
Defines functions plotTree

Documented in plotTree

#' Plot tree
#' Plots a single tree, such as an MCC or MAP tree.
#' Plots a single tree, such as an MCC or MAP tree, with
#' optionally labeled posterior probabilities at nodes, a
#' timescale plotted on the x - axis, and 95\% CI for node ages.
#' @param tree (list of lists of treedata objects; no default) Name of a list of
#' lists of treedata objects, such as produced by readTrees(). This object
#' should only contain only one summary tree from one trace file. If it contains
#' multiple trees or multiple traces, only the first will be used.
#' @param timeline (logical; FALSE) Plot time tree with labeled x-axis with
#' timescale in MYA.
#' @param geo (logical; timeline) Add a geological timeline? Defaults to the
#' same as timeline.
#' @param time_bars (logical; timeline) Add vertical gray bars to indicate
#' geological timeline units if geo == TRUE or regular time intervals (in MYA)
#' if geo == FALSE.
#' @param geo_units (list; list("epochs", "periods")) Which geological units to
#' include in the geo timescale. May be "periods", "epochs", "stages", "eons", 
#' "eras", or a list of two of those units.
#' @param node_age_bars (logical; FALSE) Plot time tree with node age bars?
#' @param age_bars_colored_by (character; NULL) Specify column to color node age
#' bars by, such as "posterior". If null, all node age bars plotted the same
#' color, specified by age_bars_color
#' @param age_bars_color (character; "blue") Color for node age bars. If
#' age_bars_colored_by specifies a variable (not NULL), you must provide two
#' colors, low and high values for a gradient. Colors must be either
#' R valid color names or valid hex codes.
#' @param age_bars_width (numeric; 1.5) Change line width for age bars
#' @param node_labels (character; NULL) Plot text labels at nodes, specified by
#' the name of the corresponding column in the tidytree object. If NULL, no
#' text is plotted.
#' @param node_labels_color (character; "black") Color to plot node_labels,
#' either as a valid R color name or a valid hex code.
#' @param node_labels_size (numeric; 3) Size of node labels
#' @param node_labels_offset (numeric; 0) Horizontal offset of node labels from
#' nodes.
#' @param tip_labels (logical; TRUE) Plot tip labels?
#' @param tip_labels_italics (logical; FALSE) Plot tip labels in italics?
#' @param tip_labels_formatted (logical; FALSE) Do the tip labels contain 
#' manually added formatting information? Will set parse = TRUE in geom_text()
#' and associated functions to interpret formatting. See ?plotmath for more.
#' Cannot be TRUE if tip_labels_italics = TRUE.  
#' @param tip_labels_remove_underscore (logical; TRUE) Remove underscores in tip
#' labels?
#' @param tip_labels_color (character; "black") Color to plot tip labels, either
#' as a valid R color name or a valid hex code.
#' @param tip_labels_size (numeric; 3) Size of tip labels
#' @param tip_labels_offset (numeric; 1) Horizontal offset of tip labels from
#' tree.
#' @param node_pp (logical; FALSE) Plot posterior probabilities as symbols at
#' nodes? Specify symbol aesthetics with node_pp_shape, node_pp_color, and
#' node_pp_size.
#' @param node_pp_shape (integer; 1) Integer corresponding to point shape
#' (value between 0-25). See ggplot2 documentation for details:
#' \url{https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/articles/ggplot2-specs.html#point}
#' @param node_pp_color (character; "black") Color for node_pp symbols, either
#' as valid R color name(s) or hex code(s). Can be a single character string
#' specifying a single color, or a vector of length two specifying two colors
#' to form a gradient. In this case, posterior probabilities will be indicated
#' by color along the specified gradient.
#' @param node_pp_size (numeric or character; 1) Size for node_pp symbols.
#' If numeric, the size will be fixed at the specified value. If a character,
#' it should specify "variable", indicating that size should be scaled by the
#' posterior value. Size regulates the area of the shape, following ggplot2
#' best practices:
#' \url{https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/scale_size.html})
#' @param branch_color (character; "black") A single character string
#' specifying the color (R color name or hex code) for all branches OR a
#' vector of length 2 specifying two colors for a gradient, used to color the
#' branches according to the variable specified in color_branch_by. If only 1
#' color is provided and you specify color_branch_by, default colors will be
#' chosen (low = "#005ac8", high = "#fa7850").
#' @param color_branch_by (character; NULL ) Optional name of one quantitative
#' variable in the treedata object to color branches, such as a rate.
#' @param line_width (numeric; 1) Change line width for branches
#' @param tree_layout (character; "rectangular") Tree shape layout, passed
#' to ggtree(). Options are 'rectangular', 'cladogram', 'slanted', 'ellipse',
#' 'roundrect', 'fan', 'circular', 'inward_circular', 'radial', 'equal_angle',
#' 'daylight', or 'ape'.
#' @param ... (various) Additional arguments passed to ggtree::ggtree().
#' @return returns a single plot object.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Example of standard tree plot
#' file <- system.file("extdata",
#'                     "sub_models/primates_cytb_GTR_MAP.tre",
#'                     package="RevGadgets")
#' tree <- readTrees(paths = file)
#' # Reroot tree before plotting
#' tree_rooted <- rerootPhylo(tree = tree, outgroup = "Galeopterus_variegatus")
#' # Plot
#' p <- plotTree(tree = tree_rooted, node_labels = "posterior");p
#' # Plot unladderized tree
#' p <- plotTree(tree = tree_rooted,
#'               node_labels = "posterior",
#'               ladderize = FALSE);p
#' # We can add a scale bar:
#' p + ggtree::geom_treescale(x = -0.35, y = -1)
#' # Example of coloring branches by rate
#' file <- system.file("extdata",
#'                     "relaxed_ou/relaxed_OU_MAP.tre",
#'                     package="RevGadgets")
#' tree <- readTrees(paths = file)
#' p <- plotTree(tree = tree,
#'               node_age_bars = FALSE,
#'               node_pp = FALSE,
#'               tip_labels_remove_underscore = TRUE,
#'               tip_labels_italics = FALSE,
#'               color_branch_by = "branch_thetas",
#'               line_width = 1.7) +
#'        ggplot2::theme(legend.position=c(.1, .9));p
#' }
#' @export
plotTree <- function(tree,

