
Defines functions .DESCFileFull RequireDependencies appendRecursiveToDeps isNotNULLAnd allNotNull greplV emptyDT getDepsFromCache getFromCache splitKeepOrderAndDTIntegrity toPkgDTFull addSelf rmBase depsWithCommasToPkgDT reorderTo addDepthAndParentPkg assignPkgDTdepsToSaveNames inCurrentCRAN rmRifInPackageCol joinToAvailablePackages depsListToPkgDTWithWhichCol whichCatRecursive .suffix recursiveType cached deps sn assignPkgDTtoSaveNames cleanPkgs depsWithCommasToVector installed.packagesDeps getArchiveDESCRIPTION fillDefaults uwrnar updateWithRemotesNamespaceAddRepos2 needVersions saveNameOrderGH saveNameOrderNonGH saveNameConcat2 saveNameConcat getDepsGH getDepsNonGH pkgDepGitHub pkgDepCRAN getDeps getPkgDeps pkgDep

Documented in getDeps joinToAvailablePackages pkgDep rmBase splitKeepOrderAndDTIntegrity

  c("Additional_repositories", "githubPkgName",
    "localBranch", "localFiles", "localRepo", "installedSha", "localUsername",
    "newPackageFullName", "DESCFileFull", "correctVersionInCache", "descFiles",
    "..keep", "..keepShort", "..onlyKeep", "..keep", "..keepCols", "..keepColsOuter",

#' Determine package dependencies
#' This will first look in local filesystem (in `.libPaths()`) and will use a
#' local package to find its dependencies. If the package does not exist
#' locally, including whether it is the correct version, then it will look in
#' (currently) `CRAN` and its archives (if the current `CRAN` version is not the
#' desired version to check). It will also look on `GitHub` if the package
#' description is of the form of a GitHub package with format
#' `account/repo@branch` or `account/repo@commit`. For this, it will attempt to
#' get package dependencies from the GitHub \file{DESCRIPTION} file. This is
#' intended to replace `tools::package_dependencies` or `pkgDep` in the
#' \pkg{miniCRAN} package, but with modifications to allow multiple sources to
#' be searched in the same function call.
#' @note `tools::package_dependencies` and `pkgDep` will differ under the
#'   following circumstances: \enumerate{ \item GitHub packages are not detected
#'   using `tools::package_dependencies`; \item `tools::package_dependencies`
#'   does not detect the dependencies of base packages among themselves, *e.g.*,
#'   `methods` depends on `stats` and `graphics`. }
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @param which a character vector listing the types of dependencies, a subset
#'   of `c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")`.
#'   Character string `"all"` is shorthand for that vector, character string
#'   `"most"` for the same vector without `"Enhances"`.
#' @param depends Logical. Include packages listed in "Depends". Default `TRUE`.
#' @param imports Logical. Include packages listed in "Imports". Default `TRUE`.
#' @param suggests Logical. Include packages listed in "Suggests". Default
#'   `FALSE`.
#' @param linkingTo Logical. Include packages listed in "LinkingTo". Default
#'   `TRUE`.
#' @param recursive Logical. Should dependencies of dependencies be searched,
#'   recursively. NOTE: Dependencies of suggests will not be recursive. Default
#'   `TRUE`.
#' @param keepVersionNumber Logical. If `TRUE`, then the package dependencies
#'   returned will include version number. Default is `FALSE`
#' @param libPaths A path to search for installed packages. Defaults to
#'   `.libPaths()`
#' @param sort Logical. If `TRUE`, the default, then the packages will be sorted
#'   alphabetically. If `FALSE`, the packages will not have a discernible order
#'   as they will be a concatenation of the possibly recursive package
#'   dependencies.
#' @param includeBase Logical. Should R base packages be included, specifically,
#'   those in `tail(.libPaths(), 1)`
#' @param includeSelf Logical. If `TRUE`, the default, then the dependencies
#'   will include the package itself in the returned list elements, otherwise,
#'   only the "dependencies"
#' @param simplify Logical or numeric. If `TRUE` (or > 0), the default,
#'   the return object is "just" a character vector of package names
#'   (with version requirements). If `FALSE` (or `0`),
#'   then a `data.table` will be returned with 4 columns,
#'   `Package`, `packageFullName`, `parentPackage` (the package name for which the
#'   given line entry is a dependency; will be "user" if it was user supplied)
#'   and `deps`, which is a list of `data.table`s
#'   of all dependencies. If a negative number, then it will return a similar `data.table`
#'   as with `FALSE`, however, duplications in the recursive package dependencies
#'   are left intact.
#' @param Additional_repositories Logical. If `TRUE`, then `pkgDep` will return
#'   a list of `data.table` objects (instead of character vectors)
#'   with a column `packageFullName` and possibly a second column `Additional_repositories`,
#'   which may have been specified in a `DESCRIPTION` file. NOTE: THIS ALTERS
#' @param ... Currently only `dependencies` as an alternative to `which`. If specified,
#'   then `which` will be ignored.
#' @inheritParams Require
#' @export
#' @rdname pkgDep
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if (Require:::.runLongExamples()) {
#'   opts <- Require:::.setupExample()
#'   pkgDep("tidyverse", recursive = TRUE)
#'   # GitHub, local, and CRAN packages
#'   pkgDep(c("PredictiveEcology/reproducible", "Require", "plyr"))
#'   Require:::.cleanup(opts)
#' }
#' }
pkgDep <- function(packages,
                   which = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"),
                   recursive = TRUE,
                   repos = getOption("repos"),
                   keepVersionNumber = TRUE,
                   includeBase = FALSE,
                   includeSelf = TRUE,
                   sort = TRUE,
                   simplify = TRUE,
                   purge = getOption("Require.purge", FALSE),
                   verbose = getOption("Require.verbose"),
                   type = getOption("pkgType"),
                   Additional_repositories = FALSE, ...) {

  stPkgDep <- Sys.time()
  libPaths <- dealWithMissingLibPaths(libPaths, ...)

  doDeps <- if (!is.null(list(...)$dependencies)) list(...)$dependencies else NULL
  if (!is.null(doDeps))
    which <- whichToDILES(doDeps)

  purge <- purgePkgDep(purge)
  # purge <- dealWithCache(purge)

  if (is.null(get0("stRequire", whereInStack("stRequire")))) {# if this is NOT called from Require
      checkAutomaticOfflineMode() # This will turn off offlineMode if it had been turned on automatically

  # deps <- packages
  if (!includeBase) {
    packages <- packages[!packages %in% .basePkgs]
  if (length(packages)) {
    which <- depsImpsSugsLinksToWhich(depends, imports, suggests, linkingTo, which)
    if (getOption("Require.usePak", TRUE)) {
      if (!requireNamespace("pak")) stop("Please install pak")
      log <- tempfile2(fileext = ".txt")
        deps <- pakPkgDep(packages, which, simplify, includeSelf, includeBase, keepVersionNumber,
                          verbose = verbose)
        , message = function(m) {
          if (verbose > 1)
            cat(m$message, file = log, append = TRUE)
          if (verbose < 1)
    } else {

      # Only deal with first one of "which"...
      if (is.list(which)) which <- which[[1]]

      deps <- getPkgDeps(packages, parentPackage = "user", recursive = recursive, repos = repos, verbose = verbose,
                         type = type, which = which, includeBase = includeBase, libPaths = libPaths,
                         includeSelf = includeSelf, grandp = "aboveuser")
      depsCol <- "deps"
      if (!identical(which, character())) { # when which = character(), results in a NULL list element: [[1]] NULL
        set(deps, NULL, depsCol, lapply(deps[[deps(recursive)]], rbindlistRecursive))
    keepCols <- c("Package", "packageFullName", "Version", "versionSpec", "inequality",
                "githubPkgName", "repoLocation", ".depth", "which", "parentPackage")
    dotDepth <- ".depth"

    set(deps, NULL, #whHasDeps,
        Map(dep = deps[[depsCol]], self = deps[["packageFullName"]],
            # Map(dep = deps[[depsCol]][whHasDeps], self = deps[["packageFullName"]][whHasDeps],
            function(dep, self) {
              if (!is.null(dep)) {

                  rmCols <- intersect(colnames(dep), c(deps(TRUE), deps(FALSE)))
                  if (length(rmCols))
                    set(dep, NULL, rmCols, NULL)
                  # if (dotDepth %in% colnames(dep) && !all(diff(dep[[dotDepth]]) >= 0)) {
                  #   if (!exists("sorted")) sorted <<- 0
                  #   sorted <<- sorted + 1
                  #   setorderv(dep, cols = dotDepth)
                  # } else {
                  #   if (!exists("unsorted")) unsorted <<- 0
                  #   unsorted <<- unsorted + 1
                  # }

