
Defines functions getGitCredsToken masterOrMainFromGitRefs available.packagesWithCallingHandlers GETWauthThenNonAuth rmEmptyFiles RequireGitHubCacheFile installPackageVerbose isRstudio checkAutomaticOfflineMode setOfflineModeTRUE gitHubFileUrl packageFullName checkHEAD installPackagesWithQuiet availablePackagesCachedPath extractPkgNameFromWarning messageGithubPAT stripGHP .downloadFileMasterMainAuth masterMainHEAD stripHTTPAddress sourcePkgs internetExists urlExists versionMajorMinor getSHAFromGitHubDBFilename getSHAFromPkgEnv saveGitHubSHAsToDisk loadGitHubSHAsFromDisk getSHAfromGitHubMemoise getSHAfromGitHub downloadRepo postInstallDESCRIPTIONMods splitGitRepo preparePkgNameToReport rpackageFolder warningCantInstall isUbuntuOrDebian isLinux isMacOSX isWindows detachAll toDT toPkgDT isBinaryCRANRepo isBinary available.packagesCached installedVers dlArchiveVersionsAvailable dlGitHubFile pkgDTtoPackageFullName dlGitHubNamespace dlGitHubDESCRIPTION DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV parseGitHub

Documented in available.packagesCached DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV detachAll dlArchiveVersionsAvailable dlGitHubDESCRIPTION .downloadFileMasterMainAuth parseGitHub sourcePkgs

  "..colsKeep", "..colsToNAfill", "..removeCols", ".I", ".N",
  "Archs", "AvailableVersion", "compareVersionAvail", "correctVersion",
  "dayAfterPutOnCRAN", "DepVersion", "destFile", "dup", "filepath",
  "fullGit", "github", "groupCRANtogether", "groupCRANtogetherChange",
  "groupCRANtogetherDif", "hasHEAD", "hasVersionSpec", "i.neededFiles",
  "inequality", "installFrom", "installFromFac", "installOrder",
  "installResult", "isGitPkg", "keep", "keep2", "lastRow", "localFileName",
  "localType", "maxVers", "mtime", "N", "Names", "neededFiles",
  "needLaterDate", "nextRow", "Package", "packageFullName", "repoLocation",
  "RepoWBranch", "tmpOrder", "type", "version", "VersionFromPV", "violations"

#' Parse a github package specification
#' This converts a specification like `PredictiveEcology/Require@development`
#' into separate columns, "Account", "Repo", "Branch", "GitSubFolder" (if there is one)
#' @details
#' `parseGitHub` turns the single character string representation into 3 or 4:
#' `Account`, `Repo`, `Branch`, `SubFolder`.
#' @return
#' `parseGitHub` returns a `data.table` with added columns.
#' @export
#' @rdname GitHubTools
#' @param pkgDT A pkgDT data.table.
#' @inheritParams Require
parseGitHub <- function(pkgDT, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  pkgDT <- toPkgDT(pkgDT)

  if (is.null(pkgDT$githubPkgName)) {
    set(pkgDT, NULL, "githubPkgName", extractPkgGitHub(pkgDT$packageFullName))
    isGH <- !is.na(pkgDT$githubPkgName)
    if (is.null(pkgDT$repoLocation)) {
      set(pkgDT, which(isGH), "repoLocation", .txtGitHub)
      set(pkgDT, which(!isGH), "repoLocation", "CRAN")

    if (any(pkgDT$repoLocation == .txtGitHub)) {
      isGH <- pkgDT$repoLocation == .txtGitHub
      isGitHub <- which(isGH)
      set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "fullGit", trimVersionNumber(pkgDT$packageFullName[isGitHub]))
      set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "fullGit", masterMainToHead(pkgDT$fullGit[isGitHub]))
      set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "Account", gsub("^(.*)/.*$", "\\1", pkgDT$fullGit[isGitHub]))
      set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "RepoWBranch", gsub("^(.*)/(.*)@*.*$", "\\2", pkgDT$fullGit[isGitHub]))
      set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "hasSubFolder", grepl("/", pkgDT$Account[isGitHub]))
      if (any(pkgDT$hasSubFolder, na.rm = TRUE)) { # fix both Account and RepoWBranch
        hasSubFold <- which(pkgDT$hasSubFolder)
        subFoldIndices <- seq_len(NROW(pkgDT[hasSubFold]))
        set(pkgDT, hasSubFold, "Account", gsub("^(.*)/(.*)$", "\\1", pkgDT$Account[hasSubFold]))
        pkgDT[hasSubFolder %in% TRUE,
              RepoWBranch := gsub(paste0("^", Account, "/"), "", fullGit),
              by = seq(sum(hasSubFolder, na.rm = TRUE))
        pkgDT[hasSubFolder %in% TRUE,
              GitSubFolder := strsplit(RepoWBranch, split = "/|@")[[1]][2],
              by = seq(sum(hasSubFolder, na.rm = TRUE))
        pkgDT[hasSubFolder %in% TRUE,
              RepoWBranch := gsub(paste0("/", GitSubFolder), "", RepoWBranch),
              by = seq(sum(hasSubFolder, na.rm = TRUE))
      set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "Repo", gsub("^(.*)@(.*)$", "\\1", pkgDT$RepoWBranch[isGitHub]))
      # set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "Branch", "HEAD")
      set(pkgDT, isGitHub, "Branch", "main")
      wh1 <- which(isGH & grepl("@", pkgDT$RepoWBranch))
      set(pkgDT, wh1, "Branch", gsub("^.*@(.*)$", "\\1", pkgDT$RepoWBranch[wh1]))
      set(pkgDT, NULL, c("RepoWBranch", "fullGit"), NULL)

#' @rdname DESCRIPTION-helpers
#' @param file A file path to a DESCRIPTION file
DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV <- function(file, purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE)) {
  if (is.null(envPkgDepDESCFile())) purge <- dealWithCache(purge, checkAge = FALSE)
  out <- lapply(file, function(f) {
    out <- if (!is.null(envPkgDepDESCFile())) {
      if (purge && length(f) == 1) suppressWarnings(rm(f, envir = envPkgDepDESCFile()))
      if (length(f) == 1) {
        get0(f, envir = envPkgDepDESCFile())
      } else {
    } else {
    if (length(f) == 1) {
      lines <- try(readLines(f), silent = TRUE)
      if (is(lines, "try-error")) {
        lines <- character()
    } else {
      lines <- f
      vers_line <- lines[grep("^Version: *", lines)]
    out <- gsub("Version: ", "", vers_line)
    if (length(out) == 0) out <- NA
    if (length(f) == 1) {
      assign(f, out, envir = envPkgDepDESCFile())

#' @rdname DESCRIPTION-helpers
#' @param file A file path to a `DESCRIPTION` file
#' @param other Any other keyword in a `DESCRIPTION` file that precedes a ":".
#'   The rest of the line will be retrieved.
DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV <- function(file, other = "RemoteSha") {
  out <- lapply(file, function(f) {
    if (length(f) == 1) {
      lines <- try(readLines(f), silent = TRUE)
      if (is(lines, "try-error")) {
        lines <- character()
    } else {
      lines <- f
      vers_line <- lines[grep(paste0("^", other, ": *"), lines)]
    out <- gsub(paste0(other, ": "), "", vers_line)
    if (length(out) == 0) out <- NA
    if (length(out) > 1) out <- tail(out, 1)

.compareVersionV <- Vectorize(compareVersion)
.evalV <- Vectorize(eval, vectorize.args = "expr")
.parseV <- Vectorize(parse, vectorize.args = "text")

#' GitHub package tools
#' A series of helpers to access and deal with GitHub packages
#' @details
#' `dlGitHubDESCRIPTION` retrieves the DESCRIPTION file from GitHub.com
#' @rdname DESCRIPTION-helpers
#' @export
#' @param pkg A character string with a GitHub package specification (c.f. remotes)
#' @inheritParams pkgDep
#' @inheritParams Require
dlGitHubDESCRIPTION <- function(pkg, purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
                                verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  dlGitHubFile(pkg, "DESCRIPTION", purge = purge, verbose = verbose)

