
Defines functions .matchNodesTreeData .simpleCap .set_pp_factor_range .removeNull reorder_treedata add_tiplabels get_MRCA_heights sort_tips_phylo sort_tips color_gradient .titleFormat .titleFormatLabeller .setGMRFGlobalScaleExpectedNumberOfJumps .setHSMRFGlobalScaleExpectedNumberOfJumps .getRoot .readTreeLogs .readNexusTrees .readOutputFile .pRightTailHorseshoeGrid .parseTreeString .nodepie .makeStates .makePlotData .makeNodeNames .isSingleNewick .isNexusFile .isColor .ggpie .getParent .findTreeLines .convertAndRound .computeInterval .collect_probable_states .buildTranslateDictionary .build_state_probs .assign_state_labels

# Non-exported utility functions for RevGadgets

# set custom state labels
.assign_state_labels <-
           n_states = 3) {
    # what is the ancestral state name tag?
    if (include_start_states) {
      state_pos_str_base <- c("start_state_", "end_state_")
    } else {
      state_pos_str_base <- c("anc_state_")

    # send error if state_labels are provided without names
    if (!is.null(state_labels) && is.null(names(state_labels))) {
        "names(state_labels) must identify all unlabeled state names in

    # make matrix of all anc state values
    col_num <- grep(state_pos_str_base[1], colnames(t@data))
    if (length(state_pos_str_base) > 1) {
      col_num2 <- grep(state_pos_str_base[2], colnames(t@data))
      col_num <- c(col_num, col_num2)
    pps <- grep("_pp", colnames(t@data))
    columns <- col_num[!col_num %in% pps]

    # change ? to NA
    if (missing_to_NA == TRUE) {
      for (c in columns) {
        x_state <- attributes(t)$data[[c]]
        x_state <- as.vector(x_state)
        x_state[x_state == "?"] <- "NA"
        attributes(t)$data[[c]] <- x_state

    all_anc_states <- unique(c(as.matrix(t@data[, columns])))

    # send error if state labels are provided but there are any
    # states without a corresponding state label
    if (!is.null(state_labels) &&
        any(all_anc_states %in% c("NA", names(state_labels)) == FALSE)) {
        "names(state_labels): ",
        paste0(names(state_labels), collapse = ", "),
        " do not match data in tree file: ",
        paste0(sort(all_anc_states[all_anc_states != "NA"]), collapse = ", ")

    # generate state labels if none provided and not a chromosome analysis
    if (is.null(state_labels) == TRUE & labels_as_numbers == FALSE) {
      warning("State labels not provided by user.
              Will be generated automatically.")
      states <-
        unique(unlist(attributes(t)$data[grepl(paste0("state_", "[0-9]$"),
      states <- states[!states == "NA"]
      states <- states[order(states)]
      state_labels <- list()
      for (i in seq_len(length(states))) {
        state_labels[as.character(states[i])] <- LETTERS[i]
      state_labels["other"] <- "other"

    # for chromosome analyses, just keep the names as is (numbers of chromos)
    if (is.null(state_labels) == TRUE & labels_as_numbers == TRUE) {
      state_labels <-
        unique(unlist(attributes(t)$data[grepl(paste0("state_", "[0-9]$"),
      state_labels <- state_labels[-which(state_labels == "NA")]
      names(state_labels) <- state_labels

    # create list of ancestral state name tags
    state_pos_str_to_update <-
      c(unlist(lapply(1:n_states, function(x) {
        paste(state_pos_str_base, x, sep = "")

    # overwrite state labels
    for (m in state_pos_str_to_update) {
      # get the states
      x_state <- attributes(t)$data[[m]]
      x_state <- as.vector(x_state)
      x_state_valid <- which(x_state != "NA")
      x_state_invalid <- which(x_state == "NA")
      x_state_tmp <-
        unlist(lapply(x_state, function(z) {
          state_labels[names(state_labels) == z]
      x_state[x_state_valid] <- x_state_tmp
      x_state[x_state_invalid] <- NA
      if (labels_as_numbers) {
        x_state <-
          factor(x_state, levels = as.character(sort(as.integer(
      attributes(t)$data[[m]] <- x_state

