
Defines functions shrinkRTrangemzML grabChromInt grabChromRt grabMzmlChroms grabSpectraInt grabSpectraMz grabSpectraVoltage grabSpectraPremz grabSpectraRt grabMzmlDAD grabMzmlBPC grabMzmlMS2 grabMzmlMS1 grabMzmlEncodingData grabMzmlMetadata grabMzmlData

Documented in grabMzmlBPC grabMzmlDAD grabMzmlData grabMzmlEncodingData grabMzmlMetadata grabMzmlMS1 grabMzmlMS2 grabSpectraInt grabSpectraMz grabSpectraPremz grabSpectraRt grabSpectraVoltage

# Welcome to RaMS!

# grabMzmlData ----

#' Get mass-spectrometry data from an mzML file
#' This function handles the mzML side of things, reading in files that are
#' written in the mzML format. Much of the code is similar to the mzXML format,
#' but the xpath handles are different and the mz/int array is encoded as two
#' separate entries rather than simultaneously. This function has been exposed
#' to the user in case per-file optimization (such as peakpicking or additional
#' filtering) is desired before the full data object is returned.
#' @param filename A single filename to read into R's memory. Both absolute and
#'   relative paths are acceptable.
#' @param grab_what What data should be read from the file? Options include
#'   "MS1" for data only from the first spectrometer, "MS2" for fragmentation
#'   data, "BPC" for rapid access to the base peak chromatogram, "TIC" for rapid
#'   access to the total ion chromatogram, "DAD" for DAD (UV) data, and "chroms"
#'   for precompiled chromatogram data (especially useful for MRM but often
#'   contains BPC/TIC in other files). Metadata can be accessed with "metadata",
#'   which provides information about the instrument and time the file was run.
#'   These options can be combined (i.e. `grab_data=c("MS1", "MS2", "BPC")`) or
#'   this argument can be set to "everything" to extract all of the above.
#'   Options "EIC" and "EIC_MS2" are useful when working with files whose total
#'   size exceeds working memory - it first extracts all relevant MS1 and MS2
#'   data, respectively, then discards data outside of the mass range(s)
#'   calculated from the provided mz and ppm. The default, "everything",
#'   includes all MS1, MS2, BPC, TIC, and metadata.
#' @param verbosity Three levels of processing output to the R console are
#'   available, with increasing verbosity corresponding to higher integers. A
#'   verbosity of zero means that no output will be produced, useful when
#'   wrapping within larger functions. A verbosity of 1 will produce a progress
#'   bar using base R's txtProgressBar function. A verbosity of 2 or higher will
#'   produce timing output for each individual file read in.
#' @param mz A vector of the mass-to-charge ratio for compounds of interest.
#'   Only used when combined with `grab_what = "EIC"` (see above). Multiple
#'   masses can be provided.
#' @param ppm A single number corresponding to the mass accuracy (in parts per
#'   million) of the instrument on which the data was collected. Only used when
#'   combined with `grab_what = "EIC"` (see above).
#' @param rtrange A vector of length 2 containing an upper and lower bound on
#'   retention times of interest. Providing a range here can speed up load times
#'   (although not enormously, as the entire file must still be read) and reduce
#'   the final object's size.
#' @param prefilter A single number corresponding to the minimum intensity of
#'   interest in the MS1 data. Data points with intensities below this threshold
#'   will be silently dropped, which can dramatically reduce the size of the
#'   final object. Currently only works with MS1 data, but could be expanded
#'   easily to handle more.
#' @return A list of `data.table`s, each named after the arguments requested in
#'   grab_what. E.g. $MS1 contains MS1 information, $MS2 contains fragmentation
#'   info, etc. MS1 data has four columns: retention time (rt), mass-to-charge
#'   (mz), intensity (int), and filename. MS2 data has six: retention time (rt),
#'   precursor m/z (premz), fragment m/z (fragmz), fragment intensity (int),
#'   collision energy (voltage), and filename. Data requested that does not
#'   exist in the provided files (such as MS2 data requested from MS1-only
#'   files) will return an empty (length zero) data.table. The data.tables
#'   extracted from each of the individual files are collected into one large
#'   table using data.table's `rbindlist`. $metadata is a little weirder because
#'   the metadata doesn't fit neatly into a tidy format but things are hopefully
#'   named helpfully. $chroms was added in v1.3 and contains 7 columns:
#'   chromatogram type (usually TIC, BPC or SRM info), chromatogram index,
#'   target mz, product mz, retention time (rt), and intensity (int). $DAD was
#'   also added in v1.3 and contains has three columns: retention time (rt),
#'   wavelength (lambda),and intensity (int). Data requested that does not exist
#'   in the provided files (such as MS2 data requested from MS1-only files) will
#'   return an empty (zero-row) data.table.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sample_file <- system.file("extdata", "LB12HL_AB.mzML.gz", package = "RaMS")
#' file_data <- grabMzmlData(sample_file, grab_what="MS1")
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract MS1 data and a base peak chromatogram
#' file_data <- grabMzmlData(sample_file, grab_what=c("MS1", "BPC"))
#' # Extract data from a retention time subset
#' file_data <- grabMzmlData(sample_file, grab_what=c("MS1", "BPC"),
#'                           rtrange=c(5, 7))
#' # Extract EIC for a specific mass
#' file_data <- grabMzmlData(sample_file, grab_what="EIC", mz=118.0865, ppm=5)
#' # Extract EIC for several masses simultaneously
#' file_data <- grabMzmlData(sample_file, grab_what="EIC", ppm=5,
#'                           mz=c(118.0865, 146.118104, 189.123918))
#' # Extract MS2 data
#' sample_file <- system.file("extdata", "DDApos_2.mzML.gz", package = "RaMS")
#' MS2_data <- grabMzmlData(sample_file, grab_what="MS2")
#' }
grabMzmlData <- function(filename, grab_what, verbosity=0,
                         mz=NULL, ppm=NULL, rtrange=NULL, prefilter=-1){
    cat(paste0("\nReading file ", basename(filename), "... "))
    last_time <- Sys.time()
  xml_data <- xml2::read_xml(filename)

