fncLRpROC <- function(){
varPosListn <- function(vars, var){
if (is.null(var)) return(NULL)
if (any(!var %in% vars)) NULL
else apply(outer(var, vars, "=="), 1, which) - 1
.activeModel <- ActiveModel()
if (is.null(.activeModel)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("No GLM model selected.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
defaults <- list(# data tab
#initial.prediction = NULL, initial.label = NULL, # logistic
initial.narm = 1, initial.percent = 0, initial.direction = "auto",
# smoothing tab
initial.smooth = 0, initial.smoothingmethod = "binormal",
initial.smoothinbandwidth = "nrd0", initial.bandwidthnumeric = "",
initial.bandwidthadjustment = "1", initial.bandwidthwindow = "gaussian",
initial.distributioncontrols = "normal", initial.distributioncases = "normal",
# ci tab
initial.cicompute = 1, initial.cilevel = "0.95", initial.cimethod = "bootstrap",
initial.cibootn = "2000", initial.cibootstratified = 0,
initial.citype = "se", initial.cithresholds = "local maximas",
initial.civalues = "seq(0, 1, 0.05)", initial.ciplottype = "shape",
# auc tab
initial.auc = 1, initial.partialauc = 0,
initial.partialfrom = 0, initial.partialto = 1,
initial.partialfocus = "specificity", initial.partialcorrect = 0,
# plot tab
initial.plot = 1, initial.add = 0,
initial.printauc = 0, initial.aucpolygon = 0, initial.maxaucpolygon = 0,
initial.grid = 0, initial.identity = 1, initial.ciplot = 0, initial.values = 0,
initial.printthresrb = "no", initial.customthres = "c(0.5, 1, 10, 100)",
initial.colorroc=palette()[1], #initial.colorroc="#1c61b6",
initial.xlab=gettextRcmdr("<auto>"), initial.ylab=gettextRcmdr("<auto>"),
initial.main=gettextRcmdr("<auto>"), # tab
dialog.values <- getDialog("pROC", defaults)
initializeDialog(title=gettext("Plot ROC curve", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), use.tabs=TRUE, tabs=c("dataTab", "smoothingTab", "aucTab", "ciTab", "optionsTab")) # tab
#General/data tab:
generalFrame <- tkframe(dataTab)# tab
generaldataFrame <- ttklabelframe(generalFrame, text = gettext("Data", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
# predictionBox <- variableListBox(generaldataFrame, Numeric(), title=gettext("Predictions variable (pick one)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), # logistic
# initialSelection=varPosn(dialog.values$initial.prediction, "numeric"))
# labelBox <- variableListBox(generaldataFrame, Factors(), title=gettext("Outcome variable (pick one)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
# initialSelection=varPosn(dialog.values$initial.label, "factor"))
checkBoxes(window = generalFrame,
frame = "dataoptionsFrame", # tab
boxes = c("narm", "percent"),
initialValues = c(dialog.values$initial.narm, dialog.values$initial.percent),
labels = gettextRcmdr(c("Remove NAs", "Show/input % instead of 0-1")),
title = gettext("Options", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
buttons=c("auto", "gt", "lt"),
values=c("auto", ">", "<"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("auto", "Control > cases", "Control <= cases")),
title=gettext("Direction", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.direction)
# Smoothing tab:
smoothingFrame <- tkframe(smoothingTab)# tab
smoothingleftpaneFrame <- tkframe(smoothingFrame)#ttklabelframe(smoothingFrame, text = "")
smoothinggeneralFrame <- ttklabelframe(smoothingleftpaneFrame, text = gettext("General", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
smoothingdensityFrame <- ttklabelframe(smoothingleftpaneFrame, text = gettext("Density options", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
smoothingdistributionFrame <- ttklabelframe(smoothingFrame, text = gettext("Distributions options", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
buttons=c("binormal", "density", "fitdistr", "logcondens", "logcondens.smooth"),
values=c("binormal", "density", "fitdistr", "logcondens", "logcondens.smooth"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("binormal", "density", "fit distribution", "logcondens", "logcondens.smooth")),
title=gettext("Smoothing method", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.smoothingmethod)
buttons=c("nrd0", "nrd", "ucv", "bcv", "SJ", "numeric"),
values=c("nrd0", "nrd", "ucv", "bcv", "SJ", "numeric"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("nrd0", "nrd", "ucv", "bcv", "SJ", "<numeric>")),
title=gettext("Bandwidth", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.smoothinbandwidth)
bandwidthnumericVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.bandwidthnumeric) # tab
bandwidthnumericEntry <- ttkentry(smoothingdensityFrame, width = "25", textvariable = bandwidthnumericVar)# tab
bandwidthnumericScroll <- ttkscrollbar(smoothingdensityFrame, orient = "horizontal",
command = function(...) tkxview(bandwidthnumericEntry, ...))
