
Defines functions compute.distortion join.data.noname join.datasets match.datasets join.arrays double.rotation simple.rotation rotate.orientation angle_tan

Documented in double.rotation join.arrays match.datasets simple.rotation


# library(devtools)
# install_github("marta-vidalgarcia/ShapeRotator")

immediate_on = TRUE


# Obtain the length of a vector u
norm_3D <- function (u)
  return( sqrt(u[1]^2 + u[2]^2 + u[3]^2));}

# Return the unit renormalisation of the vector from v
unit_3D <- function (v)
  return ( v/norm_3D(v) );

# Compute the dot product between vectors u and v
dot_3D <- function (u,v){
  d = u[1] * v[1] + u[2] * v[2] + u[3] * v[3];
  return (d);

# Take the cross product between the vectors u and v
cross_3D <- function (u,v)
  w = c( u[2] * v[3] - u[3] * v[2], u[3] * v[1] - u[1] * v[3], u[1] * v[2] - u[2] * v[1] );
  return (w);

# Compute the angle between two vectors
angle_3D <- function (u,v)
  a = acos( dot_3D(u,v)/ (norm_3D(u) * norm_3D(v)) );
  return (a);

# Return M * v, the action of the matrix M on a vector v.
mmult_3D <- function (M, v)
  w = c( M[1,1] * v[1] + M [1, 2] * v[2] + M [1,3] * v[3],
         M [2,1] * v[1] + M [2,2] * v[2] + M[2,3] * v[3],
         M [3,1] * v[1] + M [3,2] * v[2] + M[3,3] * v[3]);
  return (w);

# Return a rotation matrix given an axis v and an angle t:
rotmat_3D <- function (v, t)
  # Create a 3 x 3 matrix with 0's.
  R = matrix (0, 3, 3);
   # normalise v to u, because the rotation matrix needs a unit vector
  u = unit_3D (v);
   # The first entry of the rotation matrix is: 
  R[1,] = c (cos(t) + u[1]^2 *(1 - cos(t)), u[1]* u[2] * (1 - cos(t)) - u[3] * sin(t), u[1]* u[3]* (1 - cos(t)) + u[2] *sin(t) );
  R[2,] = c (u[2]* u[1] * (1- cos(t)) + u[3] * sin(t), cos(t) + u[2]^2 *(1 - cos(t)), u[2]*u[3] * (1 - cos(t)) - u[1] *sin(t) );
  R[3,] = c ( u[3]* u[1] * (1 - cos(t)) - u[2] * sin(t), u[3]* u[2]* (1 - cos(t)) + u[1] * sin(t), cos(t) + u[3]^2 * (1 - cos(t)) );
   return (R);

# Given a rotation matrix and a list of vectors, return the accompanying
# list of rotated vectors.

rotveclist_3D <- function (R, vlist)
  # Create an empty vector list for the rotation
  rvlist <-matrix(NA, nrow = dim(vlist)[1], ncol = 3) # Define size of the matrix to fill in the loop
   # Run through and perform the rotatio 
  for( i in 1: dim(vlist) [1] ){
    rvlist [i, ] = mmult_3D (R, vlist [i, ]);
   return (rvlist);

# Compute the angle between [-\pi, pi) given ajacent and opposite sides
angle_tan <- function(adj, opp)
	# When the vector is at pi/2 or -pi/2, can't feed a vector that's zero though.
	if ( isTRUE (adj == 0) ) {
		if ( isTRUE (opp == 0) ) {
			angle <- NaN		# Zero vector, no angle.
		} else if ( isTRUE (opp < 0 ) ) {
			angle <- - pi/2		#
		} else {
			angle <- pi/2

		return (angle)

	# Outside of the pi/2 region.
	angle <- atan (opp/adj)

	return (angle)

# This returns the angle of the vector in the Y-Z plane. A rotation around the X axis of this angle
# brings the Z component to zero.
X_to_Z_rot_angle_3D = function (v)
	return (angle_tan (v[2],v[3]) )

# The angle in the X-Z plane. A rotation around the Y axis of this angle brings the Y component to zero.
Y_to_Z_rot_angle_3D = function (v)
	return (angle_tan (v[1],v[3]) )

# function vector.angle (vector from angle)
vector.angle <- function (angle)
	theta <- angle* pi/180;
	return( c(cos(theta), sin(theta), 0) ); # This simply produces a *unit* vector to the specified angle theta (in radians)