  checkFileType(xml_data, "mzML")
  rtrange <- checkRTrange(rtrange)
  prefilter <- checkProvidedPrefilter(prefilter)

  output_data <- list()

    extra_grabs <- setdiff(grab_what, "everything")
    if(any(c("MS1", "MS2", "BPC", "TIC", "metadata")%in%extra_grabs)&&verbosity>0){
      message(paste("Heads-up: grab_what = `everything` includes",
                    "MS1, MS2, BPC, TIC, and meta data"))
      message("Ignoring duplicate specification")
    grab_what <- unique(c("MS1", "MS2", "BPC", "TIC", "metadata", extra_grabs))

  if(any(c("MS1", "MS2", "DAD", "EIC", "EIC_MS2", "chroms")%in%grab_what)){
    file_metadata <- grabMzmlEncodingData(xml_data)

    if(verbosity>1)last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Reading MS1 data...")
    output_data$MS1 <- grabMzmlMS1(xml_data = xml_data, rtrange = rtrange,
                                   file_metadata = file_metadata,
                                   prefilter = prefilter)

    if(verbosity>1)last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Reading MS2 data...")
    output_data$MS2 <- grabMzmlMS2(xml_data = xml_data, rtrange = rtrange,
                                   file_metadata = file_metadata)

    if(verbosity>1)last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Reading DAD data...")
    output_data$DAD <- grabMzmlDAD(xml_data = xml_data, rtrange = rtrange,
                                   file_metadata = file_metadata)

    if(verbosity>1)last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Reading BPC...")
    output_data$BPC <- grabMzmlBPC(xml_data = xml_data, rtrange = rtrange)

    if(verbosity>1)last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Reading TIC...")
    output_data$TIC <- grabMzmlBPC(xml_data = xml_data, rtrange = rtrange,
                                   TIC = TRUE)

    checkProvidedMzPpm(mz, ppm)
      last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Extracting EIC...")
      init_dt <- grabMzmlMS1(xml_data = xml_data, rtrange = rtrange,
                             file_metadata = file_metadata, prefilter = prefilter)
    } else {
      init_dt <- output_data$MS1
      if(!nrow(init_dt))stop("Something weird - can't find MS1 data to subset")
    EIC_list <- lapply(unique(mz), function(mass){
      init_dt[mz%between%pmppm(mass = mass, ppm = ppm)]
    output_data$EIC <- unique(rbindlist(EIC_list))

