
#' GUI: Histogram Input Parameters
#' A graphical user interface (\acronym{GUI}) for specifying input parameters for the \code{\link[graphics]{hist}} function.
#' @param d list, data.frame, matrix, or numeric.
#'   Vector(s) of values for which the histogram is desired.
#' @param var.names character.
#'   Names corresponding to each vector (column) in argument \code{d}.
#' @param var.default character or integer.
#'   Vector name or index in argument \code{d}.
#' @param processed.rec integer.
#'   Vector of record indexes for processed data.
#' @param parent tkwin.
#'   \acronym{GUI} parent window
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphics:plothistogram]{plot.histogram}}
#' @keywords misc
#' @import tcltk
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   BuildHistogram(iris)
#' }

BuildHistogram <- function(d, var.names=NULL, var.default=1L, processed.rec=NULL,
                           parent=NULL) {

  # calculate and plot histogram
  CalcHist <- function(draw.plot=TRUE) {

    idx <- as.integer(tcl(f1.box.1.2, "current")) + 1L
    xlab <- as.character(var.names[idx])

    processed <- as.logical(as.integer(tclvalue(processed.var)))
    row.idxs <- if (processed) processed.rec else seq_along(d[[idx]])

    type <- as.integer(tclvalue(breaks.var))
    if (type == 1L) {
      breaks <- fun.names[as.integer(tcl(f2.box.2.1, "current")) + 1L]
    } else if (type == 2L) {
      breaks <- as.integer(tclvalue(single.var))
    } else if (type == 3L) {
      s <- as.character(tclvalue(vector.var))
      str.split <- unlist(strsplit(s, "[[:space:]]"))
      num.split <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(str.split))
      breaks <- num.split[!is.na(num.split)]
      if (length(breaks) == 0) return()

    right <- as.logical(as.integer(tclvalue(right.var)))
    obs   <- as.logical(as.integer(tclvalue(obs.var)))
    freq  <- as.logical(as.integer(tclvalue(freq.var)))

    obj <- try(graphics::hist(d[[idx]][row.idxs], breaks=breaks, right=right, plot=FALSE), silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(obj, "try-error")) {
      msg <- "Unable to build historgram."
      tkmessageBox(icon="error", message=msg, detail=obj, title="Error", type="ok", parent=tt)

    if (draw.plot) {
      if (grDevices::dev.cur() == dev) {
        graphics::par(mar=c(5, 5, 2, 2) + 0.1, cex=0.8)
      graphics::plot(obj, col="light grey", freq=freq, main=NULL, xlab=xlab)
      if (obs) graphics::rug(d[[idx]], quiet=TRUE)
      if (!freq) {
        bandwidth <- as.numeric(tclvalue(bandwidth.var))
        if (!is.na(bandwidth) && bandwidth > 0) {
          dens <- stats::density(d[[idx]], adjust=bandwidth, na.rm=TRUE)
          graphics::lines(dens, col="blue")
    } else {
      obj$xname <- xlab
      txt <- paste(c(utils::capture.output(obj), ""), collapse="\n")
      EditText(txt, read.only=TRUE, win.title="Histogram Description",
               is.fixed.width.font=TRUE, parent=tt)

  # adjust scale for number of cells
  AdjustScaleSingle <- function(x) {
    idx <- as.integer(tcl(f1.box.1.2, "current")) + 1L
    breaks <- as.integer(x * (maxs[idx] - 1) + 1)
    if (breaks != as.integer(tclvalue(single.var))) {
      tclvalue(single.var) <- breaks

  # adjust scale for bandwidth in density estimate
  AdjustScaleBandwidth <- function(x) {
    tclvalue(bandwidth.var) <- round(as.numeric(x), digits=1)

  # toggle state on break options
  ToggleStateBreaks <- function() {
    type <- as.integer(tclvalue(breaks.var))
    states <- rep(FALSE, 4)
    states[type] <- TRUE
    s <- if (states[1]) "readonly" else "disabled"
    tkconfigure(f2.box.2.1, state=s)
    s <- if (states[2]) "!disabled" else "disabled"
    tcl(f2.scl.4.1, "state", s)
    s <- if (states[2]) "normal" else "disabled"
    tkconfigure(f2.ent.4.3, state=s)
    s <- if (states[3]) "normal" else "disabled"
    tkconfigure(f2.ent.6.1, state=s)
    if (states[1]) {
    } else if (states[2]) {
    } else if (states[3]) {

  # toggle state on bandwidth
  ToggleStateBandwidth <- function() {
    freq <- as.logical(as.integer(tclvalue(freq.var)))
    s <- if (freq) "disabled" else "!disabled"
    tcl(f4.scl.2.1, "state", s)
    s <- if (freq) "disabled" else "normal"
    tkconfigure(f4.ent.2.3, state=s)
    if (freq) tkfocus(f4.ent.2.3)

