
progreport = function(r, p, a, b, d, f, env) {
  if (env$gNIV > 0) {
    paramRMS <- sqrt(mean(apply(trans(b, env), 1, function(x) x^2)))
    avgVariance <- mean(apply(trans(b, env), 1, var))
  } else {
    paramRMS <- NA
    avgVariance <- NA
  if (env$verbose) {
    cat(rep("\n", 128))
    cat("Iteration: ", r, "\n", sep = "\t")
    mstats <- data.frame(
                ` ` = c("RHO (Fixed):", "Acceptance Rate (Fixed):", 
                "RHO (Normal):", "Acceptance Rate (Normal):", "Parameter RMS:", 
                "Avg. Variance:", "Log-Likelihood:", "RLH:"), ` ` = as.character(NA), 
                check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    if (env$gFIV > 0) {
      mstats[1, 2] <- signif(env$rhoF, env$gSIGDIG)
      mstats[2, 2] <- signif(env$acceptanceRateFPerc, env$gSIGDIG)
    if (env$gNIV > 0) {
      mstats[3, 2] <- signif(env$rho, env$gSIGDIG)
      mstats[4, 2] <- signif(env$acceptanceRatePerc, env$gSIGDIG)
      mstats[5, 2] <- signif(paramRMS, env$gSIGDIG)
      mstats[6, 2] <- signif(avgVariance, env$gSIGDIG)
    mstats[7, 2] <- signif(sum(log(p)), env$gSIGDIG)
    mstats[8, 2] <- signif(mean(p^(1/env$TIMES)), env$gSIGDIG)
    print(mstats[complete.cases(mstats), , drop = FALSE], right = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
    if (env$gFIV > 0) {
      print(data.frame(`Fixed Parameters` = paste0(env$gVarNamesFixed, ":"), Estimate = signif(f, env$gSIGDIG), check.names = FALSE), row.names = FALSE)
    if (env$gNIV > 0) {
      print(data.frame(`Random Parameters` = paste0(env$gVarNamesNormal, ":"), Estimate = signif(a, env$gSIGDIG), check.names = FALSE), row.names = FALSE)
    if (r > 1) {
      tpi <- (Sys.time() - env$starttime)/env$gINFOSKIP
      env$starttime <- Sys.time()
      tleft <- (env$gNCREP + env$gNEREP * env$gNSKIP - r) * tpi
      units(tleft) <- "mins"
      cat("Time per iteration:", format(tpi, digits = 3))
      cat("Time to completion:", format(tleft, digits = 3))
    } else {
      cat("Time per iteration: Calculating...")
      cat("Time to completion: Calculating...")
    if (env$gNIV > 0 & env$gFIV > 0) {
      alphas <- c(r, a, f)
    } else if (env$gNIV > 0) {
      alphas <- c(r, a)
    } else if (env$gFIV > 0) {
      alphas <- c(r, f)
    cr <- rainbow(length(alphas) - 1)
    if (r == 1) {
      xmax <- (env$gNCREP + env$gNEREP * env$gNSKIP) * 1.05
      plot(x = 0, y = 0, main = "Markov Chains", xlim = c(0, xmax), ylim = c(-5, 5), pch = 20, xlab = "Iterations", ylab = "Utility", axes = FALSE, col = "white", cex = 0.5)
      segments(env$gNCREP, -100, env$gNCREP, 100, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
      segments(0, 0, env$gNCREP + env$gNEREP * env$gNSKIP, 0, col = "gray", lty = 1, lwd = 1)
      axis(1, at = seq(from = 0, to = env$gNCREP + env$gNEREP * env$gNSKIP, by = floor((env$gNCREP + env$gNEREP * env$gNSKIP)/10)))
      axis(2, at = -100:100)
    for (i in 2:length(alphas)) {
      points(x = alphas[1], y = alphas[i], pch = 20, col = cr[i - 1], cex = 0.5)
  detail <- c(r, signif(sum(log(p)), env$gSIGDIG), signif(mean(p^(1/env$TIMES)), 
              env$gSIGDIG), signif(paramRMS, env$gSIGDIG), signif(avgVariance, 
              if (env$gFIV > 0) {
                signif(env$acceptanceRateFPerc, env$gSIGDIG)
              } else {
              if (env$gNIV > 0) {
                signif(env$acceptanceRatePerc, env$gSIGDIG)
              } else {
  env$results[["iter.detail"]] <- rbind(env$results[["iter.detail"]], detail)

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RSGHB documentation built on July 4, 2019, 1:02 a.m.