    # Just add the USED state_labels here
    used_state_labels <-
      na.omit(unique(c(as.matrix(t@data[, columns]))))
    if (labels_as_numbers) {
      attributes(t)$state_labels <-
        factor(used_state_labels, levels = as.character(sort(as.integer(
    } else {
      attributes(t)$state_labels <- sort(as.character(used_state_labels))


.build_state_probs <-
           p_threshold = 0) {
    n_states <- length(state_labels)
    n_tips <- length(attributes(t)$phylo$tip.label)
    n_node <- 2 * n_tips - 1

    dat <- list()

    if (include_start_states == TRUE) {
      state_tags <- c("end", "start")
    } else if (include_start_states == FALSE &
               "anc_state_1" %in% colnames(t@data)) {
      state_tags <- c("anc")
    } else if (include_start_states == FALSE &
               "end_state_1" %in% colnames(t@data)) {
      state_tags <- c("end")

    for (s in state_tags) {
      dat[[s]] <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = n_node, ncol = n_states))
      #dat[[s]] = cbind(node=1:n_node, dat[[s]])

      for (i in 1:3)
        m <- paste(s, "_state_", i, sep = "")
        pp_str <- paste(m, "_pp", sep = "")
        n_tmp <-
          as.numeric(as.vector(attributes(t)$data$node)) # node index
        x_tmp <- as.vector(attributes(t)$data[[m]])
        pp_tmp <- as.numeric(as.vector(attributes(t)$data[[pp_str]]))

        for (j in seq_len(length(x_tmp)))
          if (!is.na(x_tmp[j])) {
            if (pp_tmp[j] > p_threshold) {
              k <- which(x_tmp[j] == state_labels)
              dat[[s]][n_tmp[j], k] <- pp_tmp[j]

      # format column names
      colnames(dat[[s]]) <- as.vector(unlist(state_labels))

      # add probs for >3rd state under "other" label
      rem_prob <- c()
      for (i in seq_len(nrow(dat[[s]]))) {
        rem_prob[i] <- 1
        for (j in seq_len(length(dat[[s]][i, ]))) {
          rem_prob[i] <- rem_prob[i] - dat[[s]][i, j]
      dat[[s]]$"other" <- rem_prob
      dat[[s]]$node <- 1:n_node

.buildTranslateDictionary <- function(lines) {
  start_tree_block <- grep("begin trees;", lines, ignore.case = TRUE)
  end_tree_block <-
    grep("end;", lines[start_tree_block:length(lines)],
         ignore.case = TRUE)[1] + start_tree_block - 1
  tree_block <- lines[start_tree_block:end_tree_block]

  # look for translate block
  start_translations <-
    grep("translate", tree_block, ignore.case = TRUE)
  end_translations <-
         tree_block[start_translations:length(tree_block)])[1] +
    start_translations -  1
  translations <- tree_block[start_translations:end_translations]

  # grab only the numbers and taxa names
  translations <- translations[grep("[1-9]", translations)]

  # remove commas
  translations <- gsub(",", "", translations)

  # replace tabs with space
  translations <- gsub("\\\t", " ", translations)

  # split at white space
  translations_split <- strsplit(translations, " ")

  # strip out empty elements
  translation_table <-
    do.call(rbind, lapply(translations_split, function(x)
      x[x != ""]))

  # create the data frame
  dictionary <-
    as.data.frame(translation_table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(dictionary) <- c("number", "taxon")


.collect_probable_states <- function(p, p_threshold = 0.005) {
  labels <- c("end_state", "start_state")
  index <- c(1, 2, 3)

  codes <- c()
  labels_pp <- c()
  for (l in labels) {
    for (i in index) {
      label_index <- paste(l, "_", i, sep = "")
      label_index_pp <- paste(l, "_", i, "_pp", sep = "")
      index_threshold <- p$data[[label_index_pp]] > p_threshold
      codes <-
        c(codes, unique(p$data[[label_index]][index_threshold]))
  codes <- unique(codes)
  codes <- c(codes, "other")