# function translate
# Takes an array T, an index in the array landmark, and translates it to the origin
# The default is to set the origin to (0,0,0), but this can be specified to be something else
#' @name translate
#' @title translate
#' @description
#'   Translates array T to origin point.
#' @usage
#'   translate(T, landmark, origin = c(0,0,0))
#' @param T an object of the class "array" that contains three-dimensional
#' landmarks for 'n' specimens
#' @param landmark an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark that will be used to translate each matrix of
#' landmarks to the point of origin.
#' @param origin a vector that contains three-dimensional coordinates (x, y, z)
#' indicating where the origin point should be translanted to.
#' @return
#'   This function returns a translated T array of dimensions (p, 3, n), in
#'   which p indicates the number of landmarks, and n the number of specimens
#'   included in the array. The translated array will keep the dimnames
#'   associated with each specimen (n).
#' @details
#'   Takes an array T and an index in the array landmark, and translates it to
#'   the origin. Each structure will be translated to the point of origin so
#'   that p0 =(0,0,0). We will be translating landmark A from structure 1 and
#'    landmark D from structure 2 for a single-point articulated rotation.
#'    And landmark A from structure 1 and landmark E from structure 2 for a
#'    double rotation (double-point articulated rotation). Thus, the distance
#'    from the coordinates of landmark A (Ax, Ay, Az) is substracted from all
#'    the landmarks in all specimens. For example (Nx - Ax, Ny - Ay, Nz - Az)
#'    for landmark N, for structure 1. For structure 2, the distance from the
#'    coordinates of landmark D or E depending on the type of rotation. For
#'    example, in a double rotation, (Ex, Ey, Ez) is substracted from all the
#'    landmarks in all specimens: (Nx - Ex, Ny - Ey, Nz - Ez). Landmarks A and
#'    E will equal (0,0,0), so that Ax=Ay=Az=Ex=Ey=Ez=0. The default is to set
#'    the origin to (0,0,0), but this can be specified to be something else. In
#'    order to use this function, the landmark data needs to be imported to the
#'    R environment using geomorph (Adams et al., 2018)
#' @author Marta Vidal-Garcia
#' @examples
#' #Data
#' data(double_data_1)
#' data(double_data_2)
#' data.1 <- double_data_1
#' data.2 <- double_data_2
#' #Landmarks
#' land.a=55
#' land.b=49
#' land.c=54
#' land.d=4
#' land.e=22
#' land.f=21
#' land.g=2
#' land.h=11
#' # Translate the data
#' data.1_t <- translate(data.1, land.a)
#' data.2_t <- translate(data.2, land.e)
#' @references Adams, D. C., M. L. Collyer, and A. Kaliontzopoulou. 2018.
#' Geomorph: Software for geometric morphometric analysis. R package version
#' 3.0.6. Available at http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=geomorph.
#' M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator: An R tool
#' for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @export

translate <- function (T, landmark, origin = c(0,0,0))
  if(!inherits(T, "array")){
    stop("dataset must be of class 'array'")
  translist <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(T)[1], dim(T)[2], dim(T)[3]),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(T)[[3]])));
  for( i in 1:dim(T)[3] ){
	for (j in 1: dim(T)[1]) {
	    translist [j,,i] <- T [j,,i] - T[landmark,,i] + origin
  return (translist);

# Function that rotates an array, given a landmark and a vector (to which the rotation should take place).
# The resulting array will be such that the landmark arr[land,] will actually be on the same line, including orientation
# as the vector vec.
rotate.orientation <- function(arr, land, vec)
	# Create an array of the right dimensions
	rot <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(arr)[1], ncol = 3)
	# Lets normalise and use unit vectors (vec  can be non-unital)
	uvec <- unit_3D(vec)
	# Rotation axis
	axis <- cross_3D(arr[land,], uvec)
	# ROtation matrix
	rotmat <- rotmat_3D(axis, angle_3D(arr[land,], uvec))
	# Rotate and return
	rot <- rotveclist_3D(rotmat, arr)

	# Check if rotmat[land,] is in the same orentation as vec.
	# Logic: svec which is the rotated vector should be the same as uvec if it is in the right orientation.
	# Unfortunately, due to numerical error, we can't just equality, which is equivalent to asking that ||svec - uvec|| is close to zero.
	# However, the numerically stable solution is to check that || svec - uvec || > || svec + uvec ||, which means that you have the wrong orientation.
	# In that case, we rotate again on the axis given by the variable "axis", but this time, we go around \pi radians.
	svec <- unit_3D(rot[land,])
	if ( isTRUE (norm_3D(svec - uvec) > norm_3D(svec + uvec)) ) {
		rotmat <- rotmat_3D(axis, pi)
		rot <- rotveclist_3D(rotmat, rot)


