
Defines functions mixmodStrategy

Documented in mixmodStrategy

#                               Strategy.R                                      ##

#' @include global.R
#' @include Parameter.R

#' Create an instance of [\code{\linkS4class{Strategy}}] class
#' This class will contain all the parameters needed by the estimation algorithms.
#' There are different ways to initialize an algorithm :
#'    \describe{
#'        \item{random}{Initialization from a random position is a standard way to
#'        initialize an algorithm. This random initial position is obtained by
#'        choosing at random centers in the data set. This simple strategy is
#'        repeated \eqn{5} times (the user can choose the number of times) from
#'        different random positions and the position that maximises the
#'        likelihood is selected.}
#'        \item{smallEM}{A maximum of \eqn{50} iterations of the EM algorithm according to the process : \eqn{n_i} numbers of
#'        iterations of EM are done (with random initialization) until the \code{smallEM} stop criterion value has been
#'        reached. This action is repeated until the sum of \eqn{n_i}
#'        reaches \eqn{50} iterations (or if in one action \eqn{50} iterations are reached before the stop criterion value).\\
#'        It appears that repeating runs of EM is generally profitable since using a single run
#'        of EM can often lead to suboptimal solutions.}
#'        \item{CEM}{\eqn{10} repetitions of \eqn{50} iterations of the CEM algorithm are done.
#'        One advantage of initializing an algorithm with CEM lies in the fact
#'        that CEM converges generally in a small number of iterations. Thus,
#'        without consuming a large amount of CPU times, several runs of CEM are
#'        performed. Then EM is run with the best solution among the \eqn{10} repetitions.}
#'        \item{SEMMax}{A run of \eqn{500} iterations of SEM. The idea is that an SEM sequence is
#'        expected to enter rapidly in the neighbourhood of the global maximum
#'        of the likelihood function.}
#'    }
#' Defining the algorithms used in the strategy, the stopping rule and when to stop.
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item Algorithms :
#'           \describe{
#'               \item{EM}{Expectation Maximisation}
#'               \item{CEM}{Classification EM}
#'               \item{SEM}{Stochastic EM}
#'           }
#'        \item Stopping rules for the algorithm :
#'           \describe{
#'               \item{nbIterationInAlgo}{Sets the maximum number of iterations}
#'               \item{epsilonInAlgo}{Sets relative increase of the log-likelihood criterion}
#'           }
#'        \item Default values are \eqn{200} \code{nbIterationInAlgo} of \code{EM} with an \code{epsilonInAlgo} value
#'        of \eqn{10-3}.
#'    }