.computeInterval <- function(item, rates, probs, summary = "mean") {
  interval_times <-
    unlist(rates[["speciation time"]][1, grepl("interval_times",
                                               names(rates$`speciation time`))])
  # For some reason these are ordered differently than rate vectors
  interval_times <-

  rate <- rates[[item]]
  rate <- rate[, grep("[0-9]", colnames(rate))]

  #mean_rate <- colMeans(rate)
  summary_rate <- apply(rate, 2, summary)
  quantiles <- apply(rate, 2,
                     probs = probs)

  df <- dplyr::tibble(.rows = length(summary_rate))
  df["value"] <- summary_rate
  df["lower"] <- quantiles[1, ]
  df["upper"] <- quantiles[2, ]
  df$time <- interval_times
  df$item <- item


.convertAndRound <- function(L) {
  #sometimes there will be NAs before forcing to convert
  # got to remove nas before doing this test!
  k <- L[!is.na(L)]
  if (any(is.na(as.numeric(k))) == FALSE) {
    # if integer or numeric
    if (sum(as.numeric(L) %% 1, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
      # if integer
      labs <- L
      labs[labs == "1.000000"] <-
        "1" # catch case of all posterios of 1
    } else {
      # if numeric
      labs <- sprintf("%.3f", as.numeric(L)) # round nicely
      labs[labs == "1.000"] <- "1"
  } else {
    # if character
    labs <- L

.findTreeLines <- function(lines) {
  # pull out tree block only
  start_tree_block <-
    grep("begin trees;", lines, ignore.case = TRUE)
  end_tree_block <-
         ignore.case = TRUE)[1] + start_tree_block - 1
  tree_block <- lines[start_tree_block:end_tree_block]

  # pull out trees

  # find all starting lines by searching for "tree"
  trees_start <- grep("tree ", tree_block, ignore.case = TRUE)
  # find all ending lines by searching for ";"
  # except for the last line of the tree block
  semicols <- grep("\\;", tree_block)
  semicols <- semicols[semicols >= trees_start[1]]
  trees_end <- semicols[1:(length(semicols) - 1)]
  # if tree are each on one line, return tree strings,
  # else concatenate multiple lines
  if (all(trees_start  == trees_end)) {
    tree_strings <-
      tree_block[grep("tree ", tree_block, ignore.case = TRUE)]
  } else {
    stop("RevGadgets currently doesn't support line breaks
         in trees in nexus files")
  #  search  for  semicolon to signal end of line

  # return tree strings


# identify parent of a node
.getParent <- function(phylo, node) {
  if (.getRoot(phylo) == node) {
  } else {
    parent <- phylo$edge[phylo$edge[,2] == node,1]

# from ggtree::ggpie (called by .nodepie())
.ggpie <- function(data, y, fill, color, alpha=1, outline.color="transparent", outline.size=0) {
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes_(x=1, y=y, fill=fill)) +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat='identity', alpha=alpha, color=outline.color, linewidth=outline.size, show.legend = F) +
    ggplot2::coord_polar(theta='y') + ggtree::theme_inset()
  if (methods::missingArg(color) == TRUE || is.null(color) == TRUE || any(is.na(color)) == TRUE) {
    ## do nothing
  } else {
    p <- p + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=color)

.isColor <- function(var) {
  if (is.null(var)) {
  } else {
    t <- try(col2rgb(var), silent = TRUE)
    if (length(t) == 1 && methods::is(t, "try-error")) {

.isNexusFile <- function(file)
  readLines(file, n = 1) == "#NEXUS"

.isSingleNewick <-
    strsplit(readLines(file, n = 1), split = "")[[1]][1] == "("

