robyn_run: Robyn Modelling Function

View source: R/model.R

robyn_runR Documentation

Robyn Modelling Function


robyn_run() consumes robyn_input() outputs, runs robyn_mmm(), and collects all modeling results.


  InputCollect = NULL,
  dt_hyper_fixed = NULL,
  json_file = NULL,
  ts_validation = FALSE,
  add_penalty_factor = FALSE,
  refresh = FALSE,
  seed = 123L,
  quiet = FALSE,
  cores = NULL,
  trials = 5,
  iterations = 2000,
  rssd_zero_penalty = TRUE,
  objective_weights = NULL,
  nevergrad_algo = "TwoPointsDE",
  intercept = TRUE,
  intercept_sign = "non_negative",
  lambda_control = NULL,
  outputs = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'robyn_models'
print(x, ...)



List. Contains all input parameters for the model. Required when robyn_object is not provided.


data.frame or named list. Only provide when loading old model results. It consumes hyperparameters from saved csv pareto_hyperparameters.csv or JSON file to replicate a model.


Character. JSON file to import previously exported inputs or recreate a model. To generate this file, use robyn_write(). If you didn't export your data in the json file as "raw_data", dt_input must be provided; dt_holidays input is optional.


Boolean. When set to TRUE, Robyn will split data by test, train, and validation partitions to validate the time series. By default the "train_size" range is set to c(0.5, 0.8), but it can be customized or set to a fixed value using the hyperparameters input. For example, if train_size = 0.7, validation size and test size will both be 0.15 and 0.15. When ts_validation = FALSE, nrmse_train is the objective function; when ts_validation = TRUE, nrmse_val is the objective function.


Boolean. Add penalty factor hyperparameters to glmnet's penalty.factor to be optimized by nevergrad. Use with caution, because this feature might add too much hyperparameter space and probably requires more iterations to converge.


Boolean. Set to TRUE when used in robyn_refresh().


Integer. For reproducible results when running nevergrad.


Boolean. Keep messages off?


Integer. Default to parallel::detectCores() - 1 (all cores except one). Set to 1 if you want to turn parallel computing off.


Integer. Recommended 5 for default nevergrad_algo = "TwoPointsDE".


Integer. Recommended 2000 for default when using nevergrad_algo = "TwoPointsDE".


Boolean. When TRUE, the objective function DECOMP.RSSD will penalize models with more 0 media effects additionally. In other words, given the same DECOMP.RSSD score, a model with 50% 0-coef variables will get penalized by DECOMP.RSSD * 1.5 (larger error), while another model with no 0-coef variables gets un-penalized with DECOMP.RSSD * 1.


Numeric vector. Default to NULL to give equal weights to all objective functions. Order: NRMSE, DECOMP.RSSD, MAPE (when calibration data is provided). When you are not calibrating, only the first 2 values for objective_weights must be defined, i.e. set c(2, 1) to give double weight to the 1st (NRMSE). This is an experimental feature. There's no research on optimal weight setting. Subjective weights might strongly bias modeling results.


Character. Default to "TwoPointsDE". Options are c("DE","TwoPointsDE", "OnePlusOne", "DoubleFastGADiscreteOnePlusOne", "DiscreteOnePlusOne", "PortfolioDiscreteOnePlusOne", "NaiveTBPSA", "cGA", "RandomSearch").


Boolean. Should intercept(s) be fitted (default=TRUE) or set to zero (FALSE).


Character. Choose one of "non_negative" (default) or "unconstrained". By default, if intercept is negative, Robyn will drop intercept and refit the model. Consider changing intercept_sign to "unconstrained" when there are context_vars with large positive values.


Deprecated in v3.6.0.


Boolean. If set to TRUE, will run robyn_run() and robyn_outputs(), returning a list with OutputModels and OutputCollect results.


Additional parameters passed to robyn_outputs().


robyn_models() output.


List. Class: robyn_models. Contains the results of all trials and iterations modeled.

List. Contains all trained models. Class: robyn_models.


## Not run: 
# Having InputCollect results
OutputModels <- robyn_run(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  cores = 2,
  iterations = 200,
  trials = 1

## End(Not run)

Robyn documentation built on June 27, 2024, 9:06 a.m.