#' Evaluation of measurement error for two or more multivariate measurements,
#' for common research subjects
#' Function performs analyses concerned with the repeatability (reliability) of multivariate data
#' (measurements) collected from the same research subjects. Although there is no
#' requirement for repeated measurements on all research subjects, the analysis assumes
#' that multiple observations are made.
#' This function performs analyses as described in Collyer and Adams (2024)
#' to assess systematic and random components of
#' measurement error (ME). It basically performs ANOVA with RRPP,
#' but with different restricted randomization strategies. The reliability of research subject variation
#' can be considered by restricting randomization within replicates; the consistency of replicate measures
#' can be considered by restricting randomization within subjects.
#' Inter-subject variation remains constant across all random permutations within subjects and
#' inter-replicate variation remains constant across all random permutations within replicates. Type II
#' sums of squares and cross-products (SSCP) are calculated to assure conditional estimation.
#' The results include univariate-like statistics based on dispersion of values and
#' eigenanalysis performed on a signal to noise matrix product of SSCP matrices
#' (sensu Bookstein and Mitteroecker, 2014)
#' including the inverse of the random component of ME and the systematic
#' component of ME. The multivariate test is a form of multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA), using
#' RRPP to generate sampling distributions of the major eigenvalue (Roy's maximum root).
#' Likelihood-ratio tests can also be performed using \code{\link{lr_test}}.
#' Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) can also be
#' calculated (using \code{\link{ICCstats}}),
#' both based on dispersion of values and
#' covariance matrices, as descriptive statistics.
#' Details are provided in \code{\link{ICCstats}}.
#' @param data A required data frame, either of class \code{\link{data.frame}} or
#' class \code{\link{}}. This function cannot be used without a
#' data frame. All arguments for data and variables are names that must exist in the data frame.
#' @param Y A name for a matrix (n x p) of data for n observations and p variables that can be found
#' in the data frame. For example, Y = "morphData".
#' @param subjects A name for a vector or factor of research subjects, found within the data frame
#'(each subject should occur twice or more). The length of the vector in the data frame must equal the
#' number of observations and will be coerced into a factor. For example, subjects = "ID".
#' @param replicates A name for a vector or factor for replicate measurements for research subjects, found
#' within the data frame. The length of the vector in the data frame must equal the number of observations and will
#' be coerced into a factor. For example, replicates = "Rep".
#' @param groups An optional name for a vector in the data frame, coercible to factor, to be included
#' in the linear model (as an interaction with replicates). This would be of interest if one
#' were concerned with systematic ME occurring perhaps differently among certain strata within the data.
#' For example, systematic ME because of an observer bias might only be observed with females or males,
#' in which case the argument might be: groups = "Sex".
#' @param iter Number of iterations for significance testing
#' @param seed An optional argument for setting the seed for random
#' permutations of the resampling procedure.
#' If left NULL (the default), the exact same P-values will be found
#' for repeated runs of the analysis (with the same number of iterations).
#' If seed = "random", a random seed will be used, and P-values will vary.
#' One can also specify an integer for specific seed values,
#' which might be of interest for advanced users.
#' @param multivariate Logical value for whether to include multivariate analyses. Intraclass correlation
#' matrices and relative eigenanalysis are based on products of sums of squares and cross-products (SSCP)
#' matrices, some of which must be inverted and potentially require
#' significant computation time. If FALSE, only statistics based on dispersion of values are calculated.
#' @param use.PCs A logical argument for whether to use the principal components of the data.
#' This might be helpful for relative eigenanalysis, and if p > n,
#' in which case inverting singular covariance matrices would not be possible.
#' @param tol A value indicating the magnitude below which
#' components should be omitted, if use.PCs is TRUE. (Components are omitted if their
#' standard deviations are less than or equal to tol times the
#' standard deviation of the first component.) See \code{\link{ordinate}} for more details.
#' @param Parallel The same argument as in \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} to govern parallel processing (
#' either a logical value -- TRUE or FALSE -- or the number of threaded cores to use). See \code{\link{lm.rrpp}}
#' for additional details.
#' @param turbo Logical value for whether to suppress coefficient estimation in RRPP iteration,
#' thus turbo-charging RRPP.
#' @param print.progress A logical value to indicate whether a progress
#' bar should be printed to the screen.
#' @param verbose A logical value to indicate if all the output from an
#' \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} analysis should be retained. If FALSE, only the needed
#' output for summaries and plotting is retained.
