
Defines functions lm.args.from.formula makeDF add.names get.names.from.list Parallel.setup rrpp.data.frame

Documented in rrpp.data.frame

#' @name RRPP-package
#' @docType package
#' @aliases RRPP
#' @title Linear Model Evaluation with Randomized Residual Permutation Procedures
#' @author Michael Collyer and Dean Adams
#' @return Key functions for this package:
#' \item{\code{\link{lm.rrpp}}}{Fits linear models, using RRPP.
#' plus model comparisons.}
#' \item{\code{\link{coef.lm.rrpp}}}{Extract coefficients or perform test 
#' on coefficients, using RRPP.}
#' \item{\code{\link{predict.lm.rrpp}}}{Predict values from lm.rrpp fits 
#' and generate bootstrapped confidence intervals.}
#' \item{\code{\link{pairwise}}}{Perform pairwise tests, based on lm.rrpp 
#' model fits.}
#' @description Functions in this package allow one to evaluate linear models 
#' with residual randomization.
#' The name, "RRPP", is an acronym for, "Randomization of Residuals in a 
#' Permutation Procedure."  Through
#' the various functions in this package, one can use randomization of 
#' residuals to generate empirical probability
#' distributions for linear model effects, for high-dimensional data or 
#' distance matrices.
#' An especially useful option of this package is to fit models with 
#' either ordinary or generalized
#' least squares estimation (OLS or GLS, respectively), using theoretic 
#' covariance matrices.  Mixed linear
#' effects can also be evaluated.
#' @import parallel
#' @import ggplot2 
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom ape multi2di.phylo
#' @importFrom ape root.phylo
#' @importFrom ape collapse.singles
#' @importFrom stats na.omit anova as.dist as.formula cmdscale coef delete.response dist formula lm
#' lm.fit lm.wfit loess logLik model.frame.default model.matrix optimise prcomp qnorm quantile 
#' resid sd spline var
#' @importFrom graphics abline arrows axis legend lines par plot.default points text title
#' @importFrom utils combn object.size setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @export print.lm.rrpp
#' @export summary.lm.rrpp
#' @export print.summary.lm.rrpp
#' @export print.anova.lm.rrpp
#' @export summary.anova.lm.rrpp
#' @export print.coef.lm.rrpp
#' @export summary.coef.lm.rrpp
#' @export print.predict.lm.rrpp
#' @export summary.predict.lm.rrpp
#' @export plot.lm.rrpp
#' @export plot.predict.lm.rrpp
#' @export print.pairwise
#' @export summary.pairwise
#' @export print.summary.pairwise
#' @export print.trajectory.analysis
#' @export summary.trajectory.analysis
#' @export print.summary.trajectory.analysis
#' @section RRPP TOC:
#' RRPP-package

#' Landmarks on pupfish
#' @name Pupfish
#' @docType data
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @keywords datasets
#' @description Landmark data from Cyprinodon pecosensis body shapes, with 
#' indication of Sex and
#' Population from which fish were sampled (Marsh or Sinkhole).
#' @details These data were previously aligned with GPA.  Centroid size (CS) 
#' is also provided.  
#' See the \pkg{geomorph} package for details.
#' @references Collyer, M.L., D.J. Sekora, and D.C. Adams. 2015. A method for 
#' analysis of phenotypic
#' change for phenotypes described by high-dimensional data. Heredity. 113: 
#' doi:10.1038/hdy.2014.75.

#' Landmarks on pupfish heads
#' @name PupfishHeads
#' @docType data
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @description Landmark data from Cyprinodon pecosensis head shapes, with 
#' variables for 
#' sex, month and year sampled, locality, head size, and coordinates of 
#' landmarks for head shape,
#' per specimen.  These data are a subset of a larger data set.
#' @details The variable, "coords", are data that were previously aligned
#' with GPA.  The variable, "headSize", is the Centroid size of each vector 
#' of coordinates.
#' See the \pkg{geomorph} package for details.
#' @references Gilbert, M.C. 2016. Impacts of habitat fragmentation on the 
#' cranial morphology of a 
#' threatened desert fish (Cyprinodon pecosensis). Masters Thesis, 
#' Western Kentucky University.

#' Plethodon comparative morphological data 
#' @name PlethMorph
#' @docType data
#' @author Michael Collyer and Dean Adams
#' @keywords datasets
#' @description Data for 37 species of plethodontid salamanders.  
#' Variables include snout to vent length
#' (SVL) as species size, tail length, head length, snout to eye length, 
#' body width, forelimb length,
#' and hind limb length, all measured in mm.  A grouping variable is also 
#' included for functional guild size.  A variable for species names is also 
#' included.
#' The data set also includes a phylogenetic covariance matrix based on a 
#' Brownian model of evolution, to assist in 
#' generalized least squares (GLS) estimation.
#' @details The covariance matrix was estimated with the vcv.phylo function 
#' of the R package, ape, based on the tree
#' described in Adams and Collyer (2018).
#' @references Adams, D.C and Collyer, M.L. 2018. Multivariate phylogenetic 
#' anova: group-clade aggregation, biological 
#' challenges, and a refined permutation procedure. Evolution, 72: 1204-1215.

#' Simulated motion paths
#' @name motionpaths
#' @docType data
#' @author Dean Adams
#' @references Adams, D. C., and M. L. Collyer. 2009. A general framework for 
#' the analysis of phenotypic
#'   trajectories in evolutionary studies. Evolution 63:1143-1154.
#' @keywords datasets



#' Create a data frame for lm.rrpp analysis
#' Create a data frame for lm.rrpp analysis, when covariance or distance 
#' matrices are used
#' This function is not much different than \code{\link{data.frame}} but is 
#' more flexible to allow
#' distance matrices and covariance matrices to be included.  Essentially, 
#' this function creates a list,
#' much like an object of class \code{data.frame} is also a list.  However, 
#' \code{rrpp.data.frame} is
#' less concerned with coercing the list into a matrix and more concerned 
#' with matching the number of observations (n).
#' It is wise to use this function with any \code{lm.rrpp} analysis so that 
#' \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} does not have to search
#' the global environment for needed data.
#' It is assumed that multiple data sets for the same subjects are in the 
#' same order.
#' See \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} for examples.
#' @param ... Components (objects) to combine in the data frame.
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @examples
#' # Why use a rrpp.data.frame?
#' y <- matrix(rnorm(30), 10, 3)
#' x <- rnorm(10)
#' df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)
#' df
#' rdf <- rrpp.data.frame(x = x, y = y)
#' rdf # looks more like a list
#' is.list(df)
#' is.list(rdf)
#' d <- dist(y) # distance matrix as data
#' # One can try this but it will result in an error
#' # df <- data.frame(df, d = d) 
#' rdf <- rrpp.data.frame(rdf, d = d) # works
#' fit <- lm.rrpp(d ~ x, data = rdf)
#' summary(fit)

rrpp.data.frame<- function(...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if(length(dots) == 1 && is.data.frame(dots[[1]])) {
    dots <- dots[[1]]
    class(dots) <- "rrpp.data.frame"
  } else if(length(dots) == 1 && inherits(dots[[1]], "geomorph.data.frame")) {
    dots <- dots[[1]]
        "\nThis is not an error!  It is a friendly warning.\n",
        "\nSome geomorph.data.frame objects might not be compatible with RRPP functions.",
        "\nIf any part of the geomorph.data.frame conatins a 3D array,",
        "consider converting it to a matrix before attempting to make an rrpp.data.frame\n",
        "Use options(warn = -1) to turn off these warnings.\n\n", sep = " "),
      noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) 

    class(dots) <- "rrpp.data.frame"
  } else if(length(dots) == 1 && inherits(dots[[1]], "rrpp.data.frame")) {
    dots <- dots[[1]]
  } else {
    if(length(dots) > 1 && inherits(dots[[1]], "rrpp.data.frame")) {
      dots1 <- dots[[1]]
      dots2 <- dots[-1]
      dots <- c(dots1, dots2)
    N <- length(dots)
    dots.ns <- array(NA,N)
    for(i in 1:N){
      if(is.array(dots[[i]])) {
        if(length(dim(dots[[i]])) == 3) dots.ns[i] <- dim(dots[[i]])[[3]]
        if(length(dim(dots[[i]])) == 2) dots.ns[i] <- dim(dots[[i]])[[2]]
        if(length(dim(dots[[i]])) == 1) dots.ns[i] <- dim(dots[[i]])[[1]]
      if(inherits(dots[[i]], "matrix")) {
        dots.ns[i] <- dim(dots[[i]])[[1]]
        dt.nms <- rownames(dots[[i]])
        if(dots.ns[i] == length(dots[[i]])) {
          dots[[i]] <- as.vector(dots[[i]])
          names(dots[[i]]) <- dt.nms
      if(inherits(dots[[i]], "dist")) dots.ns[i] <- attr(dots[[i]], "Size")
      if(is.data.frame(dots[[i]])) dots.ns[i] <- dim(dots[[i]])[[1]]
      if(is.vector(dots[[i]])) dots.ns[i] <- length(dots[[i]])
      if(is.factor(dots[[i]])) dots.ns[i] <- length(dots[[i]])
      if(is.logical(dots[[i]])) dots.ns[i] <- length(dots[[i]])
      stop("Some input is either dimensionless or inappropriate for data frames")
    if(length(unique(dots.ns)) > 1) 
      stop("Inputs have different numbers of observations")
    class(dots) <- c("rrpp.data.frame")




