
Defines functions fncGetConfIntText fncNbPercents fncEBMCrossTabWin enterTableEBMCrossTab fncEBMTherapy fncEBMPrognosis fncEBMDiagnosis fncEBMPostTest fncEBMPostTestWin

Documented in enterTableEBMCrossTab fncEBMCrossTabWin fncEBMDiagnosis fncEBMPostTest fncEBMPostTestWin fncEBMPrognosis fncEBMTherapy fncGetConfIntText fncNbPercents

# To do:  column chart/mosaic plot.
# require(RcmdrMisc)
fncGetConfIntText <- function(estimate, CIinf, CIsup, decimals=2, .faraCI=FALSE) {
	if(.faraCI == TRUE) {
		paste(round(estimate, decimals), " (", round(CIinf, decimals), " - ", round(CIsup, decimals), ")", sep="")
	} else {
		paste(round(estimate, decimals), " (95% CI ", round(CIinf, decimals), " - ", round(CIsup, decimals), ")", sep="")

fncNbPercents <- function(.Table, .decimals) {
  totals <- apply(.Table, 1, sum)
  .RowTable <- apply(.Table, 2, function(x) round(x * 100 / totals, .decimals))
  .RowTable <- cbind(.RowTable, rep(100, ncol(.RowTable)), totals)
  colnames(.RowTable)[length(colnames(.RowTable)) - 1] <- "Total"
  colnames(.RowTable)[length(colnames(.RowTable))] <- "Count"

	for(i in 1:length(.Table[,1])) {
		for(j in 1:length(.Table[1,])) {
			.RowTable[i,j] <- paste(.Table[i,j], " (", .RowTable[i,j], ")", sep="")
			if (i == 1) {colnames(.RowTable)[j]  <- paste(colnames(.RowTable)[j], ": nb. (%)", sep="")}
			if (j == 1) {.RowTable[i,length(.RowTable[1,])] <- paste(.RowTable[i,length(.RowTable[1,])], " (100)", sep="")}
	colnames(.RowTable)[length(.RowTable[1,])] <- "Total (%)"
	.RowTable <- .RowTable[,c(1:length(.Table[1,]),length(.RowTable[1,]))]