#' @param ... all arguments are transfered to the Strategy constructor. Valid arguments are:
#'    \describe{
#'   \item{algo:}{list of character string with the estimation algorithm.  Possible values: "EM", "SEM", "CEM", c("EM","SEM").
#' Default value is "EM".}
#'   \item{nbTry:}{integer defining the number of tries. Default value: 1.}
#'   \item{initMethod:}{a character string with the method of initialization of the algorithm specified in the \code{algo}
#' argument. Possible values: "random", "smallEM", "CEM", "SEMMax", "parameter", "label". Default value: "smallEM".}
#'   \item{nbTryInInit:}{integer defining number of tries in \code{initMethod} algorithm. Default value: 50.}
#'   \item{nbIterationInInit:}{integer defining the number of "EM" or "SEM" iterations in \code{initMethod}. Default values:
#' 5 if \code{initMethod} is "smallEM" and 100 if \code{initMethod} is "SEMMax".}
#'   \item{nbIterationInAlgo:}{list of integers defining the number of iterations if user want to use nbIteration as rule to
#' stop the algorithm(s). Default value: 200.}
#'   \item{epsilonInInit:}{real defining the epsilon value in the initialization step. Only available if \code{initMethod} is
#'  "smallEM". Default value: 0.001.}
#'   \item{epsilonInAlgo:}{list of reals defining the epsilon value for the algorithm. Warning: epsilonInAlgo doesn't have any
#'  sense if \code{algo} is SEM, so it needs to be set as NaN in that case. Default value: 0.001.}
#'   \item{seed:}{integer defining the seed of the random number generator. Setting a particular seed allows the user to
#' (re)-generate a particular sequence of random numbers. Default value is NULL, i.e. a random seed.}
#'      \item{parameter:}{instance of "Parameter" subclass. Required if initMethod is "parameter", forbidden otherwise.}
#'      \item{labels:}{vector of integers containing labels. Required if initMethod is "label", forbidden otherwise.}
#'    }
#' @examples
#' mixmodStrategy()
#' mixmodStrategy(algo = "CEM", initMethod = "random", nbTry = 10, epsilonInInit = 0.00001)
#' mixmodStrategy(
#'   algo = c("SEM", "EM"), nbIterationInAlgo = c(200, 100),
#'   epsilonInAlgo = c(NA, 0.000001)
#' )
#' @references  Biernacki, C., Celeux, G., Govaert, G., 2003. "Choosing starting values for the EM algorithm for getting the
#' highest likelihood in multivariate gaussian mixture models". Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 41, 561-575.
#' @return a [\code{\linkS4class{Strategy}}] object
#' @author Florent Langrognet and Remi Lebret and Christian Poli ans Serge Iovleff, with contributions from C. Biernacki
#' and G. Celeux and G. Govaert \email{contact@@mixmod.org}
#' @export
# old_mixmodStrategy <- function( algo="EM", nbTry=1, initMethod="smallEM", nbTryInInit=10, nbIterationInInit=0,
# nbIterationInAlgo=200, epsilonInInit=0.001, epsilonInAlgo=0.001, seed=NULL) {
#  if (missing(nbIterationInInit)) {
#    if (initMethod=="smallEM") {
#      nbIterationInInit <- 5
#    } else if(initMethod=="SEMMax") {
#      nbIterationInInit <- 100
#    }
#  }
#  # create a new class Strategy
#  new("Strategy", algo=algo, nbTry=nbTry, initMethod=initMethod, nbTryInInit=nbTryInInit, nbIterationInInit=nbIterationInInit,
#  nbIterationInAlgo=nbIterationInAlgo, epsilonInInit=epsilonInInit, epsilonInAlgo=epsilonInAlgo, seed=seed)
# }
mixmodStrategy <- function(...) {
  # create a new class Strategy
  new("Strategy", ...)