#' @inheritParams Require
dlGitHubNamespace <- function(pkg, purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
                              verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  dlGitHubFile(pkg, "NAMESPACE", purge = purge, verbose = verbose)

pkgDTtoPackageFullName <- function(pkg) {
  if (is.data.table(pkg)) {
    if (!all(c("Account", "Repo", "Branch") %in% colnames(pkg))) {
      if (any(c("packageFullName") %in% colnames(pkg))) {
        pkg <- pkg$packageFullName

#' @inheritParams Require
dlGitHubFile <- function(pkg, filename = "DESCRIPTION",
                         purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
                         verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  ret <- if (NROW(pkg) > 0) {
    needsParse <- TRUE
    cn <- colnames(pkg)
    if (!is.null(cn)) {
      needsParse <- !all(c("hasSubFolder", "Repo", "Branch", "Account") %in% cn)
    if (needsParse) {
      pkg <- pkgDTtoPackageFullName(pkg)
      pkgDT <- parseGitHub(pkg, verbose = verbose)
    } else {
      pkgDT <- pkg
    if (!is.null(pkgDT[["shas"]])) {
      pkgDT[nchar(pkgDT[["shas"]]) > 0, Branch := shas]
    if (is.null(pkgDT[["hasSubFolder"]])) set(pkgDT, NULL, "hasSubFolder", FALSE)
    pkgDT[repoLocation == .txtGitHub,
          url := {
              hasSubFolder = hasSubFolder, Branch = Branch, GitSubFolder = GitSubFolder,
              Account = Account, Repo = Repo, filename = filename
          by = "Package"
    destFile <- RequireGitHubCacheFile(pkgDT, filename = filename)

    feDF <- file.exists(destFile)
    if (isTRUE(any(feDF))) {
      destFile2 <- destFile[feDF]
      versionLocal <- DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV(destFile2)
      versionLocalOK <- rep(TRUE, length(versionLocal)) # no versionSpec will give NA next; NA is "keep"
      anyHEAD <- (pkgDT$versionSpec[pkgDT$repoLocation == .txtGitHub][feDF] == "HEAD")
      hasNonHead <- anyHEAD %in% FALSE
      if (isTRUE(any(anyHEAD %in% TRUE))) {
        # check if it is in this call to Require or pkgDep, based on time: delete if not
        stRequire <- get0("stRequire", envir = whereInStack("stRequire"))
        if (!is.null(stRequire)) {
          dtime <- difftime(stRequire, file.info(destFile2)[, "mtime"], units = "secs")
          whThisCall <- dtime < 0
          if (any(whThisCall))
            anyHEAD[whThisCall] <- FALSE
        versionLocalOK[anyHEAD] <- FALSE
      if (isTRUE(any(hasNonHead)))
        versionLocalOK <- compareVersion2(versionLocal[hasNonHead],
                                          pkgDT$versionSpec[pkgDT$repoLocation == .txtGitHub][feDF][hasNonHead],
                                          inequality = pkgDT$inequality[feDF][hasNonHead])
      versionLocalNotOK <- versionLocalOK %in% FALSE
      if (isTRUE(any(versionLocalNotOK)) && getOption("Require.offlineMode") %in% FALSE) {
        oo <- file.remove(unique(destFile2[versionLocalNotOK]))
    } else {
      # destFile <- NA
    set(pkgDT, NULL, "destFile", destFile)

    if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
      alreadyExists <- rmEmptyFiles(pkgDT$destFile)
      if (any(alreadyExists)) {
        fs <- file.size(pkgDT$destFile)
        tooSmall <- fs < 100
        if (any(tooSmall %in% TRUE)) {
          alreadyExists <- tooSmall %in% FALSE
      if (any(!alreadyExists)) {
        # messageVerbose("GitHub packages:  ", paste(pkgDT$packageFullName, collapse = ", "), verbose = verbose)
        withCallingHandlers( # if offline
          pkgDT[which(repoLocation == .txtGitHub & alreadyExists %in% FALSE),
                filepath := {
                  messageVerbose(Package, "@", Branch, " downloading ", filename, verbose = verbose - 1)
                  ret <- NA
                  dl <- try(.downloadFileMasterMainAuth(unique(url)[1], unique(destFile)[1],
                                                        need = "master",
                                                        verbose = verbose - 1
                  ret <- if (!is(dl, "try-error")) {
                  } else {
                    if (!isTRUE(urlExists(unique(url)[1])))
                      if (!isTRUE(urlExists("https://www.google.com"))) {
                        setOfflineModeTRUE(verbose = verbose)

                by = c("Package", "Branch")
          ], warning = function(w) {
            ## TODO this seems to be not relevant
      old <- grep("filepath|destFile", colnames(pkgDT), value = TRUE)[1]
      wh <- which(pkgDT$repoLocation == .txtGitHub)
      DESCFileVals <- pkgDT[[old]][wh]
      if (identical("DESCRIPTION", filename)) {
        cn <- "DESCFile"
        # set(pkgDT, wh, "DESCFile", pkgDT[[old]][wh])
      } else {
        cn <- "filename"
        # set(pkgDT, wh, "filename", pkgDT[[old]][wh])

    } else {
      wh <- NULL
      DESCFileVals <- pkgDT[["destFile"]]
      cn <- "DESCFile"
    set(pkgDT, wh, "DESCFile", DESCFileVals)

  } else {

#' Available and archived versions
#' These are wrappers around available.packages and also get the archived versions
#' available on CRAN.
#' @rdname availableVersions
#' @export
#' @param package A single package name (without version or github specifications)
#' @details
#' `dlArchiveVersionsAvailable` searches CRAN Archives for available versions.
#' It has been borrowed from a sub-set of the code in a non-exported function:
#' `remotes:::download_version_url`
dlArchiveVersionsAvailable <- function(package, repos = getOption("repos"), verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  info <- list()
  for (repo in repos) {
    archiveFile <- archiveFile(repo) # sprintf("%s/src/contrib/Meta/archive.rds", repo)
    if (!exists(archiveFile, envir = pkgDepEnv(), inherits = FALSE)) {
      archive <- tryCatch(
          con <- gzcon(url(archiveFile, "rb"))
        warning = function(e) {
          # "cannot open URL 'https://predictiveecology.r-universe.dev/src/contrib/Meta/archive.rds': HTTP status was '404 Not Found'"
          #  this seems to be because r-universe.dev doesn't keep archives
          options(Require.checkInternet = TRUE)
          if (!internetExists())
            setOfflineModeTRUE(verbose = verbose)
        error = function(e) {
if (length(archive))
  assign(archiveFile, archive, envir = pkgDepEnv())
    } else {
      archive <- get(archiveFile, envir = pkgDepEnv())
    if (length(archive) == 0) {
      archive <- Map(pack = package, function(pack) NULL)
    info[[repo]] <- archive[package]
    naNames <- is.na(names(info[[repo]]))
    if (any(naNames)) {
      names(info[[repo]])[naNames] <- package[naNames]
    if (!is.null(info[[repo]][[1]])) {
      info[[repo]] <- lapply(info[[repo]], function(x) {
        x$repo <- repo
  info <- invertList(info)
  # info <- lapply(info, unname)
  info <- lapply(info, function(dd) lapply(dd, function(d) as.data.table(d, keep.rownames = "PackageUrl")))
  info <- lapply(info, rbindlist, idcol = "repo")
  # info <- lapply(info, rbindlist)
  info <- lapply(info, function(d) {
    if (!is.null(d[["mtime"]])) setorderv(d, "mtime")