fncEBMCrossTab <- function (.table, .x, .y, .xlab, .ylab, .percents, .chisq, .expected, 
                            .chisqComp, .fisher, .indicators, .decimals = 2) {
  if (class(.x) != "factor") {
    .Table = .table
  } else {
    .Table <- xtabs(~.x + .y, exclude = c(NA, NaN))
  .TableOriginal <- .Table
  .TableExample <- matrix(c("a", "b", "c", "d"), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
  .decimals <- as.numeric(.decimals)
  decimals <- .decimals
  if (.percents == "row") {
    cat("# Row percents\n")
    print(fncNbPercents(.Table, .decimals))
  if (.percents == "column") {
    cat("# Column percents\n")
    print(t(fncNbPercents(t(.Table), .decimals)))
  if (.percents == "total") {
    cat("# Total percents\n")
    .totTable <- .Table * 100/sum(.Table)
    colsum <- apply(.totTable, 2, sum)
    rowsum <- apply(.totTable, 1, sum)
    .totTable <- rbind(cbind(.totTable, Total = rowsum), 
                       Total = c(colsum, sum(colsum)))
    .totTable <- round(.totTable, .decimals)
  if (.indicators != "dg") {
    if (.chisq == "1") {
      .Test <- chisq.test(.Table, correct = FALSE)
      if (.expected == "1") {
        cat("# Expected Counts\n")
      warnText <- NULL
      if (0 < (nlt1 <- sum(.Test$expected < 1))) 
        warnText <- paste(nlt1, gettextRcmdr("expected frequencies are less than 1"))
      if (0 < (nlt5 <- sum(.Test$expected < 5))) 
        warnText <- paste(warnText, "\n", nlt5, gettextRcmdr(" expected frequencies are less than 5"), 
                          sep = "")
      if (!is.null(warnText)) 
        Message(message = warnText, type = "warning")
      if (.chisqComp == "1") {
        cat("\n# Chi-square Components\n")
        print(round(.Test$residuals^2, .decimals))
    if (.fisher == "1") {
      .TestFisher <- fisher.test(.Table)
  if ((.x == "") || (length(levels(.x)) == 2 && length(levels(.y)) == 
                       2)) {
    if (.indicators == "pg") {
      .epi <- epi.2by2(dat = .TableOriginal, method = "cohort.count", 
                       conf.level = 0.95, units = 1)
      cat("\n# Notations for calculations\n")
      colnames(.TableExample) <- c("Disease +", "Disease -")
      rownames(.TableExample) <- c("Exposure +", "Exposure -")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Risk difference = ", fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * 
                                                                            .epi$rval$AR$est, .decimals), round(100 * .epi$rval$AR$lower, 
                                                                                                                .decimals), round(100 * .epi$rval$AR$upper, .decimals), 
                                                                    .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: [a / (a + b)] - [c / (c + d)]", 
                        sep = "")
      if (class(.epi$rval$RR$est)=="NULL") {
        texttest <- "\n# Relative risk can't be computed"
      } else {
        texttest <- paste("\n# Relative risk = ", fncGetConfIntText(round(.epi$rval$RR$est, 
                                                                          .decimals), round(.epi$rval$RR$lower, .decimals), 
                                                                    round(.epi$rval$RR$upper, .decimals), .decimals), 
                          " %. Computed using formula: [a / (a + b)] / [c / (c + d)]", 
                          sep = "")
      if (class(.epi$rval$OR$est)=="NULL") {
        texttest <- "\n# Odds ratio can't be computed"
      } else {
        texttest <- paste("\n# Odds ratio = ", fncGetConfIntText(round(.epi$rval$OR$est, 
                                                                       .decimals), round(.epi$rval$OR$lower, .decimals), 
                                                                 round(.epi$rval$OR$upper, .decimals), .decimals), 
                          " . Computed using formula: (a / b) / (c / d)", 
                          sep = "")
      cat("\n# To find more about the results, and about how confidence intervals were computed, type ?epi.2by2 .\n")
    if (.indicators == "th") {
      .epi <- epi.2by2(dat = .TableOriginal, method = "cohort.count", 
                       conf.level = 0.95, units = 1)
      cat("\n# Notations for calculations\n")
      colnames(.TableExample) <- c("Event +", "Event -")
      rownames(.TableExample) <- c("Treatment", "Control")
      .ARR.est <- 0-.epi$rval$AR$est
      .ARR1 <- 0-.epi$rval$AR$lower
      .ARR2 <- 0-.epi$rval$AR$upper
      .ARR.lower <- min(.ARR1, .ARR2)
      .ARR.upper <- max(.ARR1, .ARR2)
      .NNT.est <- 1/.ARR.est
      .NNT1 <- 1/.ARR.lower
      .NNT2 <- 1/.ARR.upper
      .NNT.lower <- min(.NNT1, .NNT2)
      .NNT.upper <- max(.NNT1, .NNT2)
      if (.ARR.lower < 0) {
        .NNT.lower <- .NNT.upper
        .NNT.upper <- 1/0
      .RR.est <- .epi$rval$RR$est
      .RR1 <- .epi$rval$RR$lower
      .RR2 <- .epi$rval$RR$upper
      .RR.lower <- min(.RR1, .RR2)
      .RR.upper <- max(.RR1, .RR2)
      .RRR.est <- 1 - .RR.est
      .RRR1 <- 1 - .RR.lower
      .RRR2 <- 1 - .RR.upper
      .RRR.lower <- min(.RRR1, .RRR2)
      .RRR.upper <- max(.RRR1, .RRR2)
      texttest <- paste("\n# Absolute risk reduction (ARR) = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * .ARR.est, .decimals), 
                                          round(100 * .ARR.lower, .decimals), round(100 * 
                                                                                      .ARR.upper, .decimals), .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: [c / (c + d)] - [a / (a + b)] ", 
                        sep = "")
      if (class(.RR.est)=="NULL") {
        texttest <- "\n# Relative risk can't be computed"
      } else {
        texttest <- paste("\n# Relative risk = ", fncGetConfIntText(round(.RR.est, 
                                                                          .decimals), round(.RR.lower, .decimals), round(.RR.upper, 
                                                                                                                         .decimals), .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: [c / (c + d)] / [a / (a + b)]", 
                          sep = "")
      if (class(.epi$rval$OR$est)=="NULL") {