# function rotation for a single-point articulation (rotate translated datasets)
# Returns a list where $rotated1 gives the first object and $rotated2 gives the second
#' @name simple.rotation
#' @title simple.rotation
#' @description
#'   Rotates two arrays in a single-point articulation (e.g. two limb bones).
#' @usage
#'   simple.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c,
#'   land.d, land.e, land.f, angle)
#' @param data.1 an object of the class "array" that contains translated
#' three-dimensional landmarks for structure #1
#' @param data.2 an object of the class "array" that contains translated
#' three-dimensional landmarks for structure #2
#' @param land.a an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark A
#' @param land.b an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark B
#' @param land.c an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark C
#' @param land.d an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark D
#' @param land.e an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark E
#' @param land.f an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark F
#' @param angle an object of the class "numeric" that contains the rotation
#' angle in degrees (from 0° to 360°)
#' @return
#'   This function returns a translated T array of dimensions (p, 3, n), in
#'   which p indicates the number of landmarks, and n the number of specimens
#'   included in the array. The translated array will keep the dimnames
#'   associated with each specimen (n).
#' @details
#'  This function allows the rigid rotation of two structures from a
#'  single-point articulation (e.g. humerus and radioulna).
#'  It allows to select the desired angle between the two structures so that we
#'  can perform the rigid rotation of each structure positioning
#'  them in the selected angle in relation to each other, by providing the
#'  desired angle in degrees (from 0° to 360°).
#'  Even though each of these rotations are calculated internally
#'  (only the three landmarks per structure and the desired angle between them
#'  need to be provided),
#'  it will be beneficial to choose landmarks that are spatially arranged in a
#'  way that facilitates the rotation process,
#'  and results in the rotating multi-structure being placed in a
#'  biologically-relevant angle between each sub-structure.
#'  ShapeRotator will give a warning message if the landmarks chosen are not
#'  optimal (i.e. the position and orientation of the two structures vary across
#'  the specimens due to morphological variability and
#'  not because of the rigid rotation).
#' @author Marta Vidal-Garcia
#' @examples
#' #Data
#' data.1 <- simple_data_1
#' data.2 <- simple_data_2
#' #Landmarks
#' land.a=55
#' land.b=49
#' land.c=54
#' land.d =4
#' land.e=22
#' land.f=21
#' # We can rigidly rotate each structure relative to each other in multiple
#' # angles (e.g. 0, 15, 45, 90, or 120 degrees)
#' rotation_0 = simple.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c,
#' land.d, land.e, land.f, 0)
#' rotation_15 = simple.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c,
#' land.d, land.e, land.f, 15)
#' rotation_45 = simple.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c,
#' land.d, land.e, land.f, 45)
#' rotation_90 = simple.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c,
#' land.d, land.e, land.f, 90)
#' rotation_120 = simple.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c,
#' land.d, land.e, land.f, 120)
#' # The function returns a list of two objects that correspond to each rotated
#' # structure
#' rotation_0$rotated1 #rotated dataset 1 #(e.g. radioulna)
#' rotation_0$rotated2 #rotated dataset 2 #(e.g. humerus)
#' # The two datasets can be joined with the function join.arrays()
#' arm_0degrees <- join.arrays(rotation_0$rotated1, rotation_0$rotated2)
#' @references M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator:
#' An R tool for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @export

simple.rotation <- function(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d, land.e, land.f, angle)
  if(!inherits(data.1, "array")){
    stop("dataset 1 must be of class 'array'")
  if(!inherits(data.2, "array")){
    stop("dataset 2 must be of class 'array'")
  # The first data set
  rot.array.1 <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.1)[1], dim(data.1)[2], dim(data.1)[3]),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.1)[[3]])));

  # This is the angle which land.b will face to land.e
  angle.v <-vector.angle(angle)

   #Rotating for data.1
  for( i in 1:(dim(data.1)[3]) ){
	# Untranslated specimen?
	if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal((data.1[,,i])[land.a,] , c(0,0,0)) ) ) {
		# warning (sprintf("Landmark A is not at the origin (data.1[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.a, (data.1[,,i])[land.a,1], (data.1[,,i])[land.a,2], (data.1[,,i])[land.a,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

	# First, we rotate so that land.b rests on the axis (0,1,0).
	rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotate.orientation(data.1[,,i], land.b, c(0,1,0))

	#Sanity check: we need to have rot.array.1[,,i][land.b,] = (0, y, 0)
	if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,1] , 0)) || ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,3] , 0)) ) {
		warning (sprintf("First rotation gone wrong in (rot.array.1[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.b, (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,1], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,2], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

	# Rotate landmark C to the X-Y plane - we do so by computing the cross product between the unit.landmark.c.pos.proj vector and (-1,0,0),
	# which in the X-Y plane forms an angle given by the angle between these two vectors:
	unit.landmark.c.pos.proj = unit_3D( c( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,1], 0, (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,3]))	# Unit vector with landmark.c.pos projected to the X-Z plane.
	rotmat <- rotmat_3D( cross_3D(unit.landmark.c.pos.proj, c(-1,0,0)), angle_3D(unit.landmark.c.pos.proj, c(-1,0,0)) )
	rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.1[,,i])

	# Let us now check that the landmark C is in the right spot. That is, we want C_x < B_x, if not, we rotate by angle pi.
	if ( isTRUE((rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,1] < (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,1]) ) {
		rotmat <- rotmat_3D( c(0,1,0), pi)
		rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.1[,,i])

	# Sanity check:
	if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,3] , 0)) || isTRUE((rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,1] < (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,1])) {
		warning (sprintf("Second rotation gone wrong in (rot.array.1[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.c, (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,1], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,2], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

	# Now, we rigidly move this object to sit at an angle given by "angle" to the X-axis.
	rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotate.orientation(rot.array.1[,,i], land.b, angle.v)

