
Defines functions processAncStates

Documented in processAncStates

#' Process Ancestral States
#' Process data for ancestral states plotting
#' @param path (character string; no default) File path to annotated tree.
#' @param state_labels (character vector; NULL) Vector of labels for ancestral
#' states named with the current state labels in annotated tree file
#' (as characters).
#' @param labels_as_numbers (logical; FALSE) Should the state labels be treated
#' as integers (for example, as chromosome numbers)?
#' @param missing_to_NA (logical; TRUE) Should missing data, coded as "?", be
#' coded to NA? If TRUE, the state will not be plotted. If FALSE, it will be
#' considered an additional state  when plotting.
#' @return A treedata object
#' @examples
#' # standard ancestral state estimation example
#' file <- system.file("extdata",
#'                     "comp_method_disc/ase_freeK.tree",
#'                     package="RevGadgets")
#' example <- processAncStates(file,
#'                             state_labels = c("1" = "Awesome",
#'                                              "2" = "Beautiful",
#'                                              "3" = "Cool!"))
#' #chromosome evolution example
#' file <- system.file("extdata",
#'                     "chromo/ChromEvol_simple_final.tree",
#'                     package="RevGadgets")
#' chromo_example <- processAncStates(file, labels_as_numbers = TRUE)
#' @export
processAncStates <-
             state_labels = NULL,
             labels_as_numbers = FALSE,
             missing_to_NA = TRUE) {
        # read in tree
        tree <- readTrees(path)
        t <- tree[[1]][[1]]

        # process column names
        include_start_states <- FALSE
        if ("anc_state_1" %in% names(t@data)) {
            # do nothing
        } else if ("start_state_1" %in% names(t@data) &&
                   "end_state_1" %in% names(t@data)) {
            include_start_states <- TRUE
        } else {
                "tree file does not contain expected state labels:
                [\'anc_state\'] or [\'start_state\' and \'end_state\']"

        # add state labels
        t <-

        # add range for pp factors
        t <- .set_pp_factor_range(t, include_start_states)

        # return processed TreeIO object


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RevGadgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.