        texttest <- "\n# Odds ratio can't be computed"
      } else {
        texttest <- paste("\n# Odds ratio = ", fncGetConfIntText(round(.epi$rval$OR$est, 
                                                                       .decimals), round(.epi$rval$OR$lower, .decimals), 
                                                                 round(.epi$rval$OR$upper, .decimals), .decimals), 
                          ". Computed using formula: (a / b) / (c / d)", 
                          sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Number needed to treat = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(round(.NNT.est, .decimals), 
                                          round(.NNT.lower, .decimals), round(.NNT.upper, 
                                                                              .decimals), .decimals), ". Computed using formula: 1 / ARR", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Relative risk reduction = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * .RRR.est, .decimals), 
                                          round(100 * .RRR.lower, .decimals), round(100 * 
                                                                                      .RRR.upper, .decimals), .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: { [c / (c + d)] - [a / (a + b)] } / [c / (c + d)] ", 
                        sep = "")
      cat("\n# To find more about the results, and about how confidence intervals were computed, type ?epi.2by2 . The confidence limits for NNT were computed as 1/ARR confidence limits. The confidence limits for RRR were computed as 1 - RR confidence limits.\n")
    if (.indicators == "dg") {
      cat("\n# Notations for calculations\n")
      colnames(.TableExample) <- c("Disease +", "Disease -")
      rownames(.TableExample) <- c("Test +", "Test -")
      .dd <- epi.tests(.TableOriginal, conf.level = 0.95)
      texttest <- paste("\n# Sensitivity (Se) = ", fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * 
                                                                             .dd$rval$se$est, .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$se$lower, 
                                                                                                                .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$se$upper, .decimals), 
                                                                     .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: a / (a + c)", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Specificity (Sp) = ", fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * 
                                                                             .dd$rval$sp$est, .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$sp$lower, 
                                                                                                                .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$sp$upper, .decimals), 
                                                                     .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: d / (b + d)", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Diagnostic acuracy (% of all correct results) = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * .dd$rval$diag.acc$est, 
                                                .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$diag.acc$lower, 
                                                                  .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$diag.acc$upper, 
                                                                                    .decimals), .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: (a + d) / (a + b + c + d)", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Youden's index = ", fncGetConfIntText(.dd$rval$youden$est, 
                                                                   .dd$rval$youden$lower, .dd$rval$youden$upper, 
                                                                   .decimals), ". Computed using formula: Se + Sp - 1", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Likelihood ratio of a positive test = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(.dd$rval$plr$est, .dd$rval$plr$lower, 
                                          .dd$rval$plr$upper, .decimals), ". Computed using formula: Se / (Sp - 1)", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Likelihood ratio of a negative test = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(.dd$rval$nlr$est, .dd$rval$nlr$lower, 
                                          .dd$rval$nlr$upper, .decimals), ". Computed using formula: (1 - Se) / Sp", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Positive predictive value = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * .dd$rval$ppv$est, 
                                                .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$ppv$lower, 
                                                                  .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$ppv$upper, 
                                                                                    .decimals), .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: a / (a + b)", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Negative predictive value = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(round(100 * .dd$rval$npv$est, 
                                                .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$npv$lower, 
                                                                  .decimals), round(100 * .dd$rval$npv$upper, 
                                                                                    .decimals), .decimals), " %. Computed using formula: d / (c + d)", 
                        sep = "")
      texttest <- paste("\n# Number needed to diagnose = ", 
                        fncGetConfIntText(.dd$rval$nnd$est, .dd$rval$nnd$lower, 
                                          .dd$rval$nnd$upper, .decimals), ". Computed using formula: 1 / [Se - (1 - Sp)]", 
                        sep = "")
      cat("\n# To find more about the results, and about how confidence intervals were computed, type ?epi.tests .\n")
  mosaicplot(t(.Table), color = heat.colors(2), main = "", 
             ylab = .ylab, xlab = .xlab)