# Parallel.setup
# Function to help parallel library adjust to settings
# for parallel processing

Parallel.setup <- function(Parallel){
  ParLog <- is.logical(Parallel)
  usecluster <- inherits(Parallel, "cluster")
    cluster <- Parallel
    ParLog <- Parallel <- TRUE
  } else cluster <- FALSE
  ParCores <- NULL
  if(is.numeric(Parallel)) {
    ParCores <- Parallel
    ParLog <- TRUE
    Parallel <- TRUE
  if(ParLog && is.null(ParCores)) {
    ParCores <- detectCores() - 1
    if(usecluster) ParCores <- length(cluster)
    if(!Parallel) ParCores <- 1
  if(is.numeric(ParCores)) {
    if(ParCores > detectCores() - 1) ParCores <- detectCores() - 1
  Unix <- .Platform$OS.type == "unix"
  forking <- Unix && !usecluster
  if(is.null(ParCores)) ParCores <- 1
  if(ParCores == 1) {
    ParLog <- FALSE
    forking <- FALSE
    usecluster <- FALSE
    cluster <- NULL
  if(ParCores > 1) {
    if(!Unix && !usecluster)
      cluster <- makeCluster(ParCores)
    if(Unix && usecluster)
      Unix <- FALSE
  list(Parallel = ParLog,
       Unix = Unix, 
       forking = forking, 
       ParCores = ParCores, 
       usecluster = usecluster,
       cluster = cluster)

# lm.rrpp subfunctions
# lm-like fit modified for all submodels
# general workhorse for all 'lm.rrpp' functions

get.names.from.list <- function(L) {
  temp <- lapply(L, get.names)
  check <- which(!sapply(temp, is.null))
  temp <- if(length(check) > 0) temp[check] else NULL
  nms <- if(!is.null(temp)) temp[[1]] else NULL

add.names <- function(Y, nms) {
  if(is.vector(Y)) names(Y) <- nms
  if(inherits(Y, "matrix")) rownames(Y) <- nms
  if(inherits(Y, "dist")) attr(Y, "Labels") <- nms

makeDF <- function(form, data, n, nms) {
    stop("\nThe data frame provide is not class rrpp.data.frame, 
         data.frame, or list, and therefore, unusable.\n", call. = FALSE)
  dat <- data
  class(dat) <- "list"
  form <- try(as.formula(form), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(form, "try-error"))
    stop("Formula is not coercible into a formula object.  
         Please fix the formula.\n",
         call. = FALSE)
  var.names <- if(length(form) == 3) all.vars(form)[-1] else if(length(form) == 2) 
      all.vars(form) else
        stop("\nFormula is not appropriately formatted.\n", call. = FALSE)
  dat <- dat[names(dat) %in% var.names]
  if(length(dat) > 0) {
    var.check <- sapply(seq_len(length(dat)), function(j) {
      x <- dat[[j]]
      nn <- if(is.matrix(x)) nrow(x) else length(x)
      nn == n
      stop("One or more independent variables does not match the number 
           of observations in the data.\n",
           call. = FALSE)
  dat <- if(length(dat) == 0)  NULL else as.data.frame(dat)
  if(!is.null(dat)) rownames(dat) <- nms
lm.args.from.formula <- function(cl){
  lm.args <- list(formula = NULL, data = NULL, subset = NULL, weights = NULL,
                  na.action = na.omit, method = "qr", model = TRUE, 
                  qr = TRUE,
                  singular.ok = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, offset = NULL, tol = 1e-7)
  lm.nms <- names(lm.args)
  m1 <- match(names(cl), lm.nms)
  m2 <- match(lm.nms, names(cl))
  lm.args[na.omit(m1)] <- cl[na.omit(m2)]
  lm.args$x <- lm.args$y <- TRUE
  form <- lm.args$formula
    stop("The formula is either missing or not formatted correctly.\n", 
         call. = FALSE)
  Dy <- NULL
  Y <- try(eval(lm.args$formula[[2]], lm.args$data, parent.frame()),
           silent = TRUE)
  nmsY <- get.names(Y)
  if(inherits(Y, "try-error"))
    stop("Data are missing from either the data frame or global environment.\n", 
         call. = FALSE)
  if(is.vector(Y)) {
    Y <- as.matrix(Y)
    Dy <- NULL
  if(inherits(Y, "matrix") || is.data.frame(Y)) {
    if(isSymmetric(as.matrix(Y))) {
      Dy <- Y <- as.dist(Y)
      if(any(Dy < 0)) stop("Distances in distance matrix cannot be less than 0\n",
                           call. = FALSE)
      lm.args$formula <- update(lm.args$formula, Y ~ .)
    } else Dy <- NULL
  if(inherits(Y, "dist")) {
    if(any(Y < 0)) stop("Distances in distance matrix cannot be less than 0")
    Dy <- Y
    Y <- pcoa(Y)
  if(is.array(Y) && length(dim(Y)) > 2) 
    stop("Data are arranged in an array rather than a matrix.  
         Please convert data to a matrix. \n", 
         call. = FALSE)
  if(form[[3]] == ".") {
    xs <- paste(names(lm.args$data), collapse = "+")
    form <- as.formula(noquote(c("~", xs)))
  form <- update(form, Y ~.,)
  lm.args$formula <- form
  n <- NROW(Y)
  if(!is.null(lm.args$data)) {
    nmsDF <- if(inherits(lm.args$data, "data.frame"))  
      attr(lm.args$data, "row.names") else 

    lm.args$data <- makeDF(form, lm.args$data, n, nms = NULL)
  if(is.null(lm.args$data)) {
    lm.args$data <- data.frame(Int = rep(1, n))
    lm.args$data$Y <- as.matrix(Y)
    lm.args$data <- lm.args$data[-1]
  lm.args$data$Y <- Y
  dfmat <- try(as.matrix(lm.args$data), silent = TRUE)
  if(!inherits(dfmat, "try-error"))
    f <- try(do.call(lm, lm.args), silent = TRUE)

  if(inherits(f, "try-error")) 
    stop("Variables or data might be missing from either the data frame or 
           global environment, or a linear model fit just does not work...\n", 
         call. = FALSE)
  Y <- as.matrix(f$y)
  Y <- add.names(Y, nmsY)
  out <- list(Terms = f$terms, model = f$model, Y = Y)
  if(!is.null(Dy)) {
    d <- as.matrix(Dy)
    if(nrow(d) != NROW(out$Y)) d <- d[rownames(Y), rownames(Y)]
    out$D <- as.dist(d)

.getTerms <- function(fit = NULL, Terms = NULL, SS.type = NULL) {
  if(is.null(Terms)) Terms <-  fit$LM$Terms
  if(is.null(SS.type)) SS.type <- fit$ANOVA$SS.type
  trms <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
  k <- length(trms)
  mod.k <- if(k > 0) c(0, seq(1, k, 1)) else 0
  if(!is.null(fit) && SS.type == "Within-subject type II") {
    SS.type <- "II"
    WS <- TRUE
  } else WS <- FALSE
  if(k > 0) {
    if(SS.type == "III"){
      k3 <- mod.k[-1]
      modf <- lapply(as.list(k3), function(.) Terms)
      modr <- lapply(as.list(k3), function(j) Terms[-j])
    } else if(SS.type == "II"){
      k2 <- mod.k[-1]
      fac <- crossprod(attr(Terms, "factor"))
      modr <- lapply(as.list(k2), function(j){
        ind <- as.logical(ifelse(fac[j,] < fac[j,j], 1, 0))
      modf <- lapply(as.list(k2), function(j){
        ind <- ifelse(fac[j,] < fac[j,j], 1, 0)
        ind[j] <- 1
        ind <- as.logical(ind)
    } else {
      kf <- mod.k[-1]
      kr <- mod.k[-(max(mod.k) + 1)]
      modf <- lapply(as.list(kf), function(j) Terms[1:j])
      modr <- lapply(as.list(kr), function(j) Terms[0:j])
    names(modf) <- names(modr) <- trms
    if(WS) {
      trms.change <- which(trms == fit$subjects.var)
      modf[[trms.change]] <- Terms
      modr[[trms.change]] <- Terms[!trms %in% fit$subjects.var]
  } else {
    modr <- modf <- list("Intercept" = Terms)
  list(terms.r = modr, terms.f = modf)

LM.fit <- function(x, y, offset = NULL, tol = 1e-07) {
  if(inherits(x, "matrix")) 
    x.s <- Matrix(x, sparse = TRUE) else {
      x.s <- x
      x <- as.matrix(x.s)
  osx <- object.size(x)
  osxs <- object.size(x.s)
  X <- if(osx < osxs) x else x.s
  x <- x.s <- NULL
  Q <- qr(X, tol = tol)
  if(!is.null(offset)) y <- y - offset
  dims <- dim(y)
  n <- dims[1]
  p <- dims[2]
  U <- qr.Q(Q)
  fitted.values <- fastFit (U, y, n, p)
  residuals <- y - fitted.values
  if(!is.null(offset)) fitted.values <- fitted.values + offset
  list(qr = Q, fitted.values = as.matrix(fitted.values),
       residuals = as.matrix(residuals))

getTerms <- function(Terms, SS.type = "I") {
  trms <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
  k <- length(trms)
  mod.k <- if(k > 0) c(0, seq(1, k, 1)) else 0
  if(k > 0) {
    if(SS.type == "III"){
      k3 <- mod.k[-1]
      modf <- lapply(as.list(k3), function(.) Terms)
      modr <- lapply(as.list(k3), function(j) Terms[-j])
    } else if(SS.type == "II"){
      k2 <- mod.k[-1]
      fac <- crossprod(attr(Terms, "factor"))
      modr <- lapply(as.list(k2), function(j){
        ind <- as.logical(ifelse(fac[j,] < fac[j,j], 1, 0))
      modf <- lapply(as.list(k2), function(j){
        ind <- ifelse(fac[j,] < fac[j,j], 1, 0)
        ind[j] <- 1
        ind <- as.logical(ind)
    } else {
      kf <- mod.k[-1]
      kr <- mod.k[-(max(mod.k) + 1)]
      modf <- lapply(as.list(kf), function(j) Terms[1:j])
      modr <- lapply(as.list(kr), function(j) Terms[0:j])
    names(modf) <- names(modr) <- trms
  } else {
    modr <- modf <- list("Intercept" = Terms)
  list(terms.r = modr, terms.f = modf)

