
#' @title Example dataset
#' @description Ornithodirans' body mass, phylogenetic tree and locomotory type
#'   (\cite{Castiglione et al 2018}).
#' @name DataOrnithodirans
#' @format A list containing: \describe{ \item{\strong{treedino}}{Ornithodirans
#'   phylogenetic tree}. \item{\strong{massdino}}{numeric vector of
#'   ornithodirans body masses}. \item{\strong{statedino}}{vector of
#'   ornithodirans locomotory type}. }
#' @docType data
#' @author Pasquale Raia, Silvia Castiglione, Carmela Serio, Alessandro
#'   Mondanaro, Marina Melchionna, Mirko Di Febbraro, Antonio Profico, Francesco
#'   Carotenuto
#' @keywords RRphylo
#' @usage data(DataOrnithodirans)
#' @references Castiglione, S., Tesone, G., Piccolo, M., Melchionna, M.,
#'   Mondanaro, A., Serio, C., Di Febbraro, M., & Raia, P.(2018). A new method
#'   for testing evolutionary rate variation and shifts in phenotypic evolution.
#'   \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, 9:
#'   974-983.doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12954

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