fncEBMCrossTabWin <- function(){ #code from Rcmdr - John Fox, with modifications
    initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Multiple Cross Tab Tests"))
    variablesFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    .numeric <- Numeric()
    yBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple",
        title=gettextRcmdr("Response variable (pick one or more)"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple", title=gettextRcmdr("Group variable (pick one or more)"))
    onOK <- function(){
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        y <- getSelection(yBox)
	percents <- as.character(tclvalue(percentsVariable))
        chisq <- tclvalue(chisqTestVariable)
        chisqComp <- tclvalue(chisqComponentsVariable)
        expected <- tclvalue(expFreqVariable)
        fisher <- tclvalue(fisherTestVariable)
	indicators <- as.character(tclvalue(indicatorsVariable))
	digits <- tclvalue(Digitsname)
        if (0 == length(y)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncFastTestT, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a response variable."))
        if (0 == length(x)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncFastTestT, message=gettextRcmdr("No explanatory variables selected."))

	subset <- tclvalue(subsetVariable) #
	subset <- if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) "" else paste(", subset=", subset, sep="") #
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()

	for (j in 1:length(x)) {
	    for (i in 1:length(y)) {
		doItAndPrint(paste("fncEBMCrossTab(.table='', .y=", .activeDataSet, "$", y[i], ", .x=", .activeDataSet, "$", x[j], ", .ylab='", y[i], "', .xlab='", x[j], "', .percents='", percents, "', .chisq='", chisq, "', .expected='", expected, "', .chisqComp='", chisqComp, "', .fisher='",fisher, "', .indicators='",indicators,"', .decimals='",digits,"')", sep=""))
        buttons=c("rowPercents", "columnPercents", "totalPercents", "nonePercents"),
        values=c("row", "column", "total", "none"), initialValue="row",
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Row percentages", "Column percentages", "Percentages of total", "No percentages")), title=gettextRcmdr("Compute Percentages"))  

checkBoxes(frame="testsFrame", boxes=c("chisqTest", "chisqComponents", "expFreq", "fisherTest"), initialValues=c("1", "0", "0", "0"),
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Chi-square test of independence", "Components of chi-square statistic",
            "Print expected frequencies", "Fisher's exact test")))
        buttons=c("pg", "dg", "th"),
        values=c("pg", "dg", "th"), initialValue="pg",
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Prognosis", "Diagnosis", "Therapy")), title=gettextRcmdr("Medical indicators"))  

    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    Digitsname <- tclVar("2")
    DigitsEntry <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width="5", textvariable=Digitsname)

    subsetBox() #

    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), labelRcmdr(variablesFrame, text="    "), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") # 
    tkgrid(variablesFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(percentsFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Hypothesis Tests"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(testsFrame, sticky="w")   
    tkgrid(indicatorsFrame, sticky="w")  
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Options"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Digits")), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(DigitsEntry, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky="w") #
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") #
    dialogSuffix(rows=6, columns=1) #