#' @importFrom utils packageVersion installed.packages
installedVers <- function(pkgDT, libPaths) {

  pkgDT <- toPkgDT(pkgDT)
  # pp <- data.table::copy(pkgDT)
  if (NROW(pkgDT)) {
    # ip2 <- as.data.table(installed.packages(lib.loc = libPaths, fields = c("Package", "LibPath", "Version")))
    ip <- as.data.table(.installed.pkgs(lib.loc = libPaths, other = "LibPath", which = NULL, packages = pkgDT$Package))#, other = c("Package", "Version"))) # these 2 are defaults
    ip <- ip[ip$Package %in% pkgDT$Package]
    if (NROW(ip)) {
      pkgs <- pkgDT$Package
      names(pkgs) <- pkgDT$packageFullName
      ln <- loadedNamespaces()
      ln <- ln[!ln %in% .basePkgs]
      # Need both the next lines
      pkgs <- pkgs[pkgs %in% ln]
      pkgs <- pkgs[pkgs %in% ip$Package] # can be loadedNamespace, but not installed, if it had been removed in this session
      if (NROW(pkgs)) {
        pkgs <- pkgs[!duplicated(pkgs)]

        installedPkgsCurrent <- data.table(Package = pkgs, packageFullName = names(pkgs))
        installedPkgsCurrent[, VersionFromPV := tryCatch({
          lp <- ip$LibPath[ip$Package %in% Package][1]
          as.character(packageVersion(Package, lp))
        }, error = function(e) NA_character_), by = "Package"]
        ip <- try(installedPkgsCurrent[ip, on = "Package"])
        if (is(ip, "try-error")) {
          browserDeveloper("Error 234")
        ip[!is.na(VersionFromPV), Version := VersionFromPV]
    ip <- ip[, c("Package", "LibPath", "Version")]
    ip <- unique(ip, by = c("Package")) # , "LibPath" # basically, only take the first one if 2 installed in LibPath
    pkgDT <- try(ip[pkgDT, on = "Package"], silent = TRUE)
    if (is(pkgDT, "try-error")) {
      browserDeveloper("Error 123")

  } else {
    pkgDT <- cbind(pkgDT, LibPath = NA_character_, "Version" = NA_character_)

  installed <- !is.na(pkgDT$Version)
  if (any(installed)) {
    set(pkgDT, NULL, "installed", installed)

#' @importFrom utils available.packages
#' @rdname availableVersions
#' @param returnDataTable Logical. If `TRUE`, the default, then the return
#'   is a data.table.
#'   Otherwise, it is a `matrix`, as per `available.packages`
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @inheritParams utils::install.packages
available.packagesCached <- function(repos, purge, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),
                                     returnDataTable = TRUE, type) {
  if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
    repos <- getCRANrepos(repos, ind = 1)
    purge <- purgeAvailablePackages(repos, purge = purge)
    # purge <- dealWithCache(purge = purge)
  } else {
    purge <- FALSE
  cap <- list()
  isMac <- tolower(SysInfo["sysname"]) == "darwin"
  isOldMac <- isMac && compareVersion(as.character(getRversion()), "4.0.0") < 0
  isWindows <- isWindows()

  if (identical(type, "both")) {
    types <- if (isOldMac) {
      c("mac.binary.el-capitan", "source")
    } else if (!isWindows && !isMac) {
    } else {
      c("binary", "source")
  } else {
    types <- type

  missingHttp <- !startsWith(unlist(repos), "http")
  if (any(missingHttp)) {
    repos[missingHttp] <- lapply(repos[missingHttp], function(r) {
      paste0("https://", r)
  if (is.list(repos)) {
    nams <- names(repos)
    repos <- unlist(repos)
    names(repos) <- nams

  reposNoHttp <- gsub("^https*:*/*/*", "", repos)
  reposShort <- paste(substr(unlist(lapply(strsplit(reposNoHttp, "//"), function(x) {
    tryCatch(x[[1]], silent = TRUE,
             error = function(e) tryCatch(getOption("repos"), silent = TRUE,
                                          error = function(f) "unknown"))
    })), 1, 20), collapse = "_")
  typesShort <- paste(unlist(lapply(strsplit(types, "//"), function(x) x[[1]])), collapse = "_")
  objNam <- paste0("availablePackages", "_", reposShort, "_", typesShort)
  # existsObjNam <- exists(objNam, envir = pkgDepEnv())
  out <- get0(objNam, envir = pkgDepEnv(), inherits = FALSE)

  if (is.null(out) || NROW(out) == 0 || isTRUE(purge)) {
    for (type in types) {
      fn <- availablePackagesCachedPath(repos, type)
      purgeTime <- purgeBasedOnTimeSinceCached(file.info(fn)[, "mtime"])
      purge <- purge || purgeTime
      if (isTRUE(purge)) {
      rmEmptyFiles(fn, 200)
      needNewFile <- TRUE
      if (file.exists(fn)) {
        # can be interupted and be corrupted
        cap[[type]] <- try(readRDS(fn), silent = TRUE)
        if (!is(cap[[type]], "try-error")) needNewFile <- FALSE
        # This is case where the previous version is NROW 0; could have happened if internet was down or other
        if (NROW(cap[[type]]) == 0) needNewFile <- TRUE
      if (isTRUE(needNewFile)) {
        caps <- lapply(repos, function(repo) {
          available.packagesWithCallingHandlers(repo, type, verbose = verbose)
        # cachePurge may have been used to reset the available.packages cache
        if (nzchar(val))
          if (isTRUE(val == 0))

        caps <- lapply(caps, as.data.table)
        caps <- unique(rbindlist(caps), by = c("Package", "Version", "Repository"))
        cap[[type]] <- caps

        if (!is.null(cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir()) && NROW(caps) > 0) {
          checkPath(dirname(fn), create = TRUE)
          saveRDS(cap[[type]], file = fn)
    cap <- do.call(rbind, cap)
    assign(objNam, cap, envir = pkgDepEnv())
    out <- cap
  } else {


  if (isFALSE(returnDataTable)) {
    # as.matrix is not rich enough ... do it manually
    bb <- as.matrix(out)
    rownames(bb) <- out[["Package"]]
    dimnames(bb)[[1]] <- unname(bb[, "Package"])
    out <- bb


isBinary <- function(fn, needRepoCheck = TRUE, repos = getOption("repos")) {
  theTest <- (endsWith(fn, "zip") & isWindows() ) |
    (grepl("R_x86", fn) & !isWindows() & !isMacOSX()) |
    (endsWith(fn, "tgz") & isMacOSX() )
  if (isTRUE(needRepoCheck)) {
    if (isWindows() || isMacOSX()) {
      binRepo <- isBinaryCRANRepo(curCRANRepo = repos)
    } else {
      binRepo <- isBinaryCRANRepo()
    theTest <- theTest | binRepo

isBinaryCRANRepo <- function(curCRANRepo = getOption("repos")[["CRAN"]],
                             repoToTest = formals(setLinuxBinaryRepo)[["binaryLinux"]]) {
  if (isWindows() || isMacOSX()) {
    isBin <- grepl("[\\|/])|/bin[\\|/]", curCRANRepo)
  } else {
    if (is.name(repoToTest))
      repoToTest <- eval(repoToTest)
    isBin <- tryCatch(startsWith(prefix = repoToTest, curCRANRepo),
                     silent = TRUE, error = function(x) FALSE)

toPkgDT <- function(pkgDT, deepCopy = FALSE) {
  if (!is.data.table(pkgDT)) {
    pkgDT <- rmExtraSpaces(pkgDT)
    pkgDT <- if (deepCopy) {
      data.table(Package = extractPkgName(pkgDT), packageFullName = pkgDT)
    } else {
      toDT(Package = extractPkgName(pkgDT), packageFullName = pkgDT)


toDT <- function(...) {

#' Detach and unload all packages
#' This uses `pkgDepTopoSort` internally so that the package
#' dependency tree is determined, and then packages are unloaded
#' in the reverse order. Some packages don't unload successfully for
#' a variety of reasons. Several known packages that have this problem
#' are identified internally and *not* unloaded. Currently, these are
#' `glue`, `rlang`, `ps`, `ellipsis`, and, `processx`.
#' @return
#' A numeric named vector, with names of the packages that were attempted.
#' `2` means the package was successfully unloaded, `1` it was
#' tried, but failed, `3` it was not loaded, so was not unloaded.
#' @export
#' @param pkgs A character vector of packages to detach. Will be topologically sorted
#'   unless `doSort` is `FALSE`.
#' @param dontTry A character vector of packages to not try. This can be used
#'   by a user if they find a package fails in attempts to unload it, e.g., "ps"
#' @param doSort If `TRUE` (the default), then the `pkgs` will be
#'   topologically sorted. If `FALSE`, then it won't. Useful if the
#'   `pkgs` are already sorted.
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @importFrom utils sessionInfo
detachAll <- function(pkgs, dontTry = NULL, doSort = TRUE, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  messageVerbose("Detaching is fraught with many potential problems; you may have to ",
                 "restart your session if things aren't working",
                 verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 2
  srch <- search()
  pkgsOrig <- pkgs
  origDeps <- pkgDep(pkgs, recursive = TRUE)
  depsToUnload <- c(pkgs, unname(unlist(origDeps)))
  allLoaded <- loadedNamespaces()
  # si <- sessionInfo() # sessionInfo can't handle Require when loaded with load_all, under some conditions
  # allLoaded <- c(names(si$otherPkgs), names(si$loadedOnly))
  others <- pkgDepTopoSortMemoise(pkgs = pkgs, deps = allLoaded, reverse = TRUE, verbose = verbose, purge = FALSE)
  names(others) <- others
  depsToUnload <- c(others, depsToUnload)
  depsToUnload <- depsToUnload[!duplicated(depsToUnload)]
  depsToUnload <- setdiff(depsToUnload, dontTry)