                  keepCols <- intersect(colnames(dep), c(keepCols, .txtGitHubParsedCols))
                  if (simplify >= 0)
                    dep <- dep[!duplicated(dep[["Package"]])]
                  set(dep, NULL, c("packageFullName", "parentPackage"),
                      list(cleanPkgs(dep[["packageFullName"]]), cleanPkgs(dep[["parentPackage"]])))
                  dep <- rmBase(includeBase, dep)
                  dep <- dep[, ..keepCols] # includeSelf added some cols
                  # setnames(dep, old = depsCol, new = "deps")
                dep <- addSelf(includeSelf, dep, self)
                if (!is.null(dep))
                  setorderv(dep, cols = c("Package", intersect(dotDepth, colnames(dep))))# <- dep[order(dep$Package)]

      keepColsOuter <- c("Package", "packageFullName", "parentPackage", depsCol)
      keepColsOuter <- intersect(colnames(deps), keepColsOuter)
      deps <- deps[, ..keepColsOuter]
      # trimRedundancies is better for following the deps, but it will fail to keep original
      #   user request. Use only duplicated instead ... to keep user order

      if (keepVersionNumber %in% FALSE) {
        deps <- Map(pkgFN = deps$deps, function(pkgFN) pkgFN[["Package"]])
      } else if (simplify %in% TRUE) {
        # collapse or not to list of character vector
        pfn <- deps$packageFullName
        if (getOption("Require.offlineMode") && !depsCol %in% colnames(deps)) {
          deps <- lapply(pfn, function(x) list(NULL))
        } else {
          deps <- lapply(deps[[depsCol]], function(x) x[["packageFullName"]])
        names(deps) <- pfn

  } else {
    deps <- toPkgDepDT(packages)
    # names(deps) <- unlist(deps)


getPkgDeps <- function(pkgDT, parentPackage, recursive, which, repos, type, includeBase,
                       includeSelf, libPaths, verbose, .depth = 0, .counter, grandp) {

  if (is.list(which)) which <- which[[1]]

  cols <- c("red", "blue", "yellow", "green", "black", "turquoise", "cyan")

  lim <- 5
  if (isNotNULLAnd(.depth, .depth <= lim))
    messageVerbose(get(cols[.depth + 1])(paste(rep("  ", .depth), collapse = ""),
                   verbose = .depth <= (lim ) && verbose >= 3)
  deps <- NULL
  snTr <- sn(TRUE)
  snFa <- sn(FALSE)
  depTr <- deps(TRUE)
  depFa <- deps(FALSE)
  caFa <- cached(FALSE)
  caTr <- cached(TRUE)

  if (NROW(pkgDT) > 0) { # this will skip any pkgDT that has no deps, breaks out of recursion
    if (is(pkgDT, "list")) pkgDT <- pkgDT[[1]]
    pkgDT <- toPkgDTFull(pkgDT)
    pkgDT <- rmRifInPackageCol(pkgDT)
    isInBase <- pkgDT$Package %in% .basePkgs
    if (!all(isInBase)) {
      pkgDTBase <- splitKeepOrderAndDTIntegrity(pkgDT, splitOn = isInBase)
      if (NROW(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]])) {
        pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]] <- getDeps(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]], which, recursive = recursive,
                                        repos = repos, type = type, libPaths = libPaths, verbose = verbose)
        hasDeps <- sapply(pkgDTBase$`FALSE`[[depFa]], NROW) > 0
        if (any(hasDeps)) {
          if (recursive %in% TRUE && any(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]]$cachedTRUE %in% FALSE)) {
            which <- setdiff(which, "Suggests")
            pkgDTNeedRecursive <-
                                           splitOn = pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]]$cachedTRUE %in% FALSE)

            pkgDTNeedRecursive[["TRUE"]][[depFa]] <-
              # out <-
              Map(pkgDT = pkgDTNeedRecursive[["TRUE"]][[depFa]],
                  pp = pkgDTNeedRecursive[["TRUE"]]$packageFullName,
                  .counter = seq(NROW(pkgDTNeedRecursive[["TRUE"]])),
                  function(pkgDT, pp, .counter, grandp)
                    getPkgDeps(pkgDT, parentPackage = pp,
                               grandp = parentPackage,
                               .counter = .counter,
                               recursive = recursive, which = which, repos = repos,
                               type = type, includeBase = includeBase,
                               includeSelf = includeSelf,
                               libPaths = libPaths,
                               .depth = .depth + 1, verbose = verbose))

            pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]] <- appendRecursiveToDeps(pkgDTNeedRecursive, caTr, depFa, caFa, snFa, depTr, snTr)
            hasRecursiveTRUE <- !is.na(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[snTr]])
            whHasRecursiveTRUE <- which(hasRecursiveTRUE)
            whNotHasRecTRUE <- which(!hasRecursiveTRUE)

            if (length(whNotHasRecTRUE)) {
              if (!is.null(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[snFa]]))
                set(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]], whNotHasRecTRUE, snTr,
              if (!is.null(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[depFa]]))
                set(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]], whNotHasRecTRUE, depTr,
            # noSnTr <- which(is.na(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[snTr]]))
            # set(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]],  NULL, snTr, gsub("FALSE$", "TRUE", pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[snTr]]))
            # if (length(whHasRecursiveTRUE)) {
            #   set(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]],  NULL, snTr,
            #       gsub("FALSE$", "TRUE", pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[snTr]]))
            # }
            # }
            #   len <- length(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[depTr]][whHasRecursiveTRUE])
            # moveDeps <- FALSE
            # if (len < 16) moveDeps <- is.null(unlist(moveDeps))
            # if (!moveDeps) {
            #   set(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]], whHasRecursiveTRUE, depTr, pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[depTr]][whHasRecursiveTRUE])
            # } else {
            #   set(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]], NULL, depTr, lapply(seq(NROW(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]])), function(x) emptyDT()))
            # }

            isNULL <- sapply(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]][[depTr]][whHasRecursiveTRUE], is.null)
            if (any(!isNULL)) {
              assignPkgDTdepsToSaveNames(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]], recursive = TRUE)#,
                                         #rowsToUpdate = whHasRecursiveTRUE[!isNULL])
              # if (!all(sapply(seq(NROW(pkgDT))[!is.na(pkgDT$snFALSE)], function(i)
              #   isTRUE(all.equal(pkgDT[[depTr]][[i]], get(pkgDT[[snTr]][i], envir = envPkgDepDeps()))))))
        } else {
          keep <- match(colnames(pkgDTBase[["FALSE"]]), c(depFa, caFa)) |> na.omit()
                   old = c(depFa, caFa)[keep],
                   new = c(depTr, caTr)[keep])

      pkgDT <- rbindlistNULL(pkgDTBase, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)


  pkgDT <- addDepthAndParentPkg(pkgDT, nam = parentPackage, .depth)


#' The `packages` argument may have up to 4 pieces of information for GitHub
#' packages: name, repository, branch, version. For CRAN-alikes, it will only
#' be 2 pieces: name, version. There can also be an inequality or equality, if
#' there is a version.
#' @param repos is used for `ap`.
#' @details
#' If version is not supplied, it will take the local, installed version, if it
#' exists. Otherwise, it is assumed that the HEAD is desired.
#' The function will find it in the `ap` or on `github.com`. For github packages,
#' this is obviously a slow step, which can be accelerated if user supplies a sha
#' or a version e.g., getDeps("PredictiveEcology/LandR@development (==1.0.2)")
#' @inheritParams pkgDep
#' @param pkgDT A `pkgDT` object e.g., from `toPkgDT`
#' @return
#' A (named) vector of SaveNames, which is a concatenation of the 2 or 4 elements
#' above, plus the `which` and the `recursive`.
getDeps <- function(pkgDT, which, recursive, type = type, repos, libPaths, verbose) {

  for (tf in c(TRUE, FALSE))
    if (is.null(pkgDT[[cached(tf)]]))
      set(pkgDT, NULL, cached(tf), FALSE)
  set(pkgDT, which(pkgDT$Package %in% .basePkgs), cached(FALSE), TRUE)
  set(pkgDT, which(pkgDT$Package %in% .basePkgs), cached(TRUE), TRUE)

  if (getOption("Require.useCache", TRUE)) {
    pkgDT <- getFromCache(pkgDT, which, recursive)

  if (any(!pkgDT[[cached(recursive)]] %in% TRUE) &&
      sum(!pkgDT[["Package"]][!pkgDT[[cached(recursive)]]] %in% .basePkgs)) {

