
Defines functions allValid getFreeRAM getBatchBytes nlCleanup printCredits

Documented in allValid getBatchBytes getFreeRAM nlCleanup printCredits

######################## allValid ###################################

#' Check if a vector/list of values given is valid as per the given validation function
#' Check if a vector/list of values given is valid as per the given 
#'     validation function. The function will also print a warning 
#'     showing the values that are invalid. One can stop the warning 
#'     being printed by wrapping the function in the 
#'     \code{suppressWarnings} function.
#' @param testData The list/vector of values to validate
#' @param testFun The validation function to test each value of testData against
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass on to the testFun
#' @return TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#'   Rnightlights:::allValid(c("KEZ", "UGA", "RWA", "TZA"), Rnightlights:::validCtryCodes)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#'   Rnightlights:::allValid(c("2012", "2015"), validNlPeriods, "OLS.Y")
#' }
allValid <- function(testData, testFun, ...)
  valid <- unlist(sapply(testData, function(x) eval(parse(text="testFun(x, ...)"))))
  invalidData <- testData[!valid]
  if(length(invalidData) > 0)
    message(Sys.time(), ": Invalid data: ", paste0(invalidData, collapse = ", "))

######################## getFreeRAM ###################################

#' Detect the amount of available RAM on the computer
#' Detect the amount of available RAM on the computer for dynamic
#'     configuration of available memory
#' @export
getFreeRAM <- function()
  if(Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows")
    x <- system2("wmic", args =  "OS get FreePhysicalMemory /Value", stdout = TRUE)
    x <- x[grepl("FreePhysicalMemory", x)]
    x <- gsub("FreePhysicalMemory=", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
    freeMem <- gsub("\r", "", x, fixed = TRUE)
    freeMem <- as.integer(freeMem)
  } else if(Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "macOS")
    freeBlocks <- system2("vm_stat | grep free | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed 's/\\.//'", stdout = TRUE)
    speculativeBlocks <- system2("vm_stat | grep speculative | awk '{ print $3 }' | sed 's/\\.//'")
    freeMem <- (freeBlocks + speculativeBlocks)*4096
    freeMem <- as.integer(freeMem)
  } else if(Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Linux")
    x <- system2('free', stdout = TRUE)
    x <- strsplit(x, "\\s+")
    freeCol <- grep("free", unlist(x[1]), fixed = T)
    cacheCol <- grep("buff", unlist(x[1]), fixed = T)
    free <- unlist(x[2])[freeCol]
    cache <- unlist(x[2])[cacheCol]
    freeMem <- as.integer(free) + as.integer(cache)
  } else
    message("Cannot determine free RAM on your OS. Defaulting to conservative 1GB")
    freeMem <- 1048576

######################## getBatchBytes ###################################

#' Calculate the RAM to provide to the package for gdal calculations
#' Calculate the RAM to provide to the package to calculate when
#'     pkgOption("extractMethod") == "gdal"
#' @param freeRAM the amount of available RAM to consider
#' @export
getBatchBytes <- function(freeRAM = pkgOptions("batchBytes"))
  sysFreeRAM <- getFreeRAM() * 2^10
  if(grepl("%", freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- freeRAM/100
    freeRAM <- freeRAM*sysFreeRAM
  } else if(grepl("KB", freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- as.numeric(gsub("KB","",freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- freeRAM*2^10
  } else if(grepl("MB", freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- as.numeric(gsub("MB","",freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- freeRAM*2^20
  } else if(grepl("GB", freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- as.numeric(gsub("GB","",freeRAM))
    freeRAM <- freeRAM*2^30
  if(freeRAM > sysFreeRAM)
    freeRAM <- 0.1 * sysFreeRAM * 2^20