tkconfigure(bandwidthnumericEntry, xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(bandwidthnumericScroll,
tkbind(bandwidthnumericEntry, "<FocusIn>", function() tkselection.clear(bandwidthnumericEntry))
bandwidthadjustmentVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.bandwidthadjustment) # tab
bandwidthadjustmentEntry <- ttkentry(smoothingdensityFrame, width = "25", textvariable = bandwidthadjustmentVar)# tab
radioButtons(smoothingdensityFrame, # kernel for density
buttons=c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", "cosine", "optcosine"),
values=c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", "cosine", "optcosine"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", "cosine", "optcosine")),
title=gettext("Kernel", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.bandwidthwindow)
radioButtons(smoothingdistributionFrame, #"beta", "chi-squared", "f", "geometric", "negative binomial",, "poisson", "t"
buttons=c("normal", "lognormal", "logistic", "exponential", "weibull", "gamma", "cauchy"),
values=c("normal", "lognormal", "logistic", "exponential", "weibull", "gamma", "cauchy"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("normal", "lognormal", "logistic", "exponential", "weibull", "gamma", "cauchy")),
title=gettext("Distribution of controls", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.distributioncontrols)
radioButtons(smoothingdistributionFrame, #"beta", "chi-squared", "f", "geometric", "negative binomial",, "poisson", "t"
buttons=c("normal", "lognormal", "logistic", "exponential", "weibull", "gamma", "cauchy"),
values=c("normal", "lognormal", "logistic", "exponential", "weibull", "gamma", "cauchy"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("normal", "lognormal", "logistic", "exponential", "weibull", "gamma", "cauchy")),
title=gettext("Distribution of cases", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.distributioncases)
# CI tab:
ciFrame <- tkframe(ciTab)# tab
#cigeneralFrame <- ttklabelframe(ciFrame, text = gettext("General", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
#cibootstrapFrame <- ttklabelframe(ciFrame, text = gettext("Bootstrap options", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
checkBoxes(window = ciFrame, frame = "cibootstrapFrame", # tab
boxes = c("cibootstratified"), initialValues = c(
),labels = gettextRcmdr(c(
"Stratified")), title = gettext("Bootstrap options", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
checkBoxes(window = ciFrame, frame = "cigeneralFrame", # tab
boxes = c("cicompute"), initialValues = c(
),labels = gettextRcmdr(c(
"Compute Confidence Interval (CI)")), title = gettext("General", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
cilevelVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.cilevel) # tab
cilevelEntry <- ttkentry(cigeneralFrame, width = "25", textvariable = cilevelVar)# tab
radioButtons(cigeneralFrame, name="cimethodrb", buttons=c("delong", "bootstrap", "auto"), values=c("delong", "bootstrap", "auto"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("delong", "bootstrap", "auto")), title=gettext("Method", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.cimethod)
radioButtons(cigeneralFrame, name="cityperb", buttons=c("auc", "se", "sp", "thresholds"), values=c("auc", "se", "sp", "thresholds"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("auc", "se", "sp", "thresholds")), title=gettext("Type of CI", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.citype)
radioButtons(cigeneralFrame, name="cithresholdsrb", buttons=c("all", "localmaximas", "custom"), values=c("all", "local maximas", "custom"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("all", "local maximas", "<custom>")), title=gettext("Thresholds", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.cithresholds)
civaluesVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.civalues) # tab
civaluesEntry <- ttkentry(cigeneralFrame, width = "25", textvariable = civaluesVar)# tab
civaluesScroll <- ttkscrollbar(cigeneralFrame, orient = "horizontal",
command = function(...) tkxview(civaluesEntry, ...))