    recursiveHere <- FALSE
    set(pkgDT, NULL, "ord", seq(NROW(pkgDT)))
    pkgDTCached <- splitKeepOrderAndDTIntegrity(pkgDT, pkgDT[[cached(recursiveHere)]])
    messageVerbose("Not in Cache: ", paste(unique(pkgDTCached[["FALSE"]]$Package), collapse = comma),
                   verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 3)
    whichCatRecursive <- whichCatRecursive(which, recursiveHere)
    isGH <- !is.na(pkgDTCached[["FALSE"]]$githubPkgName)
    pkgDTNonGH <- pkgDTGH <- NULL
    if (!all(pkgDTCached[["FALSE"]]$Package %in% .basePkgs)) {
      if (any(!isGH)) {
        pkgDTNonGH <- getDepsNonGH(pkgDTCached[["FALSE"]][!isGH], repos, type = type, verbose,
                                   which = which, whichCatRecursive, libPaths = libPaths)
      if (any(isGH)) {
        pkgDTGH <- getDepsGH(pkgDTCached[["FALSE"]][isGH], verbose, which = which, whichCatRecursive,
                             libPaths = libPaths)
      pkgDTCached[["FALSE"]] <- rbindlistNULL(list(pkgDTNonGH, pkgDTGH), use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
    pkgDT <- rbindlist(pkgDTCached, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
    pkgDT <- pkgDT[order(pkgDT$ord)]


pkgDepCRAN <- function(pkgDT, which, repos, type, libPaths, verbose) {

  num <- NROW(unique(pkgDT$Package)) # can have src and bin listed
  messageVerbose("  ", num, " ", singularPlural(c("package", "packages"), v = num),
                 " on CRAN", verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 3)

  if (!is.data.table(pkgDT))
    pkgDT <- toPkgDT(pkgDT) |> parsePackageFullname()

  pkgDT <- #try(
    joinToAvailablePackages(pkgDT, repos, type, which, verbose)

  if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode") %in% TRUE)) { # if available.packages wasn't available, it turns offlineMode TRUE
    # )
    # if (is(pkgDT2, "try-error")) {
    #   o <- options()
    #   sc <- sys.calls()
    #   out <- mget(ls())
    #   save(out, file = "/home/emcintir/tmp/out.rda")
    #   stop()
    # }
    # pkgDT <- pkgDT2

    needsVersionCheck <- !is.na(pkgDT$versionSpec) # | !is.na(pkgDT$VersionOnRepos)
    set(pkgDT, NULL, "availableVersionOK", NA) # default

    if (any(needsVersionCheck)) {
      pkgDT <- availableVersionOK(pkgDT)

      # pkgDTVerNums <- split(pkgDT, f = needsVersionCheck)
      # # setnames(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`, old = "Version", "VersionOnRepos")
      # pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE` <- availableVersionOK(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`)
      # # setnames(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`, old = "VersionOnRepos", "Version")
      # set(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`, NULL, "keep", seq(NROW(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`)))
      # dups <- duplicated(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`$Package)
      # pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`[which(dups), keep := if (any(availableVersionOK)) .I[availableVersionOKthisOne][1] else .I, by = "Package"]
      # pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE` <- pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`[na.omit(unique(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`$keep))]
      # set(pkgDTVerNums$`TRUE`, NULL, "keep", NULL) # remove "keep" column; no longer needed
      # pkgDT <- rbindlist(pkgDTVerNums, fill = TRUE)

      #, availableVersionOK := compareVersion2(Version, versionSpec, inequality)]
    } else {
      set(pkgDT, NULL, "availableVersionOK", TRUE)

    inCurrentCRAN <- inCurrentCRAN(pkgDT, verbose)

    if (any(!inCurrentCRAN)) {
      set(pkgDT, which(!inCurrentCRAN), "repoLocation", "Archive")
      pkgDTList <- split(pkgDT, by = "repoLocation")
      dups <- duplicated(pkgDTList$Archive$Package) # b/c will hvae src and bin --> not needed any more
      pkgDTList$Archive <- pkgDTList$Archive[which(!dups)]
      num <- NROW(pkgDTList$Archive$Package)
      messageVerbose(paste(pkgDTList$Archive$packageFullName, collapse = comma), " ",
                     "not on CRAN; checking CRAN archives ... ", verbose = verbose)
      pkgDTList <- getArchiveDESCRIPTION(pkgDTList, repos, which, libPaths = libPaths, verbose, purge = FALSE)
      wcr <- whichCatRecursive(which, recursive = FALSE)
      hadArchive <- !is.na(pkgDTList$Archive$VersionOnRepos)
      whHadArchive <- which(hadArchive)
      didntFindOnArchives <- is.na(pkgDTList[["Archive"]]$DESCFileFull)
      if (any(didntFindOnArchives)) {
        messageVerbose(red("   Did not find archives of: ",
                           paste(pkgDTList[["Archive"]]$packageFullName[didntFindOnArchives], collapse = comma),
                           "\n   --> Maybe version misspecified or were they installed locally?"))


      messageVerbose("    Done evaluating archives!", verbose = verbose)
      pkgDT <- rbindlistNULL(pkgDTList, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)


#' @inheritParams Require
pkgDepGitHub <- function(pkgDT, which, includeBase = FALSE, libPaths, verbose = getOption("Require.verbose")) {

  pkg <- masterMainToHead(pkgDT$packageFullName)

  localVersionOK <- pkgDT$installedVersionOK
  if (is.null(localVersionOK)) {
    pkgDT <- installedVersionOKPrecise(pkgDT, libPaths = libPaths)
    localVersionOK <- pkgDT$installedVersionOK

  if (any(!localVersionOK %in% TRUE)) {
    pkgDTNotLocal <- dlGitHubDESCRIPTION(pkgDT[!localVersionOK %in% TRUE], purge = FALSE)
  if (any(localVersionOK %in% TRUE)) {
    # pkgDT[localVersionOK %in% TRUE, DESCFile := base::system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = Package), by = "Package"]
    pkgDT[localVersionOK %in% TRUE, DESCFile := localFiles, by = "Package"]

    if (exists("pkgDTNotLocal", inherits = FALSE)) {
      pkgDT <- rbindlist(list(pkgDT[localVersionOK %in% TRUE], pkgDTNotLocal), fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
      setorderv(pkgDT, "ord")

  } else {
    pkgDT <- pkgDTNotLocal

  hasVersionNum <- grep(grepExtractPkgs, pkgDT$packageFullName)# pkgDT$hasVers # grep(grepExtractPkgs, pkgDT$packageFullName)
  isHEAD <- grep("(HEAD)", pkgDT$packageFullName)
  if (length(isHEAD)) {
    set(pkgDT, isHEAD, "availableVersionOK", TRUE)
    hasVersionNum <- setdiff(hasVersionNum, isHEAD)
  set(pkgDT, NULL, "availableVersionOK", NA)
  if (length(hasVersionNum)) {
    if (!isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
      pkgDT[hasVersionNum, VersionOnRepos := DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV(DESCFile, purge = FALSE)]
      if (is.null(pkgDT$versionSpec)) {
        pkgDT[hasVersionNum, versionSpec := extractVersionNumber(packageFullName)]
        pkgDT[hasVersionNum, inequality := extractInequality(packageFullName)]
      isHEAD <- pkgDT$versionSpec %in% "HEAD"
      if (any(isHEAD)) {
        pkgDT[which(isHEAD), availableVersionOK := TRUE]
        hasVersionNum <- hasVersionNum[which(!isHEAD)]
      pkgDT[hasVersionNum, availableVersionOK := compareVersion2(VersionOnRepos, versionSpec, inequality)]

  pkgDepDTOuter <- updateWithRemotesNamespaceAddRepos2(pkgDT, which, purge = FALSE, includeBase, verbose = verbose)


getDepsNonGH <- function(pkgDT, repos, verbose, type, which,
                           whichCatRecursive, libPaths, doSave = TRUE) {
  pkgDT <- toPkgDTFull(pkgDT)

  pkgDT <- pkgDepCRAN(pkgDT, which = which, repos = repos, type = type, libPaths = libPaths, verbose = verbose)

  if (endsWith(whichCatRecursive, "FALSE")) { # this is joining the ap, so can only be recursive = FALSE
    if (isTRUE(doSave)) {
      # could be archived from CRAN
      onCRAN <- if (!is.null(pkgDT$VersionOnRepos)) !is.na(pkgDT$VersionOnRepos) else rep(FALSE, NROW(pkgDT))
      whOnCRAN <- which(onCRAN)
      if (any(onCRAN)) {
        pkgDT <- assignPkgDTtoSaveNames(pkgDT, rowsToUpdate = whOnCRAN, which, verbose, whichCatRecursive)


getDepsGH <- function(pkgDT, verbose, which, whichCatRecursive, libPaths, doSave = TRUE) {
  if (!is.data.table(pkgDT)) {
    pkgDT <- toPkgDTFull(pkgDT)

  pkgDT <- installedVersionOKPrecise(pkgDT, libPaths = libPaths)
  pkgDT <- parsePackageFullname(pkgDT, sorted = FALSE) # this sorted previously; now no
  # pkgDT <- whichToInstall(pkgDT, install = TRUE)

