
Defines functions positive.part find.state find.state.changes find.states x.grid.create kernel.h calc.CI.LocallyWeightedPolynomial plot.LocallyWeightedPolynomial locally.weighted.polynomial

Documented in locally.weighted.polynomial plot.LocallyWeightedPolynomial

#' Smoothes the given bivariate data using kernel regression.
#' @param x Vector of data for the independent variable
#' @param y Vector of data for the dependent variable
#' @param h The bandwidth for the kernel
#' @param x.grid What x-values should the value of the smoother be calculated at.
#' @param degree The degree of the polynomial to be fit at each x-value. The default 
#'               is to fit a linear regression, ie degree=1.
#' @param kernel.type What kernel to use.  Valid choices are 'Normal',
#'                    'Epanechnikov', 'biweight', and 'triweight'.
#' @details The confidence intervals are created using the row-wise method of 
#'          Hannig and Marron (2006).
#'          Notice that the derivative to be estimated must be less than or equal to 
#'          the degree of the polynomial initially fit to the data.
#'          If the bandwidth is not given, the Sheather-Jones bandwidth selection method is used.
#' @return Returns a \code{LocallyWeightedPolynomial} object that has the following elements:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{data}{A structure of the data used to generate the smoothing curve}
#'   \item{h}{The bandwidth used to generate the smoothing curve.}
#'   \item{x.grid}{The grid of x-values that we have estimated function value 
#'        and derivative(s) for.}
#'   \item{degrees.freedom}{The effective sample size at each grid point}
#'   \item{Beta}{A matrix of estimated beta values.  The number of rows is
#'         degrees+1, while the number of columns is the same as the length
#'         of x.grid. Notice that 
#'         \deqn{ \hat{f}(x_i)   = \beta[1,i] }
#'         \deqn{ \hat{f'}(x_i)  = \beta[2,i]*1! }
#'         \deqn{ \hat{f''}(x_i) = \beta[3,i]*2! }  
#'         and so on...}
#'   \item{Beta.var}{Matrix of estimated variances for \code{Beta}.  Same structure as \code{Beta}.}
#'   }
#' @author Derek Sonderegger
#' @references 
#' Chaudhuri, P., and J. S. Marron. 1999. SiZer for exploration of structures in curves. 
#'   Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 807-823. 
#' Hannig, J., and J. S. Marron. 2006. Advanced distribution theory for SiZer. 
#'   Journal of the American Statistical Association 101 484-499.
#' Sonderegger, D.L., Wang, H., Clements, W.H., and Noon, B.R. 2009. Using SiZer to detect
#'   thresholds in ecological data. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:190-195
#' @seealso \code{\link{SiZer}}, \code{\link{plot.LocallyWeightedPolynomial}},  
#'   \code{spm} in package 'SemiPar', \code{\link{loess}}, \code{\link{smooth.spline}}, 
#'   \code{\link{interpSpline}} in the \code{splines} package. 
#' @examples 
#' data(Arkansas)
#' x <- Arkansas$year
#' y <- Arkansas$sqrt.mayflies
#' layout(cbind(1,2,3))
#' model <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y)
#' plot(model, main='Smoothed Function', xlab='Year', ylab='Sqrt.Mayflies')
#' model2 <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y,h=.5)
#' plot(model2, main='Smoothed Function', xlab='Year', ylab='Sqrt.Mayflies')
#' model3 <- locally.weighted.polynomial(x,y, degree=1)
#' plot(model3, derv=1, main='First Derivative', xlab='Year', ylab='1st Derivative')
#' @export
locally.weighted.polynomial <- function(x, y, h=NA, x.grid=NA, degree=1, kernel.type='Normal'){

  # convert whatever we were sent in to a valid grid.  If sent a valid grid, we'll keep it
  x.grid <- x.grid.create(x.grid, x,y);
    h <- stats::bw.SJ(x);
  # set up the output data structure
  out <- NULL;
  out$data <- NULL;
  out$data$x <- x;              # storing the data used to calculate this object
  out$data$y <- y;
  out$data$n <- length(x);
  out$h <- h;                   # bandwidth parameter
  out$x.grid <- x.grid;         # where the smoothed function value is to be calculated