.makeNodeNames <- function(tree) {
  pr <- ape::prop.part(tree)
  labels <- attributes(pr)$labels
  names(labels) <- seq_len(length(labels))
  nodes <- lapply(pr[seq_len(length(pr))], dplyr::recode,!!!labels)
  nodes <- append(attributes(pr)$labels, nodes)

  node_names <- numeric()
  node_names_op <- numeric()
  for (i in seq_len(length(nodes))) {
    node_names[i] <-
      paste(as.numeric(sort(tree$tip.label) %in% nodes[[i]]),
            sep = "",
            collapse = "")
    node_names_op[i] <-
      paste(as.numeric(!sort(tree$tip.label) %in% nodes[[i]]),
            sep = "",
            collapse = "")
  return(data.frame(node_names = node_names,
                    node_names_op = node_names_op))

.makePlotData <- function(rates, probs, summary) {
  rates <- .removeNull(rates)
  res <-
    lapply(names(rates), function(e)
        rates = rates,
        probs = probs,
        summary = summary
  plotdata <- do.call(rbind, res)
  plotdata$item <- factor(
    levels = c(
      "speciation rate",
      "extinction rate",
      "speciation time",
      "extinction time",
      "net-diversification rate",
      "relative-extinction rate"

.makeStates <- function(label_fn, color_fn) {
  # generate colors for ranges
  range_color_list <-
             header = TRUE,
             sep = ",",
             colClasses = "character")

  # get area names
  area_names <-
    unlist(lapply(range_color_list$range, function(y) {
      if (nchar(y) == 1) {

  # get state labels
  state_descriptions <-
             header = TRUE,
             sep = ",",
             colClasses = "character")

  # map presence-absence ranges to area names
  range_labels <-
                  function(x) {
                    present <- as.vector(gregexpr(pattern = "1", x)[[1]])
                    paste(area_names[present], collapse = "")

  # map labels to colors
  range_colors <-
    range_color_list$color[match(range_labels, range_color_list$range)]

  # generate state/color labels
  idx <- 1
  st_lbl <- list()
  st_colors <- c()
  for (j in 1:(nrow(state_descriptions) - 1)) {
    st_lbl[[as.character(j)]] <- range_labels[j]
    st_colors[j] <- range_colors[j]
  st_colors[length(st_colors) + 1] <- "lightgray"
  st_lbl[["other"]] <- "other"

  return(list(state_labels = st_lbl, state_color = st_colors))

# from ggtree::nodepie, calls .ggpie
.nodepie <- function(data, cols, color, alpha=1, outline.color="transparent", outline.size=0) {
  if (! "node" %in% colnames(data)) {
    stop("data should have a column 'node'...")
  type <- value <- NULL
  if (methods::missingArg(color)) {
    color <- NA
  `%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
  ldf <- tidyr::gather(data, type, value, !! cols) %>% split(., .$node)
  lapply(ldf, function(df) .ggpie(df, y=~value, fill=~type, color, alpha, outline.color, outline.size))

.parseTreeString <- function(string) {
  # recover()
  text <- sub("[^(]*", "", string)
  # stats <- treeio:::read.stats_beast_internal( "", text )

  # stats <- .read.stats_revbayes_internal("", text)
  # tree <- ape::read.tree(text = text)
  # obj <- .beast("", text, stats, tree)

  obj <- treeio::read.beast.newick(textConnection(text))

  if ("index" %in% colnames(obj@data)) {
    obj@data$index <- as.character(obj@data$index)
  } else {
    warning("No index found in tree file.
            This file may not work with downstream plotting functions.")


# Right tail probability of the horseshoe: integrates the density function
# via grid
.pRightTailHorseshoeGrid <- function(x,
                                     gamma = 1,
                                     grid_size = 5000) {
  quants <- seq(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10, length.out = grid_size)
  # Transform so we can look up quantiles under regular cauchy distribution
  quants <- 1.0 - (1.0 - quants) / 2.0
  probs <-
    1 / length(quants) # we're using quantiles, each gamma is equally likely
  sigmas <- qcauchy(quants, 0, gamma)
  sum(pnorm(x, 0, sigmas, lower.tail = FALSE) * probs)

