
Defines functions Remfpca

Documented in Remfpca

#' @title A Class for `ReMFPCA` objects
#' @description
#' The `remfpca` class represents regularized functional principal components components.

#' @field pc_mfd an object of class `mvmfd` where the first indices (fields)
#' represents harmonics and  second indices represents variables
#' @field lsv = Left singular values vectors
#' @field values = the set of eigenvalues
#' @field alpha = The vector of penalties parameters
#' @field GCVs = generalized cross validations
#' @field mean_mfd a multivariate functional data object giving the mean function

#' @examples
#' require(fda)
#' # Brownian Bridge simulation on [0,1]
#' M <- 110 # number of components
#' N <- 20 # number of instances
#' n <- 100 # number of grides
#' t0 <- seq(0, 1, len = n)
#' j <- 1:M
#' alpha1 <- list(a1 = 2^seq(0, 1, length.out = 3), a2 = 2^seq(0, 1, length.out = 3))
#' psi_1 <- function(t, m) sin(m * pi * t) # eigenfunction of BB
#' psi_2 <- function(t, m) sin((2 * m - 1) * pi / 2 * t) # eigenfunction of BM
#' PC_1 <- outer(t0, j, FUN = psi_1) # n by M matrix
#' PC_2 <- outer(t0, j, FUN = psi_2) # n by M matrix
#' Z <- matrix(rnorm(N * M), nr = M)
#' lambda <- matrix(2 / (pi * (2 * j - 1)), nr = M, nc = N)
#' X_1t <- PC_1 %*% (lambda * Z)
#' X_2t <- PC_2 %*% (lambda * Z)
#' noise <- rnorm(n * N, 0, 0.1)
#' X_1 <- X_1t + noise
#' X_2 <- X_2t + noise
#' bs <- create.bspline.basis(c(0, 1), 51)
#' mdbs <- Basismfd(bs)
#' mfd1 <- Mfd(X = X_1, mdbs = mdbs)
#' mfd2 <- Mfd(X = X_2, mdbs = mdbs)
#' mvmfd_obj <- Mvmfd(mfd1, mfd2)
#' k <- 2
#' Re0 <- Remfpca(mvmfd_obj, ncomp = k, alpha = c(0, 0))
#' fpc0 <- Re0$pc_mfd
#' scores0 <- inprod_mvmfd(mvmfd_obj, fpc0)
#' dim(scores0)
#' Re0$alpha
#' Re1 <- Remfpca(mvmfd_obj, ncomp = k, alpha = alpha1)
#' Re1$alpha
#' Re3 <- Remfpca(mfd1, ncomp = k, alpha = alpha1$a1)
#' Re3$alpha

#' @import R6
#' @importFrom fda getbasispenalty
#' @importFrom Matrix bdiag
#' @importFrom expm sqrtm
#' @export
remfpca <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @param mvmfd_obj An `mvmfd` object representing the multivariate functional data.
    #' @param ncomp The number of functional principal components to retain.
    #' @param alpha A list or vector specifying the regularization parameter(s) for each variable.
    #'              If NULL, the regularization parameter is estimated internally.
    #' @param centerfns Logical indicating whether to center the functional data before analysis.
    #' @param alpha_orth Logical indicating whether to perform orthogonalization of the regularization parameters.
    #' @param penalty_type The type of penalty to be applied on the coefficients. The types "coefpen" and "basispen" is supported. Default is "coefpen".
    initialize = function(mvmfd_obj, ncomp, alpha = NULL, centerfns = TRUE, alpha_orth = TRUE, penalty_type = "coefpen") {
      if (is.numeric(alpha)) {
        if (is.mfd(mvmfd_obj)) {
          alpha <- list(alpha)
        } else {
          alpha <- as.list(alpha)
      if (is.mfd(mvmfd_obj)) mvmfd_obj <- Mvmfd(mvmfd_obj)
      result <- eigen_approach(mvmfd_obj = mvmfd_obj, n = ncomp, alpha = alpha, centerfns = centerfns, penalty_type = penalty_type)
      coef <- result[[1]]
      pcmfd <- list()
      for (i in 1:mvmfd_obj$nvar) {
        if (mvmfd_obj$basis$dimSupp[i] == 1) {
          pcmfd[[i]] <- Mfd(X = coef[[i]], mdbs = mvmfd_obj$basis$basis[[i]], method = "coefs")
        } else {
          coef_new <- array(coef[[i]], dim = c(mvmfd_obj$basis$basis[[i]]$nbasis, ncol(coef[[i]])))
          pcmfd[[i]] <- Mfd(X = coef_new, mdbs = mvmfd_obj$basis$basis[[i]], method = "coefs")
      out <- Mvmfd(pcmfd)
      if (mvmfd_obj$nvar == 1) {
        private$.pc_mfd <- pcmfd[[1]]
      } else {
        private$.pc_mfd <- Mvmfd(pcmfd)
      private$.lsv <- result[[2]]
      private$.values <- result[[3]]
      private$.alpha <- result[[4]]
      private$.GCVs <- result[[5]]
      private$.mean_mfd <- mean(mvmfd_obj)
  active = list(
    pc_mfd = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$pc_mfd` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    lsv = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$lsv` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    values = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$sigma` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    alpha = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$alpha` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    GCVs = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$GCVs` is read only", call. = FALSE)
    mean_mfd = function(value) {
      if (missing(value)) {
      } else {
        stop("`$mean_mfd` is read only", call. = FALSE)
  private = list(
    .pc_mfd = NULL,
    .lsv = NULL,
    .values = NULL,
    .alpha = NULL,
    .GCVs = NULL,
    .mean_mfd = NULL
#' @rdname remfpca
#' @seealso \code{\link{mvmfd}}

#' @title A Class for 'ReMFPCA' objects
#' @description
#' The `remfpca` class represents regularized functional principal components ('ReMFPCs') components.
#' @param mvmfd_obj An `mvmfd` object representing the multivariate functional data.
#' @param ncomp The number of functional principal components to retain.
#' @param alpha A list or vector specifying the regularization parameter(s) for each variable.
#'              If NULL, the regularization parameter is estimated internally.
#' @param centerfns Logical indicating whether to center the functional data before analysis.
#' @param alpha_orth Logical indicating whether to perform orthogonalization of the regularization parameters.
#' @param penalty_type The type of penalty to be applied on the coefficients. The types "coefpen" and "basispen" is supported. Default is "coefpen".
#' @export
Remfpca <- function(mvmfd_obj, ncomp, alpha = NULL, centerfns = TRUE, alpha_orth = TRUE, penalty_type = "coefpen") {
  remfpca$new(mvmfd_obj, ncomp, alpha, centerfns, penalty_type)
#' @rdname remfpca

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ReMFPCA documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:46 p.m.