#' @export
#' @keywords analysis
#' @author Michael Collyer
#' @return Objects of class "measurement.error" return the same objects
#' as a \code{\link{lm.rrpp}} fit, plus a list of the following:
#' \item{AOV}{Analysis of variance to test for systematic error, based on dispersion of values.}
#' \item{mAOV}{Multivariate AOV based on product of the inverse of the random component (SSCP) of ME
#' times the systematic component of ME.}
#' \item{SSCP}{The sums of squares and cross-products matrices for model effects.}
#' \item{SSCP.ME.product}{The products of the inverse of the random ME SSCP and the SSCP matrices
#' for systematic ME,. These are the same matrix products used for eigenanalysis.
#' This is the observed matrix.}
#' \item{SSCP.ME.product.std}{A list of the symmetric forms of standardized SSCP.ME.products
#' that yield orthogonal eigenvectors.}
#' @references Collyer, M.L. and D.C. Adams. 2024. Interrogating Random and Systematic Measurement Error
#' in Morphometric Data. Evolutionary Biology, 51, 179–20.
#' @references Bookstein, F.L., & Mitteroecker, P. (2014). Comparing covariance matrices by relative eigenanalysis,
#' with applications to organismal biology. Evolutionary Biology, 41(2), 336-350.
#' @seealso \code{\link{}}, \code{\link{manova.update}},
#' \code{\link{lr_test}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Measurement error analysis on simulated data of fish shapes
#' data(fishy)
#' # Example two digitization replicates of the same research subjects
#' rep1 <- matrix(fishy$coords[1,], 11, 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' rep2 <- matrix(fishy$coords[61,], 11, 2, byrow = TRUE)
#' plot(rep1, pch = 16, col = gray(0.5, alpha = 0.5), cex = 2, asp = 1)
#' points(rep2, pch = 16, col = gray(0.2, alpha = 0.5), cex = 2, asp = 1)
#' # Analysis unconcerned with groups
#' ME1 <- measurement.error(
#' Y = "coords",
#' subjects = "subj",
#' replicates = "reps",
#' data = fishy)
#' anova(ME1)
#' ICCstats(ME1, subjects = "Subjects", with_in = "Systematic ME")
#' plot(ME1)
#' # Analysis concerned with groups
#' ME2 <- measurement.error(
#' Y = "coords",
#' subjects = "subj",
#' replicates = "reps",
#' groups = "groups",
#' data = fishy)
#' anova(ME2)
#' ICCstats(ME2, subjects = "Subjects",
#' with_in = "Systematic ME", groups = "groups")
#' P <- plot(ME2)
#' focusMEonSubjects(P, subjects = 18:20, shadow = TRUE)
#' }
measurement.error <- function(data,
groups = NULL,
iter = 999,
seed = NULL,
multivariate = FALSE,
use.PCs = TRUE,
tol = 0.001,
Parallel = FALSE,
turbo = TRUE,
print.progress = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
if(!inherits(data, "")){
if(!inherits(data, "data.frame") &&
!inherits(data, "list"))
stop(paste("\nThe data argument is neither an",
"object, a data.frame object, nor a list.\n",
"Please see function details.\n", sep = " "),
call. = FALSE)
Y <- as.character(Y)
Yslot <- which(names(data) %in% Y)
if(length(Yslot) == 0)
stop(paste("\nThe Y argument must be a character",
"value, like 'myData',",
"which can be found in the RRPP data frame.\n",
sep = " "), call. = FALSE)
Y <- data[Yslot][[1]]
Y <- ordinate(Y, tol = tol)$x
subjects <- as.character(subjects)
Sslot <- which(names(data) %in% subjects)
if(length(Sslot) == 0)
stop(paste("\nThe subjects argument must be a character",
"value, like 'mySubjects',",
"which can be found in the RRPP data frame.\n",
sep = " "), call. = FALSE)
subjects <- data[Sslot][[1]]
replicates <- as.character(replicates)
Rslot <- which(names(data) %in% replicates)
if(length(Rslot) == 0)