  # check input arguments
  if (inherits(d, c("data.frame", "matrix"))) {
    d <- as.list(d)
  } else if (!is.list(d) && is.null(dim(d))) {
    d <- list(d)
  if (!is.list(d) || length(d) == 0L) stop()

  if (!is.character(var.names) || length(var.names) != length(d)) {
    var.names <- names(d)
    if (is.null(var.names)) var.names <- sprintf("Unknown (%d)", length(d))

  FUN <- function(i) is.numeric(i) && !all(is.na(i))
  is.num <- vapply(d, FUN, TRUE)
  d <- d[is.num]
  if (length(d) == 0L) {
    msg <- "None of the variables can be converted to class 'numeric'."
    tkmessageBox(icon="error", message=msg, title="Error", type="ok", parent=tt)
  var.names <- var.names[is.num]

  if (!is.null(processed.rec) && !inherits(processed.rec, "integer"))
    stop("problem with 'processed.rec' argument value")

  # set defaults
  if (inherits(var.default, c("character", "integer"))) {
    if (is.character(var.default))
      var.default <- which(var.default[1] == var.names)
    if (length(var.default) != 1L || !var.default %in% seq_len(length(d)))
      var.default <- 1L
  } else {
    var.default <- 1L

  maxs <- vapply(d, function(i) length(unique(i)), 0L)
  maxs[maxs > 100] <- 100
  maxs[maxs <  10] <-  10
  defs <- vapply(d, function(i) length(graphics::hist(i, plot=FALSE)$breaks), 0L)
  xdef <- (defs[var.default] - 1L) / (maxs[var.default] - 1L)

  # initialize device
  dev <- grDevices::dev.cur()

  # assign the variables linked to Tk widgets
  fun.names <- c("sturges", "scott", "freedman-diaconis")

  processed.var <- tclVar(FALSE)
  breaks.var    <- tclVar(1L)
  single.var    <- tclVar(defs[var.default])
  scale.sgl.var <- tclVar(xdef)
  vector.var    <- tclVar()
  right.var     <- tclVar(TRUE)
  obs.var       <- tclVar(FALSE)
  freq.var      <- tclVar(TRUE)
  bandwidth.var <- tclVar(1)
  scale.bw.var  <- tclVar(1)
  tt.done.var   <- tclVar(0)

  # open gui
  tt <- tktoplevel()

  if (!is.null(parent)) {
    tkwm.transient(tt, parent)
    geo <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(tkwm.geometry(parent)), "\\+"))
    geo <- as.integer(geo[2:3]) + 25
    tkwm.geometry(tt, sprintf("+%s+%s", geo[1], geo[2]))
  tktitle(tt) <- "Histogram"
  tkwm.resizable(tt, 1, 0)

  # frame 0
  f0 <- ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")

  f0.but.1 <- ttkbutton(f0, width=12, text="Plot",
                        command=function() CalcHist())
  f0.but.2 <- ttkbutton(f0, width=12, text="View",
                        command=function() CalcHist(draw.plot=FALSE))
  f0.but.4 <- ttkbutton(f0, width=12, text="Close",
                        command=function() tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1)
  f0.but.5 <- ttkbutton(f0, width=12, text="Help",
                        command=function() {
                          print(utils::help("BuildHistogram", package="RSurvey"))
  tkgrid(f0.but.1, f0.but.2, "x", f0.but.4, f0.but.5, pady=10)
  tkgrid.configure(f0.but.1, padx=c(10, 4))
  tkgrid.configure(f0.but.5, padx=c(4, 10))

  tkgrid.columnconfigure(f0, 2, weight=1, minsize=15)
  tkpack(f0, fill="x", expand=TRUE, side="bottom", anchor="e")

  # frame 1
  f1 <- ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")

  f1.lab.1.1 <- ttklabel(f1, text="Variable")
  f1.box.1.2 <- ttkcombobox(f1, state="readonly")

  txt <- "Include only processed records"
  f1.chk.2.2 <- ttkcheckbutton(f1, text=txt, variable=processed.var)

  tkgrid(f1.lab.1.1, f1.box.1.2, pady=c(10, 0))

  if (!is.null(processed.rec)) tkgrid("x", f1.chk.2.2, pady=c(5, 0), sticky="w")

  tkgrid.configure(f1.lab.1.1, sticky="e",  padx=c(10, 2))
  tkgrid.configure(f1.box.1.2, sticky="we", padx=c(0, 10))

  val <- if (length(var.names) == 1) sprintf("{%s}", var.names) else var.names
  tkconfigure(f1.box.1.2, value=val)
  tcl(f1.box.1.2, "current", var.default - 1L)

  tkgrid.columnconfigure(f1, 1, weight=1, minsize=25)

  tkpack(f1, fill="x", expand=TRUE, padx=10, pady=5)

