
Defines functions C_RogueNaRok .RogueNaRok

Documented in C_RogueNaRok

.RogueNaRok <- function(trees,
                         bestTree = NULL,
                         computeSupport = TRUE,
                         dropsetSize = 1,
                         neverDrop = character(0),
                         labelPenalty = 0,
                         mreOptimization = FALSE,
                         threshold = 50,
                         verbose = FALSE) {
  wd <- tempdir()

  bootTrees <- tempfile(tmpdir = wd)
  write.tree(trees, file = bootTrees)

  if (inherits(bestTree, "phylo")) {
    treeFile <- tempfile(tmpdir = wd)
    write.tree(bestTree, treeFile)

  } else {
    treeFile <- ""
  if (length(neverDrop)) {
    excludeFile <- tempfile(tmpdir = wd)
    write(neverDrop, excludeFile)
  } else {
    excludeFile <- ""
  RunRogueNaRok <- function()
    C_RogueNaRok(bootTrees = bootTrees,
                 runId = "tmp",
                 treeFile = treeFile,
                 computeSupport = computeSupport,
                 dropsetSize = dropsetSize,
                 excludeFile = excludeFile,
                 workDir = wd,
                 labelPenalty = labelPenalty,
                 mreOptimization = mreOptimization,
                 threshold = threshold)
  if (verbose) {
    RunRogueNaRok()                                                             # nocov
  } else {
    output <- capture.output(RunRogueNaRok())

  rogueFile <- paste0(wd, "/RogueNaRok_droppedRogues.tmp")
  if (!file.exists(rogueFile)) {
    stop("RogueNaRok did not produce output at ", rogueFile)
  droppedRogues <- read.table(rogueFile, header = TRUE,
                              colClasses = c("integer", "character",
                                             "character", "numeric", "numeric"))

  unlink(paste0(wd, "/RogueNaRok_info.tmp"))
  if (verbose) {
    droppedRogues                                                               # nocov
  } else {
    structure(droppedRogues, log = output)

#' @param bootTrees Path to a file containing a collection of bootstrap trees.
#' @param runId An identifier for this run, appended to output files.
#' @param treeFile,bestTree If a single best-known tree (such as an ML or MP tree)
#' is provided, RogueNaRok optimizes the bootstrap support in this
#' best-known tree (still drawn from the bootstrap trees);
#' the `threshold` parameter is ignored.
#' @param excludeFile Taxa in this file (one taxon per line) will not be
#' considered for pruning.
#' @param threshold,mreOptimization A threshold or mode for the consensus tree
#' that is optimized. Specify a value between 50 (majority rule consensus,
#' the default) and 100 (strict consensus), or set `mreOptimization = TRUE`
#' for the extended majority rule consensus.
#' Note that rogue taxa identified with respect to different thresholds can
#' vary substantially.
#' @param computeSupport Logical: If `FALSE`, then instead of trying to maximize
#' the support in the consensus tree, RogueNaRok will try to maximize the number
#' of bipartitions in the final tree by pruning taxa.
#' @param labelPenalty A weight factor to penalize for dropset size when
#' `info = "rbic"`.
#' The higher the value, the more conservative the algorithm is in pruning taxa.
#' The default value of `0` gives the \acronym{RBIC}; `1` gives Pattengale's
#' criterion.
#' @param dropsetSize Integer specifying maximum size of dropset per iteration.
#' If `dropsetSize == n`, then RogueNaRok will test in each iteration which
#' tuple of `n` taxa increases the optimality criterion the most, pruning
#' taxa accordingly.
#' This improves the result, but run times will increase at least linearly.
#' @param workDir Path to a working directory where output files are created.
#' @return `C_RogueNaRok()` returns `0` if successful; `-1` on error.
#' @useDynLib Rogue, .registration = TRUE
#' @rdname RogueTaxa
#' @examples
#' bootTrees <- system.file("example/150.bs", package = "Rogue")
#' tmpDir <- tempdir()
#' XX <- capture.output( # Don't print verbose run details to console
#'   C_RogueNaRok(bootTrees, workDir = tmpDir)
#' )
#' # Results have been written to our temporary directory
#' oldwd <- setwd(tmpDir)
#' head(read.table("RogueNaRok_droppedRogues.tmp", header = TRUE))
#' # Delete temporary files
#' file.remove("RogueNaRok_droppedRogues.tmp")
#' file.remove("RogueNaRok_info.tmp")
#' setwd(oldwd)
#' @export
C_RogueNaRok <- function(bootTrees = "",
                          runId = "tmp",
                          treeFile = "",
                          computeSupport = TRUE,
                          dropsetSize = 1,
                          excludeFile = "",
                          workDir = "",
                          labelPenalty = 0,
                          mreOptimization = FALSE,
                          threshold = 50
                          ) {
        R_bootTrees = as.character(bootTrees),
        R_run_id = as.character(runId),
        R_treeFile = as.character(treeFile),
        R_computeSupport = as.logical(computeSupport),
        R_maxDropsetSize = as.integer(dropsetSize),
        R_excludeFile = as.character(excludeFile),
        R_workdir = as.character(workDir),
        R_labelPenalty = as.double(labelPenalty),
        R_mreOptimization = as.logical(mreOptimization),
        R_threshold = as.double(threshold))

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Rogue documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:05 a.m.