# for reading in RevBayes output, especially if the number
# of elements per line varies
.readOutputFile <- function(path, burnin = 0.25) {
  `%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
  res <- path %>% 
    readLines() %>%
    utils::tail(n = -1)
  names <- path %>% 
    readLines() %>%
    utils::head(n = 1) %>%
  if (burnin >= length(res))
    stop("Burnin larger than provided trace file")
  if (burnin >= 1) {
    res <- res[(burnin + 1):length(res)]
  } else if (burnin < 1 & burnin > 0) {
    discard <- ceiling(burnin * length(res))
    res <- res[(discard + 1):length(res)]
  } else if (burnin == 0) {
    res <- res
  } else {
    stop("What have you done?")
  names_to_exclude = c("Iteration|Replicate_ID|Posterior|Likelihood|Prior")
  cols_to_exclude = length(grep(pattern = names_to_exclude, names[[1]]))
  res <- res %>%
  if (cols_to_exclude > 0) {
    res <- res %>%
      lapply(function(x) utils::tail(x, n = -cols_to_exclude))
  res <- res %>%

.readNexusTrees <- function(path, burnin, verbose) {
  # read the lines
  lines <- readLines(path)

  # the line with a tree
  tree_strings <- .findTreeLines(lines)

  # discard burnin (if provided)
  if (burnin >= 1) {
    tree_strings <- tree_strings[(burnin + 1):length(tree_strings)]
  } else if (burnin < 1 & burnin > 0) {
    discard <- ceiling(burnin * length(tree_strings))
    tree_strings <- tree_strings[(discard + 1):length(tree_strings)]
  } else if (burnin == 0) {
    tree_strings <- tree_strings
  } else {
    stop("What have you done?")

  # get the trees
  n_trees <- length(tree_strings)
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    bar <- txtProgressBar(style = 3, width = 40)
  trees <- vector("list", n_trees)
  for (i in 1:n_trees) {
    trees[[i]] <- .parseTreeString(tree_strings[i])
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      setTxtProgressBar(bar, i / n_trees)
  if (verbose == TRUE) {

  # translate using dictionary if translate block present in file
  if (length(grep("translate", lines, ignore.case = TRUE)) >= 1) {
    dictionary <- .buildTranslateDictionary(lines = lines)
    for (i in 1:n_trees) {
      n_tips <- length(trees[[i]]@phylo$tip.label)
      for (j in 1:n_tips) {
        ind <- which(trees[[i]]@phylo$tip.label[j] == dictionary[, 1])
        trees[[i]]@phylo$tip.label[j] <- dictionary[ind, 2]

  # return the trees


.readTreeLogs <- function(path, tree_name, burnin, verbose) {
  # read the samples
  samples <-
      header = TRUE,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      check.names = FALSE

  # check that there is a column with the given name
  if (tree_name %in% colnames(samples) == FALSE) {
    stop(paste0("No column named ", tree_name, " found."))

  # get the tree strings
  tree_strings <- samples[, tree_name]

  # discard burnin (if provided)
  if (burnin >= 1) {
    tree_strings <- tree_strings[(burnin + 1):length(tree_strings)]
  } else if (burnin < 1 & burnin > 0) {
    discard <- ceiling(burnin * length(tree_strings))
    tree_strings <- tree_strings[(discard + 1):length(tree_strings)]
  } else if (burnin == 0) {
    tree_strings <- tree_strings
  } else {
    stop("What have you done?")

  # get the trees
  n_trees <- length(tree_strings)
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    bar <- txtProgressBar(style = 3, width = 40)
  trees <- vector("list", n_trees)
  for (i in 1:n_trees) {
    trees[[i]] <- .parseTreeString(tree_strings[i])
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      setTxtProgressBar(bar, i / n_trees)
  if (verbose == TRUE) {

  # return the trees


# functionally the same as .rootNode, but our own function
# (not modified from treeio)
# currently called by getParent()
.getRoot <- function(phylo) {
  edge1 <- phylo$edge[,1]
  edge2 <- phylo$edge[,2]
  root <- unique(edge1)[!unique(edge1) %in% unique(edge2)]

# Calculates global scale parameter for a Gaussian Markov random fielf from
# the prior mean number of "effective shifts" in the rate.
.setHSMRFGlobalScaleExpectedNumberOfJumps <-
           prior_n_shifts = log(2),
           shift_size = 2) {
    # We treat the change between each grid cell as a Bernoulli RV, so the
    # collection of changes becomes binomial
    # From this we can calculate the expected number of cells where a
    #shift occurs