    checkProvidedMzPpm(mz, ppm)
      last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Extracting EIC MS2...")
      init_dt <- grabMzmlMS2(xml_data = xml_data, rtrange = rtrange,
                             file_metadata = file_metadata)
    } else {
      init_dt <- output_data$MS2
    premz <- NULL #To prevent R CMD check "notes"
    EIC_MS2_list <- lapply(unique(mz), function(mass){
      init_dt[premz%between%pmppm(mass = mass, ppm = ppm)]
    output_data$EIC_MS2 <- unique(rbindlist(EIC_MS2_list))

      last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Reading chromatograms...")
    output_data$chroms <- grabMzmlChroms(xml_data = xml_data, file_metadata = file_metadata)

      last_time <- timeReport(last_time, text = "Reading file metadata...")
    output_data$metadata <- grabMzmlMetadata(xml_data = xml_data)

    time_total <- round(difftime(Sys.time(), last_time), digits = 2)
    cat(time_total, units(time_total), "\n")


# Get mzML specifics (functions of xml_data) ----

#' Helper function to extract mzML file metadata
#' @param xml_data mzML data as parsed by xml2
#' @return A list of values corresponding to various pieces of metadata
#' for each file
grabMzmlMetadata <- function(xml_data){
  source_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_data, xpath = "//d1:sourceFile")
    source_file <- xml2::xml_attr(source_node, "name")
  } else {
    source_file <- "None found"

  inst_xpath <- "//d1:referenceableParamGroup/d1:cvParam"
  inst_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_data, xpath = inst_xpath)
    inst_val <- xml2::xml_attr(inst_nodes, "name")
  } else {
    inst_val <- "None found"

  config_xpath <- "//d1:componentList/child::node()"
  config_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = config_xpath)
    config_types <- xml2::xml_name(config_nodes)
    config_order <- xml2::xml_attr(config_nodes, "order")
    config_name_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_first(config_nodes, "d1:cvParam")
    config_names <- xml2::xml_attr(config_name_nodes, "name")
  } else {
    config_types <- "None found"
    config_order <- "None found"
    config_names <- "None found"

  time_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_data, xpath = "//d1:run")
  time_val <- xml2::xml_attr(time_node, "startTimeStamp")
    time_stamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(time_val, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
  } else {
    time_stamp <- as.POSIXct(NA)

  mslevel_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@name="ms level"]'
  mslevel_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = mslevel_xpath)
    ms_levels <- paste0("MS", unique(xml2::xml_attr(mslevel_nodes, "value")),
                      collapse = ", ")
  } else {
    ms_levels <- "None found"

  mzlow_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@name="lowest observed m/z"]'
  mzlow_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = mzlow_xpath)
    mz_lowest <- min(as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(mzlow_nodes, "value")))
  } else {
    mz_lowest <- NA_real_

  mzhigh_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@name="highest observed m/z"]'
  mzhigh_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = mzhigh_xpath)
    mz_highest <- max(as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(mzhigh_nodes, "value")))
  } else {
    mz_highest <- NA_real_

  rt_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:scanList/d1:scan/d1:cvParam[@name="scan start time"]'
  rt_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = rt_xpath)
  rt_unit <- unique(xml_attr(rt_nodes, "unitName"))
  rt <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(rt_nodes, "value"))

  if (!"minute" %in% rt_unit) rt=rt/60

  if(length(rt) > 0){
    rt_start <- min(rt)
    rt_end <- max(rt)
  } else {
    rt_start <- NA_real_
    rt_end <- NA_real_

  centroided_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@accession="MS:1000127"]'
  centroided_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = centroided_xpath)
  if (length(centroided_nodes) > 0) {
    centroided <- TRUE
  } else {
    profile_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@accession="MS:1000128"]'
    profile_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = profile_xpath)
    if (length(profile_nodes) > 0) {
      centroided <- FALSE
    } else {
      centroided <- NA

  polarity_pos <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@accession="MS:1000130"]'
  polarity_pos <- xml_find_all(xml_data, polarity_pos)

