
Defines functions getRequireOptions RequireOptions

Documented in getRequireOptions RequireOptions

#' `Require` options
#' These provide top-level, powerful settings for a comprehensive reproducible
#' workflow. See Details below.
#' \describe{
#' \item{`RequireOptions()`}{prints the default values of package
#' options set at startup, which may have been changed (e.g., by the user)
#' during the current session.}
#' \item{`getRequireOptions()`}{prints the current
#' values of package options.} }
#' @export
#' @details
#' Below are options that can be set with `options("Require.xxx" = newValue)`,
#' where `xxx` is one of the values below, and `newValue` is a new value to give
#' the option. Sometimes these options can be placed in the user's `.Rprofile`
#' file so they persist between sessions.
#' The following options are likely of interest to most users: \describe{
#' \item{`install`}{ Default: `TRUE`. This is the default argument to `Require`,
#' but does not affect `Install`. If this is `FALSE`, then no installations
#' will be attempted, and missing packages will result in an error. }
#' \item{`RPackageCache`}{ Default: `cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir()`, which must be
#' either a path or a logical. To turn off package caching, set this to `FALSE`.
#' This can be set using an environment variable e.g.
#' `Sys.setenv(R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "somePath")`, or
#' `Sys.setenv(R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "TRUE")`; if that is not set, then an
#' either a path or logical option (`options(Require.cachePkgDir =
#' "somePath")` or `options(Require.cachePkgDir = TRUE)`). If `TRUE`, the
#' default folder location `cachePkgDir()` will be used. If this is
#' `TRUE` or a path is provided, then binary and source packages will be cached
#' here. Subsequent downloads of same package will use local copy. Default is to
#' have packages not be cached locally so each install of the same version will
#' be from the original source, e.g., CRAN, GitHub. }
#' \item{`otherPkgs`}{ Default: A character vector of packages that are
#' generally more successful if installed from Source on Unix-alikes. Since
#' there are repositories that offer binary packages builds for Linux (e.g.,
#' RStudio Package Manager), the vector of package names indicated here will
#' default to a standard CRAN repository, forcing a source install. See also
#' `spatialPkgs` option, which does the same for spatial packages. }
#' \item{`purge`}{ Default: `FALSE`. If set to (almost) all internal caches used
#' by `Require` will be deleted and rebuilt. This should not generally be
#' necessary as it will automatically be deleted after (by default) 1 hour (set
#' via `R_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE` environment variable in
#' seconds) }
#' \item{`spatialPkgs`}{ Default: A character vector of packages that are
#' generally more successful if installed from Source on Unix-alikes. Since
#' there are repositories that offer binary packages builds for Linux (e.g.,
#' RStudio Package Manager), the vector of package names indicated here will
#' default to a standard CRAN repository, forcing a source install. See also
#' `otherPkgs` option, which does the same for non-spatial packages. }
#' \item{`useCranCache`}{ Default: `FALSE`. A user can optionally use the
#' locally cached packages that are available due to a user's use of the
#' `crancache` package.
#' }
#' \item{`verbose`}{ Default: `1`. See ?Require.
#' }
#' }
#' @rdname RequireOptions
RequireOptions <- function() {
    Require.checkInternet = TRUE,
    Require.cloneFrom = NULL,
    Require.install = TRUE,
    Require.installPackagesSys = if (isMacOSX()) 0L else 2L,
    Require.otherPkgs = c(
      , "igraph"
      , "Rcpp"
      , "RcppParallel"
    Require.offlineMode = FALSE,
    Require.packageVersionFile = "packageVersions.txt",
    Require.purge = FALSE,
    Require.cachePkgDir = "default",
    Require.spatialPkgs = c(
      , "lwgeom"
      , "raster"
      , "rgdal"
      , "rgeos"
      , "s2"
      , "sf"
      , "sp"  # c("raster", "s2", "sf", "sp", "units")
      , "units"
    Require.standAlone = TRUE,
    Require.useCranCache = FALSE,
    Require.usePak = FALSE,
    Require.updateRprofile = FALSE,
    Require.verbose = 1

#' @export
#' @rdname RequireOptions
getRequireOptions <- function() {
  opts <- names(RequireOptions())
  vals <- lapply(opts, getOption)
  names(vals) <- opts


# old code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#   \item{\code{useCranCache}}{
#     Default: \code{NULL}. Experimental. If \code{TRUE}, a user can try
#     to use the same cache folder as the crancache package (for binaries only). .
#   }

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Require documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:55 p.m.