  # The second data set
  rot.array.2 <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.2)[1], dim(data.2)[2], dim(data.2)[3]),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.2)[[3]])));

  for( i in 1:(dim(data.2)[3]) ){
	# Untranslated specimen?
	if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (data.2[,,i])[land.d,] , c(0,0,0)) ) ) {
		warning (sprintf("Landmark D is not at the origin (data.2[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.d, (data.2[,,i])[land.d,1], (data.2[,,i])[land.d,2], (data.2[,,i])[land.d,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

	# First, we rotate so that land.e rests on the axis (0,1,0).
	rot.array.2[,,i] <- rotate.orientation(data.2[,,i], land.e, c(0,1,0))

	#Sanity check: we need to have rot.array.1[,,i][land.e,] = (0, y, 0)
	if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.e,1] , 0)) || ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.e,3] , 0)) ) {
		warning (sprintf("First rotation gone wrong in (rot.array.2[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.e, (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.e,1], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.e,2], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.e,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

	# Rotate landmark F to the X-Y plane:
	unit.landmark.f.pos.proj = unit_3D( c( (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,1], 0, (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,3]))	# Unit vector with landmark.f.pos projected to the X-Z plane.
	rotmat <- rotmat_3D( cross_3D(unit.landmark.f.pos.proj, c(1,0,0)), angle_3D(unit.landmark.f.pos.proj, c(1,0,0)) )
	rot.array.2[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.2[,,i])

	# Let us now check that the landmark E is in the right spot. That is, we want E_x < F_x, if not, we rotate so that landmark F sits correctly on the X-Y plane.
	if ( isTRUE ((rot.array.2[,,i])[land.e,1] > (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,1])) {
		rotmat <- rotmat_3D( c(0,1,0), pi)
		rot.array.2[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.2[,,i])

	# This is just a sanity check:
	if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,3] , 0)) || isTRUE ((rot.array.2[,,i])[land.e,1] > (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,1]) ) {
		warning (sprintf("Second rotation gone wrong in (rot.array.2[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.f, (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,1], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,2], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

	# Now, we rigidly move this object so that landmark E sits on the (1,0,0) axis.
	rot.array.2[,,i] <- rotate.orientation(rot.array.2[,,i], land.e, c(1,0,0))

  # Join the two rotated datasets
  return ( list("rotated1" = rot.array.1, "rotated2" = rot.array.2))


# function rotation for a two-points articulation (2 different rotations for each translated dataset)
# Returns a list where $rotated1 gives the first object and $rotated2 gives the second
#' @name double.rotation
#' @title double.rotation
#' @description
#'   Rotates two arrays in a two-points articulation (e.g. skull and mandible)
#' @usage
#'   double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d,
#'   land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, angle)
#' @param data.1 an object of the class "array" that contains translated
#' three-dimensional landmarks for structure #1
#' @param data.2 an object of the class "array" that contains translated
#' three-dimensional landmarks for structure #2
#' @param land.a an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark A
#' @param land.b an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark B
#' @param land.c an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark C
#' @param land.d an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark D
#' @param land.e an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark E
#' @param land.f an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark F
#' @param land.g an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark G
#' @param land.h an integer object that indicates the position of the
#' three-dimensional landmark H
#' @param angle an object of the class "numeric" that contains the rotation
#' angle in degrees (from 0° to 360°)
#' @return
#'   Returns a list of two object where $rotated1 gives the first rotated array
#'   and $rotated2 gives the second
#' @details
#'  This function allows the rigid rotation of two structures from a two-points
#'  articulation (e.g. skull and mandible). It allows to select the desired
#'  angle between the two structures so that we can perform the rigid rotation
#'  of each structure positioning them in the selected angle in relation to
#'  each other, by providing the desired angle in degrees (from 0 to 360 degrees).
#'  Even though each of these rotations are calculated internally (only the
#'  four landmarks per structure and the desired angle between them need to be
#'  provided), it will be beneficial to choose landmarks that are spatially
#'  arranged in a way that facilitates the rotation process, and results
#'  in the rotating multi-structure being placed in a biologically-relevant
#'  angle between each sub-structure. ShapeRotator will give a warning message
#'  if the landmarks chosen are not optimal (i.e. the position and orientation
#'  of the two structures vary across the specimens due to morphological
#'  variability and not because of the rigid rotation).
#' @author Marta Vidal-Garcia
#' @examples
#' #Data
#' data(double_data_1)
#' data(double_data_2)
#' data.1 <- double_data_1
#' data.2 <- double_data_2
#' #Landmarks
#' land.a=55
#' land.b=49
#' land.c=54
#' land.d =4
#' land.e=22
#' land.f=21
#' land.g=2
#' land.h=11
#' # We can rigidly rotate each structure relative to each other in multiple
#' # angles (e.g. 0, 15, 45, 90, or 120 degrees)
#' rotation_0 = double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d,
#' land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, 0)
#' rotation_15 = double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d,
#' land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, 15)
#' rotation_45 = double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d,
#' land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, 45)
#' rotation_90 = double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d,
#' land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, 90)
#' rotation_120 = double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c,
#' land.d, land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, 120)
#' # The function returns a list of two objects that correspond to each rotated
#' # structure
#' rotation_0$rotated1 #rotated dataset 1 #(e.g. skull)
#' rotation_0$rotated2 #rotated dataset 2 #(e.g. mandible)
#' # The two datasets can be joined with the function join.arrays()
#' head_0degrees <- join.arrays(rotation_0$rotated1, rotation_0$rotated2)
#' @references M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator:
#' An R tool for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @export

