
setupInitial <- setupTest()

if (isDevAndInteractive && !isMacOSX()) { ## TODO: source installs failing on macOS
  # 4.3.0 doesn't have binaries, and historical versions of spatial packages won't compile
  if (getRversion() <= "4.2.3") {
    ## Long pkgSnapshot -- issue 41
    pkgPath <- file.path(tempdir2(Require:::.rndstr(1)))
    checkPath(pkgPath, create = TRUE)

    fn <- file.path(pkgPath, "pkgSnapshot.txt")
                  destfile = fn)
    origLibPaths <- setLibPaths(pkgPath, standAlone = TRUE)
    pkgs <- data.table::fread(fn)
    pkgs <- pkgs[!(Package %in% "SpaDES.install")]

    # stringfish can't be installed in Eliot's system from binaries
    if (Sys.info()["user"] == "emcintir")
      options(Require.otherPkgs = setdiff(getOption("Require.otherPkgs"), "stringfish"))
    pkgs <- pkgs[!Package %in% c("RandomFields", "RandomFieldsUtils")] # the version 1.0-7 is corrupt on RSPM
    pkgs <- pkgs[!Package %in% c("usefulFuns")] # incorrectly imports Require from reproducible... while other packages need newer reproducible
    pkgs[Package %in% "sf", Version := "1.0-9"] # the version 1.0-7 is corrupt on RSPM
    pkgs[Package %in% "SpaDES.core", `:=`(Version = "1.1.1", GithubRepo = "SpaDES.core",
                                          GithubUsername = "PredictiveEcology", GithubRef = "development",
                                          GithubSHA1 = "535cd39d84aeb35de29f88b0245c9538d86a1223")]
    # pks <- c("ymlthis", "SpaDES.tools", "amc")
    # pkgs <- pkgs[Package %in% pks]
    data.table::fwrite(pkgs, file = fn) # have to get rid of SpaDES.install
    packageFullName <- ifelse(is.na(pkgs$GithubRepo), paste0(pkgs$Package, " (==", pkgs$Version, ")"),
                              paste0(pkgs$GithubUsername, "/", pkgs$GithubRepo, "@", pkgs$GithubSHA1)
    names(packageFullName) <- packageFullName

    # remove.packages(pks)
    # unlink(dir(RequirePkgCacheDir(), pattern = paste(pks, collapse = "|"), full.names = TRUE))
    out <- Require(packageVersionFile = fn, require = FALSE)
    out11 <- pkgDep(packageFullName, recursive = TRUE)
    allNeeded <- unique(extractPkgName(unname(c(names(out11), unlist(out11)))))
    allNeeded <- allNeeded[!allNeeded %in% .basePkgs]
    persLibPathOld <- pkgs$LibPath[which(pkgs$Package == "amc")]
    # pkgDT <- attr(out, "Require")
    # pkgsInOut <- extractPkgName(pkgDT$Package[pkgDT$installed])
    installedInFistLib <- pkgs[LibPath == persLibPathOld]
    # testit::assert(all(installed))
    ip <- data.table::as.data.table(installed.packages(lib.loc = .libPaths()[1], noCache = TRUE))
    ip <- ip[!Package %in% .basePkgs]
    allInIPareInpkgDT <- all(ip$Package %in% allNeeded)
    installedNotInIP <- setdiff(allNeeded, ip$Package)

    installedPkgs <- setdiff(allNeeded, installedNotInIP)
    allInpkgDTareInIP <- all(installedPkgs %in% ip$Package)
    if (!isTRUE(allInpkgDTareInIP)) browser()
    if (!isTRUE(allInIPareInpkgDT)) browser()

    # testit::assert(all(installedNotInIP$installResult == "No available version"))

    pkgsInOut <- allInpkgDTareInIP
    theTest <- NROW(ip) >= NROW(pkgsInOut)

    lala <- capture.output(type = "message", {
      out2 <- Require(
        packageVersionFile = file.path(pkgPath, "pkgSnapshot.txt"),
        require = FALSE, verbose = 2, purge = TRUE
    # missings <- grep("The following shows packages", lala, value = TRUE)
    # missings <- gsub(".+: (.+); adding .+", "\\1", missings)
    # missings <- strsplit(missings, ", ")[[1]]
    # if (any(grepl(Require:::messageFollowingPackagesIncorrect, lala))) {
    #   lastLineOfMessageDF <- tail(grep(":", lala), 1)
    #   NnotInstalled <- as.integer(strsplit(lala[lastLineOfMessageDF], split = ":")[[1]][1])
    # } else {
    #   NnotInstalled <- 0
    # }
    allNeeded <- setdiff(allNeeded, "Require")
    installedPkgs <- setdiff(installedPkgs, "Require")

    theTest <- NROW(installedPkgs) == NROW(allNeeded)
    if (isDevAndInteractive) if (!isTRUE(theTest)) browser()

    theTest2 <- NROW(ip[Package %in% allNeeded]) == NROW(allNeeded)


Try the Require package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

Require documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:06 p.m.