Man pages for Runuran
R Interface to the 'UNU.RAN' Random Variate Generators

arou.newUNU.RAN generator based on Automatic Ratio-Of-Uniforms method...
ars.newUNU.RAN generator based on Adaptive Rejection Sampling (ARS)
dari.newUNU.RAN generator based on Discrete Automatic Rejection...
dau.newUNU.RAN generator based on the Alias method (DAU)
dgt.newUNU.RAN generator based on table guided discrete inversion...
hitro.newUNU.RAN generator based on Hit-and-Run sampler (HITRO)
itdr.newUNU.RAN generator based on Inverse Transformed Density...
mixt.newUNU.RAN generator for finite mixture of distributions
pinv.newUNU.RAN generator based on Polynomial interpolation of...
Runuran.distributionsUNU.RAN distribution objects
Runuran.optionsSet or return options for Runuran library
Runuran-packageRunuran - R interface to Universal Non-Uniform RANdom variate...
Runuran.special.generatorsGenerators for distributions based on methods from the...
srou.newUNU.RAN generator based on Simple Ratio-Of-Uniforms Method...
tabl.newUNU.RAN generator based on TABLe based Rejection (TABL)
tdr.newUNU.RAN generator based on Transformed Density Rejection...
udDensity function for "unuran" object
udbetaUNU.RAN object for Beta distribution
udbinomUNU.RAN object for Binomial distribution
udcauchyUNU.RAN object for Cauchy distribution
udchiUNU.RAN object for Chi distribution
udchisqUNU.RAN object for Chi-Squared distribution
udexpUNU.RAN object for Exponential distribution
udfUNU.RAN object for F distribution
udfrechetUNU.RAN object for Frechet distribution
udgammaUNU.RAN object for Gamma distribution
udgeomUNU.RAN object for Geometric distribution
udghypUNU.RAN object for Generalized Hyperbolic distribution
udgigUNU.RAN object for Generalized Inverse Gaussian distribution
udgumbelUNU.RAN object for Gumbel distribution
udhyperUNU.RAN object for Hypergeometric distribution
udhyperbolicUNU.RAN object for Hyperbolic distribution
udigUNU.RAN object for Inverse Gaussian distribution
udlaplaceUNU.RAN object for Laplace distribution
udlnormUNU.RAN object for Log Normal distribution
udlogarithmicUNU.RAN object for Logarithmic distribution
udlogisUNU.RAN object for Logistic distribution
udlomaxUNU.RAN object for Lomax distribution
udmeixnerUNU.RAN object for Meixner distribution
udnbinomUNU.RAN object for Negative Binomial distribution
udnormUNU.RAN object for Normal distribution
udparetoUNU.RAN object for Pareto distribution
udpoisUNU.RAN object for Poisson distribution
udpowerexpUNU.RAN object for Powerexponential distribution
udrayleighUNU.RAN object for Rayleigh distribution
udslashUNU.RAN object for Slash distribution
udtUNU.RAN object for Student t distribution
udvgUNU.RAN object for Variance Gamma distribution
udweibullUNU.RAN object for Weibull distribution
unuran-classClass "unuran" - Universal Non-Uniform RANdom variate...
unuran.cmv-classClass "unuran.cmv" for Continuous Multivariate Distribution
unuran.cmv.newCreate a UNU.RAN continuous multivariate distribution object
unuran.cont-classClass "unuran.cont" for Continuous Distribution
unuran.cont.newCreate a UNU.RAN continuous univariate distribution object
unuran.detailsInformation on a given "unuran" generator object
unuran.discr-classClass "unuran.discr" for Discrete Distribution
unuran.discr.newCreate a UNU.RAN discrete univariate distribution object
unuran.distr-classVirtual class "unuran.distr" whether a "unuran" generator object implements an...
unuran.newCreate a UNU.RAN object
unuran.packed-methodsPack "unuran" object
unuran.verify.hatVerify hat and squeezes in a "unuran" generator object
upDistribution function for "unuran" object
uqQuantile function for "unuran" object
urSample from a distribution specified by a "unuran" object
urbetaUNU.RAN Beta random variate generator
urbinomUNU.RAN Binomial random variate generator
urburrUNU.RAN Burr random variate generator
urcauchyUNU.RAN Cauchy random variate generator
urchiUNU.RAN Chi random variate generator
urchisqUNU.RAN Chi-Squared random variate generator
urdgtUNU.RAN discrete random variate generator
urexpUNU.RAN Exponential random variate generator
urextremeIUNU.RAN Extreme value type I (Gumbel-type) random variate...
urextremeIIUNU.RAN Extreme value type II (Frechet-type) random variate...
urfUNU.RAN F random variate generator
urgammaUNU.RAN Gamma random variate generator
urgeomUNU.RAN Geometric random variate generator
urgigUNU.RAN Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution variate...
urhyperUNU.RAN Hypergeometric random variate generator
urhyperbolicUNU.RAN Hyperbolic random variate generator
urlaplaceUNU.RAN Laplace random variate generator
urlnormUNU.RAN Log-Normal random variate generator
urlogarithmicUNU.RAN Logarithmic random variate generator
urlogisUNU.RAN Logistic random variate generator
urlomaxUNU.RAN Lomax random variate generator
urnbinomUNU.RAN Negative Binomial random variate generator
urnormUNU.RAN Normal random variate generator
urparetoUNU.RAN Pareto random variate generator
urplanckUNU.RAN Planck random variate generator
urpoisUNU.RAN Poisson random variate generator
urpowerexpUNU.RAN Powerexponential random variate generator
urrayleighUNU.RAN Rayleigh random variate generator
urtUNU.RAN Student t random variate generator
urtriangUNU.RAN Triangular random variate generator
urweibullUNU.RAN Weibull random variate generator
use.aux.urng-methodUse auxiliary random number generator for Runuran objects
vnrou.newUNU.RAN generator based on Multivariate Naive...
Runuran documentation built on Jan. 17, 2023, 5:17 p.m.