# Important function for performing lm.rrpp or
# All arguments must be vetted by primary functions.
.lm.rrpp <- function(f1, subjects = NULL, = NULL,
iter, turbo, seed = NULL,
int.first = FALSE,
RRPP, full.resid, block = NULL,
SS.type, data, Cov,
delta, gamma,
print.progress, Parallel,
verbose, ...) {
Parallel.args <- Parallel.setup(Parallel)
### List of Covariance options
# 0 = No Cov
# 1 = Cov, no subjects, must match no. obs.
# 2 = Cov matches subjects in name and length
# 3 = Cov matches subjects in name, but needs expansion
cov.type <- 0
if(!is.null(Cov) && is.null(subjects))
cov.type <- 1
if(!is.null(Cov) && !is.null(subjects))
cov.type <- 2
STerm <- sub.lev <- NULL
subTest <- useSubjects <- !is.null(subjects)
L <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
names(L)[which(names(L) == "f1")] <- "formula"
if(int.first) ko = TRUE else ko = FALSE
SS.type <- L$SS.type
full.resid <- L$full.resid
if(full.resid && SS.type != "III"){
SS.type = "III"
"\nThis is not an error! It is a friendly warning.\n",
"\nBecause a permutation of full model residuals was chosen,",
"\nSS.type is being forced to be III, as this is the only applicable",
"\nestimation method when using full model residuals as exchangeable units",
"\nunder the null hypotheses of model effects. Additionally, all random",
"\nANOVA statistics will have the form, |random.stat - observed.stat|.\n",
"\nUse options(warn = -1) to turn off these warnings. \n\n", sep = " "),
noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
dots <- list(...)
if(length(dots) > 0) {
w <- dots$weights
o <- dots$offset
} else w <- o <- NULL
if(!is.null(w) && !is.null(Cov)) {
w <- NULL
"\nThis is not an error! It is a friendly warning.\n",
"\nIt is not possible to use both a Cov matrix and weights.",
"\nBoth are inputs to perform generalized least squares estimation of coefficients,",
"\nbut at present only one covariance matrix can be used.",
"\nAs a result, weights are set to NULL.",
"\nYou could consider adjusting your Cov matrix; e.g., Cov <- Cov * 1/weights,",
"\nmaking sure the Cov matrix and weights are ordered consistently.\n",
"\nUse options(warn = -1) to turn off these warnings. \n\n", sep = " "),
noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
Terms <- D <- NULL
if(print.progress) {
cat("\nPlease be aware that printing progress slows down the analysis (perhaps slightly).\n")
cat("\nPreliminary Model Fit...\n")
if(inherits(f1, "lm")) {
exchange.args <- f1[attributes(f1)$names %in%
c("terms", "offset", "weights")]
exchange.args$model <- f1$model
exchange.args$Y <- Y <- as.matrix(f1$model[[1]])
exchange.args$tol <- f1$qr$tol
exchange.args$SS.type <- SS.type
names(exchange.args)[which(names(exchange.args) == "terms")] <- "Terms"
if("weights" %in% names(exchange.args))
names(exchange.args)[which(names(exchange.args) == "weights")] <- "w"
Terms <- f1$terms
if(inherits(f1, "formula")) {
exchange.args <- lm.args.from.formula(L)
if(!is.null(exchange.args$D)) D <- exchange.args$D
exchange.args <- exchange.args[c("Terms", "Y", "model")]
exchange.args$tol <- 1e-7
exchange.args$SS.type <- SS.type
Terms <- exchange.args$Terms
Y <- as.matrix(exchange.args$Y)
id <- get.names(Y)
dims <- dim(Y)
n <- dims[1]
p <- dims[2]
if(is.null(id)) {
id <- 1:n
Y <- add.names(Y, id)
attr(Terms, ".Environment") <- NULL
term.labels <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
k <- length(term.labels)
offst <- (!is.null(o))
weighted <- (!is.null(w))
exchange.args <- c(exchange.args, list(w = w, offset = o))
if(!inherits(f1, c("lm", "formula")))
stop("\nf1 must be either a formula or class lm objects.\n",
call. = FALSE)
gls <- FALSE
ols <- TRUE
if(!is.null(w)) {
if(NROW(w) != n)
stop("The number of weights does not match the number of observations. This could be because of missing data.\n",
call. = FALSE)
gls <- TRUE
ols <- FALSE
# Resolve cov.type
if(!is.null(Cov)){ <- deparse(substitute(Cov))
Cov.match <- match(, names(data))
if(all( Cov <- Cov else Cov <- data[[Cov.match]]
if(is.null(rownames(Cov))) rownames(Cov) <- 1:n
if(is.null(colnames(Cov))) colnames(Cov) <- 1:n
if(!inherits(Cov, "Matrix") && !inherits(Cov, "matrix"))
stop("The covariance matrix must be a matrix.")
