
Defines functions cacheDefaultDir debianUbuntuRelease positBinaryRepos whIsOfficialCRANrepo setLinuxBinaryRepo setupOff setup cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir RequireGitHubCacheDir cachePkgDir normPathMemoise cacheDir

Documented in cacheDefaultDir cacheDir cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir cachePkgDir setLinuxBinaryRepo setup setupOff

#' Path to (package) cache directory
#' Sets (if `create = TRUE`) or gets the cache
#' directory associated with the `Require` package.
#' @return
#' If `!is.null(cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir())`, i.e., a cache path exists,
#' the cache directory will be created,
#'   with a README placed in the folder. Otherwise, this function will just
#'   return the path of what the cache directory would be.
#' @details
#' To set a different directory than the default, set the system variable:
#' `R_USER_CACHE_DIR = "somePath"` and/or `R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "somePath"`
#' e.g., in `.Renviron` file or `Sys.setenv()`. See Note below.
#' @inheritParams checkPath
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @export
#' @rdname cacheDir
cacheDir <- function(create, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  if (missing(create)) {
    create <- FALSE
  } # !is.null(cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir())

  ## OLD: was using cache dir following OS conventions used by rappdirs package:
  ##   rappdirs::user_cache_dir(appName)
  ## CURRENT: using cache dir following conventions used by tools::R_user_dir
  ##   tools::R_user_dir("appName", "cache")

  # browser()
  cacheDir <- if (nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR"))) {
  } else {
    defaultCacheDirectory <- cacheDefaultDir()
    if (!is.null(defaultCacheDirOld)) { # solaris doesn't have this set
      if (dir.exists(defaultCacheDirOld)) {
        oldLocs <- dir(defaultCacheDirOld, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
        if (length(oldLocs) > 0) {
            "Require has changed default package cache folder from\n",
            defaultCacheDirOld, "\nto \n", defaultCacheDirectory, ". \nThere are packages ",
            "in the old Cache, moving them now..."
          checkPath(defaultCacheDirectory, create = TRUE)
          dirs <- unique(dirname(oldLocs))
          newdirs <- gsub(defaultCacheDirOld, defaultCacheDirectory, dirs)
          lapply(newdirs, checkPath, create = TRUE)
          fileRenameOrMove(oldLocs, gsub(defaultCacheDirOld, defaultCacheDirectory, oldLocs))
          unlink(defaultCacheDirOld, recursive = TRUE)

  cacheDir <- normPathMemoise(cacheDir)

  if (isTRUE(create)) {
    cacheDir <- checkPath(cacheDir, create = create)
    readme <- file.path(cacheDir, "README")
    if (!file.exists(readme)) {
      if (isTRUE(create)) {
        file.copy(base::system.file("cache-README", package = "Require"), readme)


normPathMemoise <- function(d) {
  pe <- pkgEnv()
  if (getOption("Require.useMemoise", TRUE)) {
    fnName <- "normPath"
    if (!exists(fnName, envir = pe, inherits = FALSE)) {
      assign(fnName, newEmptyEnv(), envir = pe)
    fnEnv <- get(fnName, envir = pe)
    ret <- Map(di = d, function(di) {
      if (!exists(di, envir = fnEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
        assign(di, normPath(di), envir = fnEnv)
    ret <- unlist(ret)
  } else {
    ret <- normPath(d)


#' @export
#' @rdname cacheDir
#' @note
#' Currently, there are 2 different Cache directories used by Require:
#' `cacheDir` and `cachePkgDir`. The `cachePkgDir`
#'  is intended to be a sub-directory of the `cacheDir`. If you set
#'  `Sys.setenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR" = "somedir")`, then both the package cache
#'  and cache dirs will be set, with the package cache a sub-directory. You can, however,
#'  set them independently, if you set `"R_USER_CACHE_DIR"` and `"R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE"`
#'  environment variable. The package cache can also be set with
#'  `options("Require.cachePkgDir" = "somedir")`.
cachePkgDir <- function(create) {
  if (missing(create)) {
    create <- FALSE
  pkgCacheDir <- normPathMemoise(file.path(cacheDir(create), "packages", versionMajorMinor()))
  if (isTRUE(create)) {
    pkgCacheDir <- checkPath(pkgCacheDir, create = TRUE)

  ## TODO: prompt the user ONCE about using this cache dir, and save their choice
  ##       - remind them how to change this, and make sure it's documented!