double.rotation <- function(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d, land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, angle)
	# First rotation.
	rot.array.1 <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.1)[1], dim(data.1)[2], dim(data.1)[3]),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.1)[[3]])));
	angle.v <-vector.angle(angle)

	for( i in 1:(dim(data.1)[3]) ){
		# Landmark A should be sitting on (0,0,0)

		# Untranslated specimen?
		if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal((data.1[,,i])[land.a,] , c(0,0,0)) ) ) {
			warning (sprintf("Landmark A is not at the origin (data.1[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.a, (data.1[,,i])[land.a,1], (data.1[,,i])[land.a,2], (data.1[,,i])[land.a,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

		# Rotate so that landmark C is sitting on the Z axis
		rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotate.orientation(data.1[,,i], land.c, c(0,0,1))

		#Sanity check: we need to have rot.array.1[,,i][land.c,] = (0, 0, y)
		if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,1] , 0)) || ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,2] , 0)) ) {
			warning (sprintf("First rotation gone wrong in (rot.array.1[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.c, (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,1], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,2], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

		# Now, we want to move landmark B to the X-Z axis.
		unit.landmark.b.pos.proj = unit_3D( c( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,1], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,2],0) )	# Unit vector with landmark.b.pos projected to the X-Y plane.
		rotmat <- rotmat_3D( cross_3D(unit.landmark.b.pos.proj, c(1,0,0)), angle_3D(unit.landmark.b.pos.proj, c(1,0,0)) )
		rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.1[,,i])

		# We want B_x > 0.
		if ( isTRUE((rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,1] < 0) ) {
			rotmat <- rotmat_3D( c(0,0,1), pi)
			rot.array.1[,,1] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.1[,,i])

		# Let us now check that the landmark C is in the right spot. That is, we want B_y < D_y, if not, we rotate by angle pi in the X axis.
		if ( isTRUE((rot.array.1[,,i])[land.d,2] < (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,2]) ) {
			rotmat <- rotmat_3D( c(1,0,0), pi)
			rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.1[,,i])

		# Landmark B has to be 0 on the Y axis, and we want to make sure that the orientation is right
		if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal( (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,2] , 0)) || isTRUE((rot.array.1[,,i])[land.d,2] < (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,2]) || isTRUE(rot.array.1[,,i][land.b,1] < 0) ) {
			warning (sprintf("Second rotation gone wrong in (rot.array.1[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?",
			i, land.b, (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,1], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,2], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.b,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

		# Rotate body to be the correct angle in the X-Y plane (so around the Z axis)
		rotmat <- rotmat_3D( c(0,0,1), angle * pi/180)
		rot.array.1[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.1[,,i])

	# Establishing the rotation axes for data.2
	rot.array.2 <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.2)[1], dim(data.2)[2], dim(data.2)[3]),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.2)[[3]])));

	#Rotating for data.2 (ROTATION number 1)
	for( i in 1:(dim(data.2)[3]) ){
		# Untranslated specimen?
		if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal((data.2[,,i])[land.e,] , c(0,0,0)) ) ) {
			warning (sprintf("Landmark E is not at the origin (data.2[,,%i])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)?", i, land.e, (data.2[,,i])[land.e,1], (data.2[,,i])[land.e,2], (data.2[,,i])[land.e,3]), immediate. = immediate_on)

		# Rotate so that landmark F is sitting on the Z axis in the same direction as landmark C
		rot.array.2[,,i] <- rotate.orientation(data.2[,,i], land.f, unit_3D(rot.array.1[,,i][land.c,]) )

		#Sanity check: we need to have rot.array.1[,,i][land.c,] in the same direction as rot.array.2[,,i][land.f,]
		if ( ! isTRUE(  all.equal(unit_3D(rot.array.1[,,i][land.c,]), unit_3D(rot.array.2[,,i][land.f,]))) ) {
			warning (sprintf("Rotation of landmark F gone wrong?  (rot.array.1[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f), (rot.array.2[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)",
				i, land.c, (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,1], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,2], (rot.array.1[,,i])[land.c,3],
				i, land.f, (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,1], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,2], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.f,3]),
				immediate. = immediate_on)

		# Now, we want to move landmark G to the X-Z axis.
		unit.landmark.g.pos.proj = unit_3D( c( (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.g,1], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.g,2],0) )	# Unit vector with landmark.g.pos projected to the X-Y plane.
		rotmat <- rotmat_3D( cross_3D(unit.landmark.g.pos.proj, c(1,0,0)), angle_3D(unit.landmark.g.pos.proj, c(1,0,0)) )
		rot.array.2[,,i] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.2[,,i])

