
context("Reading PDFs")

tmpdir <- tempdir()
## tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip", tmpdir = tmpdir)
## poppler.fail <- download.file("https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3291828/Poppler/
##                               poppler.0.22.0_win32.zip",
##                            tmpfile, quiet = TRUE)
## poppler.fail <- download.file("https://poppler.freedesktop.org/
##                               poppler-0.32.0.tar.xz", tmpfile, quiet = TRUE)

## poppler.fail <- download.file(
##     "ftp://ftp.gnome.org/Public/GNOME/binaries/win32/dependencies/
##                poppler_0.12.0-1_win32.zip", tmpfile,
##      quiet = TRUE)
## unzip(tmpfile, exdir = tmpdir)

## curdir <- getwd()
exe.path <- tmpdir  # file.path(tmpdir, "bin", fsep = "\\")
## Sys.setenv(PATH = paste(Sys.getenv("PATH"), exe.path, sep = ":"))
poppler.fail <- !nzchar(Sys.which("pdfinfo"))
jss.fail <- try(download.file(paste0("https://www.jstatsoft.org/index.php/",
                              file.path(exe.path, "jss.pdf"), mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(jss.fail, "try-error"))
    jss.fail <- TRUE
arxiv1.fail <- try(download.file("https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0703791",
                                 destfile = file.path(exe.path, "FIZaop.pdf"),
                                 mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(arxiv1.fail, "try-error"))
    arxiv1.fail <- TRUE
arxiv2.fail <- try(download.file("https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0703858",
                                 destfile = file.path(exe.path, "PBHTaos.pdf"),
                                 mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(arxiv2.fail, "try-error"))
    arxiv2.fail <- TRUE

## First try to use pdfs stored in repo for use with CI/devtools
##  The pdfs are ignored by.Rbuildignore,
##   if they aren't found (i.e. if using R CMD check), try to download them
biomet.fail <- !file.copy(system.file("pdf", "biometrikaEx.pdf",
                                     package = "RefManageR"), exe.path)
if (biomet.fail)
    biomet.fail <- try(download.file(paste0("https://stat.uconn.edu/wp-content/",
                                 destfile = file.path(exe.path, "biometrikaEx.pdf"),
                                 mode = "wb"))
if (inherits(biomet.fail, "try-error"))
    biomet.fail <- TRUE

jstor.fail <- !file.copy(system.file("pdf", "jstor.pdf",
                                     package = "RefManageR"), exe.path)
## jstor.fail <- if (capabilities("libcurl"))
##                download.file("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/
##                              107936614/25050155.pdf",  # 25645718.pdf
## #                  destfile = "jstor.pdf", mode = "wb", method = "libcurl")
##            else
##                TRUE

test_that("Recognizes DOI", {
    if (poppler.fail || arxiv1.fail)
        skip("Couldn't download arxiv1")
    expect_message(ReadPDFs(file.path(exe.path, "FIZaop.pdf"),
                            use.metadata = FALSE),
                   "Getting 1 BibTeX entries from CrossRef...")

test_that("Creates a BibEntry object", {
    if (poppler.fail || all(jstor.fail, biomet.fail, arxiv1.fail, arxiv2.fail,
        skip("Couldn't download Poppler or a single PDF")
    msgs <- capture_messages(bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, progress = TRUE,
                                     use.crossref = TRUE))
    expect_is(bib, "BibEntry")
    if (!biomet.fail)
                     "The Multivariate Skew-normal Distribution")

test_that("Add file field", {
    if (poppler.fail || all(jstor.fail, biomet.fail, arxiv1.fail, arxiv2.fail,
        skip("Couldn't download Poppler or a single PDF")
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, progress = TRUE, use.crossref = FALSE)
    expect_is(unlist(bib$file), "character")

test_that("Reading one PDF file name", {
    if (poppler.fail || jstor.fail)
        skip("Couldn't copy jstor.pdf")
    bib1 <- ReadPDFs(file.path(exe.path, "jstor.pdf"), use.metadata = FALSE)
    expect_is(bib1, "BibEntry")
    expect_equal(length(bib1), 1L)

test_that("Recognizes JSTOR", {
    if (poppler.fail || jstor.fail)
        skip("Couldn't download Poppler or JSTOR PDF")
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, progress = FALSE, use.crossref = FALSE)
    expect_equal(bib[author = "carrol"]$eprinttype, "jstor")
    expect_equal(bib[author = "carrol"]$url,

test_that("Recognizes arxiv", {
    if (poppler.fail || arxiv2.fail)
        skip("Couldn't download arxiv2 reference")
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, progress = FALSE, use.crossref = FALSE)
    expect_equal(bib[author = "paul"]$eprinttype, "arxiv")
    expect_equal(bib[author = "paul"]$url,

test_that("Can parse arXiv date", {
    if (poppler.fail || arxiv2.fail)
        skip("Couldn't download arxiv2 reference")
    ## Entry misses year/date if use.metadata is FALSE
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, progress = FALSE, use.crossref = FALSE)
    expect_equal(bib[author = "paul"]$date, "2007-03-28")

test_that("Reading year and author", {
    if (poppler.fail || jss.fail)
        skip("Couldn't download JSS reference")
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, progress = FALSE, use.crossref = FALSE)
    expect_equal(unlist(bib[author = "luo"]$author$family),
                 c("Luo", "Chen", "Su", "Chu"))
    expect_equal(bib[author = "luo"]$year, "2014")

test_that("Reading journal and title", {
    if (poppler.fail || biomet.fail)
        skip("Couldn't download Biometrika reference")
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, progress = FALSE, use.crossref = FALSE)
    expect_match(bib[year = "1996"]$journal, "Biometrika")
    expect_equal(bib[year = "1996"]$title,
                 "The Multivariate Skew-normal Distribution")
    expect_equal(bib[year = "1996"]$bibtype, "Misc")

test_that("use.metadata = FALSE", {
    if (poppler.fail || all(jstor.fail, biomet.fail, arxiv1.fail,
                            arxiv2.fail, jss.fail))
        skip("Couldn't download Poppler or a single pdf")
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, use.metadata = FALSE, use.crossref = FALSE)
    expect_is(bib, "BibEntry")
    bib <- ReadPDFs(exe.path, use.metadata = FALSE, use.crossref = TRUE)
    expect_is(bib, "BibEntry")

# setwd(curdir)
unlink(tmpdir, force = TRUE)

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RefManageR documentation built on Oct. 1, 2022, 1:08 a.m.