RequireGitHubCacheDir <- function(create) {
  if (missing(create)) {
    create <- FALSE
  pkgCacheDir <- normPathMemoise(file.path(cacheDir(create), .txtGitHub))
  if (isTRUE(create)) {
    pkgCacheDir <- checkPath(pkgCacheDir, create = TRUE)

  ## TODO: prompt the user ONCE about using this cache dir, and save their choice
  ##       - remind them how to change this, and make sure it's documented!

#' Get the option for `Require.cachePkgDir`
#' First checks if an environment variable `Require.cachePkgDir`
#' is set and defines a path.
#' If not set, checks whether the `options("Require.cachePkgDir")` is set.
#' If a character string, then it returns that.
#' If `TRUE`, then use `cachePkgDir()`. If `FALSE`
#' then returns `NULL`.
#' @export
cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir <- function() {
  curVal <- getOption("Require.cachePkgDir")
  try <- 1
  while (try < 3) {
    if (isTRUE(curVal)) {
      curVal <- cachePkgDir(FALSE)
    } else if (isFALSE(curVal)) {
      curVal <- NULL
    } else {
      if (identical("default", curVal)) {
        fromEnvVars <- Sys.getenv("R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE")
        if (nchar(fromEnvVars) == 0) {
          curVal <- cachePkgDir(FALSE)
        } else {
          try <- try + 1
          curVal <- fromEnvVars
          if (identical("TRUE", curVal)) {
            curVal <- TRUE
          } else if (identical("FALSE", curVal)) {
            curVal <- NULL
          } else {
      } else {

#' Setup a project library, cache, options
#' `setup` and `setupOff` are currently deprecated.
#' These may be re-created in a future version.
#' In its place, a user can simply put `.libPaths(libs, include.site = FALSE)`
#' in their `.Rprofile` file, where `libs` is the directory where the packages
#' should be installed and should be a folder with the R version number, e.g.,
#' derived by using `checkLibPaths(libs)`.
#' @param newLibPaths Same as `RPackageFolders`. This is for more consistent
#'   naming with `Require(..., libPaths = ...)`.
#' @param RPackageFolders One or more folders where R packages are
#'   installed to and loaded from. In the case of more than one
#'   folder provided, installation will only happen in the first one.
#' @param RPackageCache See `?RequireOptions`.
#' @inheritParams setLibPaths
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @export
#' @rdname setup
setup <- function(newLibPaths,
                  RPackageFolders, # = getOption("Require.RPackageFolders", "R"),
                  RPackageCache = cacheGetOptionCachePkgDir(),
                  standAlone = getOption("Require.standAlone", TRUE),
                  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  if (missing(newLibPaths)) {
    if (missing(RPackageFolders)) {
      newLibPaths <- "R"
    } else {
      newLibPaths <- RPackageFolders
  newLibPaths <- normPath(newLibPaths)
  newLibPaths <- checkLibPaths(newLibPaths)
  .Deprecated(msg = paste0(
    "setup is deprecated; to get approximately the same functionality, ",
    "please put a line like\n",
    ".libPaths('", newLibPaths, "', include.site = ", !standAlone, ")",
    "\nin your .Rprofile file"

#' @rdname setup
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @export
#' @param removePackages Deprecated. Please remove packages manually from
#'        the .libPaths()
setupOff <- function(removePackages = FALSE, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {
  updateRprofile <- checkTRUERprofile(TRUE)
  if (!file.exists(updateRprofile)) { # not in current dir
    # 1. Check project
    possDirs <- c(rprojroot::find_root(rprojroot::is_rstudio_project),
    for (i in 1:2) {
      possDir <- possDirs[i]
      possFile <- file.path(possDir, updateRprofile)
      if (file.exists(possFile)) {
        updateRprofile <- possFile

  if (file.exists(updateRprofile)) {
    rproflines <- readLines(updateRprofile)
    start <- grep(setLibPathsStartText, rproflines)
    end <- grep(setLibPathsEndText, rproflines)
    newFile <- any(grepl(paste0(setLibPathsStartText, ".+New File:TRUE"), rproflines))
    if (length(start)) {
      rproflines <- rproflines[-(start:end)]
      if (length(rproflines) <= 1 && all(nchar(rproflines) == 0) && isTRUE(newFile)) {
        messageVerbose("removing the .Rprofile file, which had been created with ",
                       "setLibPaths(updateRprofile = TRUE)")
      } else {
        cat(rproflines, file = updateRprofile)
        messageVerbose("Setting .libPaths() has been removed from the .Rprofile file")