  if (length(depsToUnload) > 0) {
    out <- if (isTRUE(doSort)) pkgDepTopoSortMemoise(pkgs = depsToUnload, purge = FALSE) else NULL
    pkgs <- rev(c(names(out), pkgs))
  pkgs <- extractPkgName(pkgs)
  pkgs <- unique(pkgs)
  names(pkgs) <- pkgs

  dontTryExtra <- intersect(
    c("glue", "rlang", "ps", "ellipsis", "processx", "vctrs", "RCurl", "bitops"),

  if (length(dontTryExtra)) {
    messageVerbose("some packages don't seem to unload their dlls correctly. ",
                   "These will not be unloaded: ", paste(dontTryExtra, collapse = comma),
                   verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 2
    dontTry <- c(dontTry, dontTryExtra)

  dontTry <- unique(c(.RequireDependenciesNoBase, "covr", dontTry))
  didntDetach <- intersect(dontTry, pkgs)
  pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, dontTry)
  dontNeedToUnload <- logical()
  detached <- c()
  if (length(pkgs)) {
    pkgs <- unique(pkgs)
    names(pkgs) <- pkgs
    isLoaded <- unlist(lapply(pkgs, isNamespaceLoaded))
    dontNeedToUnload <- rep(NA, sum(!isLoaded))
    names(dontNeedToUnload) <- pkgs[!isLoaded]
    pkgs <- pkgs[isLoaded]
    detached1 <- logical()
    for (pkg in pkgs) {
      det <- try(unloadNamespace(pkg), silent = TRUE)
      detached1[[pkg]] <- if (!is(det, "try-error")) TRUE else FALSE
    detached <- detached1

    # detached1 <- try(sapply(pkgs, unloadNamespace))
    # if (!is(detached1, "try-error")) {
    #   detached1 <- try(sapply(detached1, is.null))
    #   if (!is.list(detached1))
    #     detached <- detached1
    # }
  if (length(didntDetach)) {
    notDetached <- rep(FALSE, length(didntDetach))
    names(notDetached) <- didntDetach
    detached <- c(detached, notDetached)
  detached <- c(dontNeedToUnload, detached)
  inSearchPath <- unlist(lapply(rev(pkgsOrig), function(p) {
    pkgGrp <- "package:"
    pkgString <- paste0(pkgGrp, p)
    pkgString <- grep(pkgString, srch, value = TRUE)
    pkgString <- gsub(pkgGrp, "", pkgString)
  detached[unlist(detached) %in% TRUE] <- 2
  detached[unlist(detached) %in% FALSE] <- 1
  detached[is.na(unlist(detached))] <- 3

isWindows <- function() {
  tolower(SysInfo["sysname"]) == "windows"

isMacOSX <- function() {
  isMac <- tolower(SysInfo["sysname"]) == "darwin"

isLinux <- function() {
  isMac <- tolower(SysInfo["sysname"]) == "linux"

isUbuntuOrDebian <- function() {
  grepl("Ubuntu|Debian", utils::osVersion, ignore.case = TRUE)
warningCantInstall <- function(pkgs, libPaths = .libPaths()) {
    "Can't install ", pkgs, "; you will likely need to restart R and run:\n",
    "install.packages(c('", paste(pkgs, collapse = comma), "'), lib = '", libPaths[1], "')",
    "\n-----\n...before any other packages get loaded"

rpackageFolder <- function(path = cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir(), exact = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    if (isTRUE(exact)) {
    if (isFALSE(path)) {

    path <- path[1]
    if (normPathMemoise(path) %in% normPathMemoise(strsplit(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_SITE"), split = ":")[[1]])) {
    } else {
      if (interactive() && !endsWith(path, versionMajorMinor())) {
        ## R CMD check on R >= 4.2 sets libpaths to use a random tmp dir
        ## need to know if it's a user, who *should* keep R-version-specific dirs
        file.path(path, versionMajorMinor())
      } else {
  } else {

preparePkgNameToReport <- function(Package, packageFullName) {
  pkgsCleaned <- gsub(.grepTooManySpaces, " ", packageFullName)
  pkgsCleaned <- gsub(.grepTabCR, "", pkgsCleaned)
  pkgNameInPkgFullName <- unlist(Map(
    pkg = Package, pfn = packageFullName,
    function(pkg, pfn) grepl(pkg, pfn)
  Package[!pkgNameInPkgFullName] <- paste0(
    Package[!pkgNameInPkgFullName], " (",
    packageFullName[!pkgNameInPkgFullName], ")"

splitGitRepo <- function(gitRepo, default = "PredictiveEcology", masterOrMain = NULL) {

  gitRepoOrig <- gitRepo
  # Can have version number --> most cases (other than SpaDES modules) just strip off
  gitRepo <- trimVersionNumber(gitRepo)
  hasVersionSpec <- gitRepo != gitRepoOrig

  grSplit <- strsplit(gitRepo, "/|@")

  repo <- lapply(grSplit, function(grsplit) grsplit[[2]])
  names(grSplit) <- repo
  names(repo) <- repo
  grAcct <- strsplit(gitRepo, "/") # only account and repo
  lenGT1 <- lengths(grAcct) == 1
  if (any(lenGT1)) {
    acct <- default
    grSplit[lenGT1] <- lapply(grSplit[lenGT1], function(grsplit) append(list(acct), grsplit))
  } else {
    acct <- lapply(grSplit, function(grsplit) grsplit[[1]])
  lenGT2 <- lengths(grSplit) > 2
  br <- lapply(grSplit, function(x) list())
  vs <- br

  if (any(lenGT2)) {
    br[lenGT2] <- lapply(grSplit[lenGT2], function(grsplit) grsplit[[3]])

  br[!lenGT2] <- "HEAD"

  if (any(hasVersionSpec)) {
    versionSpecs <- extractVersionNumber(gitRepoOrig[hasVersionSpec])
    inequs <- extractInequality(gitRepoOrig[hasVersionSpec])
    vs[hasVersionSpec] <- paste0("(", inequs, " ", versionSpecs, ")")

  list(acct = acct, repo = repo, br = br, versionSpec = vs)

postInstallDESCRIPTIONMods <- function(pkgInstall, libPaths) {
  whGitHub <- which(pkgInstall$repoLocation %in% .txtGitHub)
  if (length(whGitHub)) {
    pkgGitHub <- pkgInstall[whGitHub]
    for (pk in pkgGitHub[installed %in% TRUE & grepl("OK|restart", installResult)]$Package) {
      if (is.null(pkgGitHub[["GitSubFolder"]]))
        set(pkgGitHub, NULL, "GitSubFolder", "")
      pkgGitHub[Package %in% pk, {
        file <- file.path(libPaths[1], Package, "DESCRIPTION")
        txt <- readLines(file)
        alreadyHasSHA <- grepl("Github|Remote", txt)
        leaveAlone <- FALSE
        if (any(alreadyHasSHA)) {
          if (any(grepl(SHAonGH, txt))) {
            leaveAlone <- TRUE

        if (isFALSE(leaveAlone)) {
          dups <- duplicated(vapply(strsplit(txt, split = "\\:"),
                                    function(x) x[[1]], FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
          if (any(dups)) {
            # Delete the first version of any duplicated entry -- i.e., take the more recent
            #   version
            dupsRev <- duplicated(vapply(strsplit(rev(txt), split = "\\:"),
                                      function(x) x[[1]], FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
            txtOut <- rev(rev(txt)[!dupsRev])
          if (!exists("txtOut", inherits = FALSE)) {

            beforeTheseLines <- grep("NeedsCompilation:|Packaged:|Author:", txt)
            insertHere <- min(beforeTheseLines)
            sha <- SHAonGH
            newTxt <-
              paste0("RemoteType: github
RemoteHost: api.github.com
RemoteRepo: ", Repo, "
RemoteUsername: ", Account, "
RemoteRef: ", Branch, "
RemoteSha: ", sha, "
GithubRepo: ", Repo, "
GithubSubFolder: ", GitSubFolder, "
GithubUsername: ", Account, "
GithubRef: ", Branch, "
GithubSHA1: ", sha, "")
            newTxt <- strsplit(newTxt, split = "\n")[[1]]
            newTxt <- gsub("^ +", "", newTxt)
            txtOut <- c(txt[seq(insertHere - 1)], newTxt, txt[insertHere:length(txt)])
          cat(txtOut, file = file, sep = "\n")



