Man pages for Ravages
Rare Variant Analysis and Genetic Simulations

adjustedCADD_annotationSNVs and Indels annotation with adjusted CADD scores
adjustedCADD_annotation_indelsIndels annotation with adjusted CADD scores
adjustedCADD_annotation_SNVsSNVs annotation with adjusted CADD scores
bed.matrix.split.genomic.regionBed matrix for variants associated to multiple genomic...
burdenLinear, logistic or multinomial regression on a genetic score
burden.continuousLinear regression on a genetic score
burden.continuous.subscoresLinear regression on a multiple genetic scores within a...
burden.mlogitLogistic or multinomial regression on a genetic score
burden.mlogit.subscoresLogistic or multinomial regression on a multiple genetic...
burden.subscoresLinear, logistic or multinomial regression on a multiple...
burden.weighted.matrixScore matrix for burden tests
CASTCohort Allelic Sum Test
filter_adjustedCADDVariant filtering based on frequency and median adjusted CADD...
filter.rare.variantsRare variants filtering
genes.positionsGenes positions
genotypic.freqGenotypic frequencies calculation for data simulations
GnomADgenesGnomADgenes dataset
GRR.matrixGRR matrix for genetic data simulation
JaccardJaccard index
KryukovKryukov data set
LCT.haplotypesLCT haplotypes data set
LCT.matrixLCT genotypes matrix
multinomial.asso.freqSingle variant association test with categorical phenotype
NullObject.parametersNull Model for SKAT and burden tests
RAVA_FIRSTRAVA-FIRST: RAre Variant Association using...
rbm.GRRSimulation of genetic data using GRR values
rbm.GRR.powerPower of RVAT based on simulations and theoretical...
rbm.haplos.freqsSimulation of genetic data based on haplotypic frequencies
rbm.haplos.powerPower of RVAT based on simulations with haplotypes
rbm.haplos.thresholdsSimulation of genetic data based on haplotypes and a...
set.CADDregionsVariants annotation based on 'CADD regions' and genomic...
set.genomic.regionVariants annotation based on gene positions
set.genomic.region.subregionVariants annotation based on regions and subregions positions
SKAT.bootstrapMulti group SKAT test using bootstrap sampling
SKAT.continuousMulti group SKAT test using Liu et al. approximation
SKAT.permutationsMulti group SKAT test using bootstrap sampling
SKAT.theoreticalMulti group SKAT test using Liu et al. approximation
subregions.LCTExemple of functional categories
WSSWSS genetic score
Ravages documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:08 a.m.