
Defines functions sie.auto.plot

Documented in sie.auto.plot

# visulizaed result

source(paste(getwd(), "/R/Sie2nts.Legen.v1.R", sep = ""))
source(paste(getwd(), "/R/Sie2nts.Cheby.v1.R", sep = ""))
source(paste(getwd(), "/R/Sie2nts.Four.v1.R", sep = ""))
source(paste(getwd(), "/R/Sie2nts.Csp.v1.R", sep = ""))
source(paste(getwd(), "/R/Sie2nts.db1-20.v1.R", sep = ""))
source(paste(getwd(), "/R/Sie2nts.plot.v1.R", sep = ""))

#' Plot the Estimate Results by Automatic Fitting
#' @description sie.auto.plot() visualizes the estimation of coefficient, gives the elbow plot and represents the cross validation result.
#' @param res.auto.fit the output from sie.auto.fit() function
#' @param type type indicates which type of basis is used (There are 31 types in this package)
#' @param title give the title for the auto estimate plot
#' @return A list which contains 3 plot related to the estimation of coefficient, Elbow point and cross validation in order
#' @export

# the plot for auto fit
sie.auto.plot = function(res.auto.fit, type, title = ""){
  aux.res = list()
  aux.res[[1]] = fit.plot.estimate.aux(res.auto.fit$Estimate, res.auto.fit$BC[1], res.auto.fit$BC[2], type, title)
  aux.res[[2]] = fit.plot.elbow(res.auto.fit, res.auto.fit$BC[1], res.auto.fit$BC[2], type, title)
  aux.res[[3]] = fit.plot.cvm(res.auto.fit, type)

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Sie2nts documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:52 a.m.