stop(paste("\nThe replicates argument must be a character",
"value, like 'myReps',",
"which can be found in the RRPP data frame.\n",
sep = " "), call. = FALSE)
replicates <- data[Rslot][[1]]
useGroups <- !is.null(groups)
groups <- as.character(groups)
Gslot <- which(names(data) %in% groups)
if(length(Gslot) == 0)
stop(paste("\nThe groups argument must be a character",
"value, like 'myGroups',",
"which can be found in the RRPP data frame.\n",
sep = " "), call. = FALSE)
groups <- data[Gslot][[1]]
form <- if(useGroups) Y ~ subjects + groups * replicates else
Y ~ subjects + replicates
dat <-
Y = Y,
subjects = subjects,
replicates = replicates
if(useGroups) dat$groups <- groups
lm.rrpp.args <- list(
f1 = form,
data = dat,
seed = seed,
Parallel = Parallel,
turbo = turbo,
print.progress = print.progress,
verbose = verbose,
subjects = "subjects",
Cov = NULL
fit <- suppressWarnings(, lm.rrpp.args))
fit$call <- form
data <- dat <- lm.rrpp.args <- NULL
n <- fit$LM$n
p <- fit$LM$
if(multivariate && fit$LM$p > 1)
fit <- manova.update(fit, tol = tol,
print.progress = print.progress,
verbose = verbose)
Df <- fit$ANOVA$df
ANOVA <- getANOVAStats(fit, stat = "all")
AOVo <- AOV <- anova(fit, print.progress = FALSE)$table
rownames(AOV) == "subjects")] <- "Subjects"
rownames(AOV) == "replicates")] <- "Systematic ME"
rownames(AOV) == "groups")] <- "Groups"
rownames(AOV) == "groups:replicates")] <-
"Systematic ME:Groups"
rownames(AOV) == "Residuals")] <- "Random ME"
suppressWarnings(mAOV <- summary(fit)$stats.table)
mAOV <- mAOV[rownames(mAOV) %in% rownames(AOVo),]
mAOV <- mAOV[-NROW(mAOV),]
rownames(mAOV) == "subjects")] <- "Subjects / Random ME"
rownames(mAOV) == "replicates")] <- "Systematic ME / Random ME"
rownames(mAOV) == "groups")] <- "Groups / Random ME"
rownames(mAOV) == "groups:replicates")] <-
"Systematic ME:Groups / Random ME"
mAOV <- mAOV[, -(1:2)]
} else mAOV <- NULL
Xsub <- model.matrix(~ subjects)
R <-, Y)$residuals
SS.tot <- sum(R^2)
rmove <- which(Df == 0)
if(length(rmove) > 0)
SNR <- SNR[-rmove, ]
AOV$EtaSq.ME <- NA
AOV$EtaSq.ME[which(rownames(AOV) == "Systematic ME")] <-
AOV$SS[which(rownames(AOV) == "Systematic ME")] / SS.tot
AOV$EtaSq.ME[which(rownames(AOV) == "Systematic ME:Groups")] <-
AOV$SS[which(rownames(AOV) == "Systematic ME:Groups")] / SS.tot
AOV$EtaSq.ME[which(rownames(AOV) == "Random ME")] <-
AOV$SS[which(rownames(AOV) == "Random ME")] / SS.tot
indx <- length(na.omit(AOV$F))
AOV$F[1:indx] <- AOV$SS[1:indx] / AOV$SS[indx + 1]
names(AOV)[which(names(AOV) == "F")] <- "SNR"
AOV <- AOV[c(1:4, 8, 5:7 )]
AOV[1:indx, 7] <- apply(SNR, 1, effect.size)
AOV[1:indx, 8] <- apply(SNR, 1, pval)
names(AOV)[8] <- "Pr(>SNR)"
out <- fit
out$ANOVA$SS.type <- "Within-subject II"
out$AOV <- AOV
out$mAOV <- mAOV
### SSCP products
if(p > 1){
fitb <- fit
class(fitb) <- "lm.rrpp"
SSCP <- summary(fitb, formula = FALSE)$SSCP
if(length(rmove) > 0)
SSCP <- SSCP[-rmove]
SSCP.ME.product <- fast.solve(SSCP$Residuals) %*%
sscp.sqrt <- Cov.proj(SSCP$Residuals, symmetric = TRUE)
SSCP.ME.product.std<- as.matrix(t(sscp.sqrt) %*%
SSCP$replicates %*% sscp.sqrt)
} else SSCP.ME.product <- SSCP.ME.product.std <- NULL
out$SSCP <- SSCP
out$SSCP.ME.product = SSCP.ME.product
out$SSCP.ME.product.std = SSCP.ME.product.std
if(!verbose) {
out$ANOVA$MS <- out$ANOVA$Rsq <- out$ANOVA$Fs <-
out$ANOVA$cohenf <- NULL
out$MANOVA$SSCP <- out$MANOVA$invR.h <- NULL
out$LM$QR <- NULL
out$Models <- NULL
out$PermInfo$perm.schedule <- NULL
class(out) <- c("measurement.error", class(out))
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