  # frame 2
  f2 <- ttklabelframe(tt, relief="flat", borderwidth=5, padding=5, text="Breaks")

  txt <- "A function to compute the number of cells for the histogram"
  f2.rbt.1.1 <- ttkradiobutton(f2, variable=breaks.var, value=1L, text=txt,
  f2.box.2.1 <- ttkcombobox(f2, state="readonly")
  tkconfigure(f2.box.2.1, value=fun.names)
  tcl(f2.box.2.1, "current", 0)

  txt <- "A single number giving the suggested number of cells"
  f2.rbt.3.1 <- ttkradiobutton(f2, variable=breaks.var, value=2L, text=txt,
  f2.scl.4.1 <- tkwidget(f2, "ttk::scale", from=0, to=1,
                         orient="horizontal", variable=scale.sgl.var,
                         command=function(...) {
  f2.ent.4.3 <- ttkentry(f2, width=4, textvariable=single.var)

  txt <- "A vector giving the breakpoints between cells"
  f2.rbt.5.1 <- ttkradiobutton(f2, variable=breaks.var, value=3L, text=txt,
  f2.ent.6.1 <- ttkentry(f2, width=15, textvariable=vector.var)

  tkgrid(f2.rbt.1.1, sticky="w", columnspan=3)
  tkgrid(f2.box.2.1, padx=c(20, 0), pady=c(0, 10), sticky="we", columnspan=3)
  tkgrid(f2.rbt.3.1, sticky="w", columnspan=3)
  tkgrid(f2.scl.4.1, "x", f2.ent.4.3, pady=c(0, 5), sticky="we")
  tkgrid(f2.rbt.5.1, sticky="w", columnspan=3)
  tkgrid(f2.ent.6.1, padx=c(20, 0), pady=c(0, 5), sticky="we", columnspan=3)

  tkgrid.configure(f2.scl.4.1, columnspan=2, padx=c(20, 4))
  tkgrid.columnconfigure(f2, 1, weight=1, minsize=50)
  tkpack(f2, fill="x", expand=TRUE, padx=10, pady=5)

  # frame 3
  f3 <- ttkframe(tt, relief="flat")
  txt <- "Histogram cells are right-closed (left-open) intervals"
  f3.chk.1.1 <- ttkcheckbutton(f3, text=txt, variable=right.var)
  txt <- "Show individual observations"
  f3.chk.2.1 <- ttkcheckbutton(f3, text=txt, variable=obs.var)
  tkgrid(f3.chk.1.1, sticky="w")
  tkgrid(f3.chk.2.1, sticky="w")
  tkpack(f3, fill="x", expand=TRUE, padx=20, pady=5)

  # frame 4
  f4 <- ttklabelframe(tt, relief="flat", borderwidth=5, padding=5,
                      text="Axis scaling and density estimate")
  f4.rbt.1.1 <- ttkradiobutton(f4, variable=freq.var, value=TRUE, text="Frequences",
  f4.rbt.1.2 <- ttkradiobutton(f4, variable=freq.var, value=FALSE,
                               text="Probability densities (adjust bandwidth)",

  f4.scl.2.1 <- tkwidget(f4, "ttk::scale", from=0, to=2,
                         orient="horizontal", variable=scale.bw.var,
                         command=function(...) {
  f4.ent.2.3 <- ttkentry(f4, width=4, textvariable=bandwidth.var)

  tkgrid(f4.rbt.1.1, f4.rbt.1.2, "x")
  tkgrid(f4.scl.2.1, "x", f4.ent.2.3, pady=c(0, 5), sticky="we")

  tkgrid.configure(f4.rbt.1.1, padx=c(0, 10))
  tkgrid.configure(f4.scl.2.1, columnspan=2, padx=c(20, 4))

  tkpack(f4, fill="x", expand=TRUE, padx=10, pady=5)

  # bind events

  tkbind(f1.box.1.2, "<<ComboboxSelected>>",
         function() {
           idx <- as.integer(tcl(f1.box.1.2, "current")) + 1
           x <- as.numeric(tclvalue(scale.sgl.var))
           tclvalue(single.var) <- as.integer(x * (maxs[idx] - 1) + 1)

  tkbind(f2.ent.4.3, "<Return>",
         function() {
           idx <- as.integer(tcl(f1.box.1.2, "current")) + 1L
           ent <- as.integer(CheckEntry("integer", tclvalue(single.var)))
           if (is.na(ent)) {
             ent <- 1L
           } else if (ent > maxs[idx]) {
             ent <- maxs[idx]
           tclvalue(single.var) <- ent
           tclvalue(scale.sgl.var) <- (ent - 1) / (maxs[idx] - 1)

  tkbind(f4.ent.2.3, "<Return>",
         function() {
           ent <- as.numeric(CheckEntry("numeric", tclvalue(bandwidth.var)))
           if (is.na(ent)) {
             ent <- 1L
           } else if (ent < 0) {
             ent <- 0
           } else if (ent > 2) {
             ent <- 2
           tclvalue(bandwidth.var) <- ent
           tclvalue(scale.bw.var) <- ent

  tkbind(tt, "<Destroy>", function() tclvalue(tt.done.var) <- 1)

  # gui control



  if (!is.null(parent)) tkfocus(parent)


  if (grDevices::dev.cur() != dev) grDevices::dev.off()


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RSurvey documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:28 p.m.