getXs <- function(Terms, Y, SS.type, tol = 1e-7,
                  model) {
  X <- model.matrix(Terms, data = model)
  X.k <- X.k.obs <- attr(X, "assign")
  fit.args <- list(x = X, y = Y, tol = tol, method = "qr", 
                   singular.ok = TRUE)
  fit <- do.call(lm.fit, fit.args)
  X.n.k.obs <- length(X.k.obs)
  QRx <- fit$qr
  X.n.k <- QRx$rank
  Xobs <- X
  X <- X[, QRx$pivot, drop = FALSE]
  X <- X[, 1:QRx$rank, drop = FALSE]
  X.k <- X.k[QRx$pivot][1:QRx$rank]
  attr(X, "assign") <- X.k
  attr(X, "contrasts") <- attr(Xobs, "contrasts")
  uk <- unique(c(0, X.k))
  if(X.n.k < X.n.k.obs) fix <- TRUE else fix <- FALSE
  if(fix) {
    Terms <- Terms[uk]
        "\nThis is not an error!  It is a friendly warning.\n",
        "\nBecause variables in the linear model are redundant,",
        "\nthe linear model design has been truncated (via QR decomposition).",
        "\nOriginal X columns:", X.n.k.obs,
        "\nFinal X columns (rank):", X.n.k,
        "\nCheck coefficients or degrees of freedom in ANOVA to see changes.\n",
        "\nUse options(warn = -1) to turn off these warnings. \n\n", sep = " "),
      noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) 
  term.labels <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
  k <- length(term.labels)
  shrinkX <- function(X, cols) {
    X <- as.data.frame(X)
    vars <- colnames(X)[cols]
    X <- X[vars]
  if(k > 0){
    if(SS.type == "III"){
      uk0 <- uk[-1]
      xk0 <- unique(X.k[-1])
      Xrs <- lapply(2:length(uk), function(j){
        vars <- X.k %in% uk[-j]
        shrinkX(X, vars)
      Xfs <- lapply(2:length(uk), function(j)  X)
    } else if(SS.type == "II"){
      uk0 <- uk[-1]
      xk0 <- unique(X.k[-1])
      fac <- crossprod(attr(Terms, "factor"))
      Xrs <- lapply(1:NROW(fac), function(j){
        ind <- ifelse(fac[j,] < fac[j, j], 1, 0)
        ind <- as.logical(c(1, ind))
        vars <-  X.k %in% uk[ind]
        shrinkX(X, vars)
      Xfs <- lapply(1:NROW(fac), function(j){
        ind <- ifelse(fac[j,] < fac[j, j], 1, 0)
        ind[j] <- 1
        ind <- as.logical(c(1, ind))
        vars <-  X.k %in% uk[ind]
        shrinkX(X, vars)
    } else {
      Xs <- lapply(1:length(uk), function(j) {
        vars <-  X.k %in% uk[1:j]
        shrinkX(X, vars)
      Xrs <- Xs[1:k]
      Xfs <- Xs[2:(k+1)]
    names(Xrs) <- names(Xfs) <- term.labels
  } else {
    Xrs <- Xfs <- list(Intercept = X)
  list(Xrs = Xrs, Xfs = Xfs)

lm.rrpp.fit <- function(x, y, Pcov = NULL, w = NULL, offset = NULL, tol = 1e-07){
  getGLSlm<- function(x, y, Pcov, offset = offset, method = "qr", tol = tol){
    PX <- as.matrix(Pcov %*% x)
    PY <- as.matrix(Pcov %*% y)
    fit <- LM.fit(x = PX, y = PY, offset = offset, tol = tol)
  z <- if(!is.null(Pcov)) getGLSlm(x, y, Pcov, offset = offset, tol = tol) else 
    if(!is.null(w)) lm.wfit(x = as.matrix(x), y = y, w = w, offset = offset, tol = tol) else
      LM.fit(x = x, y = y, offset = offset, tol = tol)
  if(!is.null(Pcov)) {
    z$residuals <- fast.solve(Pcov) %*% z$residuals
    z$fitted.values <- y - z$residuals

# NO LONGER USED but retained for potential future use
lm.rrpp.exchange <- function(x, y, Pcov = NULL, w = NULL, offset = NULL, tol = 1e-07){
  getGLSlm<- function(x, y, Pcov, offset = offset, method = "qr", tol = tol){
    PX <- Pcov %*% x
    PY <- Pcov %*% y
    fit <- LM.fit(x = PX, y = PY, offset = offset, tol = tol)
  getWlm<- function(x, y, w, offset = offset, method = "qr", tol = tol){
    wts <- sqrt(w)
    fit <- lm.fit(x = as.matrix(x * wts), 
                  y = as.matrix(y * wts), offset = offset, tol = tol)
  z <- if(!is.null(Pcov)) getGLSlm(x = x, y = y, Pcov, offset = offset, tol = tol) else 
    if(!is.null(w)) getWlm(x = x, y = y, w = w, offset = offset, tol = tol) else
      LM.fit(x = x, y = y, offset = offset, tol = tol)

# NO LONGER USED but retained for potential future use
package.exchanges <- function(Y, mods, Xs, Terms, model, 
                             offset = NULL, w = NULL,
                             Pcov = NULL, tol = 1e-7, SS.type) {
  Xrs <- Xs$Xrs
  Xfs <- Xs$Xfs
  exchange.args <- list(x = Xrs[[1]], y = Y, Pcov = Pcov, w = w,
                        offset = offset, tol = tol)
  reduced = lapply(Xrs, function(x) {
    exchange.args$x <- x
    do.call(lm.rrpp.exchange, exchange.args)
  full = lapply(Xfs, function(x) {
    exchange.args$x <- x
    do.call(lm.rrpp.exchange, exchange.args)
  model.sets <- list(terms.r = mods$terms.r, terms.f = mods$terms.f,
                     Xrs = Xrs, Xfs = Xfs)
  list(reduced = reduced, full = full, offset = offset, weights = w,
       Terms = Terms, model = model, Pcov = Pcov, SS.type = SS.type, 
       model.sets = model.sets)

# NO LONGER USED but retained for potential future use
package.fits <- function(Y, mods, Xs, Terms, model, 
                         offset = NULL, w = NULL,
                         Pcov = NULL, tol = 1e-7, SS.type) {
  Xrs <- Xs$Xrs
  Xfs <- Xs$Xfs
  fit.args <- list(x = Xrs[[1]], y = Y, Pcov = Pcov, w = w,
                   offset = offset, tol = tol)
  reduced = lapply(Xrs, function(x) {
    fit.args$x <- x
    do.call(lm.rrpp.fit, fit.args)
  full = lapply(Xfs, function(x) {
    fit.args$x <- x
    do.call(lm.rrpp.fit, fit.args)
  model.sets <- list(terms.r = mods$terms.r, terms.f = mods$terms.f,
                     Xrs = Xrs, Xfs = Xfs)
  list(reduced = reduced, full = full, offset = offset, weights = w,
       Terms = Terms, model = model, Pcov = Pcov, SS.type = SS.type, 
       model.sets = model.sets)

# droplevels.rrpp.data.frame
# same as droplevels for data.frame objects
# used in lm.rrpp

droplevels.rrpp.data.frame <- function (x, except = NULL, ...) {
  ix <- vapply(x, is.factor, NA)
  if (!is.null(except))
    ix[except] <- FALSE
  x[ix] <- lapply(x[ix], factor)

# getHb
# function to find "hat" matrix for coefficients
# used in lm.rrpp/SS.iter/beta.iter
getHb <- function(Q) {
  S4 <- !(inherits(Q, "qr"))
  k <- getRank(Q)
  R <- suppressWarnings(qr.R(Q))
  U <- qr.Q(Q)
  Rs <- try(fast.solve(R), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(Rs, "try-error")){
    Rs <- 1
  res <- as.matrix(tcrossprod(Rs, U))
    rownames(res) <- if(S4) Q@R@Dimnames[[2]] else

