#' Update a historical table
#' @description
#' `update_snapshots` makes it easy to create and update a historical data table on a remote (SQL) server.
#' The function takes the data (`.data`) as it looks on a given point in time (`timestamp`) and then updates
#' (or creates) an remote table identified by `db_table`.
#' This update only stores the changes between the new data (`.data`) and the data currently stored on the remote.
#' This way, the data can be reconstructed as it looked at any point in time while taking as little space as possible.
#' See `vignette("basic-principles")` for further introduction to the function.
#' @template .data
#' @template conn
#' @template db_table
#' @param timestamp (`POSIXct(1)`, `Date(1)`, or `character(1)`)\cr
#' The timestamp describing the data being processed (not the current time).
#' @template filters
#' @param message (`character(1)`)\cr
#' A message to add to the log-file (useful for supplying metadata to the log).
#' @param tic (`POSIXct(1)`)\cr
#' A timestamp when computation began. If not supplied, it will be created at call-time
#' (used to more accurately convey the runtime of the update process).
#' @param logger (`Logger(1)`)\cr
#' A configured logging object. If none is given, one is initialized with default arguments.
#' @param enforce_chronological_order (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Are updates allowed if they are chronologically earlier than latest update?
#' @return
#' No return value, called for side effects.
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)
#' conn <- get_connection()
#' data <- dplyr::copy_to(conn, mtcars)
#' # Copy the first 3 records
#' update_snapshot(
#' head(data, 3),
#' conn = conn,
#' db_table = "test.mtcars",
#' timestamp = Sys.time()
#' )
#' # Update with the first 5 records
#' update_snapshot(
#' head(data, 5),
#' conn = conn,
#' db_table = "test.mtcars",
#' timestamp = Sys.time()
#' )
#' dplyr::tbl(conn, "test.mtcars")
#' close_connection(conn)
#' @seealso filter_keys
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
update_snapshot <- function(.data, conn, db_table, timestamp, filters = NULL, message = NULL, tic = Sys.time(),
logger = NULL,
enforce_chronological_order = TRUE) {
# Check arguments
checkmate::assert_class(.data, "tbl_dbi")
checkmate::assert_class(conn, "DBIConnection")
checkmate::assert_class(filters, "tbl_dbi", null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_character(message, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_multi_class(logger, "Logger", null.ok = TRUE)
# Retrieve Id from any valid db_table inputs to correctly create a missing table
db_table_id <- id(db_table, conn)
if (table_exists(conn, db_table_id)) {
# Obtain a lock on the table
if (!lock_table(conn, db_table_id, schema = get_schema(db_table_id))) {
stop("A lock could not be obtained on the table")
db_table <- dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id)
} else {
db_table <- create_table(dplyr::collect(utils::head(.data, 0)), conn, db_table_id, temporary = FALSE)
# Initialize logger
if (is.null(logger)) {
logger <- Logger$new(
db_table = db_table_id,
log_conn = conn,
timestamp = timestamp,
start_time = tic
logger$log_info("Started", tic = tic) # Use input time in log
# Add message to log (if given)
if (!is.null(message)) {
logger$log_to_db(message = message)
logger$log_info("Message:", message, tic = tic)
# Opening checks
if (!is.historical(db_table)) {
# Release table lock
unlock_table(conn, db_table_id, get_schema(db_table_id))
logger$log_to_db(success = FALSE, end_time = !!db_timestamp(tic, conn))
logger$log_error("Table does not seem like a historical table", tic = tic) # Use input time in log
if (!setequal(colnames(.data),
colnames(dplyr::select(db_table, !c("checksum", "from_ts", "until_ts"))))) {
# Release table lock
unlock_table(conn, db_table_id, get_schema(db_table_id))
logger$log_to_db(success = FALSE, end_time = !!db_timestamp(tic, conn))
"Columns do not match!\n",
"Table columns:\n",
toString(colnames(dplyr::select(db_table, !tidyselect::any_of(c("checksum", "from_ts", "until_ts"))))),
"\nInput columns:\n",
tic = tic # Use input time in log
logger$log_info("Parsing data for table", as.character(db_table_id), "started", tic = tic) # Use input time in log
logger$log_info("Given timestamp for table is", timestamp, tic = tic) # Use input time in log
# Check for current update status
db_latest <- db_table |>
dplyr::summarize(max(.data$from_ts, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
dplyr::pull() |>
as.character() |>
max("1900-01-01 00:00:00", na.rm = TRUE)
# Convert timestamp to character to prevent inconsistent R behavior with date/timestamps
timestamp <- strftime(timestamp)
db_latest <- strftime(db_latest)
if (enforce_chronological_order && timestamp < db_latest) {
# Release the table lock
unlock_table(conn, db_table_id, get_schema(db_table_id))
logger$log_to_db(success = FALSE, end_time = !!db_timestamp(tic, conn))
logger$log_error("Given timestamp", timestamp, "is earlier than latest",
"timestamp in table:", db_latest, tic = tic) # Use input time in log