if(cov.type > 0) {
if(cov.type == 1){
if(nrow(Cov) != n)
stop(paste("\nA covariance matrix is used but has a different",
"number of observations than the data.\n", sep = " "),
call. = FALSE)
if(cov.type == 2){
if(nrow(Cov) != length(subjects))
cov.type <- 3
if(!is.null(subjects)) {
subjects <- as.factor(subjects)
sub.lev <- levels(subjects)
STerm <- which(term.labels ==
subTest <- !(length(STerm) == 0)
if(! %in% names(data))
stop("\nVariable for subjects is not found in the RRPP data frame.\n",
call. = FALSE)
if(!subTest) STerm <- NULL
Pcov <- CovEx <- NULL
if(cov.type == 1){
cov.lev <- rownames(Cov)
if(length(setdiff(id, cov.lev)) > 0)
stop("Data names and covariance matrix names do not match.\n", call. = FALSE)
Cov <- Cov[id, id]
if(cov.type == 2) {
if(nrow(Cov) != n){
stop(paste("\nThe dimensions of the covariance matrix does not",
"match the number of observations.\n", sep = " "),
call. = FALSE)
} else cat("\n It is assumed that the covariance matrix and",
"data are ordered the same...\n")
if(cov.type == 3){
cov.lev <- levels(as.factor(dimnames(Cov)[[1]]))
if(!all(sub.lev %in% cov.lev) || !all(cov.lev %in% sub.lev))
stop("\nThere is a mismatch between subject levels and covariance levels\n
Make sure there is direct correspondence between subjects in the model\n
and subjects in the covariance matrix. Check spelling of names.\n",
call. = FALSE)
Xsub <- model.matrix(~subjects + 0)
colnames(Xsub) <- sub.lev
Xs <- Matrix(Xsub, sparse = TRUE)
Cov <- Cov[colnames(Xsub), colnames(Xsub)]
Cov.names <- dimnames(Cov)[[1]]
Cov <- Matrix(Cov, sparse = TRUE)
if(is.vector(delta) && length(delta) > 1 &&
length(delta) != length(sub.lev)) {
stop(paste("Either a single value or vector equal in length to the number",
"of subject levels is required.\n", sep = " "), call. = FALSE)
stop("delta must be a numeric value or vector.\n", call. = FALSE)
delta[which(delta <= 0)] <- 0.001
delta[which(delta > 1)] <- 1
delta[which(zapsmall(delta) == 0)] <- 0.001
n.list <- as.vector(by(subjects, subjects, length))
gam <- if(gamma == "equal") 1 else
Xr <- t(t(Xs) * exp(-delta * gam))
CovEx <- Xr %*% Cov %*% t(Xr)
D <- diag(Cov)
D <- unlist(lapply(1:length(D), function(j)
rep(D[j], n.list[j])))
diag(CovEx) <- D
Xs <- Xr <- NULL
if(cov.type > 0){
Pcov <- if(cov.type == 3) Cov.proj (CovEx) else Cov.proj(Cov)
gls <- TRUE
ols <- FALSE
} else {
Pcov <- NULL
ols <- TRUE
gls <- FALSE
X.args <- exchange.args[c("Terms", "Y", "SS.type", "tol", "model")]
X.args$subjects.term <- STerm
Xs <-, X.args)
X <- Xs$Xfs[[length(Xs$Xfs)]]
Qs <- lapply(1:2, function(j){
X.j <- Xs[[j]]
kk <- length(X.j)
res <- lapply(1:kk, function(jj){
x <- Matrix(round(X.j[[jj]], 12), sparse = TRUE)
if(!is.null(Pcov)) x <- Pcov %*% x
if(!is.null(w)) x <- x * sqrt(w)
QRforX(x, reduce = FALSE)
names(Qs) <- c("reduced", "full")
ind <- perm.index(n, iter = iter, block = block, seed = seed)