  polarity_neg <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@accession="MS:1000129"]'
  polarity_neg <- xml_find_all(xml_data, polarity_neg)

  if(length(polarity_pos)>0|length(polarity_neg)>0) {
    polarities <- c(
      unique(gsub(" scan", "", xml_attr(polarity_pos, "name"))),
      unique(gsub(" scan", "", xml_attr(polarity_neg, "name")))
  } else {
    polarities <- NA_character_

  lambda_high_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@name="highest observed wavelength"]'
  lambda_high_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = lambda_high_xpath)
    lambda_highest <- max(as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(lambda_high_nodes, "value")))
  } else {
    lambda_highest <- NA_real_

  lambda_low_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum/d1:cvParam[@name="lowest observed wavelength"]'
  lambda_low_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, xpath = lambda_low_xpath)
    lambda_lowest <- max(as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(lambda_low_nodes, "value")))
  } else {
    lambda_lowest <- NA_real_

  n_spectra <- length(rt_nodes)

  chrom_xpath <- '//d1:chromatogram'
  chrom_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, chrom_xpath)
  n_chromatograms <- length(chrom_nodes)

  metadata <- data.table(
    timestamp = time_stamp,

#' Helper function to extract mzML file encoding data
#' @param xml_data mzML data as parsed by xml2
#' @return A list of values used by other parsing functions, currently
#' compression, mz_precision, int_precision
grabMzmlEncodingData <- function(xml_data){
  init_xpath <- "//*[self::d1:spectrum or self::d1:chromatogram]"
  init_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(xml_data, xpath = init_xpath)
    stop(paste("Unable to find a spectrum or chromatogram node from",
               "which to extract metadata"))
  compr_xpath <- paste0('//d1:cvParam[@accession="MS:1000574"]|',
  compr_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(init_node, compr_xpath)
  compr_type <- xml2::xml_attr(compr_node, "name")
  compr <- switch(compr_type,
                  `zlib compression`="gzip",
                  `no compression`="none",

  mz_precision_xpath <- '//d1:cvParam[@accession="MS:1000523"]'
  mz_bit_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(init_node, mz_precision_xpath)
  mz_bit_type <- xml2::xml_attr(mz_bit_node, "name")
  mz_precision <- sub(mz_bit_type, pattern = "-bit float", replacement = "")
  mz_precision <- as.numeric(mz_precision)/8

  int_bit_xpath <- '//d1:cvParam[@accession="MS:1000521"]'
  int_bit_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(init_node, int_bit_xpath)
  int_bit_type <- xml2::xml_attr(int_bit_node, "name")
  int_precision <- sub(int_bit_type, pattern = "-bit float", replacement = "")
  int_precision <- as.numeric(int_precision)/8

  if(is.na(int_precision))int_precision <- mz_precision
  if(is.na(mz_precision))mz_precision <- int_precision

  list(compression=compr, mz_precision=mz_precision,
       int_precision=int_precision, endi_enc="little")

#' Extract the MS1 data from an mzML nodeset
#' @param xml_data An `xml2` nodeset, usually created by applying `read_xml` to
#'   an mzML file.
#' @param rtrange A vector of length 2 containing an upper and lower bound on
#'   retention times of interest. Providing a range here can speed up load times
#'   (although not enormously, as the entire file must still be read) and reduce
#'   the final object's size.
#' @param file_metadata Information about the file used to decode the binary
#'   arrays containing m/z and intensity information.
#' @param prefilter The lowest intensity value of interest, used to reduce file
#'   size (and especially useful for profile mode data with many 0 values)
#' @return A `data.table` with columns for retention time (rt), m/z (mz), and
#'   intensity (int).
grabMzmlMS1 <- function(xml_data, rtrange, file_metadata, prefilter){
  ms1_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum[d1:cvParam[@name="ms level" and @value="1"]]'
  ms1_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, ms1_xpath)
    return(data.table(rt=numeric(), mz=numeric(), int=numeric()))

  rt_vals <- grabSpectraRt(ms1_nodes)
    ms1_nodes <- ms1_nodes[rt_vals%between%rtrange]
    rt_vals <- rt_vals[rt_vals%between%rtrange]

  mz_vals <- grabSpectraMz(ms1_nodes, file_metadata)
  int_vals <- grabSpectraInt(ms1_nodes, file_metadata)

  int <- NULL #To prevent R CMD check "notes"  when using data.table syntax
  all_data <- data.table(rt=rep(rt_vals, sapply(mz_vals, length)),
                         mz=unlist(mz_vals), int=as.numeric(unlist(int_vals)))