# Compute .data immediately to reduce runtime and compute checksum
.data <- .data |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
filter_keys(filters) |>
dplyr::select(colnames(dplyr::select(db_table, !tidyselect::any_of(c("checksum", "from_ts", "until_ts")))))
# Copy to the target connection if needed
if (!identical(dbplyr::remote_con(.data), conn)) {
.data <- dplyr::copy_to(conn, .data, name = unique_table_name())
# Once we ensure .data is on the same connection as the target, we compute the checksums
.data <- dplyr::compute(digest_to_checksum(.data, col = "checksum"))
# Apply filter to current records
if (!is.null(filters) && !identical(dbplyr::remote_con(filters), conn)) {
filters <- dplyr::copy_to(conn, filters, name = unique_table_name())
db_table <- filter_keys(db_table, filters)
# Determine the next timestamp in the data (can be NA if none is found)
next_timestamp <- min(db_table |>
dplyr::filter(.data$from_ts > timestamp) |>
dplyr::summarize(next_timestamp = min(.data$from_ts, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
db_table |>
dplyr::filter(.data$until_ts > timestamp) |>
dplyr::summarize(next_timestamp = min(.data$until_ts, na.rm = TRUE)) |>
dplyr::pull("next_timestamp")) |>
# Consider only records valid at timestamp (and apply the filter if present)
db_table <- slice_time(db_table, timestamp)
# Count open rows at timestamp
nrow_open <- nrow(db_table)
# Select only data with no until_ts and with different values in any fields
logger$log_info("Deactivating records")
if (nrow_open > 0) {
to_remove <- dplyr::setdiff(dplyr::select(db_table, "checksum"),
dplyr::select(.data, "checksum")) |>
dplyr::compute() # Something has changed in dbplyr (2.2.1) that makes this compute needed.
# Code that takes 20 secs with can be more than 30 minutes to compute without...
nrow_to_remove <- nrow(to_remove)
# Determine from_ts and checksum for the records we need to deactivate
to_remove <- to_remove |>
dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(db_table, "from_ts", "checksum"), by = "checksum") |>
dplyr::mutate(until_ts = !!db_timestamp(timestamp, conn))
} else {
nrow_to_remove <- 0
logger$log_info("After to_remove")
to_add <- dplyr::setdiff(.data, dplyr::select(db_table, colnames(.data))) |>
dplyr::mutate(from_ts = !!db_timestamp(timestamp, conn),
until_ts = !!db_timestamp(next_timestamp, conn))
nrow_to_add <- nrow(to_add)
logger$log_info("After to_add")
if (nrow_to_remove > 0) {
dplyr::rows_update(x = dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id),
y = to_remove,
by = c("checksum", "from_ts"),
in_place = TRUE,
unmatched = "ignore")
logger$log_to_db(n_deactivations = nrow_to_remove) # Logs contains the aggregate number of added records on the day
logger$log_info("Deactivate records count:", nrow_to_remove)
logger$log_info("Adding new records")
if (nrow_to_add > 0) {
dplyr::rows_append(x = dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id), y = to_add, in_place = TRUE)
logger$log_to_db(n_insertions = nrow_to_add)
logger$log_info("Insert records count:", nrow_to_add)
# If several updates come in a single day, some records may have from_ts = until_ts.
# We remove these records here
redundant_rows <- dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id) |>
dplyr::filter(.data$from_ts == .data$until_ts) |>
dplyr::select("checksum", "from_ts")
nrow_redundant <- nrow(redundant_rows)
if (nrow_redundant > 0) {
dplyr::rows_delete(dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id),
by = c("checksum", "from_ts"),
in_place = TRUE, unmatched = "ignore")
logger$log_info("Doubly updated records removed:", nrow_redundant)
# If chronological order is not enforced, some records may be split across several records
# checksum is the same, and from_ts / until_ts are continuous
# We collapse these records here
if (!enforce_chronological_order) {
redundant_rows <- dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id) |>
redundant_rows <- dplyr::inner_join(
redundant_rows |> dplyr::select("checksum", "from_ts", "until_ts"),
suffix = c("", ".p"),
sql_on = '"RHS"."checksum" = "LHS"."checksum" AND "LHS"."until_ts" = "RHS"."from_ts"'
) |>
redundant_rows_to_delete <- redundant_rows |>
dplyr::transmute(.data$checksum, from_ts = .data$from_ts.p) |>
redundant_rows_to_update <- redundant_rows |>
dplyr::transmute(.data$checksum, from_ts = .data$from_ts, until_ts = .data$until_ts.p) |>
if (nrow(redundant_rows_to_delete) > 0) {
dplyr::rows_delete(x = dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id),
y = redundant_rows_to_delete,
by = c("checksum", "from_ts"),
in_place = TRUE,
unmatched = "ignore")
if (nrow(redundant_rows_to_update) > 0) {
dplyr::rows_update(x = dplyr::tbl(conn, db_table_id),
y = redundant_rows_to_update,
by = c("checksum", "from_ts"),
in_place = TRUE,
unmatched = "ignore")
logger$log_info("Continous records collapsed:", nrow(redundant_rows_to_update))
toc <- Sys.time()
logger$log_info("Finished processing for table", as.character(db_table_id), tic = toc)
# Release table lock
unlock_table(conn, db_table_id, get_schema(db_table_id))
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