tkconfigure(civaluesEntry, xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(civaluesScroll,
tkbind(civaluesEntry, "<FocusIn>", function() tkselection.clear(civaluesEntry))
cibootnVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.cibootn) # tab
cibootnEntry <- ttkentry(cibootstrapFrame, width = "5", textvariable = cibootnVar)# tab
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(cibootstrapFrame, text = gettext("Confidence level number of replicates", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), cibootnEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
# AUC tab:
aucFrame <- tkframe(aucTab)# tab
#generalaucFrame <- ttklabelframe(aucFrame, text = gettext("General", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
#partialaucFrame <- ttklabelframe(aucFrame, text = gettext("Partial AUC", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
checkBoxes(window = aucFrame, frame = "generalaucFrame", # tab
boxes = c("auc", "partialauc"), initialValues = c(
dialog.values$initial.auc, dialog.values$initial.partialauc
),labels = gettextRcmdr(c(
"Compute Area Under Curve (AUC)", "Compute partial AUC")), title = gettext("General", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
checkBoxes(window = aucFrame, frame = "partialaucFrame", # tab !!!!!!!!!! NU merge inca!!!
boxes = c("partialcorrect"), initialValues = c(
dialog.values$initial.partialcorrect),labels = gettextRcmdr(c(
"Correct partial AUC")), title = gettext("Partial AUC", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
partialfromVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.partialfrom) # tab
partialfromEntry <- ttkentry(partialaucFrame, width = "25", textvariable = partialfromVar)# tab
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(partialaucFrame, text = gettext("From:", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), partialfromEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
partialtoVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.partialto) # tab
partialtoEntry <- ttkentry(partialaucFrame, width = "25", textvariable = partialtoVar)# tab
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(partialaucFrame, text = gettext("To:", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), partialtoEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
radioButtons(partialaucFrame, name="partialfocus", buttons=c("specificity", "sensitivity"), values=c("specificity", "sensitivity"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("specificity", "sensitivity")), title=gettext("Focus", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.partialfocus)
# Plot tab:
optionsParFrame <- tkframe(optionsTab)# tab
optFrame <- ttklabelframe(optionsParFrame, text = gettext("Plot Options", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
parFrame <- ttklabelframe(optionsParFrame, text = gettext("Plot Labels", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
#paletteFrame <- tkframe(optionsTab)# tab
checkBoxes(window = optFrame, frame = "optionsFrame", # tab
boxes = c("plot", "add", "smooth", "grid","identity","ciplot","values"), initialValues = c(
dialog.values$initial.plot, dialog.values$initial.add, dialog.values$initial.smooth,
dialog.values$initial.grid, dialog.values$initial.identity, dialog.values$initial.ciplot, dialog.values$initial.values),labels = gettextRcmdr(c(
"Plot", "Add curve to existing plot", "Smooth","Display grid","Display identity line",
"Display confidence interval","Display values (Se, Sp, Thresholds)")), title = gettext("General", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
checkBoxes(window = optFrame, frame = "aucpolygonFrame", # tab
boxes = c("aucpolygon", "maxaucpolygon"), initialValues = c(
dialog.values$initial.aucpolygon, dialog.values$initial.maxaucpolygon),labels = gettextRcmdr(c(
"Polygon of AUC", "Polygon of maximal AUC")), title = gettext("Display area as polygon", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
checkBoxes(window = optFrame, frame = "informationFrame", # tab
boxes = c("printauc"), initialValues = c(
dialog.values$initial.printauc),labels = gettextRcmdr(c(
"AUC")), title = gettext("Display information on plot", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), ttk=TRUE)
radioButtons(informationFrame, name="printthresrb", buttons=c("no", "best", "all", "localmaximas", "customthres"), values=c("no", "best", "all", "local maximas", "customthres"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("no", "best: max(sum(Se + Sp))", "all", "local maximas", "<custom>")), title=gettext("Display threshold(s)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.printthresrb)
customthresVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.customthres) # tab
customthresEntry <- ttkentry(informationFrame, width = "25", textvariable = customthresVar)# tab
customthresScroll <- ttkscrollbar(informationFrame, orient = "horizontal",
command = function(...) tkxview(customthresEntry, ...))