#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @inheritParams Require
downloadRepo <- function(gitRepo, subFolder, overwrite = FALSE, destDir = ".",
                         verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  dir.create(destDir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  gr <- splitGitRepo(gitRepo)
  ar <- file.path(gr$acct, gr$repo)

  pkgName <- if (is.null(names(gitRepo))) gr$repo else names(gitRepo)

  repoFull <- file.path(destDir, pkgName)
  zipFileName <- normalizePath(paste0(repoFull, ".zip"), winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
  masterMain <- c("main", "master")
  br <- if (any(gr$br %in% masterMain)) {
    # possibly change order -- i.e., put user choice first
    masterMain[rev(masterMain %in% gr$br + 1)]
  } else {

  url <- paste0("https://github.com/", ar, "/archive/", br, ".zip")
  out <- suppressWarnings(
    try(.downloadFileMasterMainAuth(url, destfile = zipFileName, need = "master"), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(out, "try-error")) {

  out <- lapply(zipFileName, function(zfn) unzip(zfn, exdir = destDir)) # unzip it

  de <- dir.exists(repoFull)
  if (any(de)) {
    if (isTRUE(overwrite)) {
      unlink(repoFull[de], recursive = TRUE)
    } else {
      stop(repoFull, " directory already exists. Use overwrite = TRUE if you want to overwrite it")
  # Finds the common component i.e., the base directory. This will have the SHA as part fo the filename; needs remving

  badDirname <- try(lapply(out, function(d) {
    unlist(lapply(out, function(x) {
      for (n in seq(nchar(x[1]))) {
        has <- all(startsWith(x, substr(x[1], 1, n)))
        if (any(isFALSE(has))) {
      normPath(substr(x[1], 1, n - 1))
  if (is(badDirname, "try-error")) stop("Error 654; something went wrong with downloading & building the package")
  badDirname <- unlist(badDirname)
  if (!missing(subFolder))
    if (isTRUE(is.na(subFolder)) || isTRUE(is.null(subFolder))) {
      subFolder <- FALSE

  newName <- unlist(Map(
    bad = badDirname, subFolder = subFolder, pkgName = pkgName,
    function(bad, subFolder, pkgName) {
      actualFolderName <- basename(gsub(subFolder, "", bad))
      if (!identical(actualFolderName, pkgName)) { # means the folder is not the pkgName e.g., mumin != MuMIn
        origOut <- normPath(out)
        outNP <- origOut
        newFolder <- dirname(bad)
        newFolder <- file.path(newFolder, pkgName)
        if (!isFALSE(subFolder)) { # get rid of subfolder for all files
          subFolderNP <- normPath(file.path(bad, subFolder))
          origOut <- grep(subFolderNP, origOut, value = TRUE)
          outNP <- grep(subFolderNP, origOut, value = TRUE)
          outNP <- gsub(subFolderNP, newFolder, outNP )
        } else {
          outNP <- gsub(bad, newFolder, outNP)
        fileRenameOrMove(origOut, outNP) # do the rename
  messageVerbose(paste0(gitRepo, " downloaded and placed in ",
                        normalizePath(repoFull, winslash = "/"), collapse = "\n"),
                 verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 2

getSHAfromGitHub <- function(acct, repo, br, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  if (nchar(br) == 40) {

  gitRefsURL <- file.path("https://api.github.com/repos", acct, repo, "git", "refs")
  if (missing(br)) {
    br <- "main"
  if (identical(br, "HEAD")) {
    br <- "main"
  masterMain <- c("main", "master")
  if (any(br %in% c(masterMain))) {
    # possibly change order -- i.e., put user choice first
    br <- masterMain[rev(masterMain %in% br + 1)]

  for (ii in 1:2) {
    tf <- file.path(RequireGitHubCacheDir(), paste0("listOfRepos_",acct, "@", repo))
    downloadNow <- TRUE
    if (file.exists(tf)) {
      if ((difftime(Sys.time(), file.info(tf)$mtime, units = "sec")) < 60) {
        downloadNow <- FALSE
    if (downloadNow) {
      mess <- capture.output(type = "message", out <-
        .downloadFileMasterMainAuth(gitRefsURL, destfile = tf, need = "master"))
    fetf <- file.exists(tf)
    gitRefs <- if (fetf) try(suppressWarnings(readLines(tf)), silent = TRUE) else ""
    isNotFound <-  ((NROW(gitRefs) <= 5) && any(grepl("Not Found", gitRefs) ) ||
      (any(grepl("cannot open URL", gitRefs))) || identical(gitRefs, ""))
    if (any(grepl("Bad credentials", gitRefs)) || isNotFound) {#} || notFound) {
      if (fetf) {
      if (isNotFound) {
        token <- getGitCredsToken()
        mess <- character()
        if (is.null(token)) {
          mess <- "GitHub repository not accessible does it need authentication? "
        stop(paste0(mess, .txtDidYouSpell))


    if (is(gitRefs, "try-error")) {
      if (isTRUE(any(grepl("cannot open the connection", gitRefs)))) {
        # means no internet
        setOfflineModeTRUE(verbose = verbose)
    if (length(gitRefs) > 1) {
      # Seems to sometimes come out as individual lines; sometimes as one long concatenates string
      #   Was easier to collapse the individual lines, then re-split
      gitRefs <- paste(gitRefs, collapse = "")
    gitRefsSplit <- strsplit(gitRefs, "},")[[1]] # this splits onto separate lines

    gitRefsSplit2 <- strsplit(gitRefsSplit, ":")

    if (any(grepl("master|main|HEAD", unlist(br)))) {
      br <- masterOrMainFromGitRefs(gitRefsSplit2)
      # br2 <- grep(unlist(gitRefsSplit2), pattern = "api.+heads/(master|main)", value = TRUE)
      # br <- gsub(br2, pattern = ".+api.+heads.+(master|main).+", replacement = "\\1")
    for (branch in br) { # will be length 1 in most cases except master/main
      whHasBr <- which(vapply(gitRefsSplit2, function(xx) {
        any(grepl(paste0(".+refs/.+/+", branch, "\""), xx))
      }, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
      if (length(whHasBr) > 0) {
    # This will catch cases where the RequireGitHubCacheDir() doesn't have it,
    #    but it is there (e.g., a new branch or new gitRefs)... this will deleted
    if (length(whHasBr) == 0) {
      if (ii %in% 1) {
      } else {
        stop(messageCantFind(br, acct, repo))

  gitRefsFinal <- gitRefsSplit2[[whHasBr]]
  shaLine <- grep("sha", gitRefsFinal) + 1
  shaLine <- strsplit(gitRefsFinal[shaLine], ",")[[1]][1]
  sha <- gsub(" *[[:punct:]]+(.+)[[:punct:]] *", "\\1", shaLine)

getSHAfromGitHubMemoise <- function(...) {
  pe <- pkgEnv()
  if (getOption("Require.useMemoise", TRUE)) {
    dots <- list(...)
    ret <- NULL
    ss <- match.call(definition = getSHAfromGitHub)
    uniqueID <- paste(lapply(ss[-1], eval, envir = parent.frame()), collapse = "_")