#' Extract the MS2 data from an mzML nodeset
#' @param xml_data An `xml2` nodeset, usually created by applying `read_xml` to
#'   an mzML file.
#' @param rtrange A vector of length 2 containing an upper and lower bound on
#'   retention times of interest. Providing a range here can speed up load times
#'   (although not enormously, as the entire file must still be read) and reduce
#'   the final object's size.
#' @param file_metadata Information about the file used to decode the binary
#'   arrays containing m/z and intensity information.
#' @return A `data.table` with columns for retention time (rt),  precursor m/z
#'   (mz), fragment m/z (fragmz), collision energy (voltage), and intensity
#'   (int).
grabMzmlMS2 <- function(xml_data, rtrange, file_metadata){
  ms2_xpath <- '//d1:spectrum[d1:cvParam[@name="ms level" and @value="2"]]'

  ms2_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, ms2_xpath)
    return(data.table(rt=numeric(), premz=numeric(), fragmz=numeric(),
                      int=numeric(), voltage=integer()))

  rt_vals <- grabSpectraRt(ms2_nodes)
    ms2_nodes <- ms2_nodes[rt_vals%between%rtrange]
    rt_vals <- rt_vals[rt_vals%between%rtrange]

  premz_vals <- grabSpectraPremz(ms2_nodes)
  voltage <- grabSpectraVoltage(ms2_nodes)
  mz_vals <- grabSpectraMz(ms2_nodes, file_metadata)
  int_vals <- grabSpectraInt(ms2_nodes, file_metadata)

  data.table(rt=rep(rt_vals, sapply(mz_vals, length)),
             premz=rep(premz_vals, sapply(mz_vals, length)),
             fragmz=unlist(mz_vals), int=as.numeric(unlist(int_vals)),
             voltage=rep(voltage, sapply(mz_vals, length)))

#' Grab the BPC or TIC from a file
#' The base peak intensity and total ion current are actually written into the
#' mzML files and aren't encoded, making retrieval of BPC and TIC information
#' blazingly fast if parsed correctly.
#' @param xml_data An `xml2` nodeset, usually created by applying `read_xml` to
#'   an mzML file.
#' @param rtrange A vector of length 2 containing an upper and lower bound on
#'   retention times of interest. Providing a range here can speed up load times
#'   (although not enormously, as the entire file must still be read) and reduce
#'   the final object's size.
#' @param TIC Boolean. If TRUE, the TIC is extracted rather than the BPC.
#' @return A `data.table` with columns for retention time (rt), and intensity
#'   (int).
grabMzmlBPC <- function(xml_data, rtrange, TIC=FALSE){
  ms1_xpath <- paste0('//d1:spectrum[d1:cvParam[@name="ms level" and ',
                      '@value="1"]][d1:cvParam[@name="base peak intensity"]]')

  ms1_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, ms1_xpath)

  rt_vals <- grabSpectraRt(ms1_nodes)
    ms1_nodes <- ms1_nodes[rt_vals%between%rtrange]
    rt_vals <- rt_vals[rt_vals%between%rtrange]

  int_xpath <- ifelse(TIC, "total ion current", "base peak intensity")
  int_xpath_full <- paste0('d1:cvParam[@name="', int_xpath, '"]')
  int_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(ms1_nodes, xpath = int_xpath_full)
  int_vals <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(int_nodes, "value"))
  return(data.table(rt=rt_vals, int=int_vals))