tkconfigure(customthresEntry, xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(customthresScroll,
tkbind(customthresEntry, "<FocusIn>", function() tkselection.clear(customthresEntry))
xlabVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.xlab) # tab
ylabVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.ylab)
mainVar <- tclVar(dialog.values$initial.main)
xlabEntry <- ttkentry(parFrame, width = "25", textvariable = xlabVar)
xlabScroll <- ttkscrollbar(parFrame, orient = "horizontal",
command = function(...) tkxview(xlabEntry, ...))
tkconfigure(xlabEntry, xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(xlabScroll,
tkbind(xlabEntry, "<FocusIn>", function() tkselection.clear(xlabEntry))
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(parFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("x-axis label")), xlabEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(parFrame, text =""), xlabScroll, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
ylabEntry <- ttkentry(parFrame, width = "25", textvariable = ylabVar)
ylabScroll <- ttkscrollbar(parFrame, orient = "horizontal",
command = function(...) tkxview(ylabEntry, ...))
tkconfigure(ylabEntry, xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(ylabScroll,
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(parFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("y-axis label")), ylabEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(parFrame, text=""), ylabScroll, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
mainEntry <- ttkentry(parFrame, width = "25", textvariable = mainVar)
mainScroll <- ttkscrollbar(parFrame, orient = "horizontal",
command = function(...) tkxview(mainEntry, ...))
tkconfigure(mainEntry, xscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(mainScroll,
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(parFrame, text = gettextRcmdr("Graph title")), mainEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(parFrame, text=""), mainScroll, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
radioButtons(parFrame, name="ciplottyperb", buttons=c("shape", "bars"), values=c("shape", "bars"),
labels=gettextRcmdr(c("shape", "bars")), title=gettext("CI plot type", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialValue = dialog.values$initial.ciplottype)
colorrocBox <- variableListBox(parFrame, palette(), title=gettext("Color of ROC (from Palette)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialSelection=varPosListn(palette(), dialog.values$initial.colorroc))
ltys <- c("solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", "twodash", "blank")
ltyrocBox <- variableListBox(parFrame, ltys, title=gettext("Line type of ROC (from Palette)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"),
initialSelection=varPosListn(ltys, dialog.values$initial.ltyroc))
onOK <- function(){
tab <- if (as.character(tkselect(notebook)) == dataTab$ID) 0 else 1 # tab de modificat!!!!!!!!!!!