perms <- iter + 1
if(subTest) {
ind <- perm.index(n, iter = iter, block = subjects, seed = seed)
ind_s <- perm.index(n, iter = iter, block = block, seed = seed)
} else ind_s <- NULL
checkers.args <- list(Y = Y, Qs = Qs, Xs = Xs,
turbo = turbo, Terms = Terms, Pcov = Pcov, w = w)
cks <-, checkers.args)
Qs <- checkers.args <- NULL
TY <- if(!is.null(Pcov)) Pcov %*% Y else if(!is.null(w)) Y * sqrt(w) else Y
PCA <- p > (n - 1)
if(PCA) {
TYp <- ordinate(TY, tol = 1e-10)$x <- ncol(TYp)
} else {
TYp <- TY <- p
Ur <- cks$Ur
kk <- length(Ur)
if(RRPP) {
if(full.resid) {
Uf <- cks$Uf
FR <- lapply(1:max(1, kk), function(j){
fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Uf[[j]], TY, n , p))
residuals <- as.matrix(TY - fitted)
out <- list(fitted = fitted, residuals = residuals)
if(subTest) {
FR[[STerm]]$fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Uf[[STerm]], TY, n , p))
FR[[STerm]]$residuals <- as.matrix(TY - FR[[STerm]]$fitted)
Uf <- NULL
} else {
FR <-lapply(1:max(1, kk), function(j){
fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Ur[[j]], TY, n , p))
residuals <- as.matrix(TY - fitted)
out <- list(fitted = fitted, residuals = residuals)
if(subTest) {
FR[[STerm]]$fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Ur[[STerm]], TY, n , p))
FR[[STerm]]$residuals <- as.matrix(TY - FR[[STerm]]$fitted)
} else {
FR <- lapply(1:max(1, kk), function(j){
fitted <- matrix(0, n, p)
residuals <- as.matrix(TY)
list(fitted = fitted, residuals = residuals)
cks$FR <- FR
if(!turbo) {
cks$offset <- o
cks$Y <- TY
cks$trms <- term.labels
beta.args <- list(checkrs = cks, ind = ind,
ind_s = ind_s,
subTest = subTest,
STerm = STerm,
Parallel.args = Parallel.args,
print.progress = print.progress)
betas <-, beta.args)
random.coef <- betas$random.coef
random.coef.distances <- betas$random.coef.distances
betas <- beta.args <- NULL
} else random.coef <- random.coef.distances <- NULL
cks$Y <- TYp
if(RRPP) {
if(full.resid) {
Uf <- cks$Uf
FR <- lapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Uf[[j]], TYp, n ,
residuals <- as.matrix(TYp - fitted)
list(fitted = fitted, residuals = residuals)
if(subTest) {
FR[[STerm]]$fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Uf[[STerm]], TYp, n , p))
FR[[STerm]]$residuals <- as.matrix(TYp - FR[[STerm]]$fitted)
Uf <- NULL
} else {
FR <- lapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Ur[[j]], TYp, n ,
residuals <- as.matrix(TYp - fitted)
list(fitted = fitted, residuals = residuals)
if(subTest) {
FR[[STerm]]$fitted <- as.matrix(fastFit(Ur[[STerm]], TYp, n , p))
FR[[STerm]]$residuals <- as.matrix(TYp - FR[[STerm]]$fitted)
} else {
FR <- lapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
fitted <- matrix(0, n,
residuals <- as.matrix(TYp)
list(fitted = fitted, residuals = residuals)
cks$FR <- FR
SS.args <- list(checkrs = cks, ind = ind,