		# We want G_x > 0, because it should be in the same direction as B_x.
		if ( isTRUE((rot.array.2[,,i])[land.g,1] < 0) ) {
			rotmat <- rotmat_3D( c(0,0,1), pi)
			rot.array.2[,,1] <- rotveclist_3D ( rotmat, rot.array.2[,,i])

		# This completely constrains the problem, we should now have G_y > H_y (because correcting for this would mean that landmark C ~ landmark F).
		# Nevertheless, we should check and issue a warning.

		if (  isTRUE(  rot.array.2[,,i][land.g,2] < rot.array.2[,,i][land.h,2]) ){
			warning (sprintf("Unsatisfied constraint in second rotation? (rot.array.2[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f), (rot.array.2[,,%d])[%d,] = (%f,%f,%f)",
				i, land.g, (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.g,1], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.g,2], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.g,3],
				i, land.h, (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.h,1], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.h,2], (rot.array.2[,,i])[land.h,3]),
				immediate. = immediate_on)

	return ( list("rotated1" = rot.array.1, "rotated2" = rot.array.2))



#FUNCTION plot.rotation

#' @name plot_rotation_3D
#' @title plot_rotation_3D
#' @description
#'   Plots the two rotated datasets in 3D
#' @usage
#'   plot_rotation_3D(joined.data, data.1, data.2, specimen.num)
#' @param joined.data an object of the class "array" that contains the joined
#' rotated arrays (data.1three-dimensional landmarks for structure #1 (e.g.
#' skull). It can either be the original dataset, the translated array, or the
#' rotated array
#' @param data.1 an object of the class "array" that contains three-dimensional
#' landmarks for structure #1 (e.g. skull). It can either be the original
#' dataset, the translated array, or the rotated array
#' @param data.2 an object of the class "array" that contains three-dimensional
#' landmarks for structure #2 (e.g. mandible). It can either be the original
#' dataset, the translated array, or the rotated array
#' @param specimen.num an integer object that indicates which specimen will be
#' plotted. The number of the specimen to be plotted corresponds to the
#' position in the "joined.data" array
#' @return
#'   This function returns a 3D plot of the rotated structures (e.g. mandible
#'   and skull).
#' @details Plots the two rotated datasets in 3D for a specimen (specimen.num),
#' and each structure is plotted with a different colour.
#' Default is black and red. This uses the function scatter3D from the R package
#' plot3D (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plot3D/) internally.
#' @author Marta Vidal-Garcia
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' rotation_45 = double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d,
#' land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, 45)
#' rotation_45_t <- join.arrays(rotation_45$rotated1,
#' translate(rotation_45$rotated2, land.e , skull_translate))
#' plot_rotation_3D(rotation_45_t, data.1, data.2, specimen.num = 1)
#' }
#' @references  M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator:
#' An R tool for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @importFrom plot3D scatter3D
#' @export

plot_rotation_3D <- function (joined.data, data.1, data.2, specimen.num)
{ specimen <- joined.data[,,specimen.num]
colour <- c((rep.int(x=c(1), times=max(dim(data.1[,,1])))), (rep.int(x=c(2), times=max(dim(data.2[,,1])))))
plot3D::scatter3D(specimen[,1], specimen[,2], specimen[,3], col = colour, xlim=c(-lim*1.1,lim*1.1), ylim=c(-lim*1.1, lim*1.1), zlim=c(-lim*1.1,lim*1.1));

# PLOT each dataset separately
plot.3D <- function (data, specimen.num, colour)
{ specimen <- data[,,specimen.num]
plot3D::scatter3D(specimen[,1], specimen[,2], specimen[,3], col = colour, xlim=c(-lim*1.1,lim*1.1), ylim=c(-lim*1.1, lim*1.1), zlim=c(-lim*1.1,lim*1.1));