#general tab
# prediction <- getSelection(predictionBox) # logistic
# label <- getSelection(labelBox)
narm <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(narmVariable))
percent <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(percentVariable))
direction <- as.character(tclvalue(directionrbVariable))
#smoothing tab
smoothingmethod <- as.character(tclvalue(smoothingmethodrbVariable))
smoothinbandwidth <- as.character(tclvalue(smoothinbandwidthrbVariable))
bandwidthnumeric <- as.character(tclvalue(bandwidthnumericVar))
bandwidthadjustment <- as.character(tclvalue(bandwidthadjustmentVar))
bandwidthwindow <- as.character(tclvalue(bandwidthwindowrbVariable))
distributioncases <- as.character(tclvalue(distributioncasesrbVariable))
distributioncontrols <- as.character(tclvalue(distributioncontrolsrbVariable))
#ci tab
cicompute <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(cicomputeVariable))
cilevel <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(cilevelVar)))
cimethod <- as.character(tclvalue(cimethodrbVariable))
citype <- as.character(tclvalue(cityperbVariable))
cithresholds <- as.character(tclvalue(cithresholdsrbVariable))
civalues <- as.character(tclvalue(civaluesVar))
cibootn <- as.integer(as.character(tclvalue(cibootnVar)))
cibootstratified <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(cibootstratifiedVariable))
#auc tab
auc <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(aucVariable))
partialauc <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(partialaucVariable))
partialfrom <- as.character(tclvalue(partialfromVar))
partialto <- as.character(tclvalue(partialtoVar))
partialfocus <- as.character(tclvalue(partialfocusVariable))
partialcorrect <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(partialcorrectVariable))
#plot tab
add <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(addVariable))
plot <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(plotVariable))
smooth <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(smoothVariable))
printauc <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(printaucVariable))
aucpolygon <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(aucpolygonVariable))
maxaucpolygon <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(maxaucpolygonVariable))
grid <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(gridVariable))
identity <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(identityVariable))
ciplot <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(ciplotVariable))
values <- as.character("1" == tclvalue(valuesVariable))
printthresrb <- as.character(tclvalue(printthresrbVariable))
customthres <- as.character(tclvalue(customthresVar))
xlab <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(xlabVar))
xlab <- if (xlab == gettextRcmdr("<auto>"))
else paste(", xlab=\"", xlab, "\"", sep = "")
ylab <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(ylabVar))
ylab <- if (ylab == gettextRcmdr("<auto>"))
else paste(", ylab=\"", ylab, "\"", sep = "")
main <- trim.blanks(tclvalue(mainVar))
main <- if (main == gettextRcmdr("<auto>"))
else paste(", main=\"", main, "\"", sep = "")
ciplottype <- as.character(tclvalue(ciplottyperbVariable))
colorroc <- getSelection(colorrocBox)
convert <- function (color){
if(substr(colorroc,1,1) != "#") colorroc <- convert(colorroc)
ltyroc <- as.character(getSelection(ltyrocBox))
putDialog ("pROC", list(# data tab
#initial.prediction = prediction, initial.label = label, # logistic
initial.narm = tclvalue(narmVariable), initial.percent = tclvalue(percentVariable),
initial.direction = as.character(tclvalue(directionrbVariable)),
# smoothing tab
initial.smooth = tclvalue(smoothVariable), initial.smoothingmethod = tclvalue(smoothingmethodrbVariable),
initial.smoothinbandwidth = tclvalue(smoothinbandwidthrbVariable), initial.bandwidthnumeric = tclvalue(bandwidthnumericVar),
initial.bandwidthadjustment = "1", initial.bandwidthwindow = tclvalue(bandwidthwindowrbVariable),
initial.distributioncontrols = tclvalue(distributioncontrolsrbVariable), initial.distributioncases = tclvalue(distributioncasesrbVariable),
# ci tab
initial.cicompute = tclvalue(cicomputeVariable), initial.cilevel = tclvalue(cilevelVar), initial.cimethod = tclvalue(cimethodrbVariable),
initial.cibootn = tclvalue(cibootnVar), initial.cibootstratified = tclvalue(cibootstratifiedVariable),
initial.citype = tclvalue(cityperbVariable), initial.cithresholds = tclvalue(cithresholdsrbVariable),