# checkers
# algorithms to facilitate RRPP iteration stats calculations
# used in lm.rrpp/SS.iter/beta.iter
checkers <- function(Y, Qs, Qs.sparse, Xs, turbo = FALSE, 
                     Terms, Pcov = NULL, w = NULL) {
  k <- length(attr(Terms, "term.labels"))
  Qr <- Qs$reduced
  Qf <- Qs$full
  n <- NROW(Y)
  Qrs <- Qs.sparse$reduced
  Qfs <- Qs.sparse$full
  Ur <- lapply(Qr, qr.Q)
  Uf <- lapply(Qf, qr.Q)
  kk <- length(Uf)
  if(k > 0 && k != kk) k <- kk
  getU <- function(Q, Qs) {
    U <- try(qr.Q(Qs), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(U, "try-error"))
      U <- qr.Q(Q)
  Urs <- Map(function(q, qs) getU(q, qs), Qr, Qrs)
  Ufs <- Map(function(q, qs) getU(q, qs), Qf, Qfs)
  Urs <- lapply(Urs, function(x) 
    Matrix(round(x, 12), sparse = TRUE))
  Ufs <- lapply(Ufs, function(x) 
    Matrix(round(x, 12), sparse = TRUE))
  getR <- function(Q) {
    R <- if(inherits(Q, "sparseQR")) qrR(Q) else qr.R(Q)

  if(!turbo) {
    Hbf <- lapply(Qf, getHb)
    Hbfs <- lapply(Hbf, function(x) Matrix(round(x, 12), sparse = TRUE))
    Hbr <- lapply(Qr, getHb)
    Hbrs <- lapply(Hbr, function(x) Matrix(round(x, 12), sparse = TRUE))  
    for(i in 1:max(1,k)) {
      if(object.size(Hbfs[[i]]) < object.size(Hbf[[i]]))
        Hbf[[i]] <- Hbfs[[i]]
      if(object.size(Hbrs[[i]]) < object.size(Hbr[[i]]))
        Hbr[[i]] <- Hbrs[[i]]
  } else Hbr <- Hbf <- NULL
  # Linear model checkers
  for(i in 1:max(1, k)) {
    o.ur <- object.size(Ur[[i]])
    o.urs <- object.size(Urs[[i]])
    if(o.urs < o.ur) {
      Ur[[i]] <- Urs[[i]]
    o.uf <- object.size(Uf[[i]])
    o.ufs <- object.size(Ufs[[i]])
    if(o.ufs < o.uf) {
      Uf[[i]] <-  Ufs[[i]]
  Ufull <-Uf[[max(1, k)]]
  int <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
  intercept <- rep(int, n)
  Qint <- if(!is.null(Pcov))
    qr(Pcov %*% intercept) else if(!is.null(w))
      qr(intercept * sqrt(w)) else
  Unull <- qr.Q(Qint)
  S4 <- !inherits(Qint, "qr")
  Hbnull <- if(S4) tcrossprod(fast.solve(qrR(Qint)), Unull) else
    tcrossprod(fast.solve(qr.R(Qint)), Unull)
  Qout <- Qs
  for(i in 1:2){
    for(j in 1:max(1, k)){
      oq <- object.size(Qs[[i]][[max(1, j)]])
      oqs <- object.size(Qs.sparse[[i]][[max(1, j)]])
      if(oqs < oq) Qout[[i]][[j]] <- Qs.sparse[[i]][[j]]
  out <- list(Y = Y, Ur = Ur, Uf = Uf, Unull = Unull, Ufull = Ufull,
              Hbr = Hbr, Hbf = Hbf, Hbnull = Hbnull, QR = Qout, k = k,
              realized.trms = names(Xs$Xfs))

# SS.iter
# three functions: main, and two for whether PP is used
# gets appropriate SS vectors for random permutations in lm.rrpp
# generates ANOVA stats

SS.iter <- function(checkrs, ind,  print.progress = TRUE, 
                    Parallel.args) {
  forking <- Parallel.args$forking
  usecluster <- Parallel.args$usecluster
  cluster <- Parallel.args$cluster
  no_cores <- Parallel.args$ParCores
    SS.iter.main(checkrs = checkrs, ind = ind, 
                 print.progress = print.progress,
                 no_cores = no_cores, usecluster = usecluster,
                 cluster = cluster, forking = forking)

SS.iter.main <- function(checkrs, ind, print.progress = TRUE, 
                         no_cores, cluster = NULL, forking = FALSE,
                         usecluster = FALSE) {
  Ur <- checkrs$Ur
  Uf <- checkrs$Uf
  Unull <- checkrs$Unull
  Ufull <- checkrs$Ufull
  FR <- checkrs$FR
  Y <- checkrs$Y
  dims <- dim(Y)
  n <- dims[1]
  p <- dims[2]
  yh0 <- as.matrix(fastFit(Unull, Y, n, p))
  r0 <- as.matrix(Y - yh0)
  k <- checkrs$k
  trms <- checkrs$realized.trms
  perms <- length(ind)
  rrpp.args <- list(FR = FR, ind.i = NULL)
  rrpp <- function(FR, ind.i) {
    lapply(FR, function(x) x$fitted + x$residuals[ind.i, ])
  ss <- function(ur, uf, y) c(sum(crossprod(ur, y)^2), sum(crossprod(uf, y)^2), 
                              sum(y^2) - sum(crossprod(Ufull, y)^2))
  pbbar <- FALSE
  if(print.progress && no_cores > 1){
    cat("\nProgress bar not available for Sums of Squares calculations...\n")
  } else   if(print.progress && no_cores == 1){
    cat(paste("\nSums of Squares calculations:", perms, "permutations.\n"))
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = perms, initial = 0, style=3)
    pbbar <- TRUE
  if(forking && no_cores > 1) {
    result <- mclapply(1:perms, mc.cores = no_cores, function(j){
      x <-ind[[j]]
      rrpp.args$ind.i <- x
      Yi <- do.call(rrpp, rrpp.args)
      y <- as.matrix(yh0 + r0[x,])
      yy <- sum(y^2)
      if(k > 0) {
        res <- vapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
          ss(Ur[[j]], Uf[[j]], Yi[[j]])
        }, numeric(3))
        SSr <- res[1, ]
        SSf <- res[2, ]
        RSS <- res[3, ]
        TSS <- yy - sum(crossprod(Unull, y)^2)
        TSS <- rep(TSS, k)
        SS = SSf - SSr
      } else SSr <- SSf <- SS <- RSS <- TSS <- NA
      RSS.model <- yy - sum(crossprod(Ufull, y)^2)
      if(k == 0) TSS <- RSS.model
      list(SS = SS, RSS = RSS, TSS = TSS, RSS.model = RSS.model)
  } else if(usecluster && no_cores > 1) {
    result <- parLapply(cluster, 1:perms, function(j){
      x <-ind[[j]]
      rrpp.args$ind.i <- x
      Yi <- do.call(rrpp, rrpp.args)
      y <- as.matrix(yh0 + r0[x,])
      yy <- sum(y^2)
      if(k > 0) {
        res <- vapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
          ss(Ur[[j]], Uf[[j]], Yi[[j]])
        }, numeric(3))
        SSr <- res[1, ]
        SSf <- res[2, ]
        RSS <- res[3, ]
        TSS <- yy - sum(crossprod(Unull, y)^2)
        TSS <- rep(TSS, k)
        SS = SSf - SSr
      } else SSr <- SSf <- SS <- RSS <- TSS <- NA
      RSS.model <- yy - sum(crossprod(Ufull, y)^2)
      if(k == 0) TSS <- RSS.model
      list(SS = SS, RSS = RSS, TSS = TSS, RSS.model = RSS.model)
  } else {
    result <- lapply(1:perms, function(j){
      step <- j
      if(print.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb,step)
      x <-ind[[j]]
      rrpp.args$ind.i <- x
      Yi <- do.call(rrpp, rrpp.args)
      y <- as.matrix(yh0 + r0[x,])
      yy <- sum(y^2)
      if(k > 0) {
        res <- vapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
          ss(Ur[[j]], Uf[[j]], Yi[[j]])
        }, numeric(3))
        SSr <- res[1, ]
        SSf <- res[2, ]
        RSS <- res[3, ]
        TSS <- yy - sum(crossprod(Unull, y)^2)
        RSS.model <- yy - sum(crossprod(Ufull, y)^2)
        SS = SSf - SSr
      } else {
        SSr <- SSf <- SS <- RSS <- TSS <- NA
        RSS.model <- TSS <- yy - sum(crossprod(Ufull, y)^2)
      list(SS = SS, RSS = RSS, TSS = TSS, RSS.model = RSS.model)
  SS <- matrix(sapply(result, "[[", "SS"), max(1, k), perms)
  RSS <- matrix(sapply(result, "[[", "RSS"), max(1, k), perms)
  TSS <- matrix(sapply(result, "[[", "TSS"), max(1, k), perms, 
                byrow = TRUE)
  RSS.model <- matrix(sapply(result, "[[", "RSS.model"), 
                      max(1, k), perms, byrow = TRUE)
  res.names <- list(if(k > 0) trms else "Intercept", 
                    c("obs", paste("iter", 1:(perms-1), sep=".")))
  dimnames(SS) <- dimnames(RSS) <- dimnames(TSS)  <- dimnames(RSS.model) <-
  if(all(is.na(SS))) RSS <- SS <- NULL
  if(pbbar) close(pb)
  list(SS = SS, RSS = RSS, TSS = TSS, RSS.model = RSS.model)

# anova_parts
# construct an ANOVA tablefrom random SS output
# used in lm.rrpp

getRank <- function(Q) {
  if(inherits(Q, "sparseQR")) {
    d <- round(svd(Q@R)$d, 15)
    r <- length(which(d > 0))
  } else if(inherits(Q, "qr")) {
    r <- Q$rank
  } else r <- rankMatrix(Q)[1]

anova_parts <- function(checkrs, SS, full.resid = FALSE){
  SS.type <- checkrs$SS.type
  perms <- NCOL(SS)
  trms <- checkrs$terms
  k <- checkrs$k
  dims <- dim(checkrs$Y)
  n <- dims[1]
  p <- dims[2]
  QRf <- checkrs$QR$full
  QRr <- checkrs$QR$reduced
  if(k > 0) {
    df <- unlist(Map(function(qf, qr) 
      getRank(qf) - getRank(qr), 
      QRf, QRr))
    dfe <- n - getRank(QRf[[k]])
    RSS <- SS$RSS
    TSS <- SS$TSS
    RSS.model <- SS$RSS.model
    SS <- SS$SS
    Rsq <- SS/TSS
    MS <- SS/df
    RMS <- RSS/dfe
    Fs <- MS/RMS
    dft <- n - 1
    df <- c(df, dfe, dft)
    if(SS.type == "III") {
      etas <- SS/TSS
      cohenf <- etas/(1-etas)
    } else {
      etas <- Rsq
      if(k == 1) unexp <- 1 - etas else unexp <- 1 - apply(etas, 2, cumsum)
      cohenf <- etas/unexp
    rownames(Fs) <- rownames(cohenf) <- rownames(SS)
    if(full.resid) {
      SS <- abs(SS - cbind(0, matrix(SS[,1], nrow(SS), ncol(SS) - 1)))
      MS <- abs(MS - cbind(0, matrix(MS[,1], nrow(MS), ncol(MS) - 1)))
      Rsq <- abs(Rsq - cbind(0, matrix(Rsq[,1], nrow(Rsq), ncol(Rsq) - 1)))
      Fs <- MS/RMS
      rownames(Fs) <- rownames(SS)
      cohenf <- NULL
  } else {
    RSS <- NULL
    TSS <- SS$TSS
    RSS.model <- SS$RSS.model
    SS <- NULL
    Rsq <- NULL
    MS <- NULL
    RMS <- NULL
    Fs <- NULL
    cohenf <- NULL
    df <- n - 1
    SS.type <- NULL
  out <- list(SS.type = SS.type, SS = SS, MS = MS, RSS = RSS,
              TSS = TSS, RSS.model = RSS.model, Rsq = Rsq,
              Fs = Fs, cohenf = cohenf, full.resid = full.resid,
              n = n, p = p, df=df