#' Constructor of [\code{\linkS4class{Strategy}}] class
#' This class defines the Mixmod strategies.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{algo:}{list of character string with the estimation algorithm.  Possible values: "EM", "SEM", "CEM", c("EM","SEM").
#' Default value is "EM".}
#'   \item{nbTry:}{integer defining the number of tries. Default value: 1.}
#'   \item{initMethod:}{a character string with the method of initialization of the algorithm specified in the \code{algo}
#' argument. Possible values: "random", "smallEM", "CEM", "SEMMax", "parameter", "label". Default value: "smallEM".}
#'   \item{nbTryInInit:}{integer defining number of tries in \code{initMethod} algorithm. Default value: 50.}
#'   \item{nbIterationInInit:}{integer defining the number of "EM" or "SEM" iterations in \code{initMethod}. Default values: 5
#' if \code{initMethod} is "smallEM" and 100 if \code{initMethod} is "SEMMax".}
#'   \item{nbIterationInAlgo:}{list of integers defining the number of iterations if user want to use nbIteration as rule to
#' stop the algorithm(s). Default value: 200.}
#'   \item{epsilonInInit:}{real defining the epsilon value in the initialization step. Only available if \code{initMethod} is
#' "smallEM". Default value: 0.001.}
#'   \item{epsilonInAlgo:}{list of reals defining the epsilon value for the algorithm. Warning: epsilonInAlgo doesn't have any
#' sense if \code{algo} is SEM, so it needs to be set as NaN in that case. Default value: 0.001.}
#'   \item{seed:}{integer defining the seed of the random number generator. Setting a particular seed allows the user to
#' (re)-generate a particular sequence of random numbers. Default value is NULL, i.e. a random seed.}
#'      \item{parameter:}{instance of "Parameter" subclass. Required if initMethod is "parameter", forbidden otherwise.}
#'      \item{labels:}{vector of integers containing labels. Required if initMethod is "label", forbidden otherwise.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' new("Strategy")
#' new("Strategy", algo = "SEM", initMethod = "SEMMax")
#' getSlots("Strategy")
#' @name Strategy-class
#' @rdname Strategy-class
#' @exportClass Strategy
  Class = "Strategy",
  representation = representation(
    algo = "character",
    nbTry = "numeric",
    initMethod = "character",
    nbTryInInit = "numeric",
    nbIterationInInit = "numeric",
    nbIterationInAlgo = "numeric",
    epsilonInInit = "numeric",
    epsilonInAlgo = "numeric",
    seed = "numeric",
    parameter = "Parameter",
    labels = "numeric"
  prototype = prototype(
    algo = "EM",
    nbTry = 1,
    initMethod = "smallEM",
    nbTryInInit = 10,
    nbIterationInInit = 5,
    nbIterationInAlgo = 200,
    epsilonInInit = 0.001,
    epsilonInAlgo = 0.001,
    seed = -1,
    parameter = NULL
  # validity function
  validity = function(object) {
    # for algo
    if (sum(object@algo %in% c("EM", "SEM", "CEM")) != length(object@algo)) {
      stop("At least one algorithm is not valid. See ?mixmodAlgo for the list of available algorithms.")
    # for 'initMethod'
    if ((object@initMethod != "smallEM") & (object@initMethod != "random") & (object@initMethod != "CEM") & (
      object@initMethod != "SEMMax") & (object@initMethod != "parameter") & (object@initMethod != "label")) {
      stop("initMethod name is not valid.")
    # for 'nbTry'
    if (!is.wholenumber(object@nbTry)) {
      stop("nbTry must be an integer.")
    if (object@nbTry < 1) {
      stop("nbTry must be positive.")
    # for 'nbTryInInit'
    if ((object@initMethod == "smallEM") | (object@initMethod == "CEM")) {
      if (!is.wholenumber(object@nbTryInInit)) {
        stop("nbTryInInit must be an integer.")
      if (object@nbTryInInit < 1) {
        stop("nbTryInInit must be positive.")
    # for 'epsilonInInit'
    if ((object@initMethod == "smallEM")) {
      if (!is.double(object@epsilonInInit)) {
        stop("epsilonInInit must be a real. Default value will be used.")
      if ((object@epsilonInInit > 1) | (object@epsilonInInit <= 0)) {
        stop("epsilonInInit must be less than one and strictly positive.")
    # for 'nbIterationInInit'
    if ((object@initMethod == "smallEM") | (object@initMethod == "SEMMax")) {
      if (!is.wholenumber(object@nbIterationInInit)) {
        stop("nbIterationInInit must be an integer.")
      if (object@nbIterationInInit < 1) {
        stop("nbIterationInInit must be positive.")
    if (object@initMethod == "parameter") {
      if (!is(object@parameter, "Parameter")) {
        stop("parameter is mandatory when the init method is parameter.")
    if (object@initMethod == "label") {
      if (!is.numeric(object@labels)) {
        stop("parameter is mandatory when the init method is parameter.")
    # for 'nbIterationInAlgo'
    if (sum(!is.wholenumber(object@nbIterationInAlgo))) {
      stop("nbIterationInAlgo must be an integer.")
    if (min(object@nbIterationInAlgo, na.rm = TRUE) < 1) {
      stop("nbIterationInAlgo must be positive.")