######################## nlCleanup ###################################

#' Clean up the environment after processing (Not yet implemented)
#' Clean up the environment after processing (Not yet implemented)
#' @param temp boolean should the temp folder be cleared?
#' @param tileCache boolean should unnecessary tiles be cleared?
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  Rnightlights:::nlCleanup()
#'  }
nlCleanup <- function(temp=TRUE, tileCache=FALSE)
  #remove any global vars we created in .onLoad
  #suppressWarnings(rm(map, shpTopLyrName, wgs84, nlTiles, tilesSpPolysDFs))
  #message("Cleaning up the environment")
  #the destructor
  #del temp files used in this session in the nlTempDir
  unlink(list.files(getNlDir("dirNlTemp"), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
  #del temp dataPath directory if it was created
  #if(getNlDataPath() == tempdir())
  #  unlink(file.path(tempdir(), ".Rnightlights"), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

######################## printCredits ###################################

#' Format credits to print to the console
#' Format credits to print to the console
#' @param credits character a single length character vector with newlineChar
#'     used to separate lines. Two consecutive newlineChara are used to
#'     put in a horizontal divider
#' @param newLineChar character the character/sequence used to split the 
#'     credits into new lines
#' @param surroundChar character the character to use as a decoration
#' @param horzPadding integer the number of blank spaces between text and
#'     the surrounding text horizontally
#' @param vertPadding integer the number of blank spaces between text and
#'     the surrounding text vertically
#' @param horzWidth integer the width of the decoration horizontally
#' @param vertWidth integer the width of the decoration vertically
#' @return character a formatted credits character vector
#' @examples
#'   printCredits(credits="DMSP data collected by US Air Force Weather Agency|
#'   Image and data processing by NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center|
#'   (https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/eog/download.html)||
#'   Maps distributed by GADM|(https://gadm.org)", newLineChar="|")
#' @export
printCredits <- function(credits, newLineChar="\n", surroundChar = "*", horzPadding = 1, vertPadding = 1, horzWidth = 3, vertWidth = 2)
  width <- getOption("width")
  if(newLineChar != "\n")
    credits <- gsub(pattern = "\n", replacement = "", x = credits)
  credits <- unlist(strsplit(x = credits, split = newLineChar, fixed = T))
  sideFrame <- paste(rep(surroundChar, horzWidth), collapse = "")  
  longestLine <- max(sapply(credits, nchar))
  fullHorzFrame <- paste(rep(surroundChar, longestLine + horzPadding * 2 + horzWidth * 2), collapse = "")
  emptyHorzFrame <- paste0(sideFrame, paste0(rep(" ", longestLine + horzPadding * 2), collapse=""), sideFrame)
  header <- rep(fullHorzFrame, vertWidth)
  footer <- header
  mainBody <- sapply(credits, USE.NAMES = F, function(x){
    leftPad <- floor((longestLine-nchar(x))/2)
    rightPad <- ifelse((longestLine-nchar(x)) %% 2 == 0, leftPad, leftPad + 1)
    leftSpace <- paste(rep(" ", leftPad+horzPadding), collapse = "")
    rightSpace <- paste(rep(" ", rightPad+horzPadding), collapse = "")
    # print((longestLine-nchar(x)))
    # print(paste0(leftPad, ":", rightPad))
    out <- if(!grepl(pattern = "^\\s*$", x = x))
      paste0(sideFrame, leftSpace, x, rightSpace, sideFrame)
      if(vertWidth > 0)
        c(emptyHorzFrame, fullHorzFrame, emptyHorzFrame)
    # message("'", leftSpace,"'")
    # message("'", x, "'")
    # message("'", rightSpace,"'")
  credits <- c(header, emptyHorzFrame, unlist(mainBody), emptyHorzFrame, footer)
  #cat(paste(credits, collapse = "\n"))
  credits <- sapply(credits, function(cred)
    ws <- paste(rep(" ", floor((width - nchar(cred))/2)), collapse = "")
    paste(ws, cred, sep = "", collapse = "")
  }, USE.NAMES = F)
  packageStartupMessage(paste(credits, collapse = "\n"))

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Rnightlights documentation built on Aug. 29, 2019, 5:02 p.m.