
plotevol<-function (DEVOL, log = 0, fl = 0, fh = 10, col = col, ylog = FALSE,
    ygrid = FALSE, AXE = c(1, 2, 3, 4), CSCALE = FALSE, WUNITS = "Volts",
    STAMP = NULL, STYLE = "fft")
    if (missing(log)) {
        log = 0
    if (missing(fl)) {
        fl = DEVOL$wpars$fl
    if (missing(fh)) {
        fh = DEVOL$wpars$fh
    if (missing(col)) {
        col = rainbow(50)
    if (missing(ylog)) {
        ylog = FALSE
    if (missing(ygrid)) {
        ygrid = FALSE
    if (missing(AXE)) {
        AXE = c(1, 2, 3, 4)
    if (missing(CSCALE)) {
        CSCALE = TRUE
    if (missing(STAMP)) {
        STAMP = NULL
    if (missing(WUNITS)) {
        WUNITS = NULL
    if (missing(STYLE)) {
        STYLE = "fft"
    if (length(col) < 1) {
        col = rainbow(50)
    perc = 0.85
    a = DEVOL$sig
    dt = DEVOL$dt
    numfreqs = DEVOL$numfreqs
    y = DEVOL$freqs
    x = DEVOL$tims
    yflag = (y >= fl & y <= fh)
    tim = dt * seq(0, length = length(a))
    if (identical(STYLE, "fft")) {
        IMAT = t(DSPEC[1:(numfreqs/2), ])
    else {
        IMAT = t(DSPEC)
    if (ylog == TRUE) {
        Yplmin = min(log10(y[yflag]))
        Yplmax = max(log10(y[yflag]))
        why = RPMG::RESCALE(log10(y[yflag]), 0, perc, Yplmin, Yplmax)
    else {
        Yplmin = min(y[yflag], na.rm = TRUE)
        Yplmax = max(y[yflag], na.rm = TRUE)
        why = RPMG::RESCALE((y[yflag]), 0, perc, Yplmin, Yplmax)
    subI = IMAT[, yflag]
    if (log <= 0) {
        ImPlot = subI
        units = "Amp"
    if (log == 1) {
        ImPlot = log10(subI)
        units = "Log Amp"
    if (log == 2) {
        ImPlot = sqrt(subI)
        units = "SQRT Amp"
    if (log == 3) {
        ImPlot = 20 * log10(subI/max(subI))
        units = "DB"
    if (log > 3) {
        ImPlot = subI
        units = "Amp"
    par(xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
    plot(range(tim), c(0, 1), axes = FALSE, type = "n", xlab = "",
        ylab = "")
    image(x, why, ImPlot, add = TRUE, col = col, xlab = "time",
        ylab = "freq", axes = FALSE)
    trace = RPMG::RESCALE(a, perc, 1, min(a, na.rm = TRUE), max(a,
        na.rm = TRUE))
    lines(tim, trace)
    Tdiff = max(tim, na.rm = TRUE) - min(tim, na.rm = TRUE)
    segments(max(tim) - Tdiff * 0.04 - DEVOL$wpars$Ns * dt, perc +
        0.01, max(tim) - Tdiff * 0.04, perc + 0.01, lwd = 2)
    xtix = pretty(x, n = 10)
    xtix = xtix[xtix >= min(x) & xtix < max(x)]
    axis(3, tck = 0.01, at = xtix, labels = FALSE)
    if (!is.na(match(3, AXE))) {
        mtext(side = 3, at = xtix, text = xtix, line = 0.5)
    axis(1, tck = 0.01, at = xtix, labels = FALSE)
    mtext(side = 1, at = xtix, text = xtix, line = 0.25)
    mtext(side = 1, at = max(x), text = "Time, s", line = 1.5,
        adj = 1)
    if (ylog == TRUE) {
        axspec = pretty(log10(y[yflag]), n = 10)
        axspec = axspec[axspec <= max(log10(y[yflag]))]
        raxspec = RPMG::RESCALE(axspec, 0, perc, min(log10(y[yflag]),
            na.rm = TRUE), max(log10(y[yflag]), na.rm = TRUE))
        axspec = 10^(axspec[axspec <= max(log10(y[yflag]))])
        axspec[axspec < 1] = 1/axspec[axspec < 1]
    else {
        axspec = pretty(y[yflag], n = 10)
        axspec = axspec[axspec <= max(y[yflag], na.rm = TRUE)]
        raxspec = RPMG::RESCALE(axspec, 0, perc, min(y[yflag], na.rm = TRUE),
            max(y[yflag], na.rm = TRUE))
    axis(2, at = raxspec, labels = format.default(axspec, digits = 3),
        pos = min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
    if (ygrid == TRUE) {
        segments(rep(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), length(raxspec)),
            raxspec, rep(max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length(raxspec)),
            raxspec, lty = 2, col = rgb(0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
    if (ylog == TRUE) {
        mtext(side = 2, at = perc/2, text = "Hz or s", line = 0)
    else {
        mtext(side = 2, at = perc/2, text = "Hz", line = 2)
    if (!is.null(STAMP)) {
        mtext(side = 3, at = 0, text = STAMP, line = 1.5, adj = 0)
    axtrace = range(a, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (axtrace[1] < axtrace[2]) {
        raxtrace = RPMG::RESCALE(axtrace, perc, 1, axtrace[1], axtrace[2])
        axis(4, at = raxtrace, labels = format.default(axtrace,
            digits = 3), pos = max(tim, na.rm = TRUE))
        if (!is.null(WUNITS)) {
            axis(4, at = raxtrace, labels = format.default(axtrace,
                digits = 3), pos = max(tim, na.rm = TRUE))
            mtext(side = 4, at = mean(raxtrace), text = WUNITS)
    else {
        warning("plotevol error in input amplitudes")
    if (CSCALE == TRUE) {
        RPMG::HOZscale(ImPlot, col, units = units, s1 = 0.4, s2 = 0.95)
    invisible(list(y = y[yflag], why = why, yBounds = c(0, perc,
        Yplmin, Yplmax), x = x, yat = raxspec))

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