initial.civalues = tclvalue(civaluesVar), initial.ciplottype = tclvalue(ciplottyperbVariable),
# auc tab
initial.auc = tclvalue(aucVariable), initial.partialauc = tclvalue(partialaucVariable),
initial.partialfrom = tclvalue(partialfromVar), initial.partialto = tclvalue(partialtoVar),
initial.partialfocus = tclvalue(partialfocusVariable), initial.partialcorrect = tclvalue(partialcorrectVariable),
# plot tab
initial.plot = tclvalue(plotVariable), initial.add = tclvalue(addVariable),
initial.printauc = tclvalue(printaucVariable), initial.aucpolygon = tclvalue(aucpolygonVariable), initial.maxaucpolygon = tclvalue(maxaucpolygonVariable),
initial.grid = tclvalue(gridVariable), initial.identity = tclvalue(identityVariable),
initial.ciplot = tclvalue(ciplotVariable), initial.values = tclvalue(valuesVariable), initial.printthresrb = tclvalue(printthresrbVariable), initial.customthres = as.character(tclvalue(customthresVar)),
initial.colorroc = getSelection(colorrocBox),
initial.ltyroc = getSelection(ltyrocBox),
initial.xlab=tclvalue(xlabVar), initial.ylab=tclvalue(ylabVar),
initial.main=tclvalue(mainVar), # tab
# Checking input ============================================
# data tab
# if (0 == length(prediction)) { # logistic
# errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("You must select a prediction variable.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
# return()
# }
# if (0 == length(label)) {
# errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("No outcome variable selected.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
# return()
# }
if (percent == "TRUE") {
percentupper = 100
} else {
percentupper = 1
# ci tab
if (cicompute == "TRUE") {
if (0 == length(cilevel)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("You must set a confidence interval level.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
cilevel = as.numeric(cilevel)
if ((cilevel < 0) || (cilevel > 1)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("Confidence interval level outside of range.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
if (0 == length(cibootn)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("You must set a confidence interval number of replicates.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
if (cibootn < 0) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("Confidence interval number of replicates should be a pozitive number.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
# auc tab
if (partialauc == "TRUE") {
if (0 == length(partialto)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("You must set a partial AUC 'to' limit.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
partialto = as.numeric(partialto)
partialfrom = as.numeric(partialfrom)
if ((partialto < 0) | (partialto > percentupper)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("Partial AUC 'to' limit outside of range.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
if (0 == length(partialfrom)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("You must set a partial AUC 'from' limit.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
if ((partialfrom < 0) | (partialfrom > percentupper)) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("Partial AUC 'from' limit outside of range.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
if ((max(c(partialfrom, partialto)) <= 1) & (percent=="TRUE")) {
Message(message="Maybe you didn't specified well the values, you probably wanted to set the values between 0-100 instead of between 0-1, since percent is checked", type="warning")
if ((max(c(partialfrom, partialto)) > 1) & (percent=="FALSE")) {
Message(message="Maybe you didn't specified well the values, you probably wanted to set the values between 0-1 instead of between 0-100, since percent is not checked", type="warning")
# plot tab
if ((printthresrb == "custom") & (0 == length(customthres))) {
errorCondition(recall=fncLRpROC, message=gettext("Custom threshold should not be empty.", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"))
# transformations
.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
if (printthresrb == "customthres") {
threshold = customthres
} else {
threshold = paste("'", printthresrb, "'", sep="")
if (partialauc == "TRUE") {
partialauc = paste("c(", partialfrom, ", ", partialto, ")", sep="")