# SS.mean
# support function for calculating SS quickly in SS.iter
# used in lm.rrpp
# NO LONGER USED but retained for potential future use

SS.mean <- function(x, n) if(is.vector(x)) sum(x)^2/n else sum(colSums(x)^2)/n

# beta.boot.iter
# gets appropriate beta vectors for coefficients via bootstrap
# used in predict.lm.rrpp

beta.boot.iter <- function(fit, ind) {

  gls <- fit$LM$gls
  id <- colnames(fit$LM$QR$qr)
  fitted <- if(gls) fit$LM$gls.fitted else fit$LM$fitted
  res <- if(gls) fit$LM$gls.residuals else fit$LM$residuals
  w <- fit$LM$weights
  if(!is.null(w)) weighted = TRUE else weighted = FALSE
  if(weighted) {
    fitted <- fitted * sqrt(w)
    res <- res * sqrt(w)
  Y <- fitted + res
  dims <- dim(Y)
  n <- dims[1]
  p <- dims[2]
  perms <- length(ind)
  Pcov <- fit$LM$Pcov
  if(is.null(Pcov) && !is.null(fit$LM$Cov))
    Pcov <- Cov.proj(fit$LM$Cov)
  rrpp.args <- list(fitted = as.matrix(fitted), 
                    residuals = as.matrix(res),
                    ind.i = NULL)
  rrpp <- function(fitted, residuals, ind.i) as.matrix(fitted + residuals[ind.i,])
  Qf <- fit$LM$QR
  Hf <- tcrossprod(fast.solve(qr.R(Qf)), qr.Q(Qf))
  Hfs <- Matrix(round(Hf, 15), sparse = TRUE)
  if(object.size(Hfs) < object.size(Hf)) Hf <- Hfs
  betas <- lapply(1:perms, function(j){
    x <-ind[[j]]
    rrpp.args$ind.i <- x
    Yi <- do.call(rrpp, rrpp.args)
    if(!is.null(Pcov)) Yi <- Pcov %*% Yi
    res <- as.matrix(Hf %*% Yi)
    rownames(res) <- id

# beta.iter
# three functions: main, and two for whether PP is used
# gets appropriate beta vectors for random permutations in lm.rrpp
# generates distances as statistics for summary
beta.iter <- function(checkrs, ind, print.progress = TRUE, 
                      Parallel.args) {
  forking <- Parallel.args$forking
  cluster <- Parallel.args$cluster
  usecluster <- Parallel.args$usecluster
  no_cores <- Parallel.args$ParCores
    beta.iter.main(checkrs = checkrs, ind = ind, 
                   print.progress = print.progress,
                   no_cores = no_cores, usecluster = usecluster,
                   cluster = cluster, forking = forking)

beta.iter.main <- function(checkrs, ind, print.progress = TRUE, 
                           no_cores, cluster = NULL, forking = FALSE,
                           usecluster = FALSE) {
  k <- checkrs$k
  trms <- checkrs$realized.trms
  Hr <- checkrs$Hbr 
  Hf <- checkrs$Hbf
  pert.rows <- lapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
    br.nms <- try(rownames(Hr[[j]]), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(br.nms, "try-error"))
      br.nms <- "(Intercept)"
    bf.nms <- try(rownames(Hf[[j]]), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(bf.nms, "try-error"))
      bf.nms <- "(Intercept)"
    if(length(bf.nms) > length(br.nms)) {
      b <- bf.nms
      a <- br.nms
    } else {
      a <- bf.nms
      b <- br.nms
    b.keep <- setdiff(bf.nms, br.nms)
    res <- which(b %in% b.keep)
    list(res = res, b.keep = b.keep)
  b.names <- lapply(pert.rows, function(x) x$b.keep)
  pert.rows <- lapply(pert.rows, function(x) x$res)
  names(b.names) <- names(pert.rows) <- trms
  FR <- checkrs$FR
  o <- checkrs$offset
  offst <- !is.null(o)
  perms <- length(ind)
  Y <- checkrs$Y
  dims <- dim(Y)
  n <- dims[1]
  p <- dims[2]
  rrpp.args <- list(FR = FR, ind.i = NULL, offst = offst, o = o)
  rrpp <- function(FR, ind.i, offst, o) {
    if(offst) lapply(FR, function(x) x$fitted + x$residuals[ind.i, ] - o) else 
      lapply(FR, function(x) x$fitted + x$residuals[ind.i, ])
  pbbar <- FALSE
  if(print.progress && no_cores > 1){
    cat("\nProgress bar not available for coefficients estimation...\n")
  } else   if(print.progress && no_cores == 1){
    cat(paste("\nCoefficients estimation:", perms, "permutations.\n"))
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = perms, initial = 0, style=3)
    pbbar <- TRUE
  getBetas <- function(Hf, Yi, pert.rows){
    Bf <- Map(function(hf, y, p) {
      B <- as.matrix(hf %*% y)
      d <- tcrossprod(B)[p, p]
      if(length(p) > 1) d <- diag(d)
      res = list(B = B, d = sqrt(d))
    }, Hf, Yi, pert.rows) 
  if(forking && no_cores > 1) {
    betas <- mclapply(1:perms, mc.cores = no_cores, function(j){
      x <-ind[[j]]
      rrpp.args$ind.i <- x
      Yi <- do.call(rrpp, rrpp.args)
      getBetas(Hf, Yi = Yi, pert.rows)
  } else if(usecluster && no_cores > 1) {
    betas <- parLapply(cluster, 1:perms, function(j){
      x <-ind[[j]]
      rrpp.args$ind.i <- x
      Yi <- do.call(rrpp, rrpp.args)
      getBetas(Hf, Yi = Yi, pert.rows)
  } else {
    betas <- lapply(1:perms, function(j){
      step <- j
      if(print.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb,step)
      x <-ind[[j]]
      rrpp.args$ind.i <- x
      Yi <- do.call(rrpp, rrpp.args)
      getBetas(Hf, Yi = Yi, pert.rows)
  if(pbbar)  close(pb)

  cnms <- colnames(Y)
  betas.out <- lapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
    res <- lapply(1:perms, function(jj){
      y <- betas[[jj]][[j]]$B
      colnames(y) <- cnms
    names(res) <- names(ind)
  names(betas.out) <-trms
  d.out <- lapply(1:max(1, k), function(j){
    res <- sapply(1:perms, function(jj){
      y <- betas[[jj]][[j]]$d
  if(is.list(d.out)) d.out <- do.call(rbind, d.out)
  dimnames(d.out) <- list(unlist(b.names), names(ind))

  list(random.coef = betas.out, 
       random.coef.distances = d.out)

# ellipse.points
# A helper function for plotting ellipses from non-parametric CI data
# Used in predict.lm.rrpp

ellipse.points <- function(m, pr, conf) {
  m <- as.matrix(m)
  p <- NCOL(m)
  z <- qnorm((1 - conf)/2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  angles <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out=200)
  ell    <- z* cbind(cos(angles), sin(angles))
  del <- lapply(pr, function(x) x[,1:p] - m)
  vcv <- lapply(1:NROW(m), function(j){
    x <- sapply(1:length(del), function(jj){
  R <- lapply(vcv, chol)
  ellP <- lapply(R, function(x) ell %*% x)
  np <- NROW(ellP[[1]])
  ellP <- lapply(1:length(ellP), function(j){
    x <- m[j,]
    mm <- matrix(rep(x, each = np), np, length(x))
    mm + ellP[[j]]
  ellP <- simplify2array(ellP)
  pc1lim <- c(min(ellP[,1,]), max(ellP[,1,]))
  pc2lim <- c(min(ellP[,2,]), max(ellP[,2,]))
  list(ellP = ellP, pc1lim = pc1lim, pc2lim = pc2lim,
       means = m)