# based on rcmdr code enterTable

enterTableEBMCrossTab <- function(){#code from Rcmdr - John Fox, with modifications
    env <- environment()
    initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Enter Two-Way Table for Evidence Based Medicine medical indicators"))
    outerTableFrame <- tkframe(top)
    nrows <- 2
    ncols <- 2
    assign(".tableFrame", tkframe(outerTableFrame), envir=env)
    #setUpTable <- function(...){
        tkdestroy(get(".tableFrame", envir=env))
        assign(".tableFrame", tkframe(outerTableFrame), envir=env)
        nrows <- 2
        ncols <- nrows
        make.col.names <- "labelRcmdr(.tableFrame, text='')"
        for (j in 1:ncols) {
            col.varname <- paste(".colname.", j, sep="")
            assign(col.varname, tclVar(j), envir=env)
            make.col.names <- paste(make.col.names, ", ", "ttkentry(.tableFrame, width='5', textvariable=",
                    col.varname, ")", sep="")
        eval(parse(text=paste("tkgrid(", make.col.names, ")", sep="")), envir=env)
        for (i in 1:nrows){
            varname <- paste(".tab.", i, ".1", sep="")
            assign(varname, tclVar("") , envir=env)
            row.varname <- paste(".rowname.", i, sep="")
            assign(row.varname, tclVar(i), envir=env)
            make.row <- paste("ttkentry(.tableFrame, width='5', textvariable=",
                row.varname, ")", sep="")
            make.row <- paste(make.row, ", ", "ttkentry(.tableFrame, width='5', textvariable=",
                varname, ")", sep="")
            for (j in 2:ncols){
                varname <- paste(".tab.", i, ".", j, sep="")
                assign(varname, tclVar(""), envir=env)
                make.row <- paste(make.row, ", ", "ttkentry(.tableFrame, width='5', textvariable=",
                    varname, ")", sep="")
            eval(parse(text=paste("tkgrid(", make.row, ")", sep="")), envir=env)
        tkgrid(get(".tableFrame", envir=env), sticky="w")
    rowColFrame <- tkframe(top)

    onOK <- function(){
        nrows <- 2
        ncols <- nrows
        cell <- 0
        counts <- rep(NA, nrows*ncols)
        row.names <- rep("", nrows)
        col.names <- rep("", ncols)
        chisq <- tclvalue(chisqTestVariable)
        chisqComp <- tclvalue(chisqComponentsVariable)
        expected <- tclvalue(expFreqVariable)
        fisher <- tclvalue(fisherTestVariable)
	indicators <- as.character(tclvalue(indicatorsVariable))
	digits <- tclvalue(Digitsname)
        for (i in 1:nrows) row.names[i] <-
            eval(parse(text=paste("tclvalue(", paste(".rowname.", i, sep=""),")", sep="")))
        for (j in 1:ncols) col.names[j] <-
            eval(parse(text=paste("tclvalue(", paste(".colname.", j, sep=""),")", sep="")))
        for (i in 1:nrows){
            for (j in 1:ncols){
                cell <- cell+1
                varname <- paste(".tab.", i, ".", j, sep="")
                counts[cell] <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text=paste("tclvalue(", varname,")", sep=""))))
        counts <- na.omit(counts)
        if (length(counts) != nrows*ncols){
            errorCondition(recall=enterTableEBMCrossTab, message=sprintf(gettextRcmdr("Number of valid entries (%d)\nnot equal to number of rows (%d) * number of columns (%d)."), length(counts), nrows, ncols))
        if (length(unique(row.names)) != nrows){
            errorCondition(recall=enterTableEBMCrossTab, message=gettextRcmdr("Row names are not unique."))
        if (length(unique(col.names)) != ncols){
            errorCondition(recall=enterTableEBMCrossTab, message=gettextRcmdr("Column names are not unique."))
        percents <- as.character(tclvalue(percentsVariable))
	#test <- as.character(tclvalue(testVariable)) #
        command <- paste("matrix(c(", paste(counts, collapse=","), "), ", nrows, ", ", ncols,
            ", byrow=TRUE, dimnames = list(c('", row.names[1], "', '", row.names[2], "'), c('", col.names[1], "', '", col.names[2], "')))", sep="")
        #assign(".Table", justDoIt(command), envir=.GlobalEnv)
        #logger(paste(".Table <- ", command, sep=""))
	      doItAndPrint(paste(".Table <- ", command, sep=""))
		#doItAndPrint(paste("fncCrossTab(.Table[,1], .x=.Table[,2], .ylab='', .xlab='', .chisim='", chisim, "', .percents='", percents, "', .fisher='",fisher, "', .lbltest='", linearbylinear, "', .indicators='",indicators,"')", sep=""))
		doItAndPrint(paste("fncEBMCrossTab(.table=.Table, .x='', .y='', .ylab='', .xlab='', .percents='", percents, "', .chisq='", chisq, "', .expected='", expected, "', .chisqComp='", chisqComp, "', .fisher='",fisher, "', .indicators='",indicators,"', .decimals=2)", sep=""))