#' Extract the DAD data from an mzML nodeset
#' @param xml_data An `xml2` nodeset, usually created by applying `read_xml` to
#'   an mzML file.
#' @param rtrange A vector of length 2 containing an upper and lower bound on
#'   retention times of interest. Providing a range here can speed up load times
#'   (although not enormously, as the entire file must still be read) and reduce
#'   the final object's size.
#' @param file_metadata Information about the file used to decode the binary
#'   arrays containing m/z and intensity information.
#' @return A `data.table` with columns for retention time (rt), wavelength
#' (lambda), and intensity (int).
grabMzmlDAD <- function(xml_data, rtrange, file_metadata){
  dad_xpath <- "//d1:spectrum[contains(@id,'controllerType=4')]"
  dad_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, dad_xpath)
    return(data.table(rt=numeric(), lambda=numeric(), int=numeric()))

  rt_vals <- grabSpectraRt(dad_nodes)
    dad_nodes <- dad_nodes[rt_vals%between%rtrange]
    rt_vals <- rt_vals[rt_vals%between%rtrange]

  uv_vals <- grabSpectraMz(dad_nodes, file_metadata)
  int_vals <- grabSpectraInt(dad_nodes, file_metadata)

  int <- NULL #To prevent R CMD check "notes"  when using data.table syntax
  all_data <- data.table(rt=rep(rt_vals, sapply(uv_vals, length)),
                         lambda=unlist(uv_vals), int=as.numeric(unlist(int_vals)))

# Get spectrum things (functions of xml_nodes) ----

#' Extract the retention time from the spectra of an mzML nodeset
#' @param xml_nodes An xml_nodeset object corresponding to the spectra collected
#'   by the mass spectrometer, usually produced by applying `xml_find_all` to an
#'   MS1 or MS2 nodeset.
#' @return A numeric vector of retention times, one for each scan
grabSpectraRt <- function(xml_nodes){
  rt_xpath <- 'd1:scanList/d1:scan/d1:cvParam[@name="scan start time"]'
  rt_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_nodes, rt_xpath)
  rt_unit <- unique(xml_attr(rt_nodes, "unitName"))
  rt_vals <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(rt_nodes, "value"))

  if(!"minute"%in%rt_unit) rt_vals=rt_vals/60
  # if(any(rt_vals>150)){
  #   # Guess RT is in seconds if the run is more than 150 long
  #   # A 2.5 minute run is unheard of, and a 2.5 hour run is unheard of
  #   rt_vals <- rt_vals/60
  # }


#' Extract the precursor mass from the spectra of an mzML nodeset
#' @param xml_nodes An xml_nodeset object corresponding to the spectra collected
#'   by the mass spectrometer, usually produced by applying `xml_find_all` to an
#'   MS1 or MS2 nodeset.
#' @return A numeric vector of precursor masses, one for each scan
grabSpectraPremz <- function(xml_nodes){
  premz_xpath <- paste0('d1:precursorList/d1:precursor/d1:selectedIonList',
                        '/d1:selectedIon/d1:cvParam[@name="selected ion m/z"]')
  premz_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_nodes, premz_xpath)
  as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(premz_nodes, "value"))

#' Extract the collison energies from the spectra of an mzML nodeset
#' Although the collision energy is typically fixed per file, it's equally fast
#' (afaik) to just grab them all individually here. Also, I'm worried about
#' these rumors of "ramped" collision energies
#' @param xml_nodes An xml_nodeset object corresponding to the spectra collected
#'   by the mass spectrometer, usually produced by applying `xml_find_all` to an
#'   MS1 or MS2 nodeset.
#' @return A numeric vector of collision energies, one for each scan.
grabSpectraVoltage <- function(xml_nodes){
  volt_xpath <- paste0('d1:precursorList/d1:precursor/d1:activation',
                       '/d1:cvParam[@name="collision energy"]')
  volt_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_nodes, volt_xpath)
  as.integer(xml2::xml_attr(volt_nodes, "value"))

#' Extract the mass-to-charge data from the spectra of an mzML nodeset
#' The mz and intensity information of mzML files are encoded as binary arrays,
#' sometimes compressed via gzip or zlib or numpress. This code finds all the
#' m/z binary arrays and converts them back to the original measurements. See
#' https://github.com/ProteoWizard/pwiz/issues/1301
#' @param xml_nodes An xml_nodeset object corresponding to the spectra collected
#'   by the mass spectrometer, usually produced by applying `xml_find_all` to an
#'   MS1 or MS2 nodeset.
#' @param file_metadata Information about the file used to decode the binary
#'   arrays containing m/z and intensity information. Here, the compression and
#'   mz precision information is relevant.
#' @return A numeric vector of masses, many for each scan.
grabSpectraMz <- function(xml_nodes, file_metadata){
  mz_xpath <- 'd1:binaryDataArrayList/d1:binaryDataArray[1]/d1:binary'
  mz_vals <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(xml_nodes, mz_xpath))
  lapply(mz_vals, function(binary){
    decoded_binary <- base64enc::base64decode(binary)
    raw_binary <- as.raw(decoded_binary)
    decomp_binary <- memDecompress(raw_binary, type = file_metadata$compression)
    final_binary <- readBin(decomp_binary, what = "double",
                            size = file_metadata$mz_precision)

