
## Copyright(c) 2021 / 2023 Yoann Robin
## This file is part of SBCK.
## SBCK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## SBCK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with SBCK.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

##                                                                            ##
## Notes   : CDFt is the re-implementation of the function CDFt of R package  ##
##           "CDFt" developped by Mathieu Vrac, available at                  ##
##           https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/CDFt/index.html          ##
##           This code is governed by the GNU-GPL3 license with the           ##
##           authorization of Mathieu Vrac                                    ##
##                                                                            ##

## Libraries ##

## Functions ##

#' CDFt method (Cumulative Distribution Function transfer)
#' @description
#' Perform an univariate bias correction of X with respect to Y.
#' @details
#' Correction is applied margins by margins.
#' @references Michelangeli, P.-A., Vrac, M., and Loukos, H.: Probabilistic 
#'             downscaling approaches: Application to wind cumulative 
#'             distribution functions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L11708, 
#'             https://doi.org/10.1029/2009GL038401, 2009.
#' @examples
#' ## Three bivariate random variables (rnorm and rexp are inverted between ref and bias)
#' XY = SBCK::dataset_gaussian_exp_2d(2000)
#' X0 = XY$X0 ## Biased in calibration period
#' Y0 = XY$Y0 ## Reference in calibration period
#' X1 = XY$X1 ## Biased in projection period
#' ## Bias correction
#' ## Step 1 : construction of the class CDFt 
#' cdft = SBCK::CDFt$new() 
#' ## Step 2 : Fit the bias correction model
#' cdft$fit( Y0 , X0 , X1 )
#' ## Step 3 : perform the bias correction, Z is a list containing
#' ## corrections
#' Z = cdft$predict(X1,X0) 
#' Z$Z0 ## Correction in calibration period
#' Z$Z1 ## Correction in projection period
#' @export
CDFt = R6::R6Class( "CDFt" ,
	public = list(
	## Arguments ##
	#' @field n_features [integer] Number of features
	n_features = 0,
	#' @field tol [double] Floatting point tolerance
	tol        = 1e-6,
	#' @field distY0 [ROOPSD distribution or a list of them] Describe the law of
	#'        each margins. A list permit to use different laws for each
	#'        margins. Default is ROOPSD::rv_histogram.
	distY0 = NULL,
	#' @field distY1 [ROOPSD distribution or a list of them] Describe the law of
	#'        each margins. A list permit to use different laws for each
	#'        margins. Default is ROOPSD::rv_histogram.
	distY1 = NULL,
	#' @field distX0 [ROOPSD distribution or a list of them] Describe the law of
	#'        each margins. A list permit to use different laws for each
	#'        margins. Default is ROOPSD::rv_histogram.
	distX0 = NULL,
	#' @field distX1 [ROOPSD distribution or a list of them] Describe the law of
	#'        each margins. A list permit to use different laws for each
	#'        margins. Default is ROOPSD::rv_histogram.
	distX1 = NULL,
	## Constructor ##
	## initialize ##{{{
	#' @description
    #' Create a new CDFt object.
	#' @param ... Optional arguments are:
	#'            - distX0, distX1, models in calibration and projection period, see ROOPSD
	#'            - distY0, distY1, observations in calibration and projection period, see ROOPSD
	#'            - kwargsX0, kwargsX1, list of arguments for each respective distribution
	#'            - kwargsY0, kwargsY1, list of arguments for each respective distribution
	#'            - scale_left_tail [float]  Scale applied on the left support
	#'              (min to median) between calibration and projection period. If
	#'              NULL (default), it is determined during the fit. If == 1,
	#'              equivalent to the original algorithm of CDFt.
	#'            - scale_right_tail [float]  Scale applied on the right support
	#'              (median to max) between calibration and projection period. If
	#'              NULL (default), it is determined during the fit. If == 1,
	#'              equivalent to the original algorithm of CDFt.
	#'            - normalize_cdf [bool or vector of bool] If a normalization
	#'              is applied to the data to maximize the overlap of the
	#'              support. Can be a bool (True or False, applied for all
	#'              colums), or a list of bool of size 'n_features' to
	#'              distinguished each columns.
