
### R code from vignette source 'a-SightabilityModel.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:485-486
 options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+  ", width = 70, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)

### code chunk number 2: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:488-492

### code chunk number 3: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:495-496
exp.m[1:5, ] # first 5 observations

### code chunk number 4: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:506-507
obs.m[1:5, ]

### code chunk number 5: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:524-525

### code chunk number 6: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:535-538
est.2004 <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc, odat = subset(obs.m,
    year == 2004), sdat = exp.m, sampinfo = subset(sampinfo.m,
    year == 2004))

### code chunk number 7: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:547-548

### code chunk number 8: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:567-568

### code chunk number 9: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:585-597
tau.hats <- matrix(NA, 3, 5)
rownames(tau.hats) <- c("Stratum 1", "Stratum 2", "Stratum 3")
for(i in 1:3){
  tempsamp <- sampinfo.m[i, ]
  tempobs <- obs.m[obs.m$year == 2004 & obs.m$stratum == i, ]
  temp <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc, odat = tempobs, sdat = exp.m,
      sampinfo = tempsamp)
  tau.hats[i, ] <- temp$est
colnames(tau.hats) <- names(temp$est)
tau.hats<-round(tau.hats, 0)
print(format(tau.hats, big.mark = ","),  quote = FALSE)

### code chunk number 10: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:602-609
est.2004 <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc, odat = subset(obs.m,
    year == 2004), sdat = exp.m, sampinfo = subset(sampinfo.m,
    year == 2004))
print(format(round(est.2004$est, 0), big.mark = ","), quote = FALSE)

naive.tau.hats<-round(apply(tau.hats[1:3, ], 2, sum), 0)
print(format(naive.tau.hats, big.mark = ","), quote = FALSE)

### code chunk number 11: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:642-651
est.2006 <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc, odat = subset(obs.m,
    year == 2006), sdat = exp.m, subset(sampinfo.m,
    year == 2006))
est.2007 <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc, odat = subset(obs.m,
    year == 2007), sdat = exp.m, subset(sampinfo.m,
    year == 2007))

vdiff<-vardiff(est.2006, est.2007)
print(format(vdiff, nsmall = 0, big.mark = ","), quote = FALSE)

### code chunk number 12: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:654-656
naive<-est.2006$est[2] + est.2007$est[2]
print(format(naive, nsmall = 0, big.mark = ","), quote = FALSE)

### code chunk number 13: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:688-689

### code chunk number 14: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:692-699
exp.m$voc.ns <- ns(exp.m$voc, df = 3)
obs.m$voc.ns <- predict(exp.m$voc.ns, obs.m$voc)
ns.est <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc.ns, odat = subset(obs.m,
    year == 2004), sdat = exp.m, subset(sampinfo.m,
    year == 2004))
print(format(round(ns.est$est, 0),  big.mark = ","), quote = FALSE)

### code chunk number 15: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:726-727

### code chunk number 16: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:729-730

### code chunk number 17: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:732-733

### code chunk number 18: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:735-736
gdat[1:5, ]

### code chunk number 19: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:740-742
sampinfo<-data.frame(nh = c(6, 23, 11), Nh =
c(6, 27, 65), stratum=c(1,2,3))

### code chunk number 20: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:746-747

### code chunk number 21: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:753-757
goat.est<-Sight.Est(observed ~ GroupSize + Terrain + pct.VegCover,
    odat = gdat,  sampinfo = sampinfo[1:2, ], bet =$beta.g,
    varbet =$varbeta.g)

### code chunk number 22: a-SightabilityModel.Rnw:785-796
analytical.est <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc, odat = subset(obs.m,
   year == 2004), sdat = subset(exp.m, year == 2005), subset(sampinfo.m,
   year == 2004), method = "Wong", logCI = T, alpha = 0.05,
   Vm.boot = FALSE)
print(format(round(analytical.est$est, 0), big.mark = ","), quote = FALSE)

boot.est <- Sight.Est(observed ~ voc, odat = subset(obs.m,
   year == 2004), sdat=subset(exp.m, year == 2005), subset(sampinfo.m,
   year == 2004), method = "Wong", logCI = T, alpha = 0.05,
   Vm.boot = TRUE, nboot = 10000)
print(format(round(boot.est$est, 0), big.mark = ","), quote = FALSE)

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SightabilityModel documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 1:08 a.m.