
Defines functions getPar

Documented in getPar

#' @title Retrieves several variables from an RSA object
#' @description
#' Retrieves several variables from an RSA object
#' @details
#' None so far.
#' @export
#' @param x RSA object
#' @param type One of: "syntax", "coef", "R2", "R2.adj", "free", "summary", "p.value"
#' @param model A string specifying the model; defaults to "full"
#' @param digits Number of digits the output is rounded to; if NA, digits are unconstrained
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to the extraction function
#' @seealso \code{\link{RSA}}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(0xBEEF)
#' n <- 300
#' err <- 2
#' x <- rnorm(n, 0, 5)
#' y <- rnorm(n, 0, 5)
#' df <- data.frame(x, y)
#' df <- within(df, {
#' 	diff <- x-y
#' 	absdiff <- abs(x-y)
#' 	SD <- (x-y)^2
#' 	z.sq <- SD + rnorm(n, 0, err)
#' })
#' r1 <- RSA(z.sq~x*y, df, models=c("full", "SSQD"))
#' getPar(r1, "syntax")
#' getPar(r1, "R2")
#' getPar(r1, "coef")

getPar <- function(x, type="coef", model="full", digits=NA, ...) {
	type <- tolower(type)
	type <- match.arg(type, c("syntax", "coef", "r2", "rsquared", "r.squared", "r2.p", "rsquared.p", "r.squared.p", "r2.adj", "rsquared.adj", "r.squared.adj", "npar", "free", "summary", "p", "p.value"))
	if (type=="syntax") {
	if (type=="coef") {
	  # get table of parameter estimates
	  p1 <- parameterEstimates(x$models[[model]], ...)
	  # label the intercept
		p1$label[p1$lhs==x$DV & p1$op=="~1"] <- "b0"
		# label the coefficients of control variables, if applicable
		if (x$is.cv){ p1$label[p1$lhs==x$DV & p1$rhs %in% x$control.variables] <- paste0("cv", 1:length(x$control.variables))	}
		# keep only parameters that have a label
		p1 <- data.frame(p1[p1$label != "", ])
		rownames(p1) <- paste0(p1$lhs, p1$op, p1$rhs)
		p1 <- p1[, -c(1:3)]
		if (!is.na(digits))	p1[, -1] <- round(p1[, -1], digits)
	if (type %in% c("r2", "rsquared", "r.squared")) {
		return(inspect(x$models[[model]], "R2", ...))
	if (type %in% c("r2.p", "rsquared.p", "r.squared.p", "p", "p.value")) {
		F <- fitmeasures(x$models[[model]])
		R <- inspect(x$models[[model]], "R2", ...)
		n <- lavaan::nobs(x$models[[model]])
		k <- F["baseline.df"] - F["df"]
		r2.p <- pf(((n-k-1)*R)/(k*(1-R)), k, n-k-1, lower.tail=FALSE)
		names(r2.p) <- NULL
	if (type %in% c("r2.adj", "rsquared.adj", "r.squared.adj")) {
		freeparam <- getFreeParameters(x$models[[model]]) - fitmeasures(x$models[[model]], "Df")
		r2.adj <- 1 - (1-inspect(x$models[[model]], "R2")) * ((lavaan::nobs(x$models[[model]])-1)/(lavaan::nobs(x$models[[model]]) - freeparam - 1))
		names(r2.adj) <- "r2.adj"
	if (type %in% c("npar", "free")) {
		return(fitmeasures(x$models[[model]], "npar"))
	if (type %in% c("summary")) {
		return(summary(x$models[[model]], ...))

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RSA documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 9:07 a.m.