
#' A utility function to simulate a single community comprised of groups
#' This function simulates data for a single community by sampling from a normal
#' distribution with different means for each group within some specified 
#' boundaries.
#' @param n.groups the an integer specifying the number of groups to simulate. 
#' Defaults to 3.
#' @param community.id an integer identifying the community's ID number. 
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @param n.obs the number of observations to draw per group.
#' @param mu.range a vector of length 4, specifying the mix and max x and y 
#' values to sample means from. Group means are sampled from a uniform 
#' distribution within this range. The first two entries are the min and max of 
#' the x-axis, and the second two the min and max of the y-axis.  Defaults to 
#' `c(-1, 1, -1, 1)`.
#' @param wishSigmaScale is a simple multiplier for the call to
#'   [stats::rWishart()] which scales the diagonal sigma matrix using
#'   `wishSigmaScale * diag(2)` that is ultimately passed on to 
#'   `generateSiberGroup`.
#' @return A data.frame object comprising a column of x and y data, a group 
#' identifying column and a community identifying column, all of which are 
#' numeric.
#' @export

# a function to generate a community comprised of a number of groups
generateSiberCommunity <- function (n.groups = 3, community.id = 1, 
                                      n.obs = 30, 
                                      mu.range = c(-1, 1, -1, 1), 
                                      wishSigmaScale = 1) {
  # create some random vectors which will be built as we go
  # I dont like this and will pre-define them at full length
  # in a later update.
  y <- NULL
  community <- NULL
  group <- NULL
  # loop over each group that comprises the community
  for (i in 1:n.groups) {
    # create each group one-by-one
    tmp <- generateSiberGroup(mu.range = mu.range, 
                              n.obs = n.obs,
                              wishSigmaScale = wishSigmaScale)
    # add it on to the previous group
    y <- rbind(y, tmp)
    # assign each cluster of data to an appropriate group identifier
    group <- c(group, rep(i, n.obs))
  # create the dataframe to be output
  out <- data.frame(iso1 = y[,1], 
                    iso2 = y[,2],
                    group = group,
                    community = rep(community.id, nrow(y)))
  # return the dataframe

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SIBER documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 5:09 p.m.