  # if (isTRUE(any(!pkgDT$installedVersionOK) && any(duplicated(pkgDT[["Package"]])))) {
  #   # This is helpful if there are many branches of the same package, this can shorten the time,
  #   #   but also, if a package branch is defunct, another branch's min version requirements
  #   #   may make that defunct branch obsolete, so don't check it
  #   pkgDT <- trimRedundancies(pkgDT) #
  # }
  installedOK <- pkgDT$installedVersionOK
  installedNotOK <- !installedOK
  shas <- character(NROW(pkgDT))
  set(pkgDT, NULL, "shas", shas)
  areNULLs <- rep(TRUE, NROW(pkgDT))
  if (isTRUE(any(installedNotOK))) {
    versionInPkgEnv <-
      getVersionOptionPkgEnv(paste0(pkgDT$Account[installedNotOK], "_", pkgDT$Package[installedNotOK]),
                             verNum = pkgDT$versionSpec[installedNotOK],
                             inequ = pkgDT$inequality[installedNotOK])
    if (!is.null(versionInPkgEnv)) {
      areNULLs <- sapply(versionInPkgEnv, is.null)
    if (any(areNULLs) || length(areNULLs) == 0) {
      installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv <- installedNotOK[areNULLs]
      installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnvWh <- which(installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv)
      for (i in 1:2) {
        brLocals <- if (i == 1) pkgDT$Branch[installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv] else rep("main", length(installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv))
        haveLocalSHAfull <- grepl("^[[:alnum:]]{40}$", pkgDT$installedSha) # full length
        haveLocalSHA <- haveLocalSHAfull & !installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv # full length
        installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv <- installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv & !haveLocalSHA
        installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnvWh <- which(installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv)
        if (length(installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnvWh)) {
          shaOuts <- try( # This try is for "no internet"
              repo = pkgDT$Repo[installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnvWh],
              acct = pkgDT$Account[installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnvWh],
              br = pkgDT$Branch[installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnvWh],
              verbose = verbose,
            ), silent = TRUE
          if (is(shaOuts, "try-error")) {
            if (any(grepl(messageCantFind("|", "|", "|"), shaOuts)))
            if (any(grepl("Could not resolve host", shaOuts))) {
              shaOuts <- ""
          individualFails <- vapply(shaOuts, is, "try-error", FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
          if (any(individualFails)) {
            shaOuts[individualFails] <- Map(sh = shaOuts[individualFails], function(sh) "")
          pkgDT[installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnvWh, shas := unlist(shaOuts)]
        if (sum(installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv %in% FALSE)) {
          pkgDT[which(installedNoOKAndNoPkgEnv %in% FALSE), shas := installedSha]
        needVersion <- needVersions(pkgDT)
        # if (any(needVersion)) {
        descs <- dlGitHubDESCRIPTION(pkgDT)#$packageFullName)
        pkgDT[descs, descFiles := DESCFile,  on = "packageFullName"]
        wh <- which(!is.na(pkgDT$descFiles))
        if (isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
          fe <- file.exists(pkgDT$descFiles)
          wh <- wh[fe]
        pkgDT[wh, Version := DESCRIPTIONFileVersionV(descFiles)]
        possPkgUpdate <- DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV(pkgDT$descFiles[wh], other = "Package")
        correctPkgName <- possPkgUpdate == pkgDT$Package[wh]
        if (any(correctPkgName %in% FALSE)) {
          set(pkgDT, wh, "Package", possPkgUpdate)
          set(pkgDT, wh, "githubPkgName", possPkgUpdate)
        # }


  dups <- duplicated(pkgDT$packageFullName)
  if (any(dups))
    pkgDT <- pkgDT[!dups]

  # next changes order
  out <- pkgDepGitHub(pkgDT = pkgDT, which = which,
                      includeBase = FALSE, libPaths = libPaths, verbose = verbose)
  rec <- FALSE # this function is only one time through

  val <- unname(out)
  if (length(val) == 0)
    val <- lapply(seq_len(NROW(pkgDT)), function(x)
      data.table(Package = character(), which = character(), packageFullName = character()))
  set(pkgDT, NULL, deps(FALSE), val)

  # rec <- recursiveType(whichCatRecursive)
  snHere <- sn(rec)
  set(pkgDT, NULL, snHere, saveNameConcat(pkgDT, whichCatRecursive))

  if (isTRUE(doSave)) {
    pkgDT <- assignPkgDTdepsToSaveNames(pkgDT = pkgDT, recursive = rec)


saveNameConcat <- function(pkgDT, whichCatRecursive = NULL, versionCol = c("Version", "versionSpec"), shasCol = "shas") {
  p <- pkgDT

  if (is.null(p$repoLocation)) {
    isGH <- isGitHub(p$packageFullName)
  } else {
    isGH <- p$repoLocation %in% .txtGitHub
  if (any(isGH)) {
    p <- toPkgDTFull(p)
  if (length(versionCol) > 1)
    versionCol <- intersect(versionCol, colnames(pkgDT))[1]
  if (is.null(pkgDT[[shasCol]]))
    shasCol <- "Branch"

  out <- with(p, ifelse(isGH,
                        saveNameConcat2(argsCh = saveNameOrderGH(versionCol, shasCol)),
                        saveNameConcat2(argsCh = saveNameOrderNonGH(versionCol))))
                        # saveNameConcatGH(Package, get(versionCol), Account, Repo, Branch, get(shasCol)),
                        # saveNameConcatNonGH(Package, get(versionCol))))

  isCRAN <- p$repoLocation %in% "CRAN"
  val <- p$repoLocation
  if (any(isCRAN))
    val[isCRAN] <- gsub(":|/", "_", p$Repository[isCRAN])
  paste(out, val, whichCatRecursive, sep = sepForSaveNames)

saveNameConcat2 <- function(argsCh, envir = parent.frame()) {
  mget(argsCh, envir = envir) |>
    append(list(paste, sep = sepForSaveNames)) |>
    do.call(what = Map) |>
    unlist() |>
  # unname(unlist(do.call(Map, append(mget(argsCh, envir = envir), list(paste, sep = sepForSaveNames)))))

saveNameOrderNonGH <- function(Version = "Version") {
  c("Package", Version)
saveNameOrderGH <- function(Version, shas = "shas") {
  c(saveNameOrderNonGH(Version), "Account", "Repo", "Branch", shas)

sepForSaveNames <- "__"
sepForWhich <- "_"

# saveNamesLabel <- function(pkgDT) {
#   if (!is.null(pkgDT$Account)) {
#     isGH <- !is.na(pkgDT$Account)
#   } else {
#     isGH <- rep(FALSE, NROW(pkgDT))
#   }
#   set(pkgDT, NULL, "label", pkgDT$Package)
#   set(pkgDT, which(isGH), "label",
#       paste0(pkgDT$Account[isGH], "/",
#              pkgDT$Repo[isGH], "@",
#              pkgDT$Branch[isGH]))
#   paste0(pkgDT$label, " (==", pkgDT$Version, ")")
# }

needVersions <- function(pkgDT) {
  if ("Version" %in% colnames(pkgDT)) {
    needVersions <- is.na(pkgDT$Version)
  } else {
    needVersions <- rep(TRUE, NROW(pkgDT))

updateWithRemotesNamespaceAddRepos2 <- function(pkgDT, which, purge, includeBase, verbose) {
  if (!"shas" %in% colnames(pkgDT))
    set(pkgDT, NULL, "shas", pkgDT$Branch)
  fe <- seq_len(NROW(pkgDT))
  if (isTRUE(getOption("Require.offlineMode"))) {
    fe <- which(file.exists(pkgDT$DESCFile))

  out <- pkgDT[fe, list(# packageFullName = packageFullName,
                      lis = {
    allDeps <- DESCRIPTIONFileDeps(DESCFile, which = c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests", "LinkingTo"),
                                  purge = purge, keepSeparate = TRUE)
    needed <- allDeps[which]
    notNeeded <- allDeps[setdiff(names(allDeps), which)]
    neededAdditionalRepos <- DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV(DESCFile, other = "Additional_repositories")
    neededRemotes <- DESCRIPTIONFileDeps(DESCFile, which = "Remotes", purge = purge)
    pfn <- gsub("(@).+( *)", paste0("\\1", shas, "\\2"), packageFullName)
    # Change branch to use sha
    uwrnar(needed = needed, notNeeded = notNeeded, neededRemotes, installedVersionOK, Package,
           pfn, neededAdditionalRepos, shas = shas, includeBase, localFiles = localFiles, verbose)
  }), by = "packageFullName"]