    radioButtons(name="percents", buttons=c("rowPercents", "columnPercents", "totalPercents", "nonePercents"), values=c("row", "column", "total", "none"),
        initialValue="none", labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Row percentages", "Column percentages",  "Percentages of total", "No percentages")), title=gettextRcmdr("Compute Percentages"))

    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    checkBoxes(frame="testsFrame", boxes=c("chisqTest", "chisqComponents", "expFreq", "fisherTest"), initialValues=c("1", "0", "0", "0"),
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Chi-square test of independence", "Components of chi-square statistic",
            "Print expected frequencies", "Fisher's exact test")))

        buttons=c("pg", "dg", "th"),
        values=c("pg", "dg", "th"), initialValue="pg",
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Prognosis", "Diagnosis", "Therapy")), title=gettextRcmdr("Medical indicators"))  

    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    Digitsname <- tclVar("2")
    DigitsEntry <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width="5", textvariable=Digitsname)

    tkgrid(rowColFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Enter counts:"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(outerTableFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(percentsFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Hypothesis Tests"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(testsFrame, sticky="w")
    #tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Options"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Digits")), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(DigitsEntry, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(indicatorsFrame, sticky="w")  
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w")
    dialogSuffix(rows=8, columns=2)


fncEBMTherapy <- function(){#code from Rcmdr - John Fox with modifications
    variablesFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    .numeric <- Numeric()
    yBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple",
        title=gettextRcmdr("Response variable (pick one or more)"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple", title=gettextRcmdr("Group variable (pick one or more)"))
    onOK <- function(){
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        y <- getSelection(yBox)
	percents <- as.character(tclvalue(percentsVariable))
        chisq <- tclvalue(chisqTestVariable)
        chisqComp <- tclvalue(chisqComponentsVariable)
        expected <- tclvalue(expFreqVariable)
        fisher <- tclvalue(fisherTestVariable)
	digits <- tclvalue(Digitsname)
        if (0 == length(y)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMTherapy, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a response variable."))
        if (0 == length(x)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMTherapy, message=gettextRcmdr("No explanatory variables selected."))
	for (j in 1:length(x)) {
		if (length(which(y == x[j])) != 0) {
			errorCondition(recall=fncEBMTherapy, message=gettextRcmdr("Explanatory and response variables must be different."))

	subset <- tclvalue(subsetVariable) #
	subset <- if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) "" else paste(", subset=", subset, sep="") #
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()

	for (j in 1:length(x)) {
	    for (i in 1:length(y)) {
		doItAndPrint(paste("fncEBMCrossTab(.table='', .y=", .activeDataSet, "$", y[i], ", .x=", .activeDataSet, "$", x[j], ", .ylab='", y[i], "', .xlab='", x[j], "', .percents='", percents, "', .chisq='", chisq, "', .expected='", expected, "', .chisqComp='", chisqComp, "', .fisher='",fisher, "', .indicators='th', .decimals='",digits,"')", sep=""))
        buttons=c("rowPercents", "columnPercents", "totalPercents", "nonePercents"),
        values=c("row", "column", "total", "none"), initialValue="row",
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Row percentages", "Column percentages", "Percentages of total", "No percentages")), title=gettextRcmdr("Compute Percentages"))  