#' Extract the intensity information from the spectra of an mzML nodeset
#' The mz and intensity information of mzML files are encoded as binary arrays,
#' sometimes compressed via gzip or zlib or numpress. This code finds all the
#' intensity binary arrays and converts them back to the original measurements.
#' See https://github.com/ProteoWizard/pwiz/issues/1301
#' @param xml_nodes An xml_nodeset object corresponding to the spectra collected
#'   by the mass spectrometer, usually produced by applying `xml_find_all` to an
#'   MS1 or MS2 nodeset.
#' @param file_metadata Information about the file used to decode the binary
#'   arrays containing m/z and intensity information. Here, the compression and
#'   int precision information is relevant.
#' @return A numeric vector of intensities, many for each scan.
grabSpectraInt <- function(xml_nodes, file_metadata){
  int_xpath <- 'd1:binaryDataArrayList/d1:binaryDataArray[2]/d1:binary'
  int_vals <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(xml_nodes, int_xpath))
  int_vals <- lapply(int_vals, function(binary){
    decoded_binary <- base64enc::base64decode(binary)
    raw_binary <- as.raw(decoded_binary)
    decomp_binary <- memDecompress(raw_binary, type = file_metadata$compression)
    final_binary <- readBin(decomp_binary, what = "double",
                            size = file_metadata$int_precision)

# Get chromatogram things (functions of xml_nodes) ----
grabMzmlChroms <- function(xml_data, file_metadata){
  chrom_xpath <- '//d1:chromatogram'
  chrom_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_data, chrom_xpath)

  chrom_id <- xml_attr(chrom_nodes, "id")
  chrom_idx <- xml_attr(chrom_nodes, "index")
  target_mz_xpath <- 'd1:precursor//d1:cvParam[@name="isolation window target m/z"]'
  target_mzs <- as.numeric(xml_attr(xml_child(chrom_nodes, target_mz_xpath), "value"))
  product_mz_xpath <- 'd1:product//d1:cvParam[@name="isolation window target m/z"]'
  product_mzs <- as.numeric(xml_attr(xml_child(chrom_nodes, product_mz_xpath), "value"))

  time_vals <- grabChromRt(chrom_nodes, file_metadata)
  int_vals <- grabChromInt(chrom_nodes, file_metadata)

  all_data <- data.table(chrom_type=rep(chrom_id, lengths(time_vals)),
                         chrom_index=rep(chrom_idx, lengths(time_vals)),
                         target_mz=rep(target_mzs, lengths(time_vals)),
                         product_mz=rep(product_mzs, lengths(time_vals)),
                         rt=unlist(time_vals), int=as.numeric(unlist(int_vals)))

grabChromRt <- function(chrom_nodes, file_metadata){
  # Exactly the same as grabbing the mz values for spectra
  # In chromatograms, the first vector is time
  # In spectra, the first vector is mz
  # We index by the first vector so these are identical
  grabSpectraMz(chrom_nodes, file_metadata)
grabChromInt <- function(chrom_nodes, file_metadata){
  # Exactly the same as for spectra
  # Second chromatogram is intensity in both cases
  grabSpectraInt(chrom_nodes, file_metadata)

# Other helper functions ----
shrinkRTrangemzML <- function(xml_nodes, rtrange){
  rt_xpath <- 'd1:scanList/d1:scan/d1:cvParam[@name="scan start time"]'
  rt_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(xml_nodes, rt_xpath)
  rt_vals <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(rt_nodes, "value"))
    # Guess RT is in seconds if the run is more than 150 long
    # A 2.5 minute run is unheard of, and a 2.5 hour run is unheard of
    rt_vals <- rt_vals/60

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