	#' @return A new `CDFt` object.
	initialize = function(...) 
		kwargs = list(...)
		self$distY0 = DistHelper$new( dist = kwargs[["distY0"]] , kwargs = kwargs[["kwargsY0"]] )
		self$distY1 = DistHelper$new( dist = kwargs[["distY1"]] , kwargs = kwargs[["kwargsY1"]] )
		self$distX0 = DistHelper$new( dist = kwargs[["distX0"]] , kwargs = kwargs[["kwargsX0"]] )
		self$distX1 = DistHelper$new( dist = kwargs[["distX1"]] , kwargs = kwargs[["kwargsX1"]] )
		self$n_features = kwargs[["n_features"]]
		self$tol        = if( !is.null(kwargs[["tol"]]) )   kwargs[["tol"]] else 1e-6
		private$dsupp   = if( !is.null(kwargs[["dsupp"]]) ) kwargs[["dsupp"]] else 1000
		private$scale_left_tail  = if( !is.null(kwargs[["scale_left_tail"]]) )  kwargs[["scale_left_tail"]]  else NA
		private$scale_right_tail = if( !is.null(kwargs[["scale_right_tail"]]) ) kwargs[["scale_right_tail"]] else NA
		private$normalize_cdf    = if( !is.null(kwargs[["scale_right_tail"]]) ) kwargs[["scale_right_tail"]] else TRUE
		if( !( class(private$normalize_cdf) %in% list("logical","numeric") ) )
			private$normalize_cdf = FALSE
	## fit ##{{{
	#' @description
    #' Fit the bias correction method
    #' @param Y0 [matrix: n_samples * n_features] Observations in calibration
    #' @param X0 [matrix: n_samples * n_features] Model in calibration
    #' @param X1 [matrix: n_samples * n_features] Model in projection
    #' @return NULL
	fit = function( Y0 , X0 , X1 )
		## Dimension and data formating
		if( is.vector(Y0) ) Y0 = matrix( Y0 , nrow = length(Y0) , ncol = 1 )
		if( is.vector(X0) ) X0 = matrix( X0 , nrow = length(X0) , ncol = 1 )
		if( is.vector(X1) ) X1 = matrix( X1 , nrow = length(X1) , ncol = 1 )
		## Set features
		if( is.null(self$n_features ) )
			if( !is.null(Y0) )
				self$n_features = base::ncol(Y0)
			else if( !is.null(X0) )
				self$n_features = base::ncol(X0)
			else if( !is.null(X1) )
				self$n_features = base::ncol(X1)
				base::stop("SBCK::CDFt: If Y0 == X0 == X1 == NULL, n_features must be set during initialization")
		## Set normalizations
		if( is(private$normalize_cdf,"logical") )
			private$normalize_cdf = numeric(self$n_features) + private$normalize_cdf
		## Start fit itself
		for( i in 1:self$n_features )
			self$distY0$fit( Y0[,i] , i )
			self$distX0$fit( X0[,i] , i )
			self$distX1$fit( X1[,i] , i )
			if( self$distY1$is_frozen(i) )
				self$distY1$law[[i]] = self$distY1$dist[[i]]
				Y1 = NULL
				if( self$distY0$is_parametric(i) && self$distX0$is_parametric(i) && self$distX1$is_parametric(i) )
					Y1 = self$distX1$law[[i]]$icdf( self$distX0$law[[i]]$cdf( self$distY0$law[[i]]$icdf( self$distX1$law[[i]]$cdf( X1[,i] ) ) ) )
					Y0uni = if( is.null(Y0) ) self$distY0$law[[i]]$rvs(10000) else Y0[,i]
					X0uni = if( is.null(X0) ) self$distX0$law[[i]]$rvs(10000) else X0[,i]
					X1uni = if( is.null(X1) ) self$distX1$law[[i]]$rvs(10000) else X1[,i]
					Y1 = private$infer_Y1( Y0uni , X0uni , X1uni , i ) ## infer Y1 here
				self$distY1$fit( Y1 , i )
	## predict ##{{{
	#' @description
    #' Predict the correction
    #' @param X0 [matrix: n_samples * n_features or NULL] Model in calibration
    #' @param X1 [matrix: n_samples * n_features] Model in projection
    #' @return [matrix or list] Return the matrix of correction of X1 if X0 is
    #'                          NULL, else return a list containing Z1 and Z0,
    #'                          the corrections of X1 and X0
	predict = function( X1 , X0 = NULL )