checkBoxes(frame="testsFrame", boxes=c("chisqTest", "chisqComponents", "expFreq", "fisherTest"), initialValues=c("1", "0", "0", "0"),
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Chi-square test of independence", "Components of chi-square statistic",
            "Print expected frequencies", "Fisher's exact test")))
    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    Digitsname <- tclVar("2")
    DigitsEntry <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width="5", textvariable=Digitsname)

    subsetBox() #

    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), labelRcmdr(variablesFrame, text="    "), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") # 
    tkgrid(variablesFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(percentsFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Hypothesis Tests"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(testsFrame, sticky="w")   
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Options"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Digits")), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(DigitsEntry, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky="w") #
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") #
    dialogSuffix(rows=6, columns=1) #


fncEBMPrognosis <- function(){#code from Rcmdr - John Fox, with modifications
    variablesFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    .numeric <- Numeric()
    yBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple",
        title=gettextRcmdr("Response variable (pick one or more)"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple", title=gettextRcmdr("Group variable (pick one or more)"))
    onOK <- function(){
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        y <- getSelection(yBox)
	percents <- as.character(tclvalue(percentsVariable))
        chisq <- tclvalue(chisqTestVariable)
        chisqComp <- tclvalue(chisqComponentsVariable)
        expected <- tclvalue(expFreqVariable)
        fisher <- tclvalue(fisherTestVariable)
	digits <- tclvalue(Digitsname)
        if (0 == length(y)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMPrognosis, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a response variable."))
        if (0 == length(x)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMPrognosis, message=gettextRcmdr("No explanatory variables selected."))
	for (j in 1:length(x)) {
		if (length(which(y == x[j])) != 0) {
			errorCondition(recall=fncEBMPrognosis, message=gettextRcmdr("Explanatory and response variables must be different."))

	subset <- tclvalue(subsetVariable) #
	subset <- if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) "" else paste(", subset=", subset, sep="") #
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()

	for (j in 1:length(x)) {
	    for (i in 1:length(y)) {
		doItAndPrint(paste("fncEBMCrossTab(.table='', .y=", .activeDataSet, "$", y[i], ", .x=", .activeDataSet, "$", x[j], ", .ylab='", y[i], "', .xlab='", x[j], "', .percents='", percents, "', .chisq='", chisq, "', .expected='", expected, "', .chisqComp='", chisqComp, "', .fisher='",fisher, "', .indicators='pg', .decimals='",digits,"')", sep=""))
        buttons=c("rowPercents", "columnPercents", "totalPercents", "nonePercents"),
        values=c("row", "column", "total", "none"), initialValue="row",
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Row percentages", "Column percentages", "Percentages of total", "No percentages")), title=gettextRcmdr("Compute Percentages"))  

checkBoxes(frame="testsFrame", boxes=c("chisqTest", "chisqComponents", "expFreq", "fisherTest"), initialValues=c("1", "0", "0", "0"),
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Chi-square test of independence", "Components of chi-square statistic",
            "Print expected frequencies", "Fisher's exact test")))
    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    Digitsname <- tclVar("2")
    DigitsEntry <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width="5", textvariable=Digitsname)

    subsetBox() #

    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), labelRcmdr(variablesFrame, text="    "), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") # 
    tkgrid(variablesFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(percentsFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Hypothesis Tests"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(testsFrame, sticky="w")   
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Options"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Digits")), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(DigitsEntry, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky="w") #
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") #
    dialogSuffix(rows=6, columns=1) #