    # Use disk storage if in Require.offlineMode
    if (!exists(uniqueID, envir = pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]], inherits = FALSE) &&
        getOption("Require.offlineMode", FALSE)) {
      fn <- getSHAFromGitHubDBFilename()
      if (file.exists(fn)) {
        peList <- readRDS(fn)
        if (!is.null(peList[[uniqueID]])) {
          pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]][[uniqueID]] <- peList[[uniqueID]]
    if (!exists(uniqueID, envir = pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]], inherits = FALSE)) {
      pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]][[uniqueID]] <- list()
    } else {
      whIdent <- unlist(lapply(pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]][[uniqueID]], function(x) identical(x$input, dots)))
      if (any(whIdent)) {
        ret <- pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]][[uniqueID]][[which(whIdent)]]$output
    if (is.null(ret)) { # Case where it doesn't exist in pe
      inputs <- data.table::copy(dots)
      ret <- getSHAfromGitHub(...)
      # Add it to the pe
      newObj <- list(pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]][[uniqueID]], list(input = inputs, output = ret))
      pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]][[uniqueID]] <- newObj
      fn <- getSHAFromGitHubDBFilename()
      peList <- as.list(pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]])
      if (length(fn)) { # this can be character() if cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir() is NULL
        if (!isTRUE(file.exists(fn))) {
          if (isFALSE(dir.exists(dirname(fn))))
            dir.create(dirname(fn), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
          saveRDS(peList, file = fn)
        } else {
          peListExisting <- readRDS(file = fn)
          peList <- modifyList(peList, peListExisting)
          saveRDS(peList, file = fn)

  } else {
    ret <- getSHAfromGitHub(...)


loadGitHubSHAsFromDisk <- function(verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  ret <- list()
  pe <- pkgEnv()
  if (!exists(.txtGetSHAfromGitHub, envir = pe, inherits = FALSE)) {
    fn <- getSHAFromGitHubDBFilename()
    if (isTRUE(file.exists(fn))) {
      out <- readRDS(fn)
      removeFile <- purgeBasedOnTimeSinceCached(out[[GitHubSHAonDiskCacheTime]])
      if (!removeFile) { # remove if 24 hours old
        # if (!exists(.txtGetSHAfromGitHub, envir = pe, inherits = FALSE))
        pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]] <- new.env()
        list2env(out, envir = pe[[.txtGetSHAfromGitHub]])
      } else {
        messageVerbose("Purging disk-backed pkgDep cache for GitHub SHA values; it has ",
                       "been more than ", defaultCacheAgeForPurge, ". Change this by setting ",
                       verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 2)

  ret <- getSHAFromPkgEnv()
  ret <- as.list(lapply(ret, function(x) x[[2]]$output))

GitHubSHAonDiskCacheTime <- ".GitHubSHAonDiskCacheTime"

saveGitHubSHAsToDisk <- function(preShas) {
  pe <- pkgEnv()
  if (exists(.txtGetSHAfromGitHub, envir = pe, inherits = FALSE)) {
    obj <- getSHAFromPkgEnv()
    needSave <- if (missing(preShas)) { TRUE } else {
      length(setdiffNamed(as.list(lapply(obj, function(x) x[[2]]$output)), preShas)) > 0
    fn <- getSHAFromGitHubDBFilename() # can return character() if RPackageCache is NULL; but here that is not possible
    if  (needSave && isTRUE(file.exists(fn))) {
      dd <- dirname(fn)
      if (!dir.exists(dd)) dir.create(dd, recursive = TRUE)
      obj[[GitHubSHAonDiskCacheTime]] <- format(Sys.time())
      out <- saveRDS(obj, fn)

getSHAFromPkgEnv <- function() {
  pe <- pkgEnv()

getSHAFromGitHubDBFilename <- function() {
  go <- cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir()
  if (!is.null(go))
    out <- file.path(go, paste0(.txtGetSHAfromGitHub, ".rds")) # returns NULL if no Cache used
    out <- character()

# .earliestRSPMDate <- "2015-06-06" # THIS WAS MRAN's DATE
.earliestRSPMDate <- "2017-10-10"
.latestRSPMDate <- Sys.Date() - 5

#' R versions
#' Reference table of R versions and their release dates (2018 and later).
#' Update this as needed using `rversions::r_versions()`:
#' \verb{
#' # install.packages("rversions")
#' v = rversions::r_versions()
#' keep = which(as.Date(v$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d") >=
#'              as.Date("2018-01-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
#' dput(v[keep, c("version", "date")])
#' }
rversions <- structure(
    version = c(
      "3.4.4", "3.5.0", "3.5.1", "3.5.2",
      "3.5.3", "3.6.0", "3.6.1", "3.6.2", "3.6.3", "4.0.0", "4.0.1",
      "4.0.2", "4.0.3", "4.0.4", "4.0.5", "4.1.0", "4.1.1", "4.1.2",
      "4.1.3", "4.2.0", "4.2.1"
    date = structure(c(
      1521101067, 1524467078,
      1530515071, 1545293080, 1552291489, 1556262303, 1562310303, 1576137903,
      1582963516, 1587711934, 1591427116, 1592809519, 1602313524, 1613376313,
      1617174315, 1621321522, 1628579106, 1635753912, 1646899538, 1650611141,
    ), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC")
  row.names = 108:128, class = "data.frame"

versionMajorMinor <- function(version = base::version) {
  if (!is(version, "simple.list")) {
    version <- strsplit(version, "[.]")[[1]]
    nams <- c("major", "minor", "revision")
    names(version) <- nams[seq_along(version)]
  paste0(version[["major"]], ".", strsplit(version[["minor"]], "[.]")[[1]][1])

# Used inside internetExists
urlExists <- function(url) {
  con <- url(url)
  on.exit(try(close(con), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
  for (i in 1:5) {
    a <- try(suppressWarnings(readLines(con, n = 1)), silent = TRUE)
    try(close(con), silent = TRUE)
    ret <- if (is(a, "try-error")) FALSE else TRUE
    if (isTRUE(ret)) {
    } else {

#' @inheritParams Require
internetExists <- function(mess = "", verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
    if (getOption("Require.checkInternet", FALSE)) {
      internetMightExist <- TRUE
      iet <- get0(.txtInternetExistsTime, envir = pkgEnv())
      checkNow <- TRUE
      if (!is.null(iet)) {
        if ((Sys.time() - getOption("Require.internetExistsTimeout", 30)) < iet) {
          internetMightExist <- get0(.txtInternetExists, envir = pkgEnv())
          checkNow <- FALSE
      if (checkNow) {
        opts2 <- options(timeout = 2)
        pe <- pkgEnv()
        ue <- pe$internetExists <- urlExists("https://www.google.com")
        if (isFALSE(ue)) {
          internetMightExist <- FALSE

          # messageVerbose("\033[32mInternet does not appear to exist; proceeding anyway\033[39m",
          #                verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 2
          # )
        assign(.txtInternetExistsTime, Sys.time(), envir = pkgEnv())
        assign(.txtInternetExists, internetMightExist, envir = pkgEnv())
      out <- internetMightExist
    } else {
      out <- TRUE
  } else {
    out <- FALSE

#' A list of R packages that should likely be installed from Source, not Binary
#' The list of R packages that `Require` installs from source on Linux, even if
#' the `getOptions("repos")` is a binary repository. This list can be updated by
#' the user by modifying the options `Require.spatialPkgs` or
#' `Require.otherPkgs`. Default "force source only packages" are visible with
#' `RequireOptions()`.
#' @param spatialPkgs A character vector of package names that focus on spatial analyses.
#' @param otherPkgs A character vector of package names that often
#'   require system specific compilation.
#' @param additional Any other packages to be added to the other 2 argument vectors
#' @export
#' @return
#' A sorted concatenation of the 3 input parameters.
sourcePkgs <- function(additional = NULL,
                       spatialPkgs = NULL,
                       otherPkgs = NULL) {
  .spatialPkgs <- getOption("Require.spatialPkgs")
  if (is.null(spatialPkgs)) {
    spatialPkgs <- .spatialPkgs
  .otherPkgs <- getOption("Require.otherPkgs")
  if (is.null(otherPkgs)) {
    otherPkgs <- .otherPkgs
  unique(sort(c(spatialPkgs, otherPkgs, additional)))

srcPackageURLOnCRAN <- "https://cloud.r-project.org/"

stripHTTPAddress <- function(addr) {
  addr <- gsub("https://(.+)", "\\1", unname(addr))
  addr <- gsub("/$", "", unname(addr))

masterMainHEAD <- function(url, need) {
  hasMasterMain <- grepl(masterMainGrep, url)
  hasMaster <- grepl(masterGrep, url)
  hasMain <- grepl(mainGrep, url)
  if (any(hasMasterMain) && need %in% masterMain) {
    # Good -- try both master and main
    br <- need
  } else if (any(hasMasterMain) && need %in% "HEAD") {
    # need change
    br <- "HEAD"
    url <- gsub(masterMainGrep, paste0("/", br, "\\1"), url)
  HEADgrep <- paste0("/", paste("HEAD", collapse = "|"), "(/|\\.)")
  hasHEAD <- grepl(HEADgrep, url)
  if (any(hasHEAD) && need %in% masterMain) {
    br <- need
    url <- gsub(HEADgrep, paste0("/", br, "\\1"), url)
  if (any(hasHEAD) && need %in% "HEAD") {
    br <- "HEAD"
  if (any(hasMasterMain) && length(url) == 1) {
    newBr <- masterMain[hasMain + 1]
    url[[2]] <- gsub(masterMainGrep, paste0("/", newBr, "\\1"), url)