  out1 <- out$lis
  names(out1) <- out$packageFullName

uwrnar <- function(needed, notNeeded, neededRemotes, installedVersionOK, Package,
                   # Repo, Account, Branch, hasSubFolder,
                   packageFullName, neededAdditionalRepos, shas,
                   includeBase, localFiles, verbose) {
  neededOrig <- needed
  if (!is.null(unlist(neededOrig))) {
    needed <- unname(unlist(needed))
    neededRemotesName <- extractPkgName(neededRemotes)
    neededName <- extractPkgName(needed)
    notNeededName <- c(extractPkgName(unname(unlist(notNeeded))))

    needSomeRemotesNames <- setdiff(neededRemotesName, notNeededName)
    needSomeRemotes <- neededName %in% needSomeRemotesNames
    notNeededRemotes <- setdiff(neededRemotesName, neededName)
    if (length(notNeededName)) {
      somehowMissing <- setdiff(neededRemotesName, c(notNeededRemotes, needSomeRemotes))
      # needSomeRemotes <- neededName %in% neededRemotesName
      dontMatch <- neededRemotes[match(somehowMissing, neededRemotesName)]
      if (length(dontMatch)) { # These either are missing from Depends/Imports/Suggests but are in Remotes
        #  or else the package name doesn't match the GitHub repo name e.g., BioSIM = RNCan/BioSimClient_R
        #  Need to try to figure out which it is for the dontMatch
        Packages <- Map(packageFullName = trimVersionNumber(dontMatch), function(packageFullName) {
          descFiles <- dlGitHubDESCRIPTION(packageFullName)
          DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV(descFiles[["DESCFile"]], "Package")
        whPackages <- match(extractPkgName(needed), unname(unlist(Packages))) |> na.omit()
        Packages <- Packages[whPackages]

        RepoNotPkgName <- !mapply(pack = Packages, nam = names(Packages), function(pack, nam) {
          extractPkgGitHub(nam) == pack

        if (any(RepoNotPkgName)) {
          addToNeededName <- neededName %in% unname(Packages[RepoNotPkgName])
          needSomeRemotes[addToNeededName] <- TRUE
          neededName <- unique(c(neededName, extractPkgName(names(Packages)[RepoNotPkgName])))

    if (any(needSomeRemotes)) {
      hasVersionNum <- grep(grepExtractPkgs, needed[needSomeRemotes])
      if (length(hasVersionNum)) {
        neededInRemotesWVersion <- needed[needSomeRemotes][hasVersionNum]
        vn <- extractVersionNumber(neededInRemotesWVersion)
        ineq <- extractInequality(neededInRemotesWVersion)
        neededPkgsInRemotes <-
        inequWVN <- paste0(" (", ineq, " ", vn, ")")
        remotes <- neededRemotes[neededRemotesName %in% neededName]
        whNeedVN <-
          match(neededPkgsInRemotes, extractPkgName(remotes))
        remotesWVN <- remotes[whNeedVN]
        remotesWVN <- paste0(remotesWVN, inequWVN)
        remotesWoVN <-
          if (length(neededRemotes) != length(whNeedVN)) {
          } else {
        remotesAll <- c(remotesWVN, remotesWoVN)
      } else {
        remotesAll <- neededRemotes[neededRemotesName %in% neededName]
      needed <- c(needed[!needSomeRemotes], remotesAll)

    # Check NAMESPACE too -- because imperfect DESCRIPTION files
    if (isTRUE(installedVersionOK)) {
      # namespaceFile <- base::system.file("NAMESPACE", package = Package)
      namespaceFile <- file.path(dirname(localFiles), "NAMESPACE")
    } else {
      namespaceFile <-
    if (is.null(namespaceFile)) {
      depsFromNamespace <- NULL
    } else {
      rr <- readLines(namespaceFile)
      depsFromNamespace <- gsub(", except.*(\\))$", "\\1", rr)
      depsFromNamespace <-
          grep("^import", depsFromNamespace, value = TRUE)
      depsFromNamespace <-
        unique(gsub("^import\\((.+)\\)", "\\1", depsFromNamespace))
      depsFromNamespace <- gsub(",.*", "", depsFromNamespace)
      depsFromNamespace <- gsub("\\\"", "", depsFromNamespace)

    bp <- if (isTRUE(includeBase)) {
    } else {
    # needed could have version number specification
    neededReally <- union(needed, depsFromNamespace)
    neededReally <- neededReally[!extractPkgName(neededReally) %in% bp]
    neededReally <- rmRifInPackageCol(neededReally)

    pkgDepDT <- toPkgDepDT(neededReally, needed,
                           Package, verbose)

    if (exists("Packages", inherits = FALSE)) {
      whOverride <- match(names(Packages)[RepoNotPkgName], pkgDepDT$packageFullName)
      set(pkgDepDT, whOverride, "Package", unname(unlist(Packages[RepoNotPkgName])))
    if (!is.na(neededAdditionalRepos))
      pkgDepDT[, Additional_repositories := neededAdditionalRepos]

    neededWithWhich <- unlist(neededOrig, use.names = TRUE)
    neededWithWhich <- list(Package = extractPkgName(unname(neededWithWhich)),
                            # packageFullName = neededWithWhich,
                            which = names(neededWithWhich)) |>
    set(neededWithWhich, NULL, "which", gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", neededWithWhich[["which"]]))
    pkgDepDT <- neededWithWhich[pkgDepDT, on = "Package"]
  } else {
    pkgDepDT <- toPkgDepDT(NULL, needed, Package, verbose)
    set(pkgDepDT, NULL, "which", character())


fillDefaults <- function(fillFromFn, envir = parent.frame()) {
  i <- 0
  sf <- sys.frames()
  len <- length(sf)
  for (en in rev(sf)) {
    i  = i + 1
    if (identical(en, envir))
  whFrame <- len - i + 1
  # whFrame <- which(sapply(sys.frames(), function(en) identical(en, envir)))
  mc <- match.call(sys.function(whFrame), call = sys.call(whFrame))
  used <- names(mc)[-1]
  forms <- formalArgs(eval(as.list(mc[1])[[1]]))
  # miss <- setdiff(forms, used)
  miss <- forms[!forms %in% used]
  for (m in miss) {
    defVal <- eval(formals(fillFromFn)[[m]])
    assign(m, defVal, envir = parent.frame())

#' @importFrom utils download.file untar
#' @include messages.R
getArchiveDESCRIPTION <- function(pkgDTList, repos, purge = FALSE, which, libPaths, verbose = getOption("Require.cloneFrom")) {

  tmpdir <- tempdir3() # faster than tempdir2
    unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
  }, add = TRUE)
  pkgDTList$Archive <- identifyLocalFiles(pkgDTList$Archive, repos = repos, purge = purge,
                                          libPaths = libPaths, verbose = verbose)
  haveLocal2 <- pkgDTList$Archive[["haveLocal"]] %in% .txtLocal
  if (any(haveLocal2))
    pkgDTList$Archive[, PackageUrl := file.path(Package, basename(localFile))]
  if (!all(haveLocal2)) {
    # downloadArchive takes a list with an element called "Archive" so can't split on "Archive" here
    # noLocals <- pkgDTList$Archive$haveLocal2 %in% TRUE
    txtArchiveHaveLocal <- "ArchiveHaveLocal"
    if (any(haveLocal2)) {
      pkgDTList[[txtArchiveHaveLocal]] <- pkgDTList$Archive[which(haveLocal2), ]
    pkgDTList$Archive <- pkgDTList$Archive[which(!haveLocal2), ]
    if (!is.null(pkgDTList$Archive)) {
      pkgDTList <- downloadArchive(pkgDTList, repos = repos, purge = purge,
                                   tmpdir = tmpdir, verbose = verbose)
    if (!is.null(pkgDTList[[txtArchiveHaveLocal]])) {
      pkgDTList$Archive <-
        rbindlist(pkgDTList[c("Archive", txtArchiveHaveLocal)],
                  fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)
      pkgDTList[[txtArchiveHaveLocal]] <- NULL

  # tmpdir <- tempdir3()
  # pkgDTList <- downloadArchive(pkgDTList, repos = repos, purge = purge,
  #                              tmpdir = tmpdir, verbose = verbose)

  if (any(!is.na(pkgDTList$Archive$PackageUrl))) {
    pkgDTList$Archive[!is.na(PackageUrl), DESCFileFull := {
      .DESCFileFull(PackageUrl, verbose, Repository, Package, tmpdir)
      }, by = "packageFullName"]

    gotDESC <- !is.na(pkgDTList$Archive$DESCFileFull)
    whGotDESC <- which(gotDESC)