    } else {
      messageVerbose("Require::setLibPaths was not run to change the .Rprofile file; nothing to do")
  } else {
    messageVerbose("No .Rprofile file; nothing to do")

#' Setup for binary Linux repositories
#' Enable use of binary package builds for Linux from the RStudio Package
#' Manager repo. This will set the `repos` option, affecting the current R
#' session. It will put this `binaryLinux` in the first position. If the
#' `getOption("repos")` is `NULL`, it will put `backupCRAN` in second position.
#' @param binaryLinux A CRAN repository serving binary Linux packages.
#' @param backupCRAN If there is no CRAN repository set
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
setLinuxBinaryRepo <- function(binaryLinux = urlForArchivedPkgs,
                               backupCRAN = srcPackageURLOnCRAN) {
  if (isUbuntuOrDebian()) {
    if (!grepl("R Under development", R.version.string) && getRversion() >= "4.1") {
      if (is.null(names(backupCRAN))) names(backupCRAN) <- rep("CRAN", length(backupCRAN))

      repo <- c(
        CRAN =

      currentRepos <- getOption("repos")
      insertBefore <- 1 # put first, unless otherwise
      if (!is.null(currentRepos)) {
        isCRAN <- whIsOfficialCRANrepo(currentRepos, srcPackageURLOnCRAN)
        # mirrorsLocalFile <- file.path(cachePkgDir(), ".mirrors.csv")
        # if (!file.exists(mirrorsLocalFile))
        #   download.file("https://cran.r-project.org/CRAN_mirrors.csv",
        #                 destfile = mirrorsLocalFile, quiet = TRUE)
        # a <- read.csv(mirrorsLocalFile)
        # b <- a[1,]
        # b$URL = "https://cran.rstudio.com/"
        # a <- rbind(a, b)
        # isCRAN <- lapply(gsub("https://", "", currentRepos),
        #        grep, x = gsub("https://", "", a$URL), value = TRUE)
        insertBefore <- which(lengths(isCRAN) > 0)
        repos <- c(repo, currentRepos)
        if (insertBefore > 1) {
          repos <- c(currentRepos[seq(1, insertBefore - 1)] ,
                     currentRepos[seq(insertBefore, length(currentRepos))])
      } else {
        repos <- c(repo, backupCRAN)

      repos <- repos[!duplicated(repos)]
      options(repos = repos)

whIsOfficialCRANrepo <- function(currentRepos = getOption("repos"), backupCRAN = srcPackageURLOnCRAN) {
  mirrorsLocalFile <- file.path(cachePkgDir(), ".mirrors.csv")
  dir.create(dirname(mirrorsLocalFile), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  if (!file.exists(mirrorsLocalFile))
                  destfile = mirrorsLocalFile, quiet = TRUE)
  a <- read.csv(mirrorsLocalFile)
  b <- a[1,]
  b$URL = "https://cran.rstudio.com/"
  a <- rbind(a, b)
  isCRAN <- lapply(gsub("https://", "", currentRepos),
                   grep, x = gsub("https://", "", a$URL), value = TRUE)

positBinaryRepos <- function(binaryLinux = urlForArchivedPkgs) {
  repo <- character()
  if (isUbuntuOrDebian()) {
    repo <- paste0(binaryLinux, "__linux__/", debianUbuntuRelease(), "/latest")

debianUbuntuRelease <- function() {
  system("lsb_release -cs", intern = TRUE)

appName <- "R-Require"

#' The default cache directory for Require Cache
#' A wrapper around `tools::R_user_dir("Require", which = "cache")` that
#' creates the directory, if it does not exist.
#' @return The default cache directory
#' @importFrom tools R_user_dir
#' @export
cacheDefaultDir <- function() {
  normalizePath(tools::R_user_dir("Require", which = "cache"), mustWork = FALSE)

defaultCacheDirOld <- switch(SysInfo[["sysname"]],
  Darwin = normalizePath(file.path("~", "Library", "Caches", appName), mustWork = FALSE),
  Linux = normalizePath(file.path("~", ".cache", appName), mustWork = FALSE),
  Windows = normalizePath(file.path("C:", "Users", SysInfo[["user"]], "AppData", "Local", ".cache", appName), mustWork = FALSE)

Try the Require package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Require documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:55 p.m.