

# utils_zipfile <- tempfile()
# utils_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "cwb_win-0.0.1", "utils")
# download.file("https://github.com/PolMine/cwb_win/archive/refs/tags/v0.0.1.zip", destfile = utils_zipfile)
# unzip(utils_zipfile, exdir = tempdir())
# file.rename(
#   from = file.path(utils_dir, "libintl-9.dll"),
#   to = file.path(utils_dir, "libintl-8.dll")
# )
# utils <- Sys.glob(sprintf("%s/*.exe", utils_dir))
# names(utils) <- gsub("\\.exe$", "", basename(utils))
#     args <- sprintf(
#       '%s -d "%s" -c utf8 -xsB -v -D -F "%s" -R "%s" -P pos -S plenary_protocol:0+lp+protocol_no+date+year+birthday+version+url+filetype -S speaker:0+id+type+lp+protocol_no+date+year+ai_no+ai_id+ai_type+who+name+parliamentary_group+party+role -S p:0+',
#       fs::path(utils[["cwb-encode"]]),
#       fs::path(tmp_data_dir),
#       system.file(package = "RcppCWB", "extdata", "vrt"),
#       fs::path(tmp_registry_file)
#     )
# foo <- system(shQuote(args))
# for (p_attr in c("word", "pos", "lemma")){
#   cmd_makeall <- sprintf(
#     "%s -r %s -P word BT",
#     fs::path(utils[["cwb-makeall"]]), fs::path(tmp_registry)
#   )
#   system(command = cmd_makeall)
#   cmd_huffcode <- sprintf(
#     "%s -r %s -P word BT",
#     fs::path(utils[["cwb-huffcode"]]), fs::path(tmp_registry)
#   )
#   system(command = cmd_huffcode)
#   cmd_compress_rdx <- sprintf(
#     "%s -r %s -P word BT",
#     fs::path(utils[["cwb-compress-rdx"]]), fs::path(tmp_registry)
#   )
#   system(command = cmd_compress_rdx)
# }

  "identity of RcppCWB and CWB encoding result",
    tmp_data_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "bt")
    regdir <- get_tmp_registry()

      corpus = "BT",
      registry = regdir,
      vrt_dir = system.file(package = "RcppCWB", "extdata", "vrt"),
      data_dir = tmp_data_dir,
      encoding = "utf8",
      p_attributes = c("word", "pos", "lemma"),
      s_attributes = list(
        plenary_protocol = c(
          "lp", "protocol_no", "date", "year", "birthday", "version",
          "url", "filetype"
        speaker = c(
          "id", "type", "lp", "protocol_no", "date", "year", "ai_no", "ai_id",
          "ai_type", "who", "name", "parliamentary_group", "party", "role"
        p = character()
    for (p_attr in c("word", "pos", "lemma")){
      cwb_makeall(corpus = "BT", p_attribute = p_attr, registry = get_tmp_registry())
      cwb_huffcode(corpus = "BT", p_attribute = p_attr, registry = get_tmp_registry())
      cwb_compress_rdx(corpus = "BT", p_attribute = p_attr, registry = get_tmp_registry())
    expect_true(cl_load_corpus(corpus = "BT", registry = get_tmp_registry()))
    expect_true(tolower("BT") %in% cl_list_corpora())
    # In the CQP context, corpus IDs are uppered - here we knowingly provide
    # a lowercase ID that is uppered internally #64
    expect_true(cqp_load_corpus(corpus = "bt", registry = get_tmp_registry()))
    expect_true("BT" %in% cqp_list_corpora())
    for (p_attr in c("word", "pos", "lemma")){
        cl_attribute_size(corpus = "BT", attribute = p_attr, attribute_type = "p", registry = get_tmp_registry()),
    n <- cl_attribute_size(corpus = "BT", attribute = "word", attribute_type = "p", registry = get_tmp_registry())
    ids <- cl_cpos2id(
      "BT", p_attribute = "word", registry = get_tmp_registry(),
      cpos = 0L:(n-1L)
    words <- cl_id2str("BT", p_attribute = "word", registry = get_tmp_registry(), id = ids)
    expect_equal(table(words == "Liebe")[["TRUE"]], 6)
    expect_equal(table(words == "SPD")[["TRUE"]], 31)


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RcppCWB documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:40 p.m.