    VoR <- DESCRIPTIONFileOtherV(pkgDTList$Archive[whGotDESC]$DESCFileFull, "Version")
    pkgDTList$Archive[whGotDESC, VersionOnRepos := VoR]
    deps <- DESCRIPTIONFileDepsV(
      which = which, keepSeparate = TRUE)
    names(deps) <- pkgDTList$Archive$packageFullName[whGotDESC]
    deps <- lapply(deps, function(x) {
      unlist(lapply(x, function(y) paste(y, collapse = comma)))
    deps <- do.call(rbind, deps)
    # deps <- invertList(deps)
    # deps <- as.data.table(deps)
    for (co in colnames(deps))
      set(pkgDTList$Archive, whGotDESC, co, deps[, co])

installed.packagesDeps <- function(ip, libPaths, which) {
  if (missing(ip))
    ip <- .installed.pkgs(lib.loc = libPaths, which = which)

  if (!is.data.table(ip))
    ip <- as.data.table(ip)

  ip[, deps := do.call(paste, append(.SD, list(sep = comma))), .SDcols=which]

  # remove trailing and initial commas
  set(ip, NULL, "deps", gsub("(, )+$", "", ip$deps))
  set(ip, NULL, "deps", gsub("^(, )+", "", ip$deps))
  # remove middle empty commas
  set(ip, NULL, "deps", gsub(", ,", ",", ip$deps))
  # remove empty, but no space
  set(ip, NULL, "deps", gsub("(,,)+", ",", ip$deps))

depsWithCommasToVector <- function(packageFullName, depsWithCommas) {
  # packageFullName is used to name the list
  ll <- strsplit(depsWithCommas, split = "(, {0,1})|(,\n)")
  names(ll) <- packageFullName
  ll <- lapply(ll, grep, pattern = .grepR, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
  ll <- lapply(ll, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])

cleanPkgs <- function(packageFullName, colsToClean = c("packageFullName", "parentPackage")) {
  if (is(packageFullName, "list")) {
    if (is.data.table(packageFullName[[1]])) {
      deps <- Map(pfn = packageFullName, function(pfn) {
        for (pk in colsToClean)
          set(pfn, NULL, pk, cleanPkgs(pfn[[pk]]))
    } else {
  pkgsCleaned <- gsub(.grepTooManySpaces, " ", packageFullName)
  pkgsCleaned <- gsub(.grepTabCR, "", pkgsCleaned)
  pkgsCleaned <- gsub("(\\S)\\(", "\\1 (", pkgsCleaned) # missing space before (
  gsub("(>|=|<)([[:digit:]])", "\\1 \\2", pkgsCleaned)

assignPkgDTtoSaveNames <- function(pkgDT, rowsToUpdate = seq_len(NROW(pkgDT)), which, verbose, whichCatRecursive,
                                   versionCol = "VersionOnRepos") {
  if (NROW(pkgDT[rowsToUpdate])) {
    deps3 <- depsWithCommasToPkgDT(pkgDT[rowsToUpdate], which)
    depsAll <- Map(toPkgDepDT, deps3, verbose = verbose)

    actualSN <- saveNameConcat(pkgDT[rowsToUpdate], whichCatRecursive, versionCol = versionCol)

    recursive <- recursiveType(whichCatRecursive)
    set(pkgDT, rowsToUpdate, sn(recursive), actualSN)
    set(pkgDT, rowsToUpdate, deps(recursive), unname(depsAll))

    # "cachedFALSE is FALSE, but the depsFALSE is already there!"

    pkgDT <- assignPkgDTdepsToSaveNames(pkgDT, rowsToUpdate, recursive = recursive)

sn <- function(recursive)
  .suffix("sn", recursive)

deps <- function(recursive)
  .suffix("deps", recursive)

cached <- function(recursive)
  .suffix("cached", recursive)

recursiveType <- function(x)
  as.logical(strsplit(x, split = "Recursive")[[1]][2])

.suffix <- function(x, suff)
  paste0(x, suff)

whichCatRecursive <- function(which, recursive) {
  whichCat <- paste(sort(which), collapse = sepForWhich)

  if (is.logical(recursive))
    recursive <- as.character(recursive)
  if (!startsWith(recursive, "Recursive"))
    recursive <- paste0("Recursive", recursive)
  paste(whichCat, recursive, sep = "")[1]

depsListToPkgDTWithWhichCol <- function(deps2) {
  deps3 <- lapply(deps2, function(dep) {
    dep1 <- unlist(dep, use.names = TRUE)
    dep2 <- list(Package = extractPkgName(unname(dep1)),
                 packageFullName = dep1,
                 which = names(dep1)) |>
    set(dep2, NULL, "which", gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", dep2[["which"]]))

#' Join a data.table with a `Package` column to `available.packages`
#' Will join `available.packages()` with `pkgDT`, if `pkgDT` does not already have
#' a column named `Depends`, which would be an indicator that this had already
#' happened.
#' @inheritParams getDeps
#' @return
#' The returned `data.table` will have most of the columns from
#' `available.packages` appended to the `pkgDT`, including `Depends`, `Imports`,
#' `Suggests`. It will change the column name that is normally
#'   returned from `available.packages` as `Version` to `VersionOnRepos`.
joinToAvailablePackages <- function(pkgDT, repos, type, which, verbose) {

  if (is.null(pkgDT[["Depends"]])) {
    if (any(!pkgDT$Package %in% .basePkgs)) {

      ap <- available.packagesCached(repos, purge = FALSE, verbose = verbose, type = type)
      # set(ap, NULL, "packageFullName", paste0(ap$Package, " (==", ap$Version, ")"))
      keep <- c("Package", "Version", "Repository", which)
      ap <- ap[ap$Package %in% pkgDT$Package][, ..keep]
      setnames(ap, old = "Version", new = "VersionOnRepos")
      cn <- setdiff(colnames(ap), c("Package", "packageFullName", which))
      onlyKeep <- c(setdiff(colnames(pkgDT), cn))

      # DON"T JOIN ON packageFullName because we want to know "what is on CRAN", not whether it is exact
      dups <- duplicated(ap$Package)
      pkgDT <- ap[!dups][pkgDT[, ..onlyKeep], on = c("Package")]

      # pkgDT <- ap[pkgDT[, ..onlyKeep], on = c("Package")] # ap[pkgDT, on = "Package"]
      # # typeIsDiffVers <- pkgDT[, .N, by = "Package"]
      # dups <- duplicated(pkgDT, by = c("Package")) # prev included "VersionOnRepos"; but this was always a diff version by "type"
      # if (any(dups))
      #   pkgDT <- pkgDT[!dups]

rmRifInPackageCol <- function(pkgDT) {
  if (is(pkgDT, "list")) {
    out <- lapply(pkgDT, rmRifInPackageCol)
  if (is.data.table(pkgDT)) {
    hasRasDep <- pkgDT[["Package"]] == "R"
    if (isTRUE(any(hasRasDep)))
      pkgDT <- pkgDT[-which(hasRasDep)]
    out <- pkgDT[]
  } else {
    out <- grep(.grepR, pkgDT, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

inCurrentCRAN <- function(pkgDT, verbose) {
  inCurrentCRAN <- !is.na(pkgDT$VersionOnRepos[!pkgDT$Package %in% .basePkgs]) # this is "removed and gone"
  if (isTRUE(any(!pkgDT$availableVersionOK %in% TRUE)))
    inCurrentCRAN <- inCurrentCRAN & pkgDT$availableVersionOK

  if (sum(inCurrentCRAN)) {
    if (any(inCurrentCRAN)) {
      num <- NROW(unique(pkgDT$Package[inCurrentCRAN]))
      messageVerbose("  Done for ", num, " ", singularPlural(c("package", "packages"), v = num),
                     " currently on CRAN!", verbose = verbose, verboseLevel = 3)

assignPkgDTdepsToSaveNames <- function(pkgDT, rowsToUpdate = seq(NROW(pkgDT)), recursive) {
  sn <- sn(recursive)
  deps <- deps(recursive)

  deps1 <- pkgDT[[deps]][rowsToUpdate]
  names(deps1) <- pkgDT[[sn]][rowsToUpdate]
  isDT <- unlist(lapply(deps1, is.data.table))
  if (!all(isDT)) {
    deps1[which(!isDT)] <- lapply(deps1[which(!isDT)], rbindlistRecursive)
  list2env(deps1, envir = envPkgDepDeps())
  set(pkgDT, rowsToUpdate, cached(recursive), TRUE)


addDepthAndParentPkg <- function(deps, nam, .depth) {
  if (!is.null(deps))
    if (!is.null(nam)) {
      if (is(deps, "list")) {
        return(Map(deps = deps, nam = names(deps), addDepthAndParentPkg, .depth = .depth))
      setDT(deps) # sometimes esp. on Mac:
      # Error in `set(deps, NULL, "parentPackage", nam)`: This data.table has either
      #   been loaded from disk (e.g. using readRDS()/load()) or constructed manually
      #   (e.g. using structure()). Please run setDT() or setalloccol() on it first
      #   (to pre-allocate space for new columns) before assigning by reference to it.