                     timeline = FALSE,
                     geo_units = list("epochs", "periods"),
                     geo = timeline,
                     time_bars = timeline,

                     node_age_bars = FALSE,
                     age_bars_color = "blue",
                     age_bars_colored_by = NULL,
                     age_bars_width = 1.5,
                     node_labels = NULL,
                     node_labels_color = "black",
                     node_labels_size = 3,
                     node_labels_offset = 0,

                     tip_labels = TRUE,
                     tip_labels_italics = FALSE,
                     tip_labels_formatted = FALSE,
                     tip_labels_remove_underscore = TRUE,
                     tip_labels_color = "black",
                     tip_labels_size = 3,
                     tip_labels_offset = 0,

                     node_pp = FALSE,
                     node_pp_shape = 16,
                     node_pp_color = "black",
                     node_pp_size = "variable",

                     branch_color = "black",
                     color_branch_by = NULL,
                     line_width = 1,

                     tree_layout = "rectangular",
                     ...) {

  # call plotTreeFull as appropriate
  plotTreeFull(tree = tree,

               timeline = timeline,
               geo_units = geo_units,
               geo = geo,
               time_bars = time_bars,

               node_age_bars = node_age_bars,
               age_bars_color = age_bars_color,
               age_bars_colored_by = age_bars_colored_by,
               age_bars_width = age_bars_width,

               node_labels = node_labels,
               node_labels_color = node_labels_color,
               node_labels_offset = node_labels_offset,
               node_labels_size = node_labels_size,

               tip_labels = tip_labels,
               tip_labels_italics = tip_labels_italics,
               tip_labels_formatted = tip_labels_formatted,
               tip_labels_remove_underscore = tip_labels_remove_underscore,
               tip_labels_color = tip_labels_color,
               tip_labels_size = tip_labels_size,
               tip_labels_offset = tip_labels_offset,

               node_pp = node_pp,
               node_pp_shape = node_pp_shape,
               node_pp_color = node_pp_color,
               node_pp_size = node_pp_size,

               branch_color = branch_color,
               color_branch_by = color_branch_by,
               line_width = line_width,

               tree_layout = tree_layout,

               # Turn off FBD-specific aspects
               label_sampled_ancs = FALSE,
               tip_age_bars = FALSE,


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RevGadgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.