    # for 'epsilonInAlgo'
    if (sum(!is.nan(object@epsilonInAlgo[which(object@algo == "SEM")]))) {
      stop("epsilonInAlgo must be NaN for the SEM algorithm.")
    if (!is.double(object@epsilonInAlgo[which(object@algo != "SEM")])) {
      stop("epsilonInAlgo must be a real.")
    if (sum(!is.nan(object@epsilonInAlgo))) {
      if ((max(object@epsilonInAlgo, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) | (min(object@epsilonInAlgo, na.rm = TRUE) <= 0)) {
        stop("epsilonInAlgo must be less than one and strictly positive.")
    if (object@seed != -1) {
      print("WARNING: Strategy@seed attribute is obsolete! Consider using mixmodCluster function's 'seed' parameter instead")

#' Create an instance of the [\code{\linkS4class{Strategy}}] class using new/initialize.
#' Initialization method. Used internally in the `Rmixmod' package.
#' @seealso \code{\link{initialize}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname initialize-methods
  f = "initialize",
  signature = c("Strategy"),
  definition = function(.Object, algo, nbTry, initMethod, nbTryInInit, nbIterationInInit, nbIterationInAlgo, epsilonInInit,
                        epsilonInAlgo, seed, parameter, labels) {
    if (!missing(algo)) {
      if (length(algo) > 1) {
        # for epsilon in Algo
        if (missing(epsilonInAlgo)) {
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- rep(0.001, length(algo))
        } else if (length(epsilonInAlgo) != length(algo)) {
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- epsilonInAlgo[seq_along(algo)]
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo[is.na(.Object@epsilonInAlgo)] <- 0.001
        } else {
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- epsilonInAlgo
        # for nbIteration in Algo
        if (missing(nbIterationInAlgo)) {
          .Object@nbIterationInAlgo <- rep(200, length(algo))
        } else if (length(nbIterationInAlgo) != length(algo)) {
          .Object@nbIterationInAlgo <- nbIterationInAlgo[seq_along(algo)]
          .Object@nbIterationInAlgo[is.na(.Object@nbIterationInAlgo)] <- 200
        } else {
          .Object@nbIterationInAlgo <- nbIterationInAlgo
        # check whether SEM algo is in list to set epsilon as NaN
        if (sum(algo == "SEM")) {
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo[which(algo == "SEM")] <- NaN
      } else {
        if (algo == "SEM") {
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- NaN
        } else if (missing(epsilonInAlgo)) {
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- 0.001
        } else {
          .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- epsilonInAlgo[1]
        if (missing(nbIterationInAlgo)) {
          .Object@nbIterationInAlgo <- 200
        } else {
          .Object@nbIterationInAlgo <- nbIterationInAlgo[1]
      .Object@algo <- algo
    } else {
      .Object@algo <- "EM"
      if (missing(epsilonInAlgo)) {
        .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- 0.001
      } else {
        .Object@epsilonInAlgo <- epsilonInAlgo[1]
      if (missing(nbIterationInAlgo)) {
        .Object@nbIterationInAlgo <- 200
      } else {
        .Object@nbIterationInAlgo <- nbIterationInAlgo[1]

    if (!missing(seed)) {
      if (is.null(seed)) {
        .Object@seed <- (-1)
      } else {
        .Object@seed <- seed
    } else {
      .Object@seed <- (-1)

    if (!missing(nbTry)) {
      .Object@nbTry <- nbTry
    } else {
      .Object@nbTry <- 1

    if (!missing(nbTryInInit)) {
      .Object@nbTryInInit <- nbTryInInit
    } else {
      .Object@nbTryInInit <- 10

    if (!missing(nbIterationInInit)) {
      .Object@nbIterationInInit <- nbIterationInInit
    } else {
      .Object@nbIterationInInit <- 0