    # Move to log-scale
    shift <- log(shift_size)

    # Probability of a shift for a value of zeta
    # We average the conditional p(shift | gamma) over p(gamma)
    quants <- seq(0.0001, 0.9999, length.out = 2000)

    # Transform so we can look up quantiles under regular cauchy distribution
    quants <- 1.0 - (1.0 - quants) / 2.0
    probs <-
      1 / length(quants) # we're using quantiles, each gamma is equally likely

    # Function to optimize
    fn <- function(zeta) {
      # Grid of gammas
      gammas <- qcauchy(quants, 0, zeta)
      # Number of expected shifts for each value of sigma
      num_expected_shifts <- unlist(lapply(gammas, function(x) {
        p_shift_one_cell_this_gamma <-
          .pRightTailHorseshoeGrid(shift, x, grid_size = 2000) / 0.5
        return(p_shift_one_cell_this_gamma * (n_episodes - 1))
      # Average the per-sigma E(n_shifts) over p(sigma) to get overall
      # expectation given zeta
      this_expected_num_shifts <- sum(probs * num_expected_shifts)
      # Distance to target
      return((log(this_expected_num_shifts) - log(prior_n_shifts)) ^ 2)

    # Find best value of zeta
    opts <- optimize(fn, c(0, 1))
    zeta <- opts$minimum

    # Compute the prior on number of shifts for this zeta (to show user
    # how well we approximated the target)
    gammas <- qcauchy(quants, 0, zeta)
    num_expected_shifts <- unlist(lapply(gammas, function(x) {
      p_shift_one_cell_this_gamma <-
        .pRightTailHorseshoeGrid(shift, x, grid_size = 2000) / 0.5
      return(p_shift_one_cell_this_gamma * (n_episodes - 1))

    # Estimate the error of our chosen global scale hyperprior
    computed_num_expected_shifts <- sum(probs * num_expected_shifts)
    return(list(hyperprior = zeta, E.n = computed_num_expected_shifts))

# Calculates global scale parameter for a Gaussian Markov random fielf
# from the prior mean number of "effective shifts" in the rate.
.setGMRFGlobalScaleExpectedNumberOfJumps <-
           prior_n_shifts = log(2),
           shift_size = 2) {
    # We treat the change between each grid cell as a Bernoulli RV, so the
    # collection of changes becomes binomial
    # From this we can calculate the expected number of cells where a shift
    # occurs

    # Move to log-scale
    shift <- log(shift_size)

    # Probability of a shift for a value of zeta
    # We average the conditional p(shift | sigma) over p(sigma)
    quants <- seq(0.0001, 0.9999, length.out = 2000)

    # Transform so we can look up quantiles under regular cauchy distribution
    quants <- 1.0 - (1.0 - quants) / 2.0
    probs <-
      1 / length(quants) # we're using quantiles, each gamma is equally likely

    # Function to optimize
    fn <- function(zeta) {
      # Grid of sigmas
      sigmas <- qcauchy(quants, 0, zeta)
      # Number of expected shifts for each value of sigma
      num_expected_shifts <- unlist(lapply(sigmas, function(x) {
        p_shift_one_cell_this_sigma <- pnorm(shift, 0, x, lower.tail = FALSE) /
        return(p_shift_one_cell_this_sigma * (n_episodes - 1))
      # Average the per-sigma E(n_shifts) over p(sigma) to get overall
      # expectation given zeta
      this_expected_num_shifts <- sum(probs * num_expected_shifts)
      # Distance to target
      return((log(this_expected_num_shifts) - log(prior_n_shifts)) ^ 2)

    # Find best value of zeta
    opts <- optimize(fn, c(0, 1))
    zeta <- opts$minimum

    # Compute the prior on number of shifts for this zeta (to show user how
    # well we approximated the target)
    sigmas <- qcauchy(quants, 0, zeta)
    num_expected_shifts <- unlist(lapply(sigmas, function(x) {
      p_shift_one_cell_this_sigma <- pnorm(shift, 0, x, lower.tail = FALSE) /
      return(p_shift_one_cell_this_sigma * (n_episodes - 1))