# command <- paste("roc.obj <- pROC::roc(", label, " ~ ", prediction, ", data=", .activeDataSet, ", na.rm=", narm, ", percent=", percent, ", direction='", direction, "'",
# ", auc=", auc, ", partial.auc=", partialauc, ", partial.auc.focus='", partialfocus, "'", ", partial.auc.correct=", partialcorrect,
# ", plot=", plot, ", add=", add,
# ", print.auc=", printauc, ", auc.polygon=", aucpolygon, ", max.auc.polygon=", maxaucpolygon,
# ", grid=", grid, ", identity=", identity,
# ", print.thres=", threshold, xlab, ylab, main, ")", sep = "")
# doItAndPrint(command)
.activeDataSet <- ActiveDataSet()
command <- paste("summary(", .activeModel, ")", sep = "")
command <- paste("glm.prediction <- predict(", .activeModel, ", type=c('response'))", sep = "")
command <- paste(".depname <- ", "as.character((attr(", .activeModel, "$terms, 'variables')[2]))", sep = "")
command <- paste(".outcome <- ifelse(", .activeDataSet, "$", .depname, "==levels(as.factor(", .activeDataSet, "$", .depname, "))[2], 1, 0 )", sep = "")
command <- paste("roc.obj <- pROC::roc(.outcome ~ glm.prediction, data=", .activeDataSet, ", na.rm=", narm, ", percent=", percent, ", direction='", direction, "'",
", partial.auc=", partialauc, ", partial.auc.focus='", partialfocus, "'", ", partial.auc.correct=", partialcorrect,
", auc=", auc, ", plot=FALSE, ci=TRUE, of='auc', conf.level=", cilevel, ", ci.method='", cimethod,"', boot.n=", cibootn, ", boot.stratified=", cibootstratified,")", sep = "")
if (plot == "TRUE") {
command <- paste("plot(roc.obj, add=", add,
", print.auc=", printauc, ", auc.polygon=", aucpolygon, ", max.auc.polygon=", maxaucpolygon,
", print.auc.x=ifelse(roc.obj$percent, 50, .5), print.auc.y=ifelse(roc.obj$percent, 45, .45), print.auc.pattern='AUC: %.2f (%.2f, %.2f)'",
#", auc.polygon.col='", colorroc, "AA'", ", max.auc.polygon.col='", colorroc, "22'",
", grid=", grid, ", identity=", identity, ", col='", colorroc, "', lty='", ltyroc, "'", #", col='", colorroc, "', lty='", ltyroc, "'",
", print.thres=", threshold, ", print.thres.adj=c(0,0.5), print.thres.cex=0.7, print.thres.pattern='%.2f (%.2f, %.2f)'",
xlab, ylab, main, ")", sep = "")
command <- paste("roc.obj$levels[1] # The controls are:", sep = "")
command <- paste("roc.obj$levels[2] # The cases are:", sep = "")
if (cicompute == "TRUE") {
cilevel = paste(", conf.level=", cilevel, sep="")
cimethod = paste(", method='", cimethod, "'", sep="")
if (ciplot == "TRUE") {
if (citype == "thresholds") {
if (cithresholds == "custom") {
threshold = civalues
} else {
threshold = paste("'", cithresholds, "'", sep="")
command <- paste(" <- ci(roc.obj, of='thresholds', thresholds=", threshold, cilevel, cimethod,", boot.n=", cibootn, ", boot.stratified=", cibootstratified,")", sep = "")
command <- paste("plot(, type='", ciplottype, "', col='#1c61b6AA')", sep = "")
} else {
#check if civalues are probably correct (ex. if the max of them is <=1 and percent was selected then the specification is incorrect it should have been seq(0,100,5)))
if ((citype == "se") & (citype == "sp")) {
if ((max(eval(parse(text=as.character(civalues)))) <= 1) & (percent=="TRUE")) {
Message(message="Maybe you didn't specified well the values, since percent is selected you probably wanted to set seq(0,100,5) (or values between 0-100%) instead of seq(0,1,0.05), since percent is checked", type="warning")
if ((max(eval(parse(text=as.character(civalues)))) > 1) & (percent=="FALSE")) {
Message(message="Maybe you didn't specified well the values, since percent is selected you probably wanted to set seq(0,1,0.05) (or values between 0-1) instead of seq(0,100,5), since percent is not checked", type="warning")
if (citype == "se") {
command <- paste(" <- ci(roc.obj, of='se', specificities=", civalues, cilevel, cimethod,", boot.n=", cibootn, ", boot.stratified=", cibootstratified,")", sep = "")
if (citype == "sp") {
command <- paste(" <- ci(roc.obj, of='sp', sensitivities=", civalues, cilevel, cimethod,", boot.n=", cibootn, ", boot.stratified=", cibootstratified,")", sep = "")
if (citype == "auc") {
command <- paste(" <- ci(roc.obj, of='auc'", cilevel, cimethod,", boot.n=", cibootn, ", boot.stratified=", cibootstratified,")", sep = "")
command <- paste("plot(, type='", ciplottype, "', col='#1c61b6AA')", sep = "")
if (smooth == "TRUE") {
bandwidth = ""
density = ""
if (smoothingmethod == "density") {
if (smoothinbandwidth == "numeric") {
bandwidth = paste(", bw=", bandwidthnumeric, "", sep="")
} else {
bandwidth = paste(", bw='", smoothinbandwidth, "'", sep="")
#density = paste(", density='", bandwidthwindow, "'", sep="") #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! ! de modificat! nu stiu cum...