		if( !is.matrix(X1) ) X1 = matrix( X1 , nrow = length(X1) , ncol = 1 )
		if( is.null(X0) )
			Z1 = matrix( NA , nrow = base::nrow(X1) , ncol = base::ncol(X1) )
			for( i in 1:self$n_features )
				cdf = self$distX1$law[[i]]$cdf( X1[,i] )
				cdf[!(cdf < 1)] = 1-self$tol
				cdf[!(cdf > 0)] = self$tol
				Z1[,i] = self$distY1$law[[i]]$icdf( cdf )
			if( !is.matrix(X0) ) X0 = matrix( X0 , nrow = length(X0) , ncol = 1 )
			Z0 = matrix( NA , nrow = base::nrow(X0) , ncol = base::ncol(X0) )
			Z1 = matrix( NA , nrow = base::nrow(X1) , ncol = base::ncol(X1) )
			for( i in 1:self$n_features )
				cdf = self$distX0$law[[i]]$cdf( X0[,i] )
				cdf[!(cdf < 1)] = 1-self$tol
				cdf[!(cdf > 0)] = self$tol
				Z0[,i] = self$distY0$law[[i]]$icdf( cdf )
				cdf = self$distX1$law[[i]]$cdf( X1[,i] )
				cdf[!(cdf < 1)] = 1-self$tol
				cdf[!(cdf > 0)] = self$tol
				Z1[,i] = self$distY1$law[[i]]$icdf( cdf )
			return( list( Z1 = Z1 , Z0 = Z0 ) )
	## Private elements ##
	private = list(##{{{
	## Arguments ##
	qmX1Y1 = list(),
	qmX0Y0 = NULL,
	diff   = NULL,
	dsupp  = 1000,
	scale_left_tail  = NA,
	scale_right_tail = NA,
	normalize_cdf    = TRUE,
	## Methods ##
	infer_Y1 = function( Y0 , X0 , X1 , idist )##{{{
		dsupp      = private$dsupp
		tol        = self$tol
		samples_Y1 = 10000
		scale_left_tail  = private$scale_left_tail 
		scale_right_tail = private$scale_right_tail
		## Normalization
		if( private$normalize_cdf[idist] )
			mY0 = base::mean(Y0)
			mX0 = base::mean(X0)
			mX1 = base::mean(X1)
			sY0 = stats::sd(Y0)
			sX0 = stats::sd(X0)
			X0s = (X0 - mX0) * sY0 / sX0 + mY0
			X1s = (X1 - mX1) * sY0 / sX0 + mX1 + mY0 - mX0
		## CDF
		rvY0  = self$distY0$law[[idist]]
		rvX0s = base::do.call( self$distX0$dist[[idist]]$new , self$distX0$kwargs )
		rvX1s = base::do.call( self$distX1$dist[[idist]]$new , self$distX1$kwargs )
		## Support
		## Here the support is such that the CDF of Y0, X0s and X1s start from 0
		## and go to 1
		x_min = base::min(Y0,X0s,X1s,X0,X1)
		x_max = base::max(Y0,X0s,X1s,X0,X1)
		x_eps = 0.05 * (x_max - x_min)
		x_fac = 1
		x = base::seq( x_min - x_fac * x_eps , x_max + x_fac * x_eps , length = dsupp )
		support_test = function( rv , x )
			if( !base::abs(rv$cdf(x[1])) < tol )
			if( !base::abs(rv$cdf(x[length(x)])-1) < tol )
		while( !support_test(rvY0,x) || !support_test(rvX0s,x) || !support_test(rvX1s,x) )
			x_fac = 2 * x_fac
			x = base::seq( x_min - x_fac * x_eps , x_max + x_fac * x_eps , length = dsupp )
		x_fac = x_fac / 2
		## Loop to check the support
		p_min = 0
		p_max = 1
		extend_support = TRUE
		while( extend_support )
			extend_support = FALSE
			## Inference of the CDF of Y1
			cdfY1 = rvY0$cdf(rvX0s$icdf(rvX1s$cdf(x)))
			## Correction of the CDF, we want that the CDF of Y1 start from 0 and goto 1
			if( cdfY1[1] > p_min )
				## CDF not start at p_min
				idx  = base::max(which(base::abs(cdfY1[1] - cdfY1) < tol))
				if( idx == 1 )
					extend_support = TRUE
					if( is.na(scale_left_tail) )
						supp_l_X0s = rvX0s$icdf(cdfY1[1]) - rvX0s$icdf(p_min)
						supp_l_X1s = rvX1s$icdf(cdfY1[1]) - rvX1s$icdf(p_min)
						scale_left_tail = supp_l_X1s / supp_l_X0s
					supp_l_Y0  = rvY0$icdf(cdfY1[1])  - rvY0$icdf(p_min)
					supp_l_Y1  = supp_l_Y0 * scale_left_tail
					if( x[idx] - supp_l_Y1 < x[1] )
						extend_support = TRUE
						idxl = base::which.min(base::abs(x - (x[idx] - supp_l_Y1)))
						cdfY1[1:(idxl-1)] = 0