  # the effective degrees of freedom for each of the local regressions 
  out$effective.sample.sizes <- rep(NA, length(x.grid));   

  out$Beta <- matrix(nrow=degree+1, ncol=length(x.grid));  # 1st row is function value, beta[0]
                                                           # 2nd row is slope, beta[1]
                                                           # 3rd row is beta[2]  : 
                                                           #    2nd derivative = beta[2] * 2!
											                               #    3rd derivative = beta[3] * 3!
	unscaled.var  <- out$Beta;	# Calculating the Variance for the Beta vector will be a 2 step process
	out$Beta.var  <- out$Beta;	# We'll store part while finding f.hat(Y|X), and then use the 
												# residuals to get Var(Beta|X)
	var.y.given.x <- rep(0, length(x.grid) ); 

  # index denoting what where we are in the array x.grid
  count <- 1;

  for(x.star in x.grid){
     # figure out the X matrix
		X <- NULL;
		for( i in 0:degree ){
			X <- cbind(X, (x-x.star)^i );
		# find the weight vector
		w <- kernel.h(x-x.star, h, type=kernel.type);
		w2 <- w^2;
		XtW  <- t( apply(X,2,function(x){x*w}) );           # XtW <- t(X) %*% diag(w)   computed faster.  :) 
		XtW2 <- t( apply(X,2,function(x){x*w2}) );          # XtW2 <- t(X) %*% diag(w^2) 
    # XtWXinv <- try( solve( XtW %*% X ), silent=TRUE );  
		# if( class(XtWXinv) == 'try-error' ){            # inverse failed!  Could be any of a 
		# the R command class(XtWXinv) is not longer allowed and so I need to do the error catching 
		# more intelligently. I think the solution is to use tryCatch and force the output in the error case to
		# be something that I can identify using an is.XXXX() function.
		XtWXinv <- tryCatch(solve( XtW %*% X ),
		if( is.null(XtWXinv) ){                        # inverse failed! There could be any of a
		  out$Beta[, count] <- rep(NA, degree+1);      # bunch of legitimate reasons such 
		  unscaled.var[, count] <- rep(NA, degree+1);  # as a really small bandwidth.  So just 
		  # record NAs and don't throw any warnings or errors.   
		  beta <- XtWXinv %*% XtW %*% y;
		  out$Beta[,count] <- beta;
		  unscaled.var[,count] <- diag(XtWXinv %*% XtW2%*%X %*% t(XtWXinv));         
		  # Var(Beta_j) = ((XtWX)^{-1}(XtW2X)(XtWX)^-1)[j,j] * 
		  #                Var(Y|X=x.star) 
		  # but we don't know
		}                                           # Var(Y|X) yet so just store the diagonal terms.
		count <- count+1;

	# At this point we have calculated the Beta coefficients at each grid point.  Now we need the 
	# variance estimates.
	# first get the residuals by interpolating along the grid points
	index <- which(!is.na(out$Beta[1,]))
	if(length(index) > 2 ){
		x.grid.small <- x.grid[index]
		interp <- splines::interpSpline(x.grid.small, out$Beta[1,index])
		out$residuals <- y - stats::predict(interp, x)$y
		# Var(Y|X=x) = ( sum_{j=1}^n  e_j^2 * K_h(x-X_j) )    /   
		#        ( sum_{j=1}^n K_h(x-X_j) )  from Chaudhuri and Marron 1999
		for(i in 1:length(x.grid.small) ){
			divisor <- 0
  			for(j in 1:length(x)){
				kernel <- kernel.h(x.grid.small[i]-x[j], h, type=kernel.type)
				var.y.given.x[i] <- var.y.given.x[i] + (out$residuals[j])^2 * kernel
				divisor <- divisor + kernel
			var.y.given.x[i] <- var.y.given.x[i] / divisor;
	index <- which(var.y.given.x == 0)
	var.y.given.x[index] <- NA
	# calculate the effective sample size
	for( i in 1:length(x.grid) ){
		sum <- 0;
		for( j in 1:length(x) ){
			sum <- sum + kernel.h(x.grid[i] - x[j], h, type=kernel.type);
		out$effective.sample.sizes[i] <- sum / kernel.h(0, h, type=kernel.type);
	# now we know everything for calculating the variance of the Beta values
	for( i in 1:length(x.grid) ){
		out$Beta.var[, i] <- unscaled.var[,i] * var.y.given.x[i];
  class(out) <- 'LocallyWeightedPolynomial';       # set the out object to have the right label

