#' \item{LM}{Linear Model objects, including data (Y), coefficients,
#' design matrix (X), sample size
#' (n), number of dependent variables (p), dimension of data space (,
#' QR decomposition of the design matrix, fitted values, residuals,
#' weights, offset, model terms, data (model) frame, random coefficients
#' (through permutations),
#' random vector distances for coefficients (through permutations),
#' whether OLS or GLS was performed,
#' and the mean for OLS and/or GLS methods. Note that the data returned
#' resemble a model frame rather than
#' a data frame; i.e., it contains the values used in analysis, which
#' might have been transformed according to
#' the formula. The response variables are always labeled Y.1, Y.2, ...,
#' in this frame.}
#' \item{ANOVA}{Analysis of variance objects, including the SS type,
#' random SS outcomes, random MS outcomes,
#' random R-squared outcomes, random F outcomes, random Cohen's f-squared
#' outcomes, P-values based on random F
#' outcomes, effect sizes for random outcomes, sample size (n), number of
#' variables (p), and degrees of freedom for
#' model terms (df). These objects are used to construct ANOVA tables.}
#' \item{PermInfo}{Permutation procedure information, including the number
#' of permutations (perms), The method
#' of residual randomization (perm.method), and each permutation's sampling
#' frame (perm.schedule), which
#' is a list of reordered sequences of 1:n, for how residuals were
#' randomized.}
#' \item{Models}{Reduced and full model fits for every possible model
#' combination, based on terms
#' of the entire model, plus the method of SS estimation.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}; \code{\link{measurement.error}}
#' @references Adams, D.C and M.L Collyer. (submitted) Extended phylogenetic regression models for
#' comparing within-species patterns across the Tree of Life.
#' Methods in Ecology and Evolution
#' @references ter Braak, C.J.F. 1992. Permutation versus bootstrap significance tests in
#' multiple regression and ANOVA. pp .79–86 In Bootstrapping and Related Techniques. eds K-H. Jockel,
#' G. Rothe & W. Sendler.Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
#' \code{\link[stats]{lm}} for more on linear model fits.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishy)
#' suppressWarnings(fit <- ~ subj + groups * reps,
#' subjects = "subj",
#' data = fishy))
#' anova(fit)
#' } <- function(f1, subjects,
iter = 999, turbo = FALSE,
seed = NULL, int.first = FALSE,
data, Cov = NULL,
delta = 0.001,
gamma = c("sample", "equal"),
print.progress = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
Parallel = FALSE, ...) {
L <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
stop("\nWithin-subjects analysis requires a data frame, continaing the subjects factor.\n",
call. = FALSE)
if(is.numeric(subjects) && length(subjects) > 1)
stop("\nThe subjects argument should be a single numeric or character values.\n",
call. = FALSE)
if(is.numeric(subjects)) <- subjects else <- which(names(L$data) %in% subjects)
if(length( == 0)
stop("\nSubjects factor not found in data frame.\n",
call. = FALSE)
stop(paste("\nA data frame is required for this analysis,",
"and it must contain the subjects factor.\n", sep = " "),
call. = FALSE)
L$ <- names(L$data)[[]]
L$subjects <- as.factor(L$data[[]])
L$SS.type <- "IIws"
L$full.resid <- FALSE
L$gamma <- match.arg(gamma)
L$block <- NULL
if(length(L$gamma) > 1) L$gamma <- "equal"
out <-, L)
out$call <-
out$ANOVA$SS.type <- "Within-subject II"
class(out) <- c("", class(out))
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