    if (!missing(epsilonInInit)) {
      .Object@epsilonInInit <- epsilonInInit
    } else {
      .Object@epsilonInInit <- 0.001
    .Object@parameter <- new("GaussianParameter")
    if (!missing(initMethod)) {
      .Object@initMethod <- initMethod
      if (.Object@initMethod == "parameter") {
        if (!missing(parameter)) {
          .Object@parameter <- parameter
        } else {
          stop("'parameter' argument is mandatory when initMethod='parameter'")
      if (.Object@initMethod == "label") {
        if (!missing(labels)) {
          .Object@labels <- labels
        } else {
          stop("'labels' argument is mandatory when initMethod='label'")
      } else {
        .Object@labels <- 0
      # change default value if necessary
      if (.Object@nbIterationInInit == 0) {
        if (.Object@initMethod == "SEMMax") {
          .Object@nbIterationInInit <- 100
        if (.Object@initMethod == "smallEM") {
          .Object@nbIterationInInit <- 5
    } else {
      .Object@initMethod <- "smallEM"
      .Object@nbIterationInInit <- 5


#' @rdname print-methods
#' @aliases print print,Strategy-method
  f = "print",
  signature = c("Strategy"),
  function(x, ...) {
    cat("*** MIXMOD Strategy:\n")
    cat("* algorithm            = ", x@algo, "\n")
    cat("* number of tries      = ", x@nbTry, "\n")
    cat("* number of iterations = ", x@nbIterationInAlgo, "\n")
    cat("* epsilon              = ", x@epsilonInAlgo, "\n")
    cat("*** Initialization strategy:\n")
    cat("* algorithm            = ", x@initMethod, "\n")
    cat("* number of tries      = ", x@nbTryInInit, "\n")
    cat("* number of iterations = ", x@nbIterationInInit, "\n")
    cat("* epsilon              = ", x@epsilonInInit, "\n")
    cat("* seed                 = ", ifelse(x@seed < 0, "NULL", x@seed), "\n")

#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show show,Strategy-method
  f = "show",
  signature = c("Strategy"),
  function(object) {
    cat("*** MIXMOD Strategy:\n")
    cat("* algorithm            = ", object@algo, "\n")
    cat("* number of tries      = ", object@nbTry, "\n")
    cat("* number of iterations = ", object@nbIterationInAlgo, "\n")
    cat("* epsilon              = ", object@epsilonInAlgo, "\n")
    cat("*** Initialization strategy:\n")
    cat("* algorithm            = ", object@initMethod, "\n")
    cat("* number of tries      = ", object@nbTryInInit, "\n")
    cat("* number of iterations = ", object@nbIterationInInit, "\n")
    cat("* epsilon              = ", object@epsilonInInit, "\n")
    cat("* seed                 = ", ifelse(object@seed < 0, "NULL", object@seed), "\n")

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @aliases [,Strategy-method
  f = "[",
  signature(x = "Strategy"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, drop) {
    if (missing(j)) {
      switch(EXPR = i,
        "algo" = {
        "nbTry" = {
        "nbIterationInAlgo" = {
        "epsilonInAlgo" = {
        "initMethod" = {
        "nbTryInInit" = {
        "nbIterationInInit" = {
        "epsilonInInit" = {
        "seed" = {
        stop("This attribute doesn't exist !")
    } else {
      stop("This attribute is not a list !")

# ' @name [
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @aliases [<-,Strategy-method
  f = "[",
  signature(x = "Strategy"),
  definition = function(x, i, j, value) {
    if (missing(j)) {
      switch(EXPR = i,
        "algo" = {
          x@algo <- value
        "nbTry" = {
          x@nbTry <- value
        "nbIterationInAlgo" = {
          x@nbIterationInAlgo <- value
        "epsilonInAlgo" = {
          x@epsilonInAlgo <- value
        "initMethod" = {
          x@initMethod <- value
        "nbTryInInit" = {
          x@nbTryInInit <- value
        "nbIterationInInit" = {
          x@nbIterationInInit <- value
        "epsilonInInit" = {
          x@epsilonInInit <- value
        "seed" = {
          x@seed <- value
        stop("This attribute doesn't exist !")
    } else {
      stop("This attribute is not a list !")

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