    # Estimate the error of our chosen global scale hyperprior
    computed_num_expected_shifts <- sum(probs * num_expected_shifts)
    return(list(hyperprior = zeta, E.n = computed_num_expected_shifts))

.titleFormatLabeller <- function(string) {
  lapply(string, .titleFormat)

# capitalize and remove hyphens
.titleFormat <- function(string) {
  string <- gsub("-", " ", string)
  string <- gsub("_", " ", string)
  substr(string, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(string, 1, 1))

### Functions required by densiTreeWithBranchData
# attribute colors to a vector based the value in a range
color_gradient <-
           intervals = seq(0, 11, 0.1),
           colors = c("red", "yellow", "green"),
           bias = 1) {
    colfun <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors, bias = bias)
    return(colfun(length(intervals)) [findInterval(x,
                                                   all.inside = TRUE)])

# function to sort a treedata
sort_tips <- function(x) {
  x <- reorder_treedata(x)
  nTip <- as.integer(length(x@phylo$tip.label))
  e2 <- x@phylo$edge[, 2]
  x@data <-
    x@data[c(e2[e2 <= nTip], (nTip + 1):(nTip + x@phylo$Nnode)), ]
  x@phylo$tip.label <- x@phylo$tip.label[e2[e2 <= nTip]]
  x@phylo$edge[e2 <= nTip, 2] <- as.integer(1L:nTip)

# idem but with phylo
sort_tips_phylo <- function(x) {
  x <- ape::reorder.phylo(x)
  nTip <- as.integer(length(x$tip.label))
  e2 <- x$edge[, 2]
  x$tip.label <- x$tip.label[e2[e2 <= nTip]]
  x$edge[e2 <= nTip, 2] <- as.integer(1L:nTip)

# get MRCA height from tree(s)
get_MRCA_heights <- function(x) {
  fun <- function(t)
  height <- NULL
  if (inherits(x, "phylo"))
    height <- fun(x)
  if (inherits(x, "multiPhylo")) {
    if (!is.null(attr(x, "TipLabel"))) {
      x <- ape::.uncompressTipLabel(x)
      x <- unclass(x)
      height <- vapply(x, fun, 0)
    else {
      x <- unclass(x)
      height <- vapply(x, fun, 0)
  else {
    height <- vapply(x, fun, 0)

# add tip labels to a tree plot - copied from phangorn
add_tiplabels <-
           srt = 0,
           cex = 1,
           col = 1,
           label_offset = 0) {
    direction <-
                c("rightwards", "leftwards",  "upwards",
    horizontal <- direction %in% c("rightwards", "leftwards")
    nTips <- length(tip.label)
    xx <- rep(1, nrow(xy))
    yy <- xy[, 2]
    if (direction == "leftwards" |
        direction == "downwards")
      xx <- xx * 0
    if (!horizontal) {
      #    tmp <- yy
      yy <- xx
      xx <- xy[, 1]
    MAXSTRING <- max(strwidth(tip.label, cex = cex))
    loy <- 0
    if (direction == "rightwards")
      lox <- label_offset + MAXSTRING * 1.05 * adj
    if (direction == "leftwards")
      lox <- -label_offset - MAXSTRING * 1.05 * (1 - adj)
    if (!horizontal) {
      psr <- par("usr")
      MAXSTRING <-
        MAXSTRING * 1.09 * (psr[4] - psr[3]) / (psr[2] - psr[1])
      loy <- label_offset + MAXSTRING * 1.05 * adj
      lox <- 0
      srt <- 90 + srt
      if (direction == "downwards") {
        loy <- -loy
        srt <- 180 + srt
      xx[1:nTips] + lox,
      yy[1:nTips] + loy,
      adj = adj,
      font = font,
      srt = srt,
      cex = cex,
      col = col

