
Defines functions .mpfr2bigq getDenom .bigq2mpfr ..bigq2mpfr .mpfr2bigz ..bigz2mpfr .bigz2mpfr is.matrixZQ

Documented in .bigq2mpfr ..bigq2mpfr .bigz2mpfr ..bigz2mpfr .mpfr2bigq .mpfr2bigz

#### Conversions   bigz  <-> mpfr   // also bigq <--> mpfr

if(packageVersion("gmp") < "0.5.8")## <-> ../NAMESPACE
    is.matrixZQ <- function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "nrow"))

## The following code is experimental, hence the "." :

### FIXME: we go via character.. which is not really efficient.
## ------  rather "should" use  MPFR Functions
## int mpfr_set_z (mpfr_t ROP, mpz_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND)
## int mpfr_set_q (mpfr_t ROP, mpq_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND)
## Set the value of ROP from OP, rounded toward the given direction RND.
## Directly in C, we'd need both Rmpfr and gmp's  C code (!)
## TODO(?:  gmp should "export" its C++ API ( -> inst/include/*.hh )
## and we should add  'LinkingTo: gmp' to DESCRIPTION and
##  then use C++ with "C" { ...} for those parts
.bigz2mpfr <- function(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "bigz"))
    ..bigz2mpfr(x, precB, rnd.mode)
## Fast, no-checking (and not exported) version:
..bigz2mpfr <- function(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A'))
    ## precB: 4 == log2(16) = log(base)
    stopifnot(is.character(rnd.mode <- toupper(rnd.mode)))
    rnd.mode <- match.arg(rnd.mode)
    b <- 16L
    cx <- .as.char.bigz(x, b)
    if(is.null(precB)) precB <- 4L*nchar(cx)
	new("mpfrMatrix", .Call(str2mpfr1_list, cx, precB, b, rnd.mode),
	    Dim = as.integer(dim(x)))# "bigz" has no dimnames
	new("mpfr", .Call(str2mpfr1_list, cx, precB, b, rnd.mode))
setAs("bigz", "mpfr", function(from) ..bigz2mpfr(from))

## FIXME: rather should use MPFR -- Function :
## ----   int mpfr_get_z (mpz_t ROP, mpfr_t OP, mpfr_rnd_t RND)
## Convert OP to a `mpz_t', after rounding it with respect to RND.  ....
## FIXME(2): should 'gmp' change as.bigz into an S3 generic, so this becomes S3 method?
as.bigz.mpfr <-
.mpfr2bigz <- function(x, mod=NA) {
    if(is.null(mod)) mod <- NA_integer_
	      is.na(mod) || (length(mod) == 1L && is.numeric(mod)))
    dx <- dim(x)
### FIXME or rather  roundMpfr()  [or even round "RND" as in mpfr_get_z() above] ??
    cx <- format(trunc(x), scientific=FALSE, drop0trailing=TRUE)
    if(!is.null(dx <- dim(x))) dim(cx) <- dx ## needed?? {should *not* be, as in base R!}
    ..as.bigz(cx, mod)
setAs("mpfr", "bigz", function(from) .mpfr2bigz(from))

## Fast, no-checking (and not exported) version:
..bigq2mpfr <- function(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    stopifnot(is.character(rnd.mode <- toupper(rnd.mode)))
    rnd.mode <- match.arg(rnd.mode)
    N <- numerator(x)
    D <- denominator(x)
    if(is.null(precB)) {
        eN <- frexpZ(N)$exp
        eD <- frexpZ(D)$exp
        precB <- pmax(128L, eN + eD + 1L) # precision of result
    ..bigz2mpfr(N, precB, rnd.mode) / ..bigz2mpfr(D, precB, rnd.mode)

.bigq2mpfr <- function(x, precB = NULL, rnd.mode = c('N','D','U','Z','A')) {
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "bigq"))
    ..bigq2mpfr(x, precB, rnd.mode)
setAs("bigq", "mpfr", function(from) ..bigq2mpfr(from))

## not exported
##' @title get denominator 'd' of  m = n/d
##' @param m an mpfr number vector
##' @return the denominator 'd' (also mpfr vector)
##' @author Martin Maechler
getDenom <-  function(m) {
    ## stopifnot(is.mpfr(m))
    e <- pmax(0L, -.mpfr2exp(m)) # 2-exponents to multiply with; integer *iff* ....
    pre <- getPrec(m)
    mpfr(2, pre)^(e + pre) ## MM: it *seems* that (e + pre -1) works too ?

## relies on .mpfr2bigz()  above  {which has TODO s !}
.mpfr2bigq <- function(x) {
    d <- getDenom(x)
            .mpfr2bigz( d ))

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Rmpfr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:04 a.m.