# aov.single.model
# performs ANOVA on a single model
# used in anova.lm.rrpp
aov.single.model <- function(object, ...,
                             effect.type = c("F", "cohenf", "SS", "MS", "Rsq"),
                             error = NULL) {
  x <- object$ANOVA
  if(is.null(x$Fs)) {
    AN <- getANOVAStats(object, stat = "all")
    x[c("SS", "MS", "Rsq", "Fs", "cohenf")] <-
       AN[ c("SS", "MS", "Rsq", "Fs", "cohenf")]
    AN <- NULL
  if(is.null(x$Fs)) x$Fs <- x$F
  df <- x$df
  k <- length(df)-2
  kk <- length(object$LM$term.labels)
  if(k > 0 && k != kk) {
        "\nThis is not an error!  It is a friendly warning.\n",
        "\nANOVA is missing some terms, likely because",
        "\nsome independent variables were redundant.",
        "\nIf the residual SS is 0, results should not be trusted\n", 
        "\nUse options(warn = -1) to turn off these warnings. \n\n", sep = " "),
      noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) 
  SS <- x$SS
  MS <- x$MS 
  RSS <-x$RSS
  TSS <- x$TSS
  perms <- object$PermInfo$perms
  pm <- object$PermInfo$perm.method
  if(pm == "RRPP" && object$PermInfo$full.resid)
    pm <- "FMRP"
  trms <- object$LM$term.labels
  if(!is.null(error)) {
    if(!inherits(error, "character")) 
      stop("The error description is illogical.  It should be a string of character 
           values matching ANOVA terms.",
                                           call. = FALSE)
    kk <- length(error)
    if(kk != k) 
      stop("The error description should match in length the number of ANOVA terms 
           (not including Residuals)",
                     call. = FALSE)
    MSEmatch <- match(error, c(trms, "Residuals"))
      stop("At least one of the error terms is not an ANOVA term",
                                  call. = FALSE)
  } else MSEmatch <- NULL
  if(k >= 1) {
    Fs <- x$Fs
      Fmatch <- which(MSEmatch <= k)
      Fs[Fmatch,] <- MS[Fmatch,]/MS[MSEmatch[Fmatch],]
      F.effect.adj <- apply(Fs, 1, effect.size)
    effect.type <- match.arg(effect.type)
    if(object$LM$gls) {
      est <- "GLS"
      if(effect.type == "SS") {
            "\nThis is not an error!  It is a friendly warning.\n",
            "\nCalculating effect size on SS is illogical with GLS.",
            "\nEffect type has been changed to F distributions.\n",
            "\nUse options(warn = -1) to turn off these warnings. \n\n", sep = " "),
          noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) 
        effect.type = "F"
      if(effect.type == "MS") {
            "\nThis is not an error!  It is a friendly warning.\n",
            "\nCalculating effect size on MS is illogical with GLS.",
            "\nEffect type has been changed to F distributions.\n",
            "\nUse options(warn = -1) to turn off these warnings. \n\n", sep = " "),
          noBreaks. = TRUE, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE) 
        effect.type = "F"
    } else est <- "OLS"
    ow <- options()$warn
    options(warn = -1)
    if(effect.type == "F") Z <- Fs
    if(effect.type == "SS") Z <- x$SS
    if(effect.type == "MS") Z <- x$MS
    if(effect.type == "Rsq") Z <- x$Rsq
    if(effect.type == "cohenf") Z <- x$cohenf
    if(effect.type == "Rsq") effect.type = "R-squared"
    if(effect.type == "cohenf") effect.type = "Cohen's f-squared"
    Fs <- Fs[,1]
    SS <- SS[,1]
    MS <- MS[,1]
    Rsq <- x$Rsq[,1]
    cohenf <- x$cohenf[,1]
    if(!is.null(Z)) {
      if(!inherits(Z, "matrix")) Z <- matrix(Z, 1, length(Z))
      P.val <- apply(Z, 1, pval) 
      Z <- apply(Z, 1, effect.size)
      } else P.val <- NULL
    Residuals <- c(df[k+1], RSS[[1]], RSS[[1]]/df[k+1], 
                   RSS[[1]]/TSS[[1]], rep(NA, 3))
    Total <- c(df[k+2], TSS[[1]], rep(NA, 5))
    tab <- data.frame(Df = df[1:k], SS=SS, MS = MS, Rsq = Rsq, 
                      F = Fs, Z = Z, P.val = P.val)
    tab <- rbind(tab, Residuals = Residuals, Total = Total)
    colnames(tab)[NCOL(tab)] <- paste("Pr(>", effect.type, ")", sep="")
    class(tab) = c("anova", class(tab))
    SS.type <- x$SS.type
    options(warn = ow)
    out <- list(table = tab, perm.method = pm, perm.number = perms,
                est.method = est, SS.type = SS.type, effect.type = effect.type,
                call = object$call)
      } else {
        RSS.model <- x$RSS.model
        tab <- data.frame(df = df, SS = RSS.model[[1]], MS = RSS.model[[1]]/df)
        rownames(tab) <- c("Residuals")
        class(tab) = c("anova", class(tab))
        if(object$LM$gls) est <-"GLS" else est <- "OLS"
        out <- list(table = tab, perm.method = pm, perm.number = perms,
                    est.method = est, SS.type = NULL, effect.type = NULL,
                    call = object$call)
  class(out) <- "anova.lm.rrpp"

# aov.multi.model
# performs ANOVA on multiple models
# used in anova.lm.rrpp
aov.multi.model <- function(object, lm.list,
                            effect.type = c("F", "cohenf", "SS", "MS", "Rsq"),
                            print.progress = TRUE) {
  effect.type <- match.arg(effect.type)
  if(inherits(object, "lm.rrpp")) refModel <- object else 
    stop("The reference model is not a class lm.rrpp object")
  PermInfo <- getPermInfo(refModel, attribute = "all")
  ind <- PermInfo$perm.schedule
  perms <- length(ind)
  if(refModel$LM$gls) {
    X <- if(!is.null(refModel$LM$Pcov)) refModel$LM$Pcov %*% refModel$LM$X else
      refModel$LM$X * sqrt(refModel$LM$weights)
  } else X <- refModel$LM$X
  if(refModel$LM$gls) {
    Y <- if(!is.null(refModel$LM$Pcov)) refModel$LM$Pcov %*% refModel$LM$Y else
      refModel$LM$Y * sqrt(refModel$LM$weights)
  } else Y <- refModel$LM$Y
  B <- if(refModel$LM$gls) refModel$LM$gls.coefficients else 
  U <- as.matrix(qr.Q(refModel$LM$QR))
  n <- refModel$LM$n
  p <- refModel$LM$p
  Yh <- as.matrix(fastFit(U, Y, n, p))
  R <- as.matrix(Y) - Yh
  K <- length(lm.list)
  Ulist <- lapply(1:K, function(j){
    m <- lm.list[[j]]
    if(K > 1)
    cat(paste("\nSums of Squares calculations for", K, "models:", 
              perms, "permutations.\n")) else
      cat(paste("\nSums of Squares calculations for", K, "model:", 
                perms, "permutations.\n"))
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = perms+5, initial = 0, style=3)

  int <- attr(refModel$LM$Terms, "intercept")
  if(refModel$LM$gls) {
    int <- if(!is.null(refModel$LM$Pcov))  refModel$LM$Pcov %*% rep(int, n) else
  } else int <- rep(int, n)
  U0 <- as.matrix(qr.Q(qr(int)))
  yh0 <- as.matrix(fastFit(U0, Y, n, p))
  r0 <- as.matrix(Y) - yh0
  rY <- function(ind.i) Yh + R[ind.i,]
  rY0 <- function(ind.i) yh0 + r0[ind.i,]
  RSS <- function(ind.i, U0, U, Ul, K, n, p, Y, yh0, r0) {
    y <- as.matrix(rY(ind.i))
    y0 <- as.matrix(rY0(ind.i))
    rss0  <- sum(y^2) - sum(crossprod(U, y)^2)
    rss00 <- sum(y0^2) - sum(crossprod(U0, y)^2)
    rss <- lapply(1:K, function(j){
      u <- Ul[[j]]
      sum(y^2) - sum(crossprod(u, y)^2)
    tss <- sum(y0^2) - sum(crossprod(U0, y)^2)
    RSSp <- c(rss0, unlist(rss), tss)
  rss.list <- list(ind.i = NULL, U0 = U0, U = U, 
                   Ul = Ulist, K = K, n = n , p = p, Y = Y,
                   yh0 = yh0, r0 = r0)
  RSSp <- sapply(1:perms, function(j){
    step <- j
    if(print.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb,step)
    rss.list$ind.i <- ind[[j]]
    do.call(RSS, rss.list)
  RSSy <- as.matrix(RSSp[nrow(RSSp),])
  RSSp <- as.matrix(RSSp[-(nrow(RSSp)),])
  RSSy <- as.matrix(matrix(RSSy, nrow(RSSp), perms, byrow = TRUE))
  fit.names <- c(refModel$call[[2]], lapply(1:K, function(j) 
  rownames(RSSp) <- rownames(RSSy) <- fit.names
  SS <- rep(RSSp[1,], each = K + 1) - RSSp
  Rsq <-  SS / RSSy
  dfe <- n - c(getRank(object$LM$QR), unlist(lapply(1:K, 
                     function(j) getRank(lm.list[[j]]$LM$QR))))
  df <- dfe[1] - dfe
  df[1] <- 1
  MS <- SS/rep(df, perms)
  MSE <- RSSp/matrix(rep(dfe, perms), length(dfe), perms)
  Fs <- MS/MSE
  SS[which(zapsmall(SS) == 0)] <- 1e-32
  MS[which(zapsmall(MS) == 0)] <- 1e-32
  Rsq[which(zapsmall(Rsq) == 0)] <- 1e-32
  Fs[which(zapsmall(Fs) == 0)] <- 1e-32
  if(effect.type == "SS") {
    Pvals <- apply(SS, 1, pval)
    Z <- apply(SS, 1, effect.size)
  } else   if(effect.type == "MS") {
    Pvals <- apply(MS, 1, pval)
    Z <- apply(MS, 1, effect.size)
  } else   if(effect.type == "Rsq") {
    Pvals <- apply(Rsq, 1, pval)
    Z <- apply(Rsq, 1, effect.size)
  } else{
    Pvals <- apply(Fs, 1, pval)
    Z <- apply(Fs, 1, effect.size)
  SS[1,] <- NA
  MS[1,] <- NA
  Fs[1,] <- NA
  Pvals[1] <- NA
  Z[1] <- NA
  RSS.obs <- RSSp[,1]
  SS.obs <- SS[,1]
  MS.obs <- MS[,1]
  Rsq.obs <- Rsq[,1]
  F.obs <- Fs[,1]
  tab <- data.frame(ResDf = dfe, Df = df, RSS = RSS.obs, SS = SS.obs, MS = MS.obs,
                    Rsq = Rsq.obs, F = F.obs, Z = Z, P = Pvals)
  tab$DF[1] <- NA
  tab$Rsq <- zapsmall(tab$Rsq, digits = 8)
  tab <-  rbind(tab, c(n-1, NA, RSSy[1], NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))
  rownames(tab)[NROW(tab)] <- "Total"
  if(effect.type == "SS") p.type <- "Pr(>SS)" else
    if(effect.type == "MS") p.type <- "Pr(>MS)" else
      if(effect.type == "Rsq") p.type <- "Pr(>Rsq)" else
        if(effect.type == "cohenf") p.type <- "Pr(>cohenf)" else 
          p.type <- "Pr(>F)" 
  names(tab)[length(names(tab))] <- p.type
  rownames(tab)[1] <- paste(rownames(tab)[1], "(Null)")
  class(tab) <- c("anova", class(tab))
  step <- perms + 5
  if(print.progress) {
  pm <- "RRPP"
  if(refModel$LM$gls) est <- "GLS" else est <- "OLS"
  out <- list(table = tab, perm.method = pm, perm.number = perms,
              est.method = est, SS.type = NULL, effect.type = effect.type,
              SS = SS[-1,], MS = MS[-1,], Rsq = Rsq[-1,], F = Fs[-1,],
              call = object$call)
class(out) <- "anova.lm.rrpp"