# adapted from treeplyr
# https://github.com/uyedaj/treeplyr/blob/master/R/treeplyr_functions.R
# treeplyr::reorder (but not equivalent)
reorder_treedata <- function(tdObject, order = "postorder") {
  dat.attr <- attributes(tdObject@data)
  phy <- tdObject@phylo
  ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
  phy$node.label <- (ntips + 1):(ntips + phy$Nnode)
  phy <- ape::reorder.phylo(phy, order)
  index <- match(tdObject@phylo$tip.label, phy$tip.label)
  index.node <- match((ntips + 1):(ntips + phy$Nnode), phy$node.label)

  tdObject@data <- tdObject@data[c(index, index.node), ]
  attributes(tdObject@data) <- dat.attr
  attributes(tdObject)$tip.label <- phy$tip.label
  tdObject@phylo <- phy


## End functions required by densiTreeWithBranchData

.removeNull <- function(x) {
  res <- x[which(!unlist(lapply(x, is.null)))]

# set prob factors
.set_pp_factor_range <-
  function(t, include_start_states, n_states = 1) {
    # what is the ancestral state name tag?
    if (include_start_states) {
      state_pos_str_base <- c("start_state_", "end_state_")
    } else {
      state_pos_str_base <- c("anc_state_")

    # create list of ancestral state name tags
    state_pos_str_to_update <-
      c(unlist(lapply(1:n_states, function(x) {
        paste(state_pos_str_base, x, "_pp", sep = "")

    # overwrite state labels
    for (m in state_pos_str_to_update)
      x_state <- attributes(t)$data[[m]]
      #levels(x_state) = c(levels(x_state))
      attributes(t)$data[[m]] <- x_state

.simpleCap <- function(x) {
  s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
  paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)),
        substring(s, 2),
        sep = "",
        collapse = " ")

.matchNodesTreeData <- function(treedata, phy) {
  # get some useful info
  num_sampled_anc <- sum(phy$node.label != "")
  num_tips        <- length(phy$tip.label)
  num_nodes       <- phy$Nnode
  sampled_ancs    <- which(tabulate(phy$edge[, 1]) == 1)
  tip_indexes     <- 1:(num_tips + num_sampled_anc)
  node_indexes    <- (num_tips + num_sampled_anc) + num_nodes:1

  node_map     <-
    data.frame(R = 1:(num_tips + num_nodes),
               Rev = NA,
               visits = 0)
  current_node <- num_tips + 1
  k <- 1
  t <- 1

  while (TRUE) {
    # compute the number of descendants of this tip
    current_num_descendants <- sum(phy$edge[, 1] == current_node)

    if (current_node <= num_tips) {
      treedata_node <-
        which(as.character(treedata@data$node) == current_node)
      node_map$Rev[node_map$R == current_node] <-
        as.numeric(treedata@data[treedata_node, ]$index)
      current_node <- phy$edge[phy$edge[, 2] == current_node, 1]
      t <- t + 1

    } else if (current_node %in% sampled_ancs) {
      if (node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] == 0) {
        node_map$Rev[node_map$R == current_node] <- node_indexes[k]
        k <- k + 1
      node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] <-
        node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] + 1

      if (node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] == 1) {
        # go left
        current_node <- phy$edge[phy$edge[, 1] == current_node, 2][1]
      } else if (node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] == 2) {
        # go down
        if (current_node == num_tips + 1) {
        } else {
          current_node <- phy$edge[phy$edge[, 2] == current_node, 1]

    } else {
      if (node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] == 0) {
        node_map$Rev[node_map$R == current_node] <- node_indexes[k]
        k <- k + 1
      node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] <-
        node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node] + 1

      num_visits <- node_map$visits[node_map$R == current_node]

      if (num_visits <= current_num_descendants) {
        # go to next descendant
        current_node <-
          phy$edge[phy$edge[, 1] == current_node, 2][current_num_descendants -
                                                       num_visits + 1]
      } else if (num_visits > current_num_descendants) {
        # go down
        if (current_node == num_tips + 1) {
        } else {
          current_node <- phy$edge[phy$edge[, 2] == current_node, 1]



  return(node_map[, 1:2])


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RevGadgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m.