#' Creates a plot of an object created by \code{locally.weighted.polynomial}.
#' @param x LocallyWeightedPolynomial object
#' @param derv Derivative to be plotted.  Default is 0 - which plots the smoothed function.
#' @param CI.method What method should be used to calculate the confidence interval about the estimated line.  
#'                  The methods are from Hannig and Marron (2006), where 1 is the point-wise estimate, and 2 is 
#'                  the row-wise estimate.
#' @param alpha The alpha level such that the CI has a 1-alpha/2 level of significance.
#' @param use.ess ESS stands for the estimated sample size.  If at any point along the x-axis, the ESS is 
#'                too small, then we will not plot unless use.ess=FALSE.
#' @param draw.points Should the data points be included in the graph? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to be passed to the graphing functions.
#' @export
plot.LocallyWeightedPolynomial <- function(x, derv=0, CI.method=2, alpha=.05, use.ess=TRUE, draw.points=TRUE, ...){
   index <- derv+1;
   intervals <- calc.CI.LocallyWeightedPolynomial(x, derv=derv, CI.method, alpha=alpha, use.ess);
   if( any( is.na(intervals$lower.CI) ) ){
   	  stop('Too few data points to perform a valid local regression.  Set use.ess=F to ignore the issue or select a larger bandwidth.');
   # Figure out decent ranges for the plot; User can override these using passing in 
   # vectors for xlim and and ylim 
   y.M <- max( intervals$upper.CI );
   y.m <- min( intervals$lower.CI );
   if(derv==0 & draw.points==TRUE){
   	  y.M <- max( c(y.M, x$data$y) );  # If we have to draw the data points, we'll want
   	  y.m <- min( c(y.m, x$data$y) );  # the y.Max and y.min set up to show all the points
   temp <- range(x$x.grid);
   x.m <- temp[1];
   x.M <- temp[2];

   # set up the plot device to be the right size
   graphics::plot( c(x.m, x.M), c(y.m, y.M), type='n', ...);

   # draw the confidence interval lines
   graphics::lines(x$x.grid, intervals$upper.CI );
   graphics::lines(x$x.grid, intervals$lower.CI );
   # Shade in between the CI bands
   graphics::polygon(c(x$x.grid, rev(x$x.grid)), c(intervals$upper.CI, rev(intervals$lower.CI)),
           col='light grey');

   # draw the middle line (do it after shading otherwise shading is on top)
   graphics::lines(x$x.grid, intervals$estimated, type='l', lwd=2);

   # If we are plotting a derivative, then put a horizontal line at zero
   if(derv >= 1){
   	 graphics::lines( range(x$x.grid), c(0,0) );

   # if we should display the data points
   if( derv==0 & draw.points == TRUE ){
      graphics::points(x$data$x, x$data$y, ...);


calc.CI.LocallyWeightedPolynomial <- function(model, derv=0, CI.method=2, alpha=.05, use.ess=TRUE){
   out <- NULL;
   out$lower.CI <- rep(NA, length(model$x));
   out$estimated <- out$lower.CI;
   out$upper.CI <- out$lower.CI;
   index <- derv+1;   # which row of the beta matrix we need to deal with