# getSlopes
# gets the slopes for groups from a lm.rrpp fit
# used in pairwise
getSlopes <- function(fit, x, g){
  beta <- fit$LM$random.coef
  k <- length(beta)
  beta <- beta[[k]]
  n <- fit$LM$n
  p <- fit$LM$p
  X <- fit$LM$X
  X <- X[, colnames(X)  %in% rownames(beta[[1]])]
  getFitted <- function(b) X %*% b
  fitted <- lapply(beta, getFitted)
  Xn <- model.matrix(~ g * x + 0)
  Q <- qr(Xn)
  H <- tcrossprod(fast.solve(qr.R(Q)), qr.Q(Q))
  getCoef <- function(f) H %*% f
  Coef <- lapply(fitted, getCoef)
  group.slopes <- function(B){ # B of form ~ group * x + 0
    gp <- qr(model.matrix(~g))$rank
    gnames <- rownames(B)[1:gp]
    B <- as.matrix(B[-(1:gp),])
    B[2:gp, ] <- B[2:gp, ] + matrix(rep(B[1,], each = gp -1), gp -1, p)
    rownames(B) <- gnames
  slopes <- lapply(Coef, group.slopes)
  rename <- function(x) {
    dimnames(x)[[1]] <- levels(g)
  slopes <- lapply(slopes, rename)

# getLSmeans
# gets the LS means for groups from a lm.rrpp fit, 
# after constraining covariates to mean values
# used in pairwise
getLSmeans <- function(fit, g){
  beta <- fit$LM$random.coef
  k <- length(beta)
  beta <- beta[[k]]
  n <- fit$LM$n
  dat <- fit$LM$data
  covCheck <- sapply(dat, class)
  for(i in 1:length(covCheck)) if(covCheck[i] == "numeric") 
    dat[[i]] <- mean(dat[[i]])
  L <- model.matrix(fit$LM$Terms, data = dat)
  L <- L[, colnames(L)  %in% rownames(beta[[1]])]
  getFitted <- function(b) {
    b <- b[rownames(b) %in% colnames(L),]
    L %*% b
  fitted <- lapply(beta, getFitted)
  Xn <- model.matrix(~ g + 0)
  Q <- qr(Xn)
  H <- tcrossprod(fast.solve(qr.R(Q)), qr.Q(Q))
  getCoef <- function(f) H %*% f
  means <- lapply(fitted, getCoef)
  rename <- function(x) {
    dimnames(x)[[1]] <- levels(g)
  means <- lapply(means, rename)
  names(means) <- c("obs", paste("iter", 1:(length(means) - 1), sep = "."))

#' Support function for RRPP
#' Calculate vector correlations for a matrix (by rows).  
#' Used for pairwise comparisons.
#' @param M Matrix for vector correlations.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
#' @author Michael Collyer
vec.cor.matrix <- function(M) {
  options(warn = -1)
  M = as.matrix(M)
  w = 1/sqrt(rowSums(M^2))
  vc = tcrossprod(M*w)
  diag(vc) <- 1
  options(warn = 0)

# Pval.list
# P-values across a list
# used in pairwise
Pval.list <- function(M){
  y <- sapply(M, function(x) as.vector(as.dist(x)))
  if(is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y, 1, length(y))
  P <- apply(y, 1, pval)
  D <- as.dist(M[[1]])
  D[1:length(D)] <- P
  P <- as.matrix(D)
  diag(P) <- 1

# effect.list
# effect size across a list
# used in pairwise
effect.list <- function(M){
  y <- sapply(M, function(x) as.vector(as.dist(x)))
  if(is.vector(y)) y <- matrix(y, 1, length(y))
  Z <- apply(y, 1, effect.size)
  D <- as.dist(M[[1]])
  D[1:length(D)] <- Z

# percentile.list
# find percentiles across a list
# used in pairwise
percentile.list <- function(M, confidence = 0.95){
  P <- M[[1]]
  n <- length(M)
  for(i in 1:length(P)) {
    y <- sapply(1:n, function(j) M[[j]][i])
    P[i] <- quantile(y, confidence, na.rm = TRUE)

# d.summary.from.list
# find distance statistics from a list
# used in pairwise
d.summary.from.list <- function(M, confidence = 0.95){
  P <- Pval.list(M)
  Z <- effect.list(M)
  CL <- percentile.list(M, confidence)
  list(D=M[[1]], P=P, Z=Z, CL=CL, confidence = confidence)

# d.summary.from.list
# find vec correlation statistics from a list
# used in pairwise
r.summary.from.list <- function(M, confidence = 0.95){
  options(warn = -1)
  acos.mat <- function(x){
    a <- acos(x)
    diag(a) <- 1
  A <- lapply(M, acos.mat)
  options(warn = 0)
  P <- Pval.list(A)
  Z <- effect.list(A)
  aCL <- percentile.list(A, confidence)
  angle = A[[1]]
  diag(angle) <- 0
  list(r=M[[1]], angle = angle,
       Z=Z, aCL=aCL, confidence = confidence)

# makePWDTable
# arrange distance statistics into a table
# used in pairwise
makePWDTable <- function(L) { # List from summary.from.list
  nms <- rownames(L$D)
  DD <- as.dist(L$D)
  DP <- as.dist(L$P)
  DZ <- as.dist(L$Z)
  DC <- as.dist(L$CL)
  nam.com <- combn(length(nms), 2)
  name.list <- list()
  for(i in 1:NCOL(nam.com)) 
    name.list[[i]]  <- paste(nms[nam.com[1,i]], nms[nam.com[2,i]], sep =":")
  name.list <- unlist(name.list)
  tab <- data.frame(d = as.vector(DD),
                    UCI = as.vector(DC),
                    Z = as.vector(DZ), 
                    P = as.vector(DP))
  rownames(tab) <- name.list
  colnames(tab)[2] <- paste("UCL (", L$confidence*100,"%)", sep = "")
  colnames(tab)[4] <- "Pr > d"

# makePWCorTable
# arrange vec cor statistics into a table
# used in pairwise
makePWCorTable <- function(L){
  nms <- rownames(L$r)
  DR <- as.dist(L$r)
  DA <- as.dist(L$angle)
  DP <- as.dist(L$P)
  DaZ <- as.dist(L$Z)
  DaC <- as.dist(L$aCL)
  nam.com <- combn(length(nms), 2)
  name.list <- list()
  for(i in 1:NCOL(nam.com)) 
    name.list[[i]]  <- paste(nms[nam.com[1,i]], nms[nam.com[2,i]], sep =":")
  name.list <- unlist(name.list)
  tab <- data.frame(r = as.vector(DR),
                    angle = as.vector(DA),
                    UCL = as.vector(DaC),
                    Z = as.vector(DaZ),
                    P = as.vector(DP))
  rownames(tab) <- name.list
  colnames(tab)[3] <- paste("UCL (", L$confidence*100,"%)", sep = "")
  colnames(tab)[5] <- "Pr > angle"


# leaveOneOut
# set-up for jackknife classification
# used in classify
leaveOneOut <- function(X, Y, n.ind) {
  x <- X[-n.ind,]
  QR <- qr(x)
  S4 <- !inherits(QR, "qr")
  Q <- qr.Q(QR)
  R <- if(S4) qrR(QR) else qr.R(QR)
  H <- tcrossprod(fast.solve(R), Q)
  y <- Y[-n.ind,]
  H %*% y