#' GITHUB_PAT-aware and `main`-`master`-aware download from GitHub
#' Equivalent to `utils::download.file`, but taking the `GITHUB_PAT` environment
#' variable and using it to access the Github url.
#' @inheritParams utils::download.file
#' @param need If specified, user can suggest which `master` or `main` or `HEAD` to
#'   try first. If unspecified, `HEAD` is used.
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @inheritParams messageVerbose
#' @importFrom utils download.file assignInMyNamespace
#' @return
#' This is called for its side effect, namely, the same as `utils::download.file`, but
#' using a `GITHUB_PAT`, it if is in the environment, and trying both `master` and
#' `main` if the actual `url` specifies either `master` or `main` and it does not exist.
#' @export
.downloadFileMasterMainAuth <- function(url, destfile, need = "HEAD",
                                        verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"), verboseLevel = 2) {
  if (!dir.exists(dirname(destfile)))
    silent <- checkPath(dirname(destfile), create = TRUE)
  hasMasterMain <- grepl(masterMainGrep, url)
  if (!all(hasMasterMain)) {
    if (length(url) > 1) stop("This function is not vectorized")
    if (length(url) != length(destfile))
      stop("destfile must be same length as url")
  url <- masterMainHEAD(url, need) # makes 2

  # Authentication
  token <- NULL
  usesGitCreds <- requireNamespace("gitcreds", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("httr", quietly = TRUE)
  if (usesGitCreds) {
    token <- getGitCredsToken()
  if (is.null(token)) {
    ghp <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")
    messageGithubPAT(ghp, verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 0)
    if (nzchar(ghp)) {
      messageVerbose("For better security, user should use the newer way to store git credentials.",
                     "\nUsing a GITHUB_PAT environment variable will continue to work, but see: ",
                     "https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/git-credentials.html", verbose = verbose + GitHubMessage)
      if (GitHubMessage >= 0)
        assignInMyNamespace("GitHubMessage", -10)
      url <- sprintf(paste0("https://%s:@", gsub("https*://", "", url)), ghp)

  urls <- url
  urls <- split(urls, hasMasterMain)
  outNotMasterMain <- outMasterMain <- character()

  ret <- withCallingHandlers({

    for (i in 1:2) {
      if (!is.null(urls[["FALSE"]])) {
        outNotMasterMain <-
          Map(URL = urls[["FALSE"]], MoreArgs = list(df = destfile), function(URL, df) {
            for (tryNum in 1:2) {
              if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {

                if (is.null(token)) {
                  tryCatch(download.file(URL, destfile = df, quiet = TRUE),# need TRUE to hide ghp
                           error = function(e) {
                             if (is.null(token))
                               e$message <- stripGHP(ghp, e$message)
                             if (tryNum > 1)
                               messageVerbose(e$message, verbose = verbose)
                } else {
                  a <- try(GETWauthThenNonAuth(url, token, verbose = verbose))
                  if (is(a, "try-error")) {
                    if (any(grepl("Could not resolve host", a))) {
                  # a <- httr::GET(url, httr::add_headers(Authorization = token))
                  # if (grepl("Bad credentials", a) || grepl("404", a$status_code))
                  #   a <- httr::GET(url, httr::add_headers())
                  data <- httr::content(a, "raw")
                  writeBin(data, df)
                if (file.exists(df))
                if (is.null(token))
                  URL <- stripGHP(ghp, URL) # this seems to be one of the causes of failures -- the GHP sometimes fails
      if (!is.null(urls[["TRUE"]])) { # should be sequential because they are master OR main
        for (wh in seq(urls[["TRUE"]])) {
          if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
            if (is.null(token)) {
              outMasterMain <- try(download.file(urls[["TRUE"]][wh], destfile = destfile, quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
            } else {
              outMasterMain <- try(silent = TRUE, {
                a <- GETWauthThenNonAuth(urls[["TRUE"]][wh], token, verbose = verbose)
                # a <- httr::GET(urls[["TRUE"]][wh], httr::add_headers(Authorization = token))
                if (grepl("404", httr::http_status(a)$message))
                data <- httr::content(a, "raw")
                writeBin(data, destfile)
              if (is.null(outMasterMain)) outMasterMain <- 0

          if (!is(outMasterMain, "try-error")) {
            namForOut <- if (is.null(token)) {
              stripGHP(ghp, urls[["TRUE"]][wh])
            } else {
            names(outMasterMain) <- namForOut
      ret <- c(outNotMasterMain, outMasterMain)
      if (!any(unlist(lapply(ret, is, "try-error")))) {
  warning = function(w) {
    setOfflineModeTRUE(verbose = verbose)
    # strip the ghp from the warning message
    if (is.null(token))
      w$message <- stripGHP(ghp, w$message)
  error = function(e) {
    # strip the ghp from the message
    if (is.null(token))
      e$message <- stripGHP(ghp, e$message)


stripGHP <- function(ghp, mess) {
  if (!missing(ghp))
    mess <- gsub(paste0(ghp, ".*@"), "", mess)

messageGithubPAT <- function(ghp, verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 0) {
  if (nzchar(ghp)) {
    if (is.null(get0(.txtPkgHasGHP, envir = pkgEnv()))) {
      assign(.txtPkgHasGHP, TRUE, envir = pkgEnv())
      messageVerbose("Using GITHUB_PAT to access files on GitHub",
                     verboseLevel = 0, verbose = verbose

notInArchives <- "Not in Archives"

masterMain <- c("main", "master")
masterMainGrep <- paste0("/", paste(masterMain, collapse = "|"), "(/|\\.)")
masterGrep <- paste0("/", "master", "(/|\\.)")
mainGrep <- paste0("/", "main", "(/|\\.)")

extractPkgNameFromWarning <- function(x) {

  if (any(grepl(.txtMsgIsInUse, x)) || # "in use"
      any(grepl(.txtInstallationPkgFailed, x))) { # "installation of 2 packages failed:"
    out <- NULL
    if (isWindows()) {
      aa <- strsplit(x, "\\'")
      out <- lapply(aa, function(y) {
        wh <- grep(", ", y)
        wh <- c(1, wh)
        y[c(wh + 1)]
    if (is.na(out) || !isWindows()) {
      aa <- strsplit(x, "\u2019|\u2018")[[1]]
      aa <- grep(.txtInstallationPkgFailed, aa, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
      aa <- grep("package|is in use|failed", aa, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
      out <- grep(", ", aa, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

    out <- unlist(out)
  } else {
    out <- gsub(".+\u2018(.+)_.+\u2019.*", "\\1", x) # those two escape characters are the inverted commas
    out <- gsub(".+\u2018(.+)\u2019.*", "\\1", out)
    out <- gsub("^.+\\'(.+)\\'.+$", "\\1", out)
    out <- gsub(".+\u2018(.+)\u2019.+", "\\1", out) # package XXX is in use and will not be installed

  if (isTRUE(any(grepl(.txtCannotOpenFile, x)))) {
    outs <- strsplit(out, split = "/|\\\\")
    out <- sapply(outs, function(x) x[length(x) - 1])