						cdfY1[idxl:idx] = rvY0$cdf( base::seq( rvY0$icdf(p_min) , rvY0$icdf(cdfY1[idx]) , length = idx - idxl + 1 ) )
			size = length(cdfY1)
			if( cdfY1[size] < p_max )
				## CDF not finished at p_max
				idx = base::min(which(base::abs(cdfY1[size] - cdfY1) < tol))
				if( idx == dsupp )
					extend_support = TRUE
					if( is.na(scale_right_tail) )
						supp_r_X0s = rvX0s$icdf(p_max) - rvX0s$icdf(cdfY1[size]) 
						supp_r_X1s = rvX1s$icdf(p_max) - rvX1s$icdf(cdfY1[size])
						scale_right_tail = supp_r_X1s / supp_r_X0s
					supp_r_Y0  = rvY0$icdf(p_max)  - rvY0$icdf(cdfY1[size])  
					supp_r_Y1  = supp_r_Y0 * scale_right_tail
					if( x[idx] + supp_r_Y1 > x[size] )
						extend_support = TRUE
						idxr = which.min(base::abs(x - (x[idx] + supp_r_Y1)))
						cdfY1[(idxr+1):size] = 1
						cdfY1[idx:idxr] = rvY0$cdf( base::seq( rvY0$icdf(cdfY1[idx]) , rvY0$icdf(p_max) , length = idxr - idx + 1 ) )
			## Support
				dsupp = as.integer(dsupp*1.2)
				x_fac = 2*x_fac
				x = base::seq( x_min - x_fac * x_eps , x_max + x_fac * x_eps , length = dsupp )
		## Cut the support to remove identical values
		if( base::sum( base::abs(cdfY1 - cdfY1[1]) < tol ) > 1 )
			idxl  = base::max( which( base::abs(cdfY1 - cdfY1[1]) < tol ) )
			x     = x[idxl:length(x)]
			cdfY1 = cdfY1[idxl:length(cdfY1)]
		if( base::sum( base::abs(cdfY1 - cdfY1[length(cdfY1)]) < tol ) > 1 )
			idxr  = base::min( which( base::abs(cdfY1 - cdfY1[length(cdfY1)]) < tol ) )
			x     = x[1:idxr]
			cdfY1 = cdfY1[1:idxr]
		## Build inverse of CDF
		icdfY1 = stats::approxfun( cdfY1 , x , yleft = x[1] , yright = x[length(x)] , ties = "ordered" )
		## Now find p_min / p_max to have coherent tail
		lsuppl_Y0  = median(Y0) - min(Y0)
		lsuppl_X0  = median(X0) - min(X0)
		lsuppl_X1  = median(X1) - min(X1)
		lsuppl_Y1  = lsuppl_Y0 * lsuppl_X1 / lsuppl_X0
		lsuppl_pY1 = icdfY1(0.5) - icdfY1(0)
		lsuppr_Y0  = max(Y0) - median(Y0)
		lsuppr_X0  = max(X0) - median(X0)
		lsuppr_X1  = max(X1) - median(X1)
		lsuppr_Y1  = lsuppr_Y0 * lsuppr_X1 / lsuppr_X0
		lsuppr_pY1 = icdfY1(1) - icdfY1(0.5)
		if( (lsuppl_pY1 > lsuppl_Y1) || (lsuppr_pY1 > lsuppr_Y1) )
			## Find p_min
			p_min = 0
			if( lsuppl_pY1 > lsuppl_Y1 )
				pl  = base::seq( 0 , 0.5 , length = 10000 )
				ql  = icdfY1(pl)
				ql  = ql[10000] - ql
				idxl = which.min( base::abs( ql - lsuppr_Y1 ) )
				p_min = pl[idxl]
			## Find p_max
			p_max = 1
			if( lsuppr_pY1 > lsuppr_Y1 )
				pr  = base::seq( 0.5 , 1 , length = 10000 )
				qr  = icdfY1(pr)
				qr  = qr - qr[1]
				idxr = which.min( base::abs( qr - lsuppr_Y1 ) )
				p_max = pr[idxr]
			## Final: Replace by 0 / 1 bellow / behind p_min / 1-p_min
			if( base::sum(cdfY1 < p_min) > 0 )
				cdfY1[cdfY1 < p_min] = 0
			if( base::sum(cdfY1 > p_max) > 0 )
				cdfY1[cdfY1 > p_max] = 1
			## Cut values and new icdf
			if( base::sum( cdfY1 < p_min ) > 1 )
				idxl  = base::max( which( cdfY1 < p_min ) )
				x     = x[idxl:length(x)]
				cdfY1 = cdfY1[idxl:length(cdfY1)]
			if( base::sum( cdfY1 > p_max ) > 1 )
				idxr  = base::min( which( cdfY1 > p_max ) )
				x     = x[1:idxr]
				cdfY1 = cdfY1[1:idxr]
			icdfY1 = stats::approxfun( cdfY1 , x , yleft = x[1] , yright = x[length(x)] , ties = "ordered" )
		## Draw Y1
#		hY1  = icdfY1( runif( n = samples_Y1 , min = p_min , max = p_max ) )
		rvX1 = base::do.call( self$distX1$dist[[idist]]$new , self$distX1$kwargs )
		hY1  = icdfY1( rvX1$cdf(X1) )

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