fncEBMDiagnosis <- function(){#code from Rcmdr - John Fox, with modifications
    initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Diagnosis and screening"))
    variablesFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    .numeric <- Numeric()
    yBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple",
        title=gettextRcmdr("Response variable (pick one or more)"))
    xBox <- variableListBox(variablesFrame, Factors(), selectmode="multiple", title=gettextRcmdr("Group variable (pick one or more)"))
    onOK <- function(){
        x <- getSelection(xBox)
        y <- getSelection(yBox)
	percents <- as.character(tclvalue(percentsVariable))
	digits <- tclvalue(Digitsname)
        if (0 == length(y)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMDiagnosis, message=gettextRcmdr("You must select a response variable."))
        if (0 == length(x)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMDiagnosis, message=gettextRcmdr("No explanatory variables selected."))
	for (j in 1:length(x)) {
		if (length(which(y == x[j])) != 0) {
			errorCondition(recall=fncEBMDiagnosis, message=gettextRcmdr("Explanatory and response variables must be different."))

	subset <- tclvalue(subsetVariable) #
	subset <- if (trim.blanks(subset) == gettextRcmdr("<all valid cases>")) "" else paste(", subset=", subset, sep="") #
        .activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()

	for (j in 1:length(x)) {
	    for (i in 1:length(y)) {
		doItAndPrint(paste("fncEBMCrossTab(.table='', .y=", .activeDataSet, "$", y[i], ", .x=", .activeDataSet, "$", x[j], ", .ylab='", y[i], "', .xlab='", x[j], "', .percents='", percents, "', .chisq='0', .expected='0', .chisqComp='0', .fisher='0', .indicators='dg', .decimals='",digits,"')", sep=""))
        buttons=c("rowPercents", "columnPercents", "totalPercents", "nonePercents"),
        values=c("row", "column", "total", "none"), initialValue="none",
        labels=gettextRcmdr(c("Row percentages", "Column percentages", "Percentages of total", "No percentages")), title=gettextRcmdr("Compute Percentages"))  

    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    Digitsname <- tclVar("2")
    DigitsEntry <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width="5", textvariable=Digitsname)

    subsetBox() #

    tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), labelRcmdr(variablesFrame, text="    "), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") # 
    tkgrid(variablesFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(percentsFrame, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Options"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Digits")), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(DigitsEntry, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(subsetFrame, sticky="w") #
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") #
    dialogSuffix(rows=6, columns=1) #


fncEBMPostTest <- function(.pretest, .LR){
	.pretest <- as.numeric(.pretest)
	.LR <- as.numeric(.LR)
	.pretestodds <- .pretest / (1 - .pretest)
	.posttestodds <- .pretestodds * .LR
	.posttest <- .posttestodds / (.posttestodds + 1)
	cat("\n# Post-test probability:")

fncEBMPostTestWin <- function(){
    initializeDialog(title=gettextRcmdr("Compute Post-test probability"))
    onOK <- function(){
	pretest <- as.numeric(tclvalue(Pretestname))
	LR <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LRname))
        if ((is.na(pretest)) || (is.na(LR))) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMPostTestWin, message=gettextRcmdr("Both fields should be filled."))
	if ((pretest < 0) || (LR < 0)) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMPostTestWin, message=gettextRcmdr("Values must be positive."))
        if (pretest > 1) {
            errorCondition(recall=fncEBMPostTestWin, message=gettextRcmdr("Pre-test values are from 0 to 1."))


		doItAndPrint(paste("fncEBMPostTest(.pretest=", pretest, ", .LR=", LR, ")", sep=""))

    optionsFrame <- tkframe(top) #
    Pretestname <- tclVar("")
    PretestEntry <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width="5", textvariable=Pretestname)

    LRname <- tclVar("")
    LREntry <- ttkentry(optionsFrame, width="5", textvariable=LRname)

    subsetBox() #

    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text=gettextRcmdr("Options"), fg="blue"), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky="nw") #
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Pre-test probability")), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(PretestEntry, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(labelRcmdr(optionsFrame, text=gettextRcmdr("Likelihood value")), sticky="w")
    tkgrid(LREntry, sticky="w")
    tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") #
    dialogSuffix(rows=6, columns=1) #


Try the RcmdrPlugin.EBM package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RcmdrPlugin.EBM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:20 a.m.