
Defines functions Mipf

Documented in Mipf

#' Iterative proportional fitting from matrix input
#' The linear equation, \code{z = t(x) \%*\% y}, is (hopefully)  solved for \code{y} by
#' iterative proportional fitting
#' The algorithm will work similar to \code{\link{loglin}} when the input x-matrix is a overparameterized model matrix 
#' – as can be created by \code{\link{ModelMatrix}} and \code{\link{FormulaSums}}. See Examples.
#' @param x a matrix 
#' @param z a single column matrix
#' @param iter maximum number of iterations
#' @param yStart a starting estimate of \code{y}
#' @param eps stopping criterion. Maximum allowed value of \code{max(abs(z - t(x) \%*\% yHat))}
#' @param tol Another stopping criterion. Maximum absolute difference between two iterations. 
#' @param reduceBy0 When TRUE, \code{\link{Reduce0exact}} used within the function 
#' @param reduceByColSums Parameter to \code{\link{Reduce0exact}} (when TRUE)
#' @param reduceByLeverage Parameter to \code{\link{Reduce0exact}} (when TRUE)
#' @param returnDetails More output when TRUE. 
#' @param y It is possible to set \code{z} to NULL and supply original \code{y} instead  (\code{z = t(x) \%*\% y})
#' @return \code{yHat}, the estimate of \code{y} 
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom Matrix drop0
#' @export
#' @author Øyvind Langsrud
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data2 <- SSBtoolsData("z2")
#' x <- ModelMatrix(data2, formula = ~fylke + kostragr * hovedint - 1)
#' z <- t(x) %*% data2$ant  # same as FormulaSums(data2, ant~fylke + kostragr * hovedint -1)
#' yHat <- Mipf(x, z)
#' #############################
#' # loglm comparison  
#' #############################
#' if (require(MASS)){
#' # Increase accuracy
#' yHat <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-04)
#' # Run loglm and store fitted values in a data frame
#' outLoglm <- loglm(ant ~ fylke + kostragr * hovedint, data2, eps = 1e-04, iter = 100)
#' dfLoglm <- as.data.frame.table(fitted(outLoglm))
#' # Problem 1: Variable region not in output, but instead the variable .Within.  
#' # Problem 2: Extra zeros since hierarchy not treated. Impossible combinations in output.
#' # By sorting data, it becomes clear that the fitted values are the same.
#' max(abs(sort(dfLoglm$Freq, decreasing = TRUE)[1:nrow(data2)] - sort(yHat, decreasing = TRUE)))
#' # Modify so that region is in output. Problem 1 avoided.
#' x <- ModelMatrix(data2, formula = ~region + kostragr * hovedint - 1)
#' z <- t(x) %*% data2$ant  # same as FormulaSums(data2, ant~fylke + kostragr * hovedint -1)
#' yHat <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-04)
#' outLoglm <- loglm(ant ~ region + kostragr * hovedint, data2, eps = 1e-04, iter = 100)
#' dfLoglm <- as.data.frame.table(fitted(outLoglm))
#' # Now it is possible to merge data
#' merg <- merge(cbind(data2, yHat), dfLoglm)
#' # Identical output
#' max(abs(merg$yHat - merg$Freq))
#' }
#' }
#' #############################
#' # loglin comparison  
#' #############################
#' # Generate input data for loglin
#' n <- 5:9
#' tab <- array(sample(1:prod(n)), n)
#' # Input parameters
#' iter <- 20
#' eps <- 1e-05
#' # Estimate yHat by loglin
#' out <- loglin(tab, list(c(1, 2), c(1, 3), c(1, 4), c(1, 5), c(2, 3, 4), c(3, 4, 5)), 
#'               fit = TRUE, iter = iter, eps = eps)
#' yHatLoglin <- matrix(((out$fit)), ncol = 1)
#' # Transform the data for input to Mipf
#' df <- as.data.frame.table(tab)
#' names(df)[1:5] <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
#' x <- ModelMatrix(df, formula = ~A:B + A:C + A:D + A:E + B:C:D + C:D:E - 1)
#' z <- t(x) %*% df$Freq
#' # Estimate yHat by Mipf
#' yHatPMipf <- Mipf(x, z, iter = iter, eps = eps)
#' # Maximal absolute difference
#' max(abs(yHatPMipf - yHatLoglin))
#' # Note: loglin reports one iteration extra 
#' # Another example. Only one iteration needed.
#' max(abs(Mipf(x = FormulaSums(df, ~A:B + C - 1), 
#'              z = FormulaSums(df, Freq ~ A:B + C -1)) 
#'              - matrix(loglin(tab, list(1:2, 3), fit = TRUE)$fit, ncol = 1)))
#' #########################################
#' # Examples utilizing Reduce0exact 
#' #########################################
#' z3 <- SSBtoolsData("z3")
#' x <- ModelMatrix(z3, formula = ~region + kostragr * hovedint + region * mnd2 + fylke * mnd + 
#'                      mnd * hovedint + mnd2 * fylke * hovedint - 1)
#' # reduceBy0, but no iteration improvement. Identical results.
#' t <- 360
#' y <- z3$ant