ind_s = ind_s,
subTest = subTest, STerm = STerm,
print.progress = print.progress,
Parallel.args = Parallel.args)
SS <-, SS.args)
cks$SS.type <- SS.type
ANOVA <- anova_parts(cks, SS, full.resid)
ANOVA$MS <- ANOVA$Fs <- ANOVA$cohenf <- NULL
SS.args <- NULL <-, Y, Pcov = Pcov, w = w, offset = o,
tol = exchange.args$tol)
QR <-$qr
Hb <- as.matrix(tcrossprod(fast.solve(QR$R), QR$Q))
if(!identical(colnames(X), colnames(QR$R)))
Hb <- Hb[colnames(X),]
coefficients <- as.matrix(Hb %*% TY)
rownames(coefficients) <- rownames(Hb)
R <- U <- QR <- NULL
LM <- list(form = formula(Terms),
coefficients = coefficients,
ols = ols,
gls = gls,
Y = Y,
X = X,
n = n, p = p, =,
QR = QR,
Terms = Terms, term.labels = term.labels,
data = exchange.args$model,
random.coef = if(verbose) random.coef else NULL,
random.coef.distances = if(verbose)
random.coef.distances else NULL
attr(LM$Terms,".Environment") <- NULL
attr(LM$form,".Environment") <- NULL
if(verbose && !turbo) {
environment(LM$random.coef) <-
environment(LM$random.coef.distances) <- NULL
LM$weights <- w
LM$offset <- o
if(gls) {
names(LM)[[2]] <- "gls.coefficients"
LM$gls.fitted <- as.matrix($fitted.values)
LM$gls.residuals <- as.matrix($residuals)
rownames(LM$gls.fitted) <- rownames(LM$gls.residuals) <- id
LM$gls.mean <- if(NCOL(LM$gls.fitted) > 1) colMeans(LM$gls.fitted) else
} else {
LM$fitted <- as.matrix($fitted.values)
LM$residuals <- as.matrix($residuals)
rownames(LM$fitted) <- rownames(LM$residuals) <- id
LM$mean <- if(NCOL(LM$fitted) > 1) colMeans(LM$fitted) else
if(!is.null(Cov)) {
LM$Cov <- if(!is.null(CovEx)) CovEx else Cov
LM$Pcov <- if(verbose) Pcov else NULL
rm(Cov, Pcov, CovEx)
PermInfo <- list(perms = perms,
perm.method = ifelse(RRPP==TRUE,"RRPP", "FRPP"),
full.resid = full.resid, block = block,
perm.schedule = ind, perm.seed = seed)
if(!verbose) PermInfo$perm.schedule <- NULL
out <- list(call =,
LM = LM, ANOVA = ANOVA, PermInfo = PermInfo, turbo = turbo)
environment(out$PermInfo$perm.seed) <-
environment(out$PermInfo$perm.sschedule) <- NULL
if(k == 0 && print.progress)
cat("\nNo terms for ANOVA; only RSS calculated in each permutation\n")
if(!is.null(exchange.args$D)) {
qrf <- qr(as.matrix(LM$QR$X))
D.coef <- qr.coef(qrf, D)
out$LM$dist.coefficients <- D.coef
if(verbose) {
Models <-lapply(1:2, function(j){
res <- lapply(1:max(1, kk), function(jj){
X <- Xs[[j]][[jj]]
qr <- cks$QR[[j]][[jj]]
list(X = X, qr = qr)
names(res) <- cks$realized.trms
names(Models) <- c("reduced", "full")
Model.Terms <- .getTerms(fit = NULL, Terms = Terms, SS.type = SS.type)
for(i in 1:2){
for(j in 1:max(1, kk)){
Models[[i]][[j]]$terms <- Model.Terms[[i]][[j]]
} else Models <- NULL
out$Models <- Models
out$verbose <- verbose
out$subjects <- subjects
out$subjects.var <-
out$subTest <- subTest
class(out) = "lm.rrpp"
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