availablePackagesCachedPath <- function(repos, type) {
            paste0(gsub("https|[:/]", "", repos), collapse = "/"),
            type, "availablePackages.rds")

installPackagesWithQuiet <- function(ipa, verbose) {
  if (isWindows())
    messageVerbose("  -- ", .txtInstallingColon,"\n", verbose = verbose, appendLF = FALSE)
  if (isWindows() && identical(ipa$type, "source") &&
      getOption("Require.installPackagesSys") == 0) {
    op <- options(Ncpus = 1)
    on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)

  if (isTRUE(length(ipa$type) > 1))
    ipa$type <- ipa$type[2]

  if (getOption("Require.installPackagesSys") &&
      requireNamespace("sys", quietly = TRUE)){
    for (i in 1:1) {
      anyFailed <- NULL
      out <- #try(
        sysInstallAndDownload(ipa, splitOn = "pkgs", tmpdir = ipa$destdir,
                                   doLine = "outfiles <- do.call(install.packages, args)",
                                   verbose = verbose)
      if (file.exists(out)) {
        txt <- readLines(out)
        anyFailed <- grep(.txtInstallationPkgFailed, txt)

      if (length(anyFailed) == 0)

      pkgName <- extractPkgNameFromWarning(txt[anyFailed])
      if (any(is.na(pkgName)))
        pkgName <- extractPkgNameFromWarning(paste(txt[anyFailed:(anyFailed + 1)], collapse = ""))
      messageVerbose("Failed installation for: ", paste(pkgName, collapse = ", "),
                     "\nTrying again ... ", verbose = verbose)
      ipa$pkgs <- pkgName
      ipa$available <- ipa$available[ipa$available[, "Package"] %in% pkgName, , drop = FALSE]
  } else {

    if (isMacOSX() && "covr" %in% ipa$pkgs)
    # if (ipa$quiet && ipa$type %in% "source" && isWindows())
    #   ipa$quiet <- FALSE
    if (isTRUE(ipa$quiet)) {
      messSupp2 <- capture.output({
        messSupp <- capture.output(type = "message", {
          out <- do.call(install.packages, ipa)
    } else {
      out <- do.call(install.packages, ipa)

#' @importFrom utils remove.packages
checkHEAD <- function(pkgDT) {
  HEADgrep <- " *\\(HEAD\\)"
  set(pkgDT, NULL, "hasHEAD", grepl(HEADgrep, pkgDT$packageFullName))

packageFullName <- function(pkgDT) {
  inequality <- if (is.null(pkgDT[["inequality"]])) "==" else pkgDT[["inequality"]]
  if (all(colnames(pkgDT) %in% c("GithubRepo", "GithubUsername"))) {
    ifelse(!is.na(pkgDT$GithubRepo) & nzchar(pkgDT$GithubRepo),
           paste0(pkgDT$GithubUsername, "/", pkgDT$Package, "@", pkgDT$GithubSHA1),
           paste0(pkgDT$Package, ifelse(is.na(pkgDT$Version) | is.na(pkgDT$inequality),
                                        "", paste0(" (", inequality, pkgDT$Version, ")")
  } else {
    ifelse(!is.na(pkgDT$Repo) & nzchar(pkgDT$Repo),
           paste0(pkgDT$Account, "/", pkgDT$Package, "@", pkgDT$SHAonGH),
           paste0(pkgDT$Package, ifelse(is.na(pkgDT$Version) | is.na(pkgDT$inequality),
                                        "", paste0(" (", inequality, pkgDT$Version, ")")

gitHubFileUrl <- function(hasSubFolder, Branch, GitSubFolder, Account, Repo, filename) {
  if (any(hasSubFolder, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    Branch <- paste0(Branch, "/", GitSubFolder)
  file.path("https://raw.githubusercontent.com", Account, Repo, Branch, filename, fsep = "/")

setOfflineModeTRUE <- function(verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
    if (!internetExists()) {
        "Require.offlineMode" = TRUE,
        "Require.offlineModeSetAutomatically" = TRUE
      messageVerbose("Internet appears to be unavailable; setting options('Require.offlineMode' = TRUE)",
                     verbose = verbose)

checkAutomaticOfflineMode <- function() {
  if (getOption("Require.offlineModeSetAutomatically", FALSE)) {
      "Require.offlineModeSetAutomatically" = NULL,
      Require.offlineMode = FALSE

isRstudioServer <- function () {
  isRstudioServer <- FALSE
  if (isRstudio()) {
    rsAPIFn <- get(".rs.api.versionInfo", as.environment("tools:rstudio"))
    versionInfo <- rsAPIFn()
    if (!is.null(versionInfo)) {
      isRstudioServer <- identical("server", versionInfo$mode)

isRstudio <- function() {
  isTRUE("tools:rstudio" %in% search())

installPackageVerbose <- function(verbose, verboseLevel = 1) {
  verbose >= verboseLevel && verbose < 5

RequireGitHubCacheFile <- function(pkgDT, filename) {
  theDir <- RequireGitHubCacheDir(create = TRUE)
  # checkPath(theDir, create = TRUE)
  destFile <- if(is.null(pkgDT$shas)) pkgDT$Branch else pkgDT$shas
  destFile <- paste0(pkgDT$Account, "_", pkgDT$Package, "_", destFile)
  destFile <- file.path(theDir, paste0(destFile, "_", filename))

rmEmptyFiles <- function(files, minSize = 100) {
  notNAs <- is.na(files) %in% FALSE
  alreadyExists <- rep(FALSE, length(files))
  if (any(notNAs)) {
    alreadyExists[notNAs] <- file.exists(files[notNAs])
    if (any(alreadyExists[notNAs])) {
      fs <- file.size(files[notNAs][alreadyExists])
      tooSmall <- fs < minSize
      if (any(tooSmall %in% TRUE)) {
        alreadyExists[notNAs][alreadyExists] <- tooSmall %in% FALSE


GETWauthThenNonAuth <- function(url, token, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  if (is.null(token)) {
    a <- httr::GET(url)
  } else {
    a <- httr::GET(url, httr::add_headers(Authorization = token))
  if (grepl("Bad credentials", a) || grepl("404", httr::http_status(a)$message)) {
    if (grepl("Bad credentials", a)) messageVerbose(red("Git credentials do not work for this url: ", url,
                                             "\nAre they expired?"), verbose = verbose)
    a <- httr::GET(url, httr::add_headers())

available.packagesWithCallingHandlers <- function(repo, type, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  ignore_repo_cache <- FALSE
  for (attmpt in 1:2) {
    warns <- character()
      out <- try(available.packages(repos = repo, type = type,
                                    ignore_repo_cache = ignore_repo_cache)),
      warning = function(w) {
        warns <<- w$message
    SSLwarns <- grepl(.txtUnableToAccessIndex, warns)
    otherwarns <- grep(.txtUnableToAccessIndex, warns, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
    if (is(out, "try-error") || any(SSLwarns)) {
      # https://stackoverflow.com/a/76684292/3890027
      prevCurlVal <- Sys.getenv("R_LIBCURL_SSL_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT")
      ignore_repo_cache <- TRUE
        if (nzchar(prevCurlVal))
          Sys.setenv(R_LIBCURL_SSL_REVOKE_BEST_EFFORT = prevCurlVal)
      }, add = TRUE)
    } else {
      if (any(grepl("cannot open URL", warns)) && attmpt == 1) { # seems to be transient esp with predictiveecology.r-universe.dev
      if (urlExists("https://www.google.com"))  # this means that the repository does not have the packages.RDS file, meaning it doesn't have e.g., binary packages for R 4.2
      setOfflineModeTRUE(verbose = verbose)
      if (length(otherwarns)) {



masterOrMainFromGitRefs <- function(gitRefsSplit2) {
  br2 <- grep(unlist(gitRefsSplit2), pattern = "api.+heads/(master|main)", value = TRUE)
  br <- gsub(br2, pattern = ".+api.+heads.+(master|main).+", replacement = "\\1")

getGitCredsToken <- function() {
  token <- tryCatch(
    gitcreds::gitcreds_get(use_cache = FALSE),
    error = function(e) NULL
  if (!is.null(token)) {
    token <- paste0("token ", token$password)

Try the Require package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Require documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:55 p.m.