   # Pointwise intervals
   if( CI.method == 1 ){
	   t.star <- stats::qt(1-alpha/2, df=model$degrees.freedom);   # this is a vector!
       out$estimated <- model$Beta[index,];
       out$lower.CI <- out$estimated - t.star*sqrt( model$Beta.var[index,] );
       out$upper.CI <- out$estimated + t.star*sqrt( model$Beta.var[index,] );           
   # Using Hannig and Marron 2006 row wise confidence intervals (eq 10 and 11) 
   if( CI.method == 2 ){
   	   g <- length(model$x.grid);
   	   h <- model$h;
   	   delta <- model$x.grid[2] - model$x.grid[1];
   	   theta <- 2* stats::pnorm( sqrt((1+2*derv)*log(g)) * delta/(2*h) ) -1; 
   	   temp.star <- stats::qnorm( (1-alpha/2)^(1/(theta*g)) );
       out$estimated <- model$Beta[index,] * factorial(derv);
       out$lower.CI <- out$estimated - temp.star*sqrt(model$Beta.var[index,]) * factorial(derv);
       out$upper.CI <- out$estimated + temp.star*sqrt(model$Beta.var[index,]) * factorial(derv);

   # Put in NAs when the effective sample size is too small for good results
   if( use.ess == TRUE){
      index <- which( model$effective.sample.sizes < 5 );
      out$lower.CI[index] <- NA;
      out$upper.CI[index] <- NA;

kernel.h <- function(x, h, type='Normal'){
	if(type == 'Normal'){
		out <- stats::dnorm(x/h) / h;
	}else if(type == 'Epanechnikov'){
        out <- (1/beta(.5,2)) * ( positive.part( (1-(x/h)^2) ) );
	}else if( type == 'biweight' ){
		out <- (1/beta(.5,3)) * ( positive.part( (1-(x/h)^2) ) )^2;	}else if( type == 'triweight' ){
		out <- (1/beta(.5,4)) * ( positive.part( (1-(x/h)^2) ) )^3;	}else{   #uniform
		out <- rep(1, length(x));
		out[ abs(x) > h ] <- 0;

x.grid.create <- function(x.grid, x, y, grid.length=41){
     # if we are passed an NA
  	 out <- seq(min(x), max(x), length=grid.length);
  }else if( length(x.grid) == 1 ){
     # if we are passed a single integer
     out <- seq(min(x), max(x), length=x.grid);    
  	 # otherwise just return what we are sent
  	 out <- x.grid;

# for each point along the x-grid, figure out what state we are in
find.states <- function(intervals){
   n <- length(intervals$lower.CI);
   out <- rep(NA, n);
   for( i in 1:n ){
   	  out[i] <- find.state( intervals$lower.CI[i], intervals$upper.CI[i] );

# returns the indices of where the state changes occur.  Also returns
# the states that were passed through
find.state.changes <- function(intervals){
    out <- NULL;
    out$indices <- NULL;
    out$state <- NULL;

    lower.CI <- intervals$lower.CI;
    upper.CI <- intervals$upper.CI;

    count <- 1;
    out$state[count] <- find.state(lower.CI[1], upper.CI[1]);
	out$indices[count] <- 1;
	continue <- TRUE;
	while(continue == TRUE){
	   if(out$state[count] == 1){
          compare <- lower.CI < 0;
       }else if(out$state[count] == -1){
       	  compare <- upper.CI > 0;
       } else{
       	  compare <- upper.CI < 0 | lower.CI > 0
	   index <- match( TRUE, compare );
	   if( is.na(index) ){
	   	  continue <- FALSE;
          count <- count + 1;
          lower.CI <- lower.CI[ -1*1:(index-1) ];
          upper.CI <- upper.CI[ -1*1:(index-1) ];
          out$state[count] <- find.state(lower.CI[1], upper.CI[1]);
          out$indices[count] <- out$indices[count-1] + index - 1;

# given two scalars, find out if the are both positive, one of each, or both negative
# The states are coded as positive=1, negative=-1, possibly zero=0
#  the state 2 corresponds to NotEnoughData, i.e. the effective sample size is < 5
find.state <- function(lower.CI, upper.CI){
    if( is.na(lower.CI) ){
    	state <- 2;
    }else if( lower.CI > 0 ){
		state <- 1;        
	}else if( upper.CI < 0 ){
		state <- -1;
		state <- 0;

positive.part <- function(x){
	out <- x;
	out[ out<0 ] <- 0;

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