
Defines functions .plot.RoBTT_par_names .set_dots_prior .set_dots_plot plot.RoBTT

Documented in plot.RoBTT

#' @title Plots a fitted 'RoBTT' object
#' @description \code{plot.RoBTT} allows to visualize
#' different \code{"RoBTT"} object parameters in various
#' ways. See \code{type} for the different model types.
#' @param x a fitted 'RoBTT' object
#' @param parameter a parameter to be plotted. Defaults to
#' \code{"delta"} (for the effect size). The additional options
#' are \code{"rho"} (for the heterogeneity),
#' \code{"nu"} (for the degrees of freedom).
#' @param transform_rho whether rho parameter should be translated 
#' into log standard deviation ratio
#' @param conditional whether conditional estimates should be
#' plotted. Defaults to \code{FALSE} which plots the model-averaged
#' estimates.
#' @param plot_type whether to use a base plot \code{"base"}
#' or ggplot2 \code{"ggplot"} for plotting. Defaults to
#' \code{"base"}.
#' @param prior whether prior distribution should be added to
#' figure. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param dots_prior list of additional graphical arguments
#' to be passed to the plotting function of the prior
#' distribution. Supported arguments are \code{lwd},
#' \code{lty}, \code{col}, and \code{col.fill}, to adjust
#' the line thickness, line type, line color, and fill color
#' of the prior distribution respectively.
#' @param ... list of additional graphical arguments
#' to be passed to the plotting function. Supported arguments
#' are \code{lwd}, \code{lty}, \code{col}, \code{col.fill},
#' \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, \code{main}, \code{xlim}, \code{ylim}
#' to adjust the line thickness, line type, line color, fill color,
#' x-label, y-label, title, x-axis range, and y-axis range
#' respectively.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data("fertilization", package = "RoBTT")
#' fit <- RoBTT(
#'   x1       = fertilization$Self,
#'   x2       = fertilization$Crossed,
#'   prior_delta = prior("cauchy", list(0, 1/sqrt(2))),
#'   prior_rho   = prior("beta",   list(3, 3)),
#'   seed        = 1, 
#'   chains      = 1,
#'   warmup      = 1000,
#'   iter        = 2000,
#'   control     = set_control(adapt_delta = 0.95)
#' )
#' # plot the model-averaged effect size estimate
#' plot(fit, parameter = "delta")
#' # plot prior and posterior of the conditional effect size estimate
#' plot(fit, parameter = "delta", conditional = TRUE, prior = TRUE)
#' }
#' @return \code{plot.RoBTT} returns either \code{NULL} if \code{plot_type = "base"}
#' or an object object of class 'ggplot2' if \code{plot_type = "ggplot2"}.
#' @seealso [RoBTT()]
#' @export
plot.RoBTT  <- function(x, parameter = "mu", transform_rho = FALSE,
                        conditional = FALSE, plot_type = "base", prior = FALSE, dots_prior = NULL, ...){
  # check whether plotting is possible
    stop("Some of the models did not converge.")
  #check settings
  BayesTools::check_char(parameter, "parameter")
  BayesTools::check_bool(conditional, "conditional")
  BayesTools::check_char(plot_type, "plot_type", allow_values = c("base", "ggplot"))
  BayesTools::check_bool(prior, "prior")
  BayesTools::check_char(parameter, "plot_type", allow_values = c("delta", "rho", "nu"))
  # choose the samples
    samples <- x[["RoBTT"]][["posteriors_conditional"]]
    samples <- x[["RoBTT"]][["posteriors"]]
  if(conditional && is.null(samples[[parameter]])){
      "delta" = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the effect. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the effect."),
      "rho"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of the heterogeneity. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of the heterogeneity."),
      "nu"    = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the models assuming the presence of outliers. Please, verify that you specified at least one model assuming the presence of outliers.")
  }else if(is.null(samples[[parameter]])){
      "delta" = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the effect. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for the effect."),
      "rho"   = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across the heterogeneity. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for the heterogeneity."),
      "nu"    = stop("The ensemble does not contain any posterior samples model-averaged across outliers. Please, verify that you specified at least one model for outliers.")
  # pretend that infinite degrees of freedom are 0 to make plotting possible for nu
  if(parameter == "nu"){

    samples[["nu"]][is.infinite(samples[["nu"]])] <- 0
    samples[["nu"]]                               <- samples[["nu"]] - 2 

    for(i in seq_along(x[["models"]])){
      if(x[["models"]][[i]][["likelihood"]] == "normal"){
        attr(samples[["nu"]], "prior_list")[[i]][["parameters"]][["location"]] <- -2
  dots       <- .set_dots_plot(...)
  dots_prior <- .set_dots_prior(dots_prior)
  # prepare the argument call
  args                          <- dots
  args$samples                  <- samples
  args$parameter                <- parameter
  args$plot_type                <- plot_type
  args$prior                    <- prior
  args$n_points                 <- 1000
  args$n_samples                <- 10000
  args$force_samples            <- FALSE
  args$transformation           <- NULL
  args$transformation_arguments <- NULL
  args$transformation_settings  <- FALSE
  args$rescale_x                <- FALSE
  args$par_name                 <- .plot.RoBTT_par_names(parameter)
  args$dots_prior               <- dots_prior
  if(parameter == "rho" && transform_rho){
    args$transformation          <- rho2logsdr
      args$xlim                  <- c(-3, 3)       
    args$transformation_settings <- TRUE
    args$par_name                <- "log(Standard deviation ratio)"
  if(parameter == "nu"){
    args$transformation           <- "lin"
    args$transformation_arguments <- list(a = 2, b = 1)

  plot <- do.call(BayesTools::plot_posterior, args)
  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

.set_dots_plot        <- function(...){
  dots <- list(...)
    dots[["col"]]      <- "black"
    dots[["col.fill"]] <- "#4D4D4D4C" # scales::alpha("grey30", .30)
.set_dots_prior       <- function(dots_prior){
    dots_prior <- list()
    dots_prior[["col"]]      <- "grey60"
    dots_prior[["lty"]]      <- 1
    dots_prior[["col.fill"]] <- "#B3B3B34C" # scales::alpha("grey70", .30)
.plot.RoBTT_par_names <- function(par, quote = FALSE){
      "delta"        = quote(delta),
      "rho"          = quote(rho),
      "nu"           = quote(nu),
      "mu"           = quote(mu),
      "sigma"        = quote(sigma),
      "pooled_sigma" = quote(sigma)
      "delta"        = expression(delta),
      "rho"          = expression(rho),
      "nu"           = expression(nu),
      "mu"           = expression(mu),
      "sigma"        = expression(sigma),
      "pooled_sigma" = expression(sigma)

#' @title rho to log standard deviation ratio transformations
#' @description A list containing the transformation function, 
#' inverse transformation function, and the jacobian function.
#' @return a list with the corresponding functions
#' @export
rho2logsdr <- list(
  fun = function(x) log(sqrt(x/(1-x))),
  inv = function(x) exp(2*x) / (exp(2*x) + 1),
  jac = function(x) 2*exp(2*x) / (exp(2*x) + 1)^2

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RoBTT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:03 p.m.