# Join two arrays in a simple way: simply concatenate data.2[,,i] to data.1[,,i] and return a bigger array.
# Typically, this should be used after issuing a match.datasets
#' @name join.arrays
#' @title join.arrays
#' @description
#'   Joins the two rotated arrays and returns a single array
#' @usage
#'   join.arrays(data.1, data.2)
#' @param data.1 an object of the class "array" that contains the rotated
#' three-dimensional landmarks for structure #1 (e.g. skull)
#' @param data.2 an object of the class "array" that contains the rotated
#' three-dimensional landmarks for structure #2 (e.g. mandible)
#' @return
#'   This function returns an array of the joined two arrays comprising the
#'   two rotated structures (e.g. mandible and skull).
#' @details This function join the two arrays that were rotated using
#' double.rotation() or simple.rotation() and return a big array from joining
#' the two smaller arrays. It is possible to translate one of the objects after
#' the rotation, in the case of not wanting them in contact to one another, or
#' in a slightly different location. The vector used in the translation might
#' have to change depending on the angle used in the rotation function, in
#' order to represent biologically-relevant positions of the two structures
#' relative to one another.
#' @author Marta Vidal-Garcia
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' rotation_45 = double.rotation(data.1, data.2, land.a, land.b, land.c, land.d,
#' land.e, land.f, land.g, land.h, 45)
#' rotation_45_t <- join.arrays(rotation_45$rotated1, rotation_45$rotated2)
#' # The datasets can also be joined after further translation
#' rotation_45_t <- join.arrays(rotation_45$rotated1,
#' translate(rotation_45$rotated2, land.e , skull_translate))
#' }
#' @references  M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator:
#' An R tool for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @export
join.arrays <- function(data.1, data.2)
  if ( isTRUE( dim(data.1)[3] != dim(data.1)[3] ) ) {
    warning ( sprintf("Datasets have different number of samples: data.1 - %i and data.2 - %i, merging only the minimum of the two.", dim(data.1)[3], dim(data.2)[3]) )

  new_array <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.1)[1]+dim(data.2)[1], dim(data.1)[2], min ( dim(data.1)[3], dim(data.2)[3]) ), dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.1)[[3]])));

  for (i in 1:dim(new_array)[3]) {
    new_array[,,i] <- rbind(data.1[,,i], data.2[,,i])

  return (new_array)

# Return two datasets, with data.1[i] matched with data.2[j] where j is given by the same species name as data.1[i].
#' @name match.datasets
#' @title match.datasets
#' @description
#' Matches two arrays by their dimnames
#' @usage
#' match.datasets(data.1, data.2)
#' @param data.1 an object of the class "array" that contains three-dimensional
#' landmarks for structure #1 (e.g. skull)
#' @param data.2 an object of the class "array" that contains three-dimensional
#' landmarks for structure #2 (e.g. mandible)
#' @return
#'   This function returns a list with the two translated arrays of dimensions
#'   (p, 3, n), in which dimnames associated with each specimen (n) are in the
#'   same order.
#' @details Takes the two translated arrays and joined them by dimnames.
#' Unmatched datasets (specimens missing in data.1 or data.2) are deleted.
#' @author Marta Vidal-Garcia
#' @examples
#' # We need to match the dimnames of the translated datasets, but we have two
#' # extra specimens in data.1_t
#' \donttest{
#' length(dimnames(data.1_t)[[3]]) # n=12
#' length(dimnames(data.2_t)[[3]])  # n=10
#' matched <- match.datasets(data.1_t, data.2_t)
#' # When we matched the arrays, only matrices from specimens present in both
#' # datasets will be kept
#' length(dimnames(matched$matched1)[[3]]) # n=10
#' length(dimnames(matched$matched2)[[3]])  # n=10
#' }
#' @references  M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator:
#' An R tool for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @export

# Return two datasets, with data.1[i] matched with data.2[j] where j is given by the same species name as data.1[i].
# Returns a list with $matched1 and $matched2 as the parameters.

match.datasets <- function(data.1, data.2)

	# In case we have wrong lenghts, we still continue
	min.length = min( dim(data.1)[3], dim(data.2)[3] )

	dim.list.1 <-dimnames(data.1)[[3]]
	dim.list.2 <-dimnames(data.2)[[3]]

	m <- as.vector(match(dim.list.1, dim.list.2))

	new.data.1  <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.1)[1], dim(data.1)[2], min.length),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.1)[[3]])))
	new.data.2  <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.2)[1], dim(data.2)[2], min.length),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.2)[[3]])))

	for (i in 1:min.length) {
		if ( !isTRUE(is.na(m[i])) ) {
			# If we don't hit an NA in m[i], then we add the data, otherwise, we don't!
			new.data.1[,,i] <- data.1[,,i]
		 	new.data.2[,,i] <- data.2[,,m[i]]

	# Delete the unmatched
	delete.NA <- c( which(is.na(m) == TRUE) )

	# The way we're assigning doesn't copy the dimnames over. We forcibly copy the dimnames of new.data.1 to new.data.2,
	# Because match.datasets should be an idempotent function.
	dimnames(new.data.2)[[3]] <- dimnames (new.data.1)[[3]]

	if ( isTRUE( dim(data.1)[3] != dim(data.1)[3] ) ) {
	  warning ( sprintf("Datasets have different number of samples: data.1 - %i and data.2 - %i, merging only the minimum of the two.", dim(data.1)[3], dim(data.2)[3]) )

	return (list("matched1" = new.data.1[,,-delete.NA], "matched2" = new.data.2[,,-delete.NA]))

	if ( isTRUE( dim(data.1)[3] == dim(data.1)[3] ) ) {
	  return (list("matched1" = new.data.1, "matched2" = new.data.2))