# RiReg
# Ridge Regularization of a covariance matrix, if needed
# used in classify
RiReg <- function(Cov, residuals){
  leads <- seq(0,1,0.005)[-1]
  leads <- leads[-length(leads)]
  I <- diag(1, NROW(Cov))
  N <- NROW(residuals)
  p <- NCOL(residuals)
  Covs <- lapply(1:length(leads), function(j){
    lambda <- leads[[j]]
    (lambda * Cov + (1 - lambda) * I)
  logL <- sapply(1:length(leads), function(j){
    C <- Covs[[j]]
    N*p*log(2*pi) + N * determinant(C, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1] + sum(diag(
      residuals %*% fast.solve(C) %*% t(residuals) 

logL <- function(fit, tol = NULL, pc.no = NULL){
  if(is.null(tol)) tol = 0
  gls <- fit$LM$gls
  n <- fit$LM$n
  p <- fit$LM$p.prime
  X <- as.matrix(fit$LM$X)
  Y <- as.matrix(fit$LM$Y)
  R <- if(gls) fit$LM$gls.residuals else fit$LM$residuals
  PCA <- ordinate(R, tol = tol, rank. = min(c(pc.no, p)))
  rnk <- length(PCA$d)
  w <- fit$LM$weights
  Pcov <- fit$LM$Pcov
  Cov <- fit$LM$Cov  
  R <- if(gls) {
    if(!is.null(Pcov)) Pcov %*% R else R * sqrt(w)
  } else R
  R <- as.matrix(R)
  if(!is.null(w)) {
    excl <- w <= 0
    logdetC <- sum(log(w[!excl]))
  } else {
    logdetC <- if(gls) determinant(Cov, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus else 0
  if(NCOL(R) > rnk) R <- ordinate(R, rank. = rnk)$x
  Sig <- as.matrix(crossprod(R) / n)
  if(kappa(Sig) > 1e10) Sig <- RiReg(Sig, R)
  logdetSig <- determinant(Sig, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus
  ll <- -0.5 * (n * rnk * log(2 * pi) + rnk * logdetC +
                  n * logdetSig + n) 
  list(logL = ll, rank = rnk)

cov.trace <- function(fit) {
  n <- fit$LM$n
  p <- fit$LM$p.prime
    if(!is.null(fit$LM$Pcov)) Sig <- crossprod(fit$LM$Pcov %*% 
                                                 fit$LM$gls.residuals)/n else
      Sig <- crossprod(fit$LM$gls.residuals * sqrt(fit$LM$weights))/n
  }  else {
    Sig <- crossprod(fit$LM$residuals) /n

z.test <- function(aov.mm){
  effect.type = aov.mm$effect.type
  if(effect.type == "F") stat <- aov.mm$F
  if(effect.type == "cohenf") stat <- aov.mm$F
  if(effect.type == "SS") stat <- aov.mm$SS
  if(effect.type == "MS") stat <- aov.mm$MS
  if(effect.type == "Rsq") stat <- aov.mm$Rsq
  perms <- ncol(stat)
  m <- nrow(stat)
  stat.c <- sapply(1:m, function(j){
    s <- stat[j,]
  index <- combn(m, 2)
  Dz <- Pz <- dist(matrix(0, m))

  zdj <- function(x, y, j) {
    obs <- x[j] - y[j]
    sigd <- sqrt(var(x) + var(y))
  for(i in 1:ncol(index)) {
    x <- stat.c[,index[1,i]]
    y <- stat.c[,index[2,i]]
    res <- array(NA, perms)
    for(j in 1: perms) res[j] <- zdj(x, y, j)
    Dz[i] <- abs(res[1])
    Pz[i] <- pval(abs(res))

Z = as.matrix(Dz)
P = as.matrix(Pz)

options(warn = -1)
mds <- cmdscale(Z, m-1, eig = TRUE)
options(warn = 0)
list(Z = as.matrix(Dz), P = as.matrix(Pz), 
     mds = mds,
     form.names = rownames(aov.mm$table)[1:m],
     model.names = paste("m", 0:(m-1), sep = ""))

wilks <- function(e) {
  e <- zapsmall(e)
  e <- e[e > 0]
  prod(1/(1 + e))

pillai <- function(e) {
  e <- zapsmall(e)
  e <- e[e > 0]
  sum(e/(1 + e))

hot.law <- function(e) {
  e <- zapsmall(e)
  e <- e[e > 0]

# trajsize
# find path distance of trajectory
# used in: trajectory.analysis
trajsize <- function(y) {
  k <- NROW(y[[1]])
  tpairs <- cbind(1:(k-1),2:k)
  sapply(1:length(y), function(j) {
    d <- as.matrix(dist(y[[j]]))

# trajorient
# find trajectory correlations from first PCs
# used in: trajectory.analysis
trajorient <- function(y, tn) {
  m <- t(sapply(1:tn, function(j){
    x <- y[[j]]
    La.svd(center.scale(x)$coords, 0, 1)$vt

# trajshape
# find shape differences among trajectories
# used in: trajectory.analysis
trajshape <- function(y){
  y <- Map(function(x) center.scale(x)$coords, y)
  M <- Reduce("+",y)/length(y)
  z <- apply.pPsup(M, y)
  z <- t(sapply(z, function(x) as.vector(t(x))))

# lda.prep
# sets up lm.rrpp object to use in lda
# used in: lda.rrpp
lda.prep <- function(fit, tol = 1e-7, PC.no = NULL, newdata = NULL){
  dat <- fit$LM$data
  gls <- fit$LM$gls
  w <- fit$LM$weights
  Pcov <- fit$LM$Pcov
  dat.class <- sapply(dat, class)
  fac.list <- which(dat.class == "factor")
  if(length(fac.list) == 0) group <- factor(rep(1, n)) else {
    datf <- dat[fac.list]
    group <- factor(apply(datf, 1, paste, collapse = "."))
  newY <- function(fit, group, w = NULL, Pcov=NULL) {
    Xg <- model.matrix(~group)
    Yg <- fit$LM$Y
    res <- if(gls) fit$LM$gls.residuals else fit$LM$residuals
    if(!is.null(w)) {
      nfit <- lm.fit(as.matrix(Xg * sqrt(w)), as.matrix(Yg * sqrt(w)))
      fitted <- Yg * sqrt(w) - res * sqrt(w)
      nY <- (fitted + nfit$residuals)/sqrt(w)
    } else if(!is.null(Pcov)) {
      PY <- Pcov %*% Yg
      nfit <- lm.fit(as.matrix(Pcov %*% Xg), PY)
      fitted <- PY - as.matrix(Pcov %*% res)
      nY <- fast.solve(Pcov) %*% (fitted + nfit$residuals)
    } else {
      nfit <- lm.fit(as.matrix(Xg), as.matrix(Yg))
      nY <- fit$LM$fitted + nfit$res
  Yn <- newY(fit, group, w, Pcov)
  dims <- dim(Yn)
  n <- dims[1]
  p <- dims[2]
  Yc <- if(gls) Yn - matrix(fit$LM$gls.mean, n, p, byrow = TRUE) else
  V <- crossprod(Yc)/n
  if(!is.null(Pcov)) V <- crossprod(Pcov %*% Yc)/n
  if(!is.null(w)) V <-  crossprod(Yc * sqrt(w))/n
  if(gls) s <- svd(V)
  PCA <- prcomp(Yn, tol = tol)
  if(gls) {
    PCA$rotation <- s$v
    PCA$sdev <- sqrt(s$d)
    PCA$x <- Yc %*% s$v
  d <- zapsmall(PCA$sdev^2)
  d <- 1:length(d[d > 0])
  if(!is.null(PC.no)) {
    if(PC.no < length(d)) d <- 1:PC.no
  PCA$rotation <- PCA$rotation[, d]
  PCA$sdev <- PCA$sdev[d]
  PCA$x <- as.matrix(PCA$x[, d])
  colnames(PCA$x) <- colnames(PCA$rotation) <- paste("PC", d, sep = "")
  Yn <- PCA$x
  if(!is.null(newdata)) {
    Yt <- newdata
    if(NCOL(newdata) != p) 
      stop("\nNumber of variables in newdata does not match the number 
           for the data in lm.rrpp fit.\n",
           call. = FALSE)
    Ytc <- if(gls) Yt - matrix(fit$LM$gls.mean, NROW(Yt), p, byrow = TRUE) else
    Yt <- Ytc %*% PCA$rotation
  } else Yt <- NULL
  list(Yn = Yn, Yt = Yt, group = group, gls = gls)

# looPCOne
# finds one PC vector via cross-validation
# used in looCV

looPCOne <-function(fit, n.ind) {
  X <- fit$LM$X
  Y <- fit$LM$Y
  x <- X[n.ind,]
  y <- Y[n.ind,]
  X <- X[-n.ind,]
  Y <- Y[-n.ind,]
  gls <- fit$LM$gls
  Pcov <- if(gls) fit$LM$Pcov[-n.ind, -n.ind] else NULL
  QR <- if(gls) qr(Pcov %*% X) else qr(X)
  S4 <- !inherits(QR, "qr")
  Q <- qr.Q(QR)
  R <- if(S4) qrR(QR) else qr.R(QR)
  H <- tcrossprod(fast.solve(R), Q)
  B <- if(gls)  H %*% (Pcov %*% Y) else
    H %*% Y
  S <- svd(X %*% B)
  y %*% S$v

# looPCOne
# finds each PC vector via cross-validation for a model fit
# used in looCV
looPCAll<-function(fit, ...) {
  n <- fit$LM$n
  gls <- fit$LM$gls
  ord.args <- list(...)
  ord.args$Y <- fit$LM$Y
  ord.args$A <- tcrossprod(qr.Q(fit$LM$QR))
  if(is.null(ord.args$tol)) ord.args$tol <- 1e-6
  ord <- do.call(ordinate, ord.args)
  k <- 1:length(ord$d)
  res <- t(sapply(1:n, function(j) looPCOne(fit, j)))
  dimnames(res) <- if(gls) dimnames(fit$LM$gls.fitted) else
  d <- svd(fit$LM$fitted)$d
  res <- res[,k]
  res <- ordinate(res, ord$x, rank. = max(k))
  list(raw = ord, cv = res)

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RRPP documentation built on Aug. 16, 2023, 1:06 a.m.