
Defines functions RSarules

Documented in RSarules

# Write function to do arules random sampling

RSarules <- function(data, M , ig, rhs, lhs_offset = NULL) 

## Check the inputs are of appropriate types

if(!is.matrix(data)) stop("The dataset must be of matrix type.")

if(max(data) > 1) stop("The dataset must be contain only 0 and 1.")

  stop("rhs must be of numeric type.")

  if(length(rhs) > 1) stop("The rhs can only contain one item.")

        stop("The offset must be of numeric type.")
if(is.null(M)) { "The sample size must be specified." }
  { stop("The number of association rules to be sampled must be of numeric type.")}

if(is.null(ig)) {"The value of the tuning parameter must be specified."}
  { stop("The value for the tuning parameter must be of numeric type.")}

## Rearrage the transaction data set 'dd'

l_1 <- dim(data)[2]

colnames(data) <- c(paste("I", 1:l_1))

   dd_col <- append( c(1:l_1)[-rhs], rhs )

  dd_col <- append( c(1:l_1)[ -append(lhs_offset, rhs)], rhs)

dd <- data[, dd_col]

# colnames(dd) 

## dimenstions of dd

n <- dim(dd)[1]

l <- dim(dd)[2]

## Use functions in the R package 'arules'

# library(arules)

## a function supp to compute support of a given itemset

supp <-function(data, ddt){
  cot <- 0
  if(sum(data) != 0)
    for(ii in 1:dim(ddt)[1])  # ii <- 1
      if( length( which( ddt[ii, ] - data < 0 ) ) == 0 ) cot <- cot + 1
  return( cot/dim(ddt)[1] )

## 2. Gibbs Sampler

## 2.1 Initial values


J <- matrix( c( rbinom( l - 1,  1, 0.5 ), 0) , nrow = 1)

S <- matrix(c(0), nrow = M, ncol = l)

## 2.2 Given J_{-1},

# time1 <- proc.time()

for(m in 1:M) # m <- 1
  i <- 1
  J2 <- J
  J2[i] <- 1
  p21 <- supp(J2, dd)
  J2[l] <- 1
  p22 <- supp(J2,dd)
  if( p21 == 0)
    p1 <- 0   # 1
  else p1 <-  exp( ig * p22 * p22 / p21)  # support * confidence
  J3 <- J
  J3[i] <- 0
  p31 <- supp(J3, dd)
  J3[l] <- 1
  p32 <- supp(J3, dd)
  if( p31 == 0 ) 
    p2 <- 0
  else p2 <-exp( ig *  p32  * p32 /p31) 
  if(p1 == 0 & p2 == 0) p <- 0
  else  p <- p1/(p1 + p2)
  J[i] <- rbinom(1,1,p)
  for(i in 2:(l-1))
    if(J[i] == 1 & J[i-1] == 1)
      J3 <- J
      J3[i] <- 0
      p31 <- supp(J3, dd)
      J3[l] <- 1
      p32 <- supp(J3, dd)
      if( p31 == 0 ) 
        p2 <- 0
      else p2 <-exp( ig *  p32  * p32 /p31)
    if(J[i] == 0 & J[i-1] == 0)
      J2 <- J
      J2[i] <- 1
      p21 <- supp(J2, dd)
      J2[l] <- 1
      p22 <- supp(J2, dd)
      if( p21 == 0)
        p1 <- 0   # 1
      else p1 <-  exp( ig * p22 * p22 / p21)
      J3 <- J
      J3[i] <- 0
      p31 <- supp(J3, dd)
      J3[l] <- 1
      p32 <- supp(J3, dd)
      if( p31 == 0 ) 
        p2 <- 0
      else p2 <-exp( ig *  p32  * p32 /p31)
      J2 <- J
      J2[i] <- 1
      p21 <- supp(J2, dd)
      J2[l] <- 1
      p22 <- supp(J2, dd)
      if( p21 == 0)
        p1 <- 0   # 1
      else p1 <-  exp( ig * p22 * p22 / p21)
    if(p1 == 0 & p2 == 0) p <- 0
    else  p <- p1/(p1 + p2)
    J[i] <- rbinom(1,1,p)

  S[m,] <- J

# proc.time()-time1

colnames(S) <- colnames(dd)

S1 <- as(S, "itemMatrix")

### 1) compute the marginal frequency for each item appeared in the random sample

sf1 <- itemFrequency(S1)

marginal_frequency <- sort( sf1[ which(sf1 > 0) ] , decreasing =  F)  # 67

### 2) Compute the frequency of the sampled itemsets for lhs

### Compute the frequency of the sampled itemsets for lhs

W1 <- unique(S1)

W <- as(W1, "matrix")

coun <- rep(0,dim(W)[1])

for(i in 1:dim(S)[1])
  for(j in 1:dim(W)[1])
    if( sum( abs( S[i,] - W[j,] ) ) == 0 ) coun[j] <- coun[j] + 1

frequency <- coun/M

### 3) compute the C*S for unique sampled association rules

importance <- NULL

support <- NULL

confidence <- NULL

for( i in 1: dim(W)[1])
  rw <- W[i, ]
  p21 <- supp(rw, dd)
  rw[l] <- 1
  p22 <- supp(rw, dd)
  if( p21 == 0)
    p1 <- 0   # 1
    p2 <- 0 
    p1 <- p22 * p22 / p21
    p2 <- p22/p21
  support <- append(support, p22)
  confidence <- append(confidence, p2)
  importance <- append(importance, p1)  

Ms <- matrix(0, nrow = dim(W)[1], ncol = 4)
Ms[,1] <- support
Ms[,2] <- confidence
Ms[,3] <- importance
Ms[,4] <- frequency

WW <- cbind(Ms, W)

WW1 <- WW[order(WW[, 3], decreasing = TRUE), ]

WW2 <- as(WW1[, -c(1:4)], "transactions")

Me <- WW1[, c(1:4)]

colnames(Me) <- c("support", "confidence", "importance", "frequencies")

# W2 <- inspect(WW1)

list(sampled_items = marginal_frequency, 
     sampled_rules = WW2, measures = Me)

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RSarules documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:53 p.m.