#' y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
#' z <- t(x) %*% y
#' a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 0.1)
#' a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 0.1)
#' a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 0.1)
#' max(abs(a1 - a2))
#' max(abs(a1 - a3))
#' \dontrun{
#' # Improvement by reduceByColSums. Changing eps and iter give more similar results.
#' t <- 402
#' y <- z3$ant
#' y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
#' z <- t(x) %*% y
#' a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1)
#' a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1)
#' a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1)
#' max(abs(a1 - a2))
#' max(abs(a1 - a3))
#' # Improvement by ReduceByLeverage. Changing eps and iter give more similar results.
#' t <- 378
#' y <- z3$ant
#' y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
#' z <- t(x) %*% y
#' a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1)
#' a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1)
#' a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1)
#' a4 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByLeverage = TRUE, eps = 1)
#' max(abs(a1 - a2))
#' max(abs(a1 - a3))
#' max(abs(a1 - a4))
#' # Example with small eps and "Iteration stopped since tol reached"
#' t <- 384
#' y <- z3$ant
#' y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
#' z <- t(x) %*% y
#' a1 <- Mipf(x, z, eps = 1e-14)
#' a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE, eps = 1e-14)
#' a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE, eps = 1e-14)
#' max(abs(a1 - a2))
#' max(abs(a1 - a3))
#' }
#' # All y-data found by reduceByColSums (0 iterations). 
#' t <- 411
#' y <- z3$ant
#' y[round((1:t) * 432/t)] <- 0
#' z <- t(x) %*% y
#' a1 <- Mipf(x, z)
#' a2 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceBy0 = TRUE)
#' a3 <- Mipf(x, z, reduceByColSums = TRUE)
#' max(abs(a1 - y))
#' max(abs(a2 - y))
#' max(abs(a3 - y))
Mipf <- function(x, z = NULL, iter = 100, yStart = matrix(1, nrow(x), 1), eps = 0.01, tol = 1e-10, 
                  reduceBy0 = FALSE, reduceByColSums = FALSE, 
                  reduceByLeverage = FALSE,
                  returnDetails = FALSE, y = NULL) {
  if (is.null(z))
    z <- Matrix::crossprod(x, y)
  if (reduceByLeverage) reduceByColSums <- TRUE
  if (reduceByColSums) reduceBy0 <- TRUE
  if (reduceBy0)  {
    a <- Reduce0exact(x=x, z = z,  
                                 reduceByColSums = reduceByColSums, 
                                 reduceByLeverage = reduceByLeverage,
                                 y = y, yStart = yStart,  printInc =TRUE) 
    cat("(",dim(x)[1],"*",dim(x)[2],"->", dim(a$x)[1],"*",dim(a$x)[2],")",sep="")
    yKnown <- a$yKnown
    yHat <-a$y
      yHat[seq_along(yKnown)[!yKnown], 1] <- Mipf(a$x, a$z, iter = iter, yStart = yStart[seq_along(yKnown)[!yKnown], 1], 
                                                   eps = eps, tol = tol)
      cat("   0 iterations\n")
    deviation <- max(abs(crossprod(x, yHat) - z))
    if (!(deviation < eps)) 
      warning("Deviation limit exceeded")
    #cat("Final deviation", deviation, "\n")
      return(list(x = a$x, z = a$z, yKnown = yKnown, y = yHat))
  A <- Matrix2listInt(x)
  needAx <- !all(range(unlist(A$x) == 1))
  # Run iterative proportional fitting 
  t <- 0
  deviation <- max(abs(crossprod(x, yStart) - z))
  deviationLast  <- Inf 
  k1 <- -1  # Used for printing progress
  z <- as.vector(as.matrix(z))
  while (t < iter & deviation > eps & abs(deviation - deviationLast) > tol) {
    t <- t + 1
    # Printing part
    k2 <- round(25 * sqrt(t/iter))
    if (k2 > k1) {
    k1 <- k2
    # Computation part
    for (i in seq_len(length(z))) {
          faktor <- z[i]/ sum(yStart[A$r[[i]]] * A$x[[i]])
        } else {
          faktor <- z[i]/ sum(yStart[A$r[[i]]])
          yStart[A$r[[i]]] <- faktor*yStart[A$r[[i]]] 
    deviationLast <- deviation 
    deviation <- max(abs(crossprod(x, yStart) - z))
  if (!(deviation < eps)){
    if(!(abs(deviation - deviationLast) > tol)){
      warning("Iteration stopped since tol reached")  
    } else {
      warning("Iteration limit exceeded")
  #cat("   ", t, "iterations: deviation", deviation, "\n")
  cat(" ", t, "iterations: deviation", deviation)
    return(list(x = x, z = z, yKnown = rep(FALSE, dim(yStart)[1]), y = yStart))

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SSBtools documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:59 a.m.