
`makeMOD` <-
function(xo, yo, ztop, x, y, z, r, v, bg )
    #######   make a (synthetic three dimensional model
    #######  for tomographic inversion

    #######  model is desribed by balls of specfic radius

##########  xo and yo are the centers of the blocks

    MOD = list()

    dx = xo[2]-xo[1]
    dy = yo[2]-yo[1]
    M = meshgrid(xo, yo)

    N = length(ztop)

    for(j in 1:(N))
        ZOD  = matrix(rep(bg[j], length(xo)*length(yo))  , ncol=length(xo), nrow=length(yo), byrow=TRUE)
            zi = mean(c(ztop[j],  ztop[j+1] ) )
            zi = ztop[j] + (ztop[j]-ztop[j-1])/2


            for(i in 1:length(x))

                dis = sqrt( (M$x-x[i])^2+ (M$y-y[i])^2+(zi-z[i])^2 )
                ZOD[dis<r[i]] = v[i]

            image(xo, yo, t(ZOD) )

        ##  locator()

        MOD[[j]]  = t(ZOD)


    invisible( list(x=xo,y=yo, D=ztop, MOD=MOD) )

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RTOMO documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:35 p.m.