## These should be obsolete.
# Join two datasets
join.datasets <- function(data.1, data.2)

  new_array <- join.data.noname (data.1, data.2)

  dim.list.1 <-dimnames(data.1)[[3]]
  dim.list.2 <-dimnames(data.2)[[3]]

  m <- as.vector(match(dim.list.1, dim.list.2))
  n <- c(1:length(dim.list.1))

  delete.NA <- c(which(is.na(m)==TRUE))
  return (new_array[,,-delete.NA])

# Join data
join.data.noname <- function(data.1, data.2)
  dim.list.1 <-dimnames(data.1)[[3]]
  dim.list.2 <-dimnames(data.2)[[3]]

  m <- as.vector(match(dim.list.1, dim.list.2))
  n <- c(1:length(dim.list.1))

  new_array <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(data.1)[1]+dim(data.2)[1], dim(data.1)[2], dim(data.1)[3]), dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(data.1)[[3]])));

  for (i in 1:length(dim.list.1)){
    if ( !isTRUE(is.na(m[i])) ) {
      new_array[,,i] <- rbind(data.1[,,i], data.2[,,m[i]])

  return (new_array)


# Expects translated data tdata and a rotated array rdata
# First entry: length of tdata points from the origin
# Second entry: length of rdata points from the origin
# Third entry: difference of the first and second
# Forth entry: testing for whehther this is close to zero (upto precision error)
compute.distortion <- function(tdata, rdata)

	dist <- array(data = NA, dim = c(dim(tdata)[1], 4, dim(tdata)[3]),dimnames = list(NULL, NULL, c(dimnames(tdata)[[3]])));

	# If the dimensions aren't the same, we just return the NA's.
	if ( isTRUE (dim(tdata) != dim(rdata) ) ) {
		return (dist)

  	for( i in 1:dim(tdata)[3] ){
		for (j in 1: dim(tdata)[1]) {
		    	dist[j,1,i] <- norm_3D(tdata [j,,i])
		   	dist[j,2,i] <- norm_3D(rdata[j,,i])
		   	dist[j,3,i] <- abs(norm_3D(tdata [j,,i])  - norm_3D(rdata[j,,i]))
			dist[j,4,i] <- isTRUE(all.equal( dist[j,,i][3] , 0))

			# Nonzero distortion?
			if ( ! dist[j,,i][4] ) {
				warning (sprintf("Possible distortion in sample %i at landmark %i.", i, j), immediate. = immediate_on)

	return (dist)

### DATASETS ###
# Humerus data for the simple.rotation
#' @docType data
#' @name simple_data_1
#' @format An array with landmark data (humerus)
#' @aliases simple_data_1
#' @title Landmark data from frog humerus
#' @description Landmark data from frog humerus (Vidal-Garciía & Keogh, 2017)
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references   M. Vidal-García & J.S. Keogh. 2017. Phylogenetic conservatism in skulls and
#' evolutionary lability in limbs–morphological evolution across an ancient frog
#' radiation is shaped by diet, locomotion and burrowing. BMC evolutionary biology 17:165
#' M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator: An R tool
#' for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(simple_data_1)

#Radioulna data for the simple.rotation
#' @docType data
#' @name simple_data_2
#' @aliases simple_data_2
#' @format An array with landmark data (radioulnas)
#' @title Landmark data from frog radioulnas
#' @description Landmark data from frog radioulnas (Vidal-Garciía & Keogh, 2017)
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references   M. Vidal-García & J.S. Keogh. 2017. Phylogenetic conservatism in skulls and
#' evolutionary lability in limbs–morphological evolution across an ancient frog
#' radiation is shaped by diet, locomotion and burrowing. BMC evolutionary biology 17:165
#' M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator: An R tool
#' for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(simple_data_2)

# Crania data for the double.rotation
#' @docType data
#' @name double_data_1
#' @format An array with landmark data (crania)
#' @aliases double_data_1
#' @title Landmark data from head-first burrowing worm lizards' crania
#' @description Landmark data from head-first burrowing worm lizards' crania (Kazi & Hipsley, 2018)
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references   S. Kazi & C.A. Hipsley. 2018. Conserved evolution of skull shape in Caribbean
#' head-first burrowing worm lizards (Squamata: Amphisbaenia) Biological Journal
#' of the Linnean Society 125:14-29
#' M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator: An R tool
#' for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(double_data_1)

# Mandible data for the double.rotation
#' @docType data
#' @name double_data_2
#' @aliases double_data_2
#' @format An array with landmark data (mandibles)
#' @title Landmark data from head-first burrowing worm lizards' mandibles
#' @description Landmark data from head-first burrowing worm lizards' mandibles (Kazi & Hipsley, 2018)
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references   S. Kazi & C.A. Hipsley. 2018. Conserved evolution of skull shape in Caribbean
#' head-first burrowing worm lizards (Squamata: Amphisbaenia) Biological Journal
#' of the Linnean Society 125:14-29
#' M. Vidal-García, L. Bandara and J.S. Keogh. 2018. ShapeRotator: An R tool
#' for standardized rigid rotations of articulated three-dimensional
#' structures with application for geometric morphometrics.
#' Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4018
#' @keywords datasets
#' @usage data(double_data_2)

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