if (smoothingmethod == "fitdistr") {
density = paste(", density.cases='", distributioncases, "', density.controls='", distributioncontrols, "'", sep="")
command <- paste("lines(smooth(roc.obj, method = '", smoothingmethod, "'", bandwidth, density, "), col='#1c61b6')", sep = "")
if (values == "TRUE") {
# removing variables
command <- paste("remove(roc.obj)", sep = "")
command <- paste("remove(glm.prediction)", sep = "")
command <- paste("remove(.depname)", sep = "")
command <- paste("remove(.outcome)", sep = "")
if (ciplot == "TRUE") {
command <- paste("remove(", sep = "")
OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="plot.roc", reset = "fncLRpROC", apply="fncLRpROC")
# general tab
#tkgrid(labelRcmdr(generalFrame, text = paste(gettext("Model: ", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC"), .activeModel, sep=""), sticky = "w"))
#tkgrid(getFrame(predictionBox), getFrame(labelBox), sticky = "nw", padx=6, pady=c(6, 6)) # logistic
tkgrid(directionrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(generaldataFrame , dataoptionsFrame, sticky = "nswe", padx=6, pady=6)
tkgrid(generalFrame, sticky = "we")
# smoothing tab
tkgrid(smoothingmethodrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 6))
tkgrid(smoothinbandwidthrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 0))
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(smoothingdensityFrame, text = gettext("Numeric bandwidth", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), bandwidthnumericEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6, pady=c(6, 0))
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(smoothingdensityFrame, text =""), bandwidthnumericScroll, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(smoothingdensityFrame, text = gettext("Adjustment", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), bandwidthadjustmentEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6, pady=c(6, 0)) #adaugat!!!
tkgrid(bandwidthwindowrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 6))
tkgrid(distributioncontrolsrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 6))
tkgrid(distributioncasesrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(smoothinggeneralFrame, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(smoothingdensityFrame, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(smoothingleftpaneFrame , smoothingdistributionFrame, sticky = "nswe", padx=6, pady=6)
tkgrid(smoothingFrame, sticky = "we")
# ci tab
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(cigeneralFrame, text = gettext("Confidence level", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), cilevelEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
tkgrid(cimethodrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(cityperbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(cithresholdsrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(cigeneralFrame, text = gettext("Values (Se/Sp/Custom thres.)", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), civaluesEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(cigeneralFrame, text =""), civaluesScroll, sticky = "ew", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(cigeneralFrame , cibootstrapFrame, sticky = "nswe", padx=6, pady=6)
tkgrid(ciFrame, sticky = "we")
# auc tab
tkgrid(partialfocusFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 6))
#tkgrid(partialcorrectFrame, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(generalaucFrame , partialaucFrame, sticky = "nswe", padx=6, pady=6)
tkgrid(aucFrame, sticky = "we")
# plot tab
tkgrid(optionsFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(aucpolygonFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(printthresrbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(informationFrame, text = gettext("Custom threshold", domain="R-RcmdrPlugin.ROC")), customthresEntry, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(informationFrame, text =""), customthresScroll, sticky = "ew", padx=6)
tkgrid(informationFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(0, 6))
tkgrid(ciplottyperbFrame, sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 6))
tkgrid(getFrame(colorrocBox), sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 0))
tkgrid(getFrame(ltyrocBox), sticky = "w", padx=6, pady=c(6, 18))
tkgrid(optFrame , parFrame, sticky = "nswe", padx=6, pady=6)
tkgrid(optionsParFrame, sticky = "we")
tkgrid(ttklabel(dataTab, text=""))
tkgrid(ttklabel(dataTab, text=""))
tkgrid(labelRcmdr(top, text = " "), padx=6)
dialogSuffix(use.tabs=TRUE, grid.buttons=TRUE, tabs=c("dataTab", "smoothingTab", "aucTab", "ciTab", "optionsTab"),
tab.names=c("General", "Smoothing", "AUC", "CI", "Plot")) #
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