      set(deps, NULL, "parentPackage", nam)
      deps <- rmRifInPackageCol(deps)
      set(deps, NULL, ".depth", .depth)

reorderTo <- function(deps, packages) {
  deps[na.omit(match(packages, names(deps)))]

depsWithCommasToPkgDT <- function(pkgDT, which) {
  packageFullName <- pkgDT$packageFullName
  deps1 <- list()
  for (cn in which)
    deps1[[cn]] <- depsWithCommasToVector(packageFullName, pkgDT[[cn]])
  if (sum(lengths(deps1))) {
    deps2 <- invertList(deps1)
    deps1 <- depsListToPkgDTWithWhichCol(deps2)


#' Recursive function to remove `.basePkgs`
#' @param deps Either a list of dependencies, a data.table of dependencies with
#'   a column `Package` or a vector of dependencies.
#' @param includeBase Logical. If `FALSE`, the default, then base packages will
#'   be removed.
rmBase <- function(includeBase = formals(pkgDep)[["includeBase"]], deps) {
  if (includeBase %in% FALSE) {
    if (is(deps, "list")) {
      deps <- lapply(deps, rmBase, includeBase = includeBase)
    } else {
      if (NROW(deps)) {
        if (is(deps, "data.table")) {
          deps <- deps[!deps$Package %in% .basePkgs]

        } else {
          deps <- deps[!extractPkgName(deps) %in% .basePkgs]

addSelf <- function(includeSelf, deps, self) {
  if (includeSelf %in% TRUE) {
    if (is(deps, "list")) {
      deps <- Map(dep1 = deps, self = self, function(dep1, self) {
        addSelf(includeSelf, dep1, self)
    } else {
      deps <- rbindlist(list(toPkgDepDT(self), deps), fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)

toPkgDTFull <- function(pkgDT) {
  if (!is.data.table(pkgDT)) {
    packagesNames <- names(pkgDT)
    pkgDT <- toPkgDT(pkgDT)
  if (is.null(pkgDT$versionSpec))
    pkgDT <- parsePackageFullname(pkgDT, sorted = FALSE)
  if (is.null(pkgDT$Account))
    pkgDT <- parseGitHub(pkgDT)

  if (exists("packagesNames", inherits = FALSE))
    pkgDT <- updatePackagesWithNames(pkgDT, packagesNames)

  # set(pkgDT, NULL, "topLevelOrder", seq(NROW(pkgDT)))


#' `split` for a data.table that keeps integrity of a column of lists of data.table objects
#' `data.table::split` does 2 bad things:
#'  1. reorders if using `f`
#'  2. destroys the integrity of a column that is a list of data.tables, when using `by`
#' So, to keep order, need `by`, but to keep integrity, need `f`. This function
#' @inheritParams getDeps
#' @param splitOn Character vector passed to `data.table::split(..., f = splitOn)`
#' @return
#' A list of `data.table` objects of `length(unique(splitOn))`.
splitKeepOrderAndDTIntegrity <- function(pkgDT, splitOn) {
  # keeps order and integrity.
  # split reorders!! careful
  # The data.table "by" doesn't work -- the list of data.tables in the deps*** column doesn't work
  # pkgDTHaveDeps <- pkgDT[whHasDeps]
  # pkgDTHaveDeps <- split(pkgDTHaveDeps, by = "packageFullName", sorted = FALSE)
  # splitOn -- using the split.data.table with `f` treats as a factor, which can get reordered inadvertently

  # splitOn <- pkgDT$packageFullName[whHasDeps]
  splitOn <- factor(splitOn, levels = unique(splitOn)) # must keep order
  split(pkgDT, f = splitOn)
  # pkgDTHaveDeps <- split(pkgDT[whHasDeps], f = splitOn)

getFromCache <- function(pkgDT, which, recursive) {

  curCache <- names(envPkgDepDeps())
  # must be correct which & recursive too
  curCache <- grep(whichCatRecursive(which, ""), curCache, value = TRUE)
  maybeHaveCache <- Map(nam = pkgDT$packageFullName, sw = paste0(pkgDT$Package, sepForSaveNames),
                        function(nam, sw) which(startsWith(prefix = sw, curCache)))
  maybeHaveCacheCurCache <- unlist(maybeHaveCache)
  maybeHaveCacheDT <- list(Package = rep(pkgDT$Package, lengths(maybeHaveCache)),
                             packageFullName = rep(names(maybeHaveCache), lengths(maybeHaveCache)),
                           rowNum = maybeHaveCacheCurCache) |> setDT()

  if (any(maybeHaveCacheDT$packageFullName %in% pkgDT$packageFullName)) {
    lst <- sapply(maybeHaveCacheDT, is.list)
    keep <- setdiff(colnames(maybeHaveCacheDT), names(lst)[which(lst)])
    dups <- duplicated(maybeHaveCacheDT[, ..keep])
    if (any(dups)) {
      maybeHaveCacheDT <- maybeHaveCacheDT[which(!dups)]

    keep <- intersect(c("Package", "packageFullName", deps(FALSE)), colnames(pkgDT))
    keepShort <- keep[1:2]
    dups <- duplicated(pkgDT[, ..keepShort])
    pkgDT2 <- if (any(dups)) { pkgDT[which(!dups)] } else { pkgDT }

    maybeHaveCacheDT <- pkgDT2[, ..keep][maybeHaveCacheDT, on = c("Package", "packageFullName")]

    if (recursive %in% TRUE) {
      pkgDT <- getDepsFromCache(pkgDT, maybeHaveCacheDT, recursive = TRUE, curCache)
    # if (!allNotNull(pkgDT[[cached(TRUE)]]))
      pkgDT <- getDepsFromCache(pkgDT, maybeHaveCacheDT, recursive = FALSE, curCache)


getDepsFromCache <- function(pkgDT, maybeHaveCacheDT, recursive, curCache) {

  # if (!allNotNull(pkgDT[[cached(TRUE)]])) {

    # if (recursive %in% FALSE && !allNotNull(pkgDT[[cached(TRUE)]])) {
    if (is.null(pkgDT[[cached(recursive)]])) {
      alreadyCached <- rep(FALSE, NROW(pkgDT))
    } else {
      alreadyCached <- pkgDT[[cached(recursive)]] %in% TRUE

    if (any(alreadyCached)) {
      toRm <- maybeHaveCacheDT$packageFullName %in% pkgDT$packageFullName[alreadyCached]
      maybeHaveCacheDT <- maybeHaveCacheDT[!toRm]

    haveInCache <- endsWith(curCache[maybeHaveCacheDT$rowNum], as.character(recursive))

    if (isTRUE(any(haveInCache))) {
      isRecursiveTxt <- paste0("isRecursive", recursive)

      set(maybeHaveCacheDT, NULL, isRecursiveTxt, haveInCache)
      maybeHaveCacheDTRec <- maybeHaveCacheDT[which(haveInCache)]
      set(maybeHaveCacheDTRec, NULL, "curCache", curCache[maybeHaveCacheDTRec$rowNum])

      # quick for CRAN

      getFromCurCachePoss <- grepl(paste0(sepForSaveNames, "(CRAN)", sepForSaveNames, paste0(".+", recursive, "$")),
      # slow for GitHub
      if (any(getFromCurCachePoss %in% FALSE)) {
        maybeHaveCacheDTRec <- toPkgDTFull(maybeHaveCacheDTRec)
        if (any(!is.na(maybeHaveCacheDTRec$githubPkgName))) {
          colsForComparison <- intersect(c("Package", "Account", "Repo", "Branch"),
                                         saveNameOrderGH(Version = "Version"))
          colsForComparison <- c(colsForComparison, "repoLocation")
          wh <- maybeHaveCacheDTRec[
            , list(wh = all(greplV(unname(unlist(mget(colsForComparison))), curCache)))
            , by = seq(NROW(maybeHaveCacheDTRec))]$wh
          # wh <- with(maybeHaveCacheDTRec[, ..colsForComparison], {
          #   greplV(c(Package, Account, Repo, Branch, repoLocation),
          #                                        maybeHaveCacheDTRec$curCache)
          #   })
          getFromCurCachePoss <- getFromCurCachePoss | wh %in% TRUE

      versions <- sapply(strsplit(maybeHaveCacheDTRec$curCache, sepForSaveNames), function(x) x[2])
      set(maybeHaveCacheDTRec, NULL, "version", versions)
      haveCache <- getFromCurCachePoss
      CRANvOKbcNeedLatest <- is.null(maybeHaveCacheDTRec$inequality)
      if (CRANvOKbcNeedLatest %in% FALSE)
        CRANvOKbcNeedLatest <- is.na(maybeHaveCacheDTRec$inequality)
      if (isTRUE(any(!CRANvOKbcNeedLatest))) {
        #  This is anything that has an inequality or is NOT on CRAN
        isGitHead <- maybeHaveCacheDTRec$versionSpec %in% "HEAD" & maybeHaveCacheDTRec$repoLocation %in% "GitHub"
        if (any(isGitHead)) {
          maybeHaveCacheDTRec[which(isGitHead), correctVersionInCache := FALSE] # force re-check
          # hasVersionNum <- hasVersionNum[!isGitHead]
          CRANvOKbcNeedLatest[!isGitHead] <- CRANvOKbcNeedLatest[!isGitHead]
        maybeCRANOKNeedVerCheck <- CRANvOKbcNeedLatest %in% FALSE

        # correctVersionInCache -- if versionSpec is satisfied
        if (sum(maybeCRANOKNeedVerCheck)) {

          whMaybeCRANOK <- which(maybeCRANOKNeedVerCheck)
          isHEAD <- maybeHaveCacheDTRec$versionSpec[whMaybeCRANOK] %in% "HEAD"
          if (isTRUE(any(isHEAD %in% TRUE))) {
            maybeHaveCacheDTRec[whMaybeCRANOK[isHEAD], correctVersionInCache := FALSE]
          if (isTRUE(any(isHEAD %in% FALSE))) {
            maybeHaveCacheDTRec[whMaybeCRANOK[isHEAD %in% FALSE],
                                correctVersionInCache := compareVersion2(version, versionSpec, inequality)]


        # correctVersionInCache -- if CRANvOKbcNeedLatest
        if (sum(CRANvOKbcNeedLatest %in% TRUE))
          set(maybeHaveCacheDTRec, which(CRANvOKbcNeedLatest), "correctVersionInCache", TRUE)

        correctV <- maybeHaveCacheDTRec[["correctVersionInCache"]] %in% TRUE
        haveCache <- correctV | is.na(maybeHaveCacheDTRec[["correctVersionInCache"]])
        correct <- correctV | CRANvOKbcNeedLatest
        maybeHaveCacheDTRec <- maybeHaveCacheDTRec[which(correct)]
        getFromCurCachePoss <- correct[which(correct)]

      if (any(haveCache)) {

        set(maybeHaveCacheDTRec, NULL, "toGet", getFromCurCachePoss)

        whHaveCacheDT <- which(maybeHaveCacheDTRec[["toGet"]])
        whHaveCachePkgDT <-
          match(maybeHaveCacheDTRec[["packageFullName"]][whHaveCacheDT], pkgDT[["packageFullName"]])

        if (recursive %in% FALSE) {
          noColYet <- pkgDT[whHaveCachePkgDT][[deps(recursive)]]
          if (is.null(noColYet)) {
            a <- mget(maybeHaveCacheDTRec$curCache[whHaveCacheDT], envir = envPkgDepDeps())
            addEmpty <- FALSE
            if (length(a) <= 2) addEmpty <- is.null(unlist(a))
            if (addEmpty)
              a <- lapply(seq(NROW(pkgDT)), function(x) emptyDT())
            set(pkgDT, whHaveCachePkgDT, deps(recursive), unname(a))
          } else {
            # a <- lapply(whHaveCachePkgDT, function(x) data.table())#list(Package = NULL)
        } else {
          objs <- mget(maybeHaveCacheDTRec$curCache[whHaveCacheDT], envir = envPkgDepDeps()) |>
          # if (!identical(objs, pkgDT[[deps(recursive)]][whHaveCachePkgDT])) {
          set(pkgDT, whHaveCachePkgDT, deps(recursive), objs)
          # }

        set(pkgDT, whHaveCachePkgDT, cached(recursive), TRUE)
        set(pkgDT, whHaveCachePkgDT, sn(recursive), maybeHaveCacheDTRec$curCache[whHaveCacheDT])
  # }

emptyDT <- function()
  list(Package = character(), packageFullName = character(), which = character()) |> setDT()

grepV <- Vectorize(grep, vectorize.args = "pattern", SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
greplVint <- Vectorize(grepl, vectorize.args = "pattern", SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
greplV <- function(pattern, x, ...) {
  ww <- greplVint(pattern, x, ...)
  if (!is.matrix(ww)) ww <- t(as.matrix(ww))

allNotNull <- function(x) {
  ret <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(x))
    ret <- all(x %in% TRUE)

isNotNULLAnd <- function(x, cond) {
  ret <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(x))
    ret <- eval(cond)

appendRecursiveToDeps <- function(pkgDT, caTr, depFa, caFa, snFa, depTr, snTr) {
  if (!is.null(pkgDT[["TRUE"]][[depTr]]))
    set(pkgDT[["TRUE"]], NULL, depTr, NULL)

  if (!is.null(pkgDT[["TRUE"]][[caTr]]))
    set(pkgDT[["TRUE"]], NULL, caTr, NULL)

  if (!is.null(pkgDT[["TRUE"]][[snTr]]))
    set(pkgDT[["TRUE"]], NULL, snTr, NULL)

  chColNames <- c(depFa, caFa, snFa) %in% colnames(pkgDT[["TRUE"]])
  if (any(chColNames)) {
             old = c(depFa, caFa, snFa)[chColNames],
             new = c(depTr, caTr, snTr)[chColNames])

    set(pkgDT[["TRUE"]],  NULL, snTr, gsub("FALSE$", "TRUE", pkgDT[["TRUE"]][[snTr]]))

  needFlatten <- sapply(pkgDT[["TRUE"]][[depTr]],
                        function(x) !is.null(x[[depTr]]))
  if (sum(needFlatten)) {
    whNeedFlatten <- which(needFlatten)
    set(pkgDT[["TRUE"]], whNeedFlatten, depTr,
               function(ind) {



  pkgDT <- rbindlist(pkgDT, fill = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(pkgDT[[depFa]]))
    set(pkgDT, NULL, depFa, NULL) # remove non-recursive column for clearning memory
  if (!is.null(pkgDT[[snFa]]))
    set(pkgDT, NULL, snFa, NULL) # remove non-recursive column for clearning memory
  if (!is.null(pkgDT[[caFa]]))
    set(pkgDT, NULL, caFa, NULL) # remove non-recursive column for clearning memory

#' @include pkgDep.R
RequireDependencies <- function(libPaths = .libPaths()) {
  localRequireDir <- file.path(libPaths, "Require")
  de <- dir.exists(localRequireDir)
  RequireDeps <- character()
  if (any(de)) {
    localRequireDir <- localRequireDir[de][1]
    # The next line is `try` because during R CMD check, the folder is there, but no DESCRIPTION file yet
    RequireDeps <- try(DESCRIPTIONFileDeps(file.path(localRequireDir, "DESCRIPTION")), silent = TRUE)
  if (is(RequireDeps, "try-error") || all(de %in% FALSE)) {
    # if the package is loaded to memory from a different .libPaths() that is no longer on the current .libPaths()
    #  then the next line will work to find it
    deps <- packageDescription("Require", lib.loc = NULL, fields = "Imports")
    if (nzchar(deps)) {
      RequireDeps <- depsWithCommasToVector("Require", depsWithCommas = deps)
    } else {
      RequireDeps <- pkgDep("Require", simplify = TRUE, verbose = 0)
  RequireDeps <- unique(c("Require", unlist(RequireDeps)))
  # RequireDeps <- c(RequireDeps, "sys")

.RequireDependencies <- character()
.RequireDependenciesNoBase <- character()

.DESCFileFull <- function(PackageUrl, verbose, Repository, Package, tmpdir) {
  tf <- file.path(cachePkgDir(), basename(PackageUrl))
  out <- if (file.exists(tf)) { NULL } else {
    # This section should only happen if Require.installPackageSys < 1
    for (i in 1:2) { # can be flaky -- try 2x
      inn <- try(download.file(quiet = verbose <= 0 || verbose >= 5,
                               url = file.path(Repository, basename(PackageUrl)),
                               destfile = tf), silent = TRUE)
      if (!is(inn, "try-error"))
  if (is(out, "try-error")) {
    messageVerbose(out, verbose = verbose)
    out <- NA
  } else {
    DESCFile <- file.path(Package, "DESCRIPTION")
    untar(tf, files = DESCFile, exdir = tmpdir)
    out <- file